Search results for: badania in vivo
Neptunium Enhancing Baltic Region Research Cooperation Exploration of the interactions of anticancer (bis)acridine derivatives with DNA: an electrochemical vs. an enzymatic approach as an introduction to in vivo studies.
ProjectsProject realized in Wydział Chemiczny according to DEC-5/1/2024/IDUB/II.2b/Np agreement from 2024-10-02
DNA-reactive anticancer imidazoacridinone C-1311 is a new inhibitor of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, vascular endothelial growth factor and tumor angiogenesis
PublicationHypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) plays a critical role for tumor adaptation to hypoxia and promotes angiogenesis. Antitumor imidazoacridinone C-1311 is a DNA reactive topoisomerase II and FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor selected for phase II clinical trials for breast cancer. Here, we demonstrate the new mechanism of C-1311 action involving HIF-1a, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiogenesis as additional...
Selective Cytostatic and Cytotoxic Anticancer Effects of Bisfunctional Agents: A Strategy for the Design of DNA Binding Agents
PublicationVarious agents have been synthesized and proved useful for the National Cancer Institute's anticancer testing as potential new drugs, but most agents suffer side effects from their limited selectivity against cancer cells over healthy ones. Therefore, this paper attempts to describe drugs in terms of the level of tumor cell selectivity which they possess to define the features of mols. that are essential for useful cytotoxicity....
Novel approaches in the synthesis of batracylin and its analogs: rebirth of an old player?
PublicationW pracy opisano batracylinę (BAT), jej syntezę i aktywność biologiczną oraz otrzymane analogi. BAT została wyselekcjonowana przez NCI (Bethesda, USA) w programie poszukiwań nowych potencjalnych leków przeciwnowotworowych. Związek ten w badaniach in vivo na myszach okazał się bardzo aktywny przeciw nowotworowi okrężnicy 38 (Colon 38), trudnemu do wyleczenia przez dotychczas znane leki przeciwnowotworowe. Jest ona skuteczna również...
Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the balance of forces governing the formation of a guanine tetrad—a common structural unit of G-quadruplex DNA
PublicationG-quadruplexes (G4) are nucleic acid conformations of guanine-rich sequences, in which guanines are arranged in the square-planar G-tetrads, stacked on one another. G4 motifs form in vivo and are implicated in regulation of such processes as gene expression and chromosome maintenance. The structure and stability of various G4 topologies were determined experimentally; however, the driving forces for their formation are not fully...
Defining a novel domain that provides an essential contribution to site-specific interaction of Rep protein with DNA
PublicationAn essential feature of replication initiation proteins is their ability to bind to DNA. In this work, we describe a new domain that contributes to a replication initiator sequence-specific interaction with DNA. Applying biochemical assays and structure prediction methods coupled with DNA–protein crosslinking, mass spectrometry, and construction and analysis of mutant proteins, we identified that the replication initiator of the...
On implementation of fibrous connective tissues’ damage in Abaqus software
PublicationConnective fibrous tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, in humans and animals exhibit hyperelastic behaviour. The constitution of the material of these tissues is anisotropic due to the presence of the collagen fibres, where one family of fibres is the typical case. Traumatic events and/or aging may sometimes lead to the damage of the tissue. The study of motion of affected joints or limbs is usually not permitted in vivo. This...
Assessment of the usefulness of bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus E25 as a new biological implant
PublicationBionanocellulose (BNC) is a clear polymer produced by the bacterium Gluconacetobacter xylinus. In our current study, “Research on the use of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) in regenerative medicine as a function of the biological implants in cardiac and vascular surgery”, we carried out material analysis, biochemical analysis, in vitro tests and in vivo animal model testing. In stage 1 of the project, we carried out physical and...
Self-organising maps in the analysis of strains of human abdominal wall to identify areas of similar mechanical behaviour.
PublicationThe study refers to the application of a type of artificial neural network called the Self-Organising Map (SOM) for the identification of areas of the human abdominal wall that behave in a similar mechanical way. The research is based on data acquired during in vivo tests using the digital image correlation technique (DIC). The mechanical behaviour of the human abdominal wall is analysed during changing intra-abdominal pressure....
Recent advances in 3D bioprinted tumor models for personalized medicine
PublicationCancerous tumors are among the most fatal diseases worldwide, claiming nearly 10 million lives in 2020. Due to their complex and dynamic nature, modeling tumors accurately is a challenging task. Current models suffer from inadequate translation between in vitro and in vivo results, primarily due to the isotropic nature of tumors and their microenvironment's relationship. To address these limitations, hydrogel-based 3D bioprinting...
Antitumour imidazoacridone C-1311 induces cell death by mitotic catastrophe in human colon carcinoma cells
PublicationW przedstawionych badaniach określano mechanizm śmierci komórkowej indukowanej przez imidazoakrydon C-1311 (Symadex) w komórkach HT-29 ludzkiego raka jelita grubego, które wykazywały szczególną wrażliwość na ten związek w eksperymentalnych modelach in vitro i in vivo. Przy stężeniu odpowiadającemu dawce IC99, związek powodował zahamowanie progresji cyklu komórkowej w fazie S po czym następował blok w fazie G2. Po czasach 48-96...
Prediction of Bioactive Peptides From Chicken Feather and Pig Hair Keratins Using In Silico Analysis Based on Fragmentomic Approach
PublicationBackground: Keratin is among the most abundant structural proteins of animal origin, however it remains broadly underutilized. Objective: Bioinformatic investigation was performed to evaluate selected keratins originating from mass-produced waste products, i.e., chicken feathers and pig hair, as potential sources of bioactive peptides. Methods: Pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and subtilisin were used for in silico keratinolysis...
Combretastatin A-4 (CA-4) and its analogues. Synthesis and biological activity
PublicationSpośród wielu związków przeciwnowotworowych otrzymanych w ostatnich dwóch dekadach, na szczególną uwagę zasługują te, które powodują reorganizację mikrotubul. Jedną z takich substancji jest opisana w artykule kombretastatyna A-4 (CA-4), związek który indukuje apoptozęproliferujących komórek śródbłonka naczyń guza nowotworowego. Hamuje on polimeryzację tubuliny, prowadząc do rozpadu mikrotubul. CA-4 wyizolowana została z kory wierzby...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublicationIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
Novel liquid chromatography method based on linear weighted regression for the fast determination of isoprostane isomers in plasma samples using sensitive tandem mass spectrometry detection
PublicationA simple, fast, sensitive and accurate methodology based on a LLE followed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of four regioisomers (8-iso prostaglandin F2α, 8-iso-15(R)-prostaglandin F2α, 11β-prostaglandin F2α, 15(R)-prostaglandin F2α) in routine analysis of human plasma samples was developed. Isoprostanes are stable products of arachidonic acid peroxidation and are regarded as the...
Detection of propofol concentrations in blood by Raman spectroscopy
PublicationIn this paper we present a proof-of-concept of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of propofol, a common anesthesia drug, in whole human blood, and plasma, which is intended for use during clinical procedures. This method utilizes the Raman spectroscopy as a chemically–sensitive method for qualitative detection of the presence of a drug and a quantitative determination of its concentration. A number of...
Właściwości katalityczne i biomedyczne związków zawierających jony rutenu(II) oraz rutenu(III)
PublicationRuthenium complexes appear in scientific publications mainly as catalysts in the olefins metathesis process. In this review, we want to indicate the research niche regarding the use of ruthenium(II) and ruthenium(III) complexes in other catalytic processes, i.e. polymerization or epoxidation of olefins and depolymerization. We would like to combine the catalytic properties of ruthenium(II,III) complex compounds with their biomedical...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublicationMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Mechanics of mesh implanted into abdominal wall under repetitive load. Experimental and numerical study
PublicationThere are a number of papers discussing medical and mechanical aspects of ventral hernia management. Despite intensive work on the problem understanding, recurrences of the sickness still happen too often. For that reason new aspects of the problem must be considered. In this paper, a change in the abdominal implant’s stiffness is discussed, which is caused by cyclic loading. Such loading influence abdominal implant e.g. while...
Antimicrobial Activity of Honey
PublicationHoney has had a valued place in traditional medicine for centuries. It was used to overcome liver, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems and for treatment of some types of infectious disease. Particularly, good results were achieved in the case of application of this product for therapy of infected, difficult to heal wounds. The high health-promoting properties of honey have been recently confirmed in many research investigations....
In vitro affinity of Deinococcus radiodurans MutS towards mismatched DNA exceeds that of its orthologues from Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus
PublicationThe mismatch binding protein MutS is responsible for the recognition of mispaired and unpaired bases, which is the initial step in DNA repair. Among the MutS proteins most extensively studied in vitro are those derived from Thermus thermophilus, Thermus aquaticus and Escherichia coli. Here, we present the first report on the in vitro examination of DNA mismatch binding activity of MutS protein from Deinococcus radiodurans and confront...
Two highly thermostable paralogous single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
PublicationThe thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis has two single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) proteins, designated TteSSB2 and TteSSB3. In a SSB complementation assay in Escherichia coli, only TteSSB3 took over the in vivo function of EcoSSB. We have cloned the ssb genes obtained by PCR and have developed E. coli overexpression systems. The TteSSB2 and TteSSB3 consist of 153 and 150 amino acids with a calculated molecular...
Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine
PublicationIn this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...
The Immunogenic and Immunoprotective Activities of Recombinant Chimeric T. gondii Proteins Containing AMA1 Antigen Fragments
PublicationToxoplasmosis, one of the most common parasitoses worldwide, is potentially dangerous for individuals with a weakened immune system, but specific immunoprophylaxis intended for humans is still lacking. Thus, efforts have been made to create an efficient universal vaccine for both animals and humans to overcome the shortcomings of currently used treatment methods and protect all hosts against toxoplasmosis. The current work represents...
Bioactivities of Phenolic Compounds from Kiwifruit and Persimmon
PublicationFruit used in the common human diet in general, and kiwifruit and persimmon particularly, displays health properties in the prevention of heart disease. This study describes a combination of bioactivity, multivariate data analyses and fluorescence measurements for the differentiating of kiwifruit and persimmon, their quenching and antioxidant properties. The metabolic differences are shown, as well in the results of bioactivities...
Determinants of the primary stability of cementless acetabular cup implants: A 3D finite element study
PublicationPrimary stability of cementless implants is crucial for the surgical success and long–term stability. However, primary stability is difficult to quantify in vivo and the biomechanical phenomena occurring during the press–fit insertion of an acetabular cup (AC) implant are still poorly understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the cortical and trabecular bone Young's moduli Ec and Et, the interference...
Electrophoretically deposited titanium and its alloys in biomedical engineering: Recent progress and remaining challenges
PublicationOver the past decade, titanium implants have gained popularity as the number of performed implantation operations has significantly increased. There are a number of methods for modifying the surface of biomaterials, which are aimed at extending the life of titanium implants. The developments in this field in recent years have required a comprehensive discussion of all the properties of electrophoretically deposited coatings on...
Fatty acyl benzamido antibacterials based on inhibition of DnaK-catalyzed protein folding
PublicationWe have reported that the hsp70 chaperone DnaK from Escherichia coli might assist protein folding by catalyzing the cis/trans isomerization of secondary amide peptide bonds in unfolded or partially folded proteins. In this study a series of fatty acylated benzamido inhibitors of the cis/trans isomerase activity of DnaK was developed and tested for antibacterial effects in E. coli MC4100 cells. Nα-[Tetradecanoyl-(4-aminomethylbenzoyl)]-l-asparagine...
Dissection of σE‐dependent cell lysis in Escherichia coli: roles of RpoE regulators RseA, RseB and periplasmic folding catalyst PpiD
PublicationTo understand the mechanism of sigma(E)-dependent cell lysis, we examined the consequences of deletion derivatives of rpoE regulators rseA, rseB and rseC on sigma(E) transcription, on levels of free versus membrane-bound sigma(E) and on OMP-biogenesis limiting factor(s) that could impact cell lysis. RT-PCR showed that individual nonpolar DeltarseA and DeltarseB increased the rpoE expression to varying extents, with pronounced induction...
Kwas mykofenolowy i jego analogi. Synteza i aktywność biologiczna = Mycophenolic acid (MPA) and its analogues. Synthesis and biological activity
PublicationW artykule opisano kwas mykofenolowy (MPA)oraz jego analogi. Kwas MPA został odkryty ponad 100 lat temu i nadal pozostaje atrakcyjnym celem badań biologicznych. Z uwagi na bardzo dużą tendencję do ulegania glukuronidyzacji in vivo, ograniczone są jego możliwości zastosowań jako potencjalnego chemoterapeutyka. Otrzymane dotychczas analogi zawierające różne cykliczne ugrupowania, monocykliczne fenole i niefenolowe analogi oraz...
Immunization with an anti-idiotypic antibody against the broadly lipopolysaccharide-reactive antibody WN1 222-5 induces Escherichia coli R3-core-type specific antibodies in rabbits
PublicationThe mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) WN1 222-5 recognizes a carbohydrate epitope in the inner core region of LPS that is shared by all strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica and is able to neutralize their endotoxic activity in vitro and in vivo. Immunization of mice with mAb WN1 222-5 yielded several anti-idiotypic mAbs one of which (mAb S81-19) competitively inhibited binding of mAb WN1 222-5 to E. coli and Salmonella...
The Impact of the Antigenic Composition of Chimeric Proteins on Their Immunoprotective Activity against Chronic Toxoplasmosis in Mice
PublicationToxoplasmosis may pose a serious threat for individuals with weakened or undeveloped immune systems. However, to date, there is no specific immunoprophylaxis for humans. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunogenicity of three trivalent—SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L (SGR), SAG1L-MIC1-MAG1 (SMM), and GRA1-GRA2-GRA6 (GGG)—and two tetravalent—SAG2-GRA1-ROP1-GRA2 (SGRG) and SAG1-MIC1-MAG1-GRA2 (SMMG)—chimeric T. gondii proteins, as...
A highly thermostable, homodimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Deinococcus radiopugnans
PublicationWe report the identification and characterization of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from the mesophile and highly radiation-resistant Deinococcus radiopugnans (DrpSSB). PCR-derived DNA fragment containing the complete structural gene for DrpSSB protein was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene consisting of an open reading frame of 900 nucleotides encodes a protein of 300 amino acids with a calculated...
Imidazoacridinone-dependent lysosomal photodestruction: a pharmacological Trojan horse approach to eradicate multidrug-resistant cancers
PublicationMultidrug resistance (MDR) remains a primary hindrance to curative cancer therapy. Thus, introduction of novel strategies to overcome MDR is of paramount therapeutic significance. Sequestration of chemotherapeutics in lysosomes is an established mechanism of drug resistance. Here, we show that MDR cells display a marked increase in lysosome number. We further demonstrate that imidazoacridinones (IAs), which are cytotoxic fluorochromes,...
LC-MS/MS dtermination of isoprostanes in plasma samples collected from mice exposed to doxorubicin or tert-butyl hydroperoxide
PublicationIsoprostanes are stable products of arachidonic acid peroxidation and are regarded as the most reliable markers of oxidative stress in vivo. Here we describe the LC-MS/MS procedure enabling simultaneous determination of four regioisomers (8-iso prostaglandin F2α, 8-iso-15(R)-prostaglandin F2α, 11β-prostaglandin F2α, 15(R)-prostaglandin F2α) in plasma samples collected from mice. The four plasma isoprostanes are determined by LC–ESI-MS/MS...
Role for chitin and chitooligomers in the capsular architecture of Cryptococcus neoformans
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań nad rolą struktur zawierających N-acetylo-D-glukozaminę (GlcNAc) w tworzeniu kapsuły otaczającej komórki patogennych dla człowieka grzybów Cryptococcus neoformans. Ekspresja w warunkach in vivo chitooligomerów łączących polisacharydy kapsuły ze ścianą komórkową jest różna, w zależności od rodzaju zainfekowanej tkanki, co określono poprzez wykazanie różnej reaktywności komórek form drożdżowych C. neoformans...
Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
Multi-layered tissue head phantoms for noninvasive optical diagnostics
PublicationExtensive research in the area of optical sensing for medical diagnostics requires development of tissue phantoms with optical properties similar to those of living human tissues. Development and improvement of in vivo optical measurement systems requires the use of stable tissue phantoms with known characteristics, which are mainly used for calibration of such systems and testing their performance over time. Optical and mechanical...
Functionalized Peptide Fibrils as a Scaffold for Active Substances in Wound Healing
PublicationTechnological developments in the field of biologically active peptide applications in medicine have increased the need for new methods for peptide delivery. The disadvantage of peptides as drugs is their low biological stability. Recently, great attention has been paid to self-assembling peptides that can form fibrils. Such a formulation makes bioactive peptides more resistant to enzymatic degradation and druggable. Peptide fibrils...
Keratin-Butyrate Scaffolds Promote Skin Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats Through Down-Regulation of IL-1β and Up-Regulation of Keratins 16 and 17
PublicationImpaired wound healing particularly in diabetics creates a significant healthcare burden. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of keratin-butyrate fibers (FKDP +0.1%NaBu) in a full-thickness skin wound model in 30 diabetic rats. Physicochemical examination showed that the obtained dressing possesses a heterogeneous structure and butyrate was slowly released into the wound. Moreover, the obtained dressing is nontoxic and supports...
Cu-HKUST-1 and Hydroxyapatite–The Interface of Two Worlds toward the Design of Functional Materials Dedicated to Bone Tissue Regeneration
PublicationA novel composite based on biocompatible hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles and Cu-HKUST-1 (Cu-HKUST-1@HA) has been prepared following a layer-by-layer strategy. Cu-HKUST-1 was carefully selected from a group of four Cu-based metal−organic frameworks as the material with the most promising antimicrobial activity. The formation of a colloidal Cu- HKUST-1 layer on HA nanoparticles was confirmed by various techniques, e.g., infrared...
Evaluation of long‑term immunity and protection against T. gondii after immunization with multivalent recombinant chimeric T. gondii proteins
PublicationToxoplasmosis caused by the opportunistic, cosmopolitan protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parasitoses in the world. Although it may prove dangerous or even fatal for immunocompromised individuals, immunoprophylaxis for humans is still nonexistent. Thus, the aim of the current work was to assess the ability of two immunogenic recombinant chimeric T. gondii proteins, SAG2-GRA1-ROP1 (SGR) and SAG1-MIC1-MAG1-GRA2...
Synthesis of green benzamide-decorated UiO-66-NH2 for biomedical applications
PublicationMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) biocompatible systems can host enzymes/bacteria/viruses. Herein we synthesized a series of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)-decorated UiO-66-NH2 based on Citrus tangerine leaf extract for drug delivery and biosensor applications. Five chemically manipulated FAAH-like benzamides were localized on the UiO-66-NH2 surface with physical interactions. Comprehensive cellular and molecular analyses were...
Is mesh fixation necessary in laparoendoscopic techniques for M3 inguinal defects? An experimental study.
Publicationrepairs, in case of large direct hernias (M3) mesh fixation is recommended to reduce recurrence risk. Despite lack of highquality evidence, the recommendation was upgraded to strong by expert panel. The authors conducted a research experiment to verify the hypothesis that it is possible to preserve the mesh in the operating field in large direct hernias (M3) without the need to use fixing materials. Method The authors conducted...
N-doped carbon nanospheres as selective fluorescent probes for mercury detection in contaminated aqueous media: chemistry, fluorescence probing, cell line patterning, and liver tissue interaction
PublicationA precise nano-scale biosensor was developed here to detect Hg2+ in aqueous media. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanospheres (NCS) created from the pyrolysis of melamine–formaldehyde resin were characterized by FESEM, XRD, Raman spectra, EDS, PL, UV–vis spectra, and N2 adsorption–desorption, and were used as a highly selective and sensitive probe for detecting Hg2+ in aqueous media. The sensitivity of NCS to Hg2+ was evaluated by photoluminescence...
Novel thermostable single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from Deinococcus geothermalis
PublicationW celu zbadania właściwości biochemicznych białka wiążącego się do jednoniciowego DNA (SSB) pochodzącego z Deinococcus geothermalis (DgeSSB), sklonowano gen ssb otrzymany w reakcji PCR, a następnie uzyskano wydajną biosyntezę białka DgeSSB. Gen składa się z 900 par zasad, kodujących białko złożone z 300 reszt aminokwasowych, o wyliczonej masie molekularnej równej 32.45 kDa. Sekwencja aminokwasowa wykazuje 43, 44% i 75% identyczności...
Identification and properties of the Deinococcus grandis andDeinococcus proteolyticus single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSB)
PublicationW celu poznania właściwości biochemicznych białek SSB pochodzących z Deinococcus grandis (DgrSSB) i Deinococcus proteolyticus (DprSSB) sklonowano zaamplifikowane w reakcji PCR geny ssb w systemie ekspresyjnym Escherichia coli. Geny składają się z 891(DgrSSB) i 876 (DprSSB) nukleotydów kodujących odpowiednio 296 i 291 reszt aminokwasowych o teoretycznie wyznaczonej masie cząsteczkowej dla białek, równej 32,29 i 31,33 kDa. Sekwencja...
Synthesis, Chemical Characterization and Multiscale Biological Evaluation of a dimericcRGD Peptide for Targeted Imaging of αVβ3 Integrin Activity
PublicationCyclic peptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence have been shown to specifically bind the angiogenesis biomarker α V β3 integrin. We report the synthesis, chemical characterization, and biological evaluation of two novel dimeric cyclic RGD-based molecular probes for the targeted imaging of α V β3 activity (a radiolabeled version, 64Cu-NOTA-PEG4-cRGD2, for PET imaging, and a fluorescent version, FITC-PEG4-cRGD2, for in...
Bioactive and bioavailability of minerals in rats loaded with cholesterol and kiwi fruit
PublicationThe aim of this study was to compare the content of polyphenols (TP), minerals, ascorbic acid (AA) and total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of conventional and organic kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ treated with ethylene after harvest and to determine their influence on plasma TAC, mineral content in the liver and bioavailability (RBV — relative bioavailability value) in rats fed diet containing cholesterol. Organic and conventionally grown...
Iron–Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis Chaperones: Evidence for Emergence of Mutational Robustness of a Highly Specific Protein–Protein Interaction
PublicationBiogenesis of iron–sulfur clusters (FeS) is a highly conserved process involving Hsp70 and J-protein chaperones. However, Hsp70 specialization differs among species. In most eukaryotes, including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, FeS biogenesis involves interaction between the J-protein Jac1 and the multifunctional Hsp70 Ssc1. But, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and closely related species, Jac1 interacts with the specialized Hsp70 Ssq1,...