Search results for: energy losses
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
PublicationThanks to the ability to collect information about large areas and with high frequency in time areas threatened by floods can be closely monitored. The effects of flooding are socio-economic losses. In order to reduce those losses, actions related to the determination of building zones are taken. Moreover, the conditions to be met by facilities approved for implementation in such areas are determined. Therefore, satellite data...
Broadband Compact Single-Layer Magic-T Junction with Separation of DC Signals between All Ports
PublicationA novel structure for a four-port microstrip magic-T junction is presented. The device is composed of microstrip and slotline circuits etched onto two sides of a dielectric substrate. The device is extremely compact and occupies an area more than three times smaller than similar structures recently reported in the literature. The novelty of the device lies in the use of microstrip/slotline transitions for both input ports: summation...
Voltage and Reactive Power Load Flow Optimization in the Power System Using Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe paper presents issues related to voltage control in the power system. An original method of reactive power flow optimization is considered, which leads to improved voltages in the power system and reduced active power losses. The optimization method is based on a procedure that employs fuzzy logic and is supported by a gradient search algorithm. The method has been implemented in PLANS software and verified.
Wpływ strat mechanicznych w siłowniku teleskopowym zespołu zagęszczającego w pojeździe do usuwania odpadów z pojemników na skuteczność prasowania odpadów
PublicationHydraulic telescopic cylinders are used to power the moving wall of rear loader garbage trucks equipped with the traditional "sweep and slide" system. As the garbage compression force is directly dependent on the resistance force of the moving wall, losses in the hydraulic telescopic cylinder influence the compaction process. Taking them into account in the control system may improve the operation of the compaction...
The Method of reduction of aerodynamic forces generated in turbine blade seals
PublicationThe distibution of pressure in the seal gaps does not only affect the so called '' leakage losses'' and the turbine stage overall efficiency but also plays an important role in the generation of aerodynamic forces which may cause self-excited rotor vibrations. The paper describes a chamber seal applied for the reduction of the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. This kind of turbine seal was patented and tested.
Compact satellite hydraulic unit
PublicationThe article describes the design and operation of a prototype hydraulic unit. It is based on an inversed kinematics, satellite pump in which the body rotates around the shaft. The pump is placed inside the electric motor. Thanks to that the compact and low mass construction was achieved. Thanks to new commutation unit with enlarged channels, lower pressure losses were obtained. The article presents the construction and results...
Problems of Connecting Wind Farms to the Power System with HV Cables
PublicationThis paper presents problems caused by connecting wind farms to a power system with high voltage cables. The author highlights possible problems with reactive power compensation, depending on the arrangement of the shunt reactor connection and settings of control systems for reactive power and voltage of the wind farm. The paper also discusses issues of increasing active power losses caused by a shunt reactor installation.
Metrisable assessment of the course of stream‑systemic processes in vector form in industry 4.0
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to present an innovative conception how to use metrisable vector structure of a manufacturing process, based on quantitative relations between the activity of input streams, features of the product, and effect of losses; all of which are excellent practical solution for Industry 4.0, and in turn intelligent factories. This solution can be a usefull way in the process of building sustainable organization....
Fabrication of Composite Polyurethane/Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds Using Solvent-Casting Salt Leaching Technique
PublicationScaffolds are porous three-dimensional structures which are used to fill bone losses and make them possible to cells to grow. Many different structural and biological properties are required from them: porosity, mechanical strength and biocompability. The present research is aimed at development of composite polyurethane/hydroxyapatite scaffolds by using the solvent-casting salt leaching method. The SEM examinations were applied...
Empirical Relationship Describing Total Convective and Radiative Heat Loss in Buildings
PublicationOn the basis of theoretical considerations of convective-radiative heat transfer, a relationship was developed enabling the total convective and radiative heat flux QC+R emitted from any object at tw and its surroundings at t∞ to be calculated from known values of the surface temperature of such an object, i.e., the known temperature difference Δt=tw - t∞ and average air temperature Tav. This relationship is applied to thermal...
Novel microstrip low-pass filters with fractal defected ground structures
PublicationIn this study, three microstrip low-pass filters (LPFs) containing fractal-shaped defected ground structures have been designed and manufactured. To improve the performance of microstrip LPF, cascades of inductively coupled fractal resonators have been applied. Simultaneously, to achieve relatively constant microstrip impedance resulting in essentially low reflection losses, a modification of the strip geometry has been introduced....
On bidirectional preestimates and their application to identification of fast time-varying systems
PublicationWhen applied to the identification of time-varying systems, such as rapidly fading telecommunication channels, adaptive estimation algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle yield excellent tracking performance but are computationally demanding. The subsequently proposed fast LBF (fLBF) algorithms, based on the preestimation principle, allow a substantial reduction in complexity without significant performance...
Benchmarking Parallel Chess Search in Stockfish on Intel Xeon and Intel Xeon Phi Processors
PublicationThe paper presents results from benchmarking the parallel multithreaded Stockfish chess engine on selected multi- and many-core processors. It is shown how the strength of play for an n-thread version compares to 1-thread version on both Intel Xeon and latest Intel Xeon Phi x200 processors. Results such as the number of wins, losses and draws are presented and how these change for growing numbers of threads. Impact of using particular...
Propagation analysis of the point-to-point radio links operating in the band
PublicationThe theoretical possibilities of utilizing the EHF-band frequencies for point-to-point short range communications have been discussed. The most important factors that affect propagation attenuation in this band have been briefly described, as well as relevant mathematical formulas that allow for numerical analysis of these phenomena. After that, a research have been carried out in which the authors have analyzed propagation losses...
Concept of managing quality in baking industry, in vector representation
PublicationThe author introduced an innovative metrisable method of describing a manufacturing process. The idea of vector structure of a manufacturing process allows to formulate quantitative relations between the activity of input streams, elements of product quality, and measurable effects of losses. The structure was basis for the formulation of the concept of the process of managing product quality in the baking industry in a vector...
Facial data registration facility for biometric protection of electronic documents
PublicationIn modern world, information is crucial, and its leakage may lead to serious losses. Documents as the main medium of information must be therefore highly protected. Nowadays, the most common way of protecting data is using passwords, however it seems inconvenient to type complex passwords, when it is needed many times a day. For that reason a significant research has been conducted on biometric authentication...
A Model Modification for a Microturbine Set with Partial Admission Stages
PublicationThe vapour microturbine set’s mathematical model has been updated to consider the partial admission of turbine stages. Experimental data from two distinct microturbine sets were used to verify the model. The model of the microturbine set was tested under varying operating conditions. Examples of a comparison between the experimental results and simulations are presented and analysed. It has been shown that, when simulating the...
Immunogenic and protective activity of recombinant chimeric Toxoplasma gondii proteins
PublicationToxoplasmosis, one of the most common parasitic invasions worldwide, may pose a great threat for individuals with weakened immune system. The parasite also causes considerable economic losses due to infection of livestock. To date there is no efficient immunoprophylaxis for humans and animals, which would provide long-lasting protection against T. gondii invasion. Chimeric proteins, containing several selected fragments of parasite...
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublicationThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
Accurate electrothermal modelling of high frequency DC-DC converters with discrete IGBTs in PLECS software
PublicationIn the paper, a novel, improved method of the IGBT junction temperature computations in the PLECS simulation software is presented. The developed method aims at accuracy of the junction temperature computations in PLECS by utilising a more sophisticated model of transistor losses, and by taking into account variability of transistor thermal resistance as a function of its temperature. A detailed description of the proposed method,...
Exergy analysis and thermodynamic optimization of a bioenergy with carbon capture and storage gas power plant using Monte Carlo simulation of sewage sludge composition
PublicationAn exergy analysis is performed on the negative CO2 emission gas power plant (nCO2PP), which integrates the fuel preparation, power generation and carbon capture process sections. The cycle is modeled in Aspen Plus coupled with REFPROP, combining deterministic and Monte Carlo stochastic approaches, the latter being a novelty in this work. In all cases studied, the simulations maintain the complex thermodynamic relationships. Exergy...
Synthesis, structural characterization, and thermal properties of Ca‐ and La‐doped soda‐lime glasses by laser melting
PublicationLaser melting techniques have been used in the preparation of unconventional glass compositions with high melting temperatures. Thus, we wanted to test the feasibility of using a CO2 laser in the preparation of nitrogen-rich oxynitride glasses and nitride silicate glasses. Melting from oxides and metallic raw materials, we wanted to study first glass formation and possible evaporation losses of the glass components. Two glass series...
Unusual streaming in chemically reacting gases
PublicationNonlinear stimulation of the vorticity mode caused by losses in the momentum of sound in the chemically reacting gas, is considered. The instantaneous dynamic equation which describes the nonlinear generation of the vorticity mode, is derived. It includes a quadratic nonlinear acoustic source. Both periodic and aperiodic sound may be considered as the origin of the vorticity flow. In the non-equilibrium regime of the chemical reaction,...
Environmentally acceptable lubricants (EAL) compared with a reference mineral oil as marine stern tube bearing lubricant – Experimental and theoretical investigations
PublicationThe purpose of this research is to indicate the potential differences in bearing characteristics resulting from the application of different lubricant types with the same viscosity grade. The effect of different environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) on hydrodynamic journal bearing properties is studied experimentally and compared to the properties obtained after lubrication with a reference mineral oil. The results of the...
Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal
PublicationThe main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...
Satellite pump and motor
PublicationThe article describe the design and operation of a prototype of satellite pump and a prototype of satellite motor. In both machines, the operating mechanism consists of a non-circular gear with external teeth (rotor), non-circular gear with internal teeth (curvature), and ten gear wheels which cooperate with the rotor and the curvature. The differences between the commutation unit in the pump and the commutation unit in the motor...
A comparative performance assessment of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublicationThis work presents the investigation results of a journal bearing lubricated with magnetorheological fluid that is activated by a local constant magnetic field to vary both the local flow resistance and pressure. The bearing performance is assessed via Finite Element Modelling (FEM) and results are corroborated by experiments. The FEM model uses the Bingham model to describe the fluid film. A dedicated test rig is used to assess...
Microstrip four-port circulator using a ferrite coupled line section
PublicationThis paper describes an alternative configuration of a four-port circulator realized in a microstrip ferrite coupled line technology. The proposed fully planar device employs two three-port circulators consisting of a ferrite coupled line junction and T junction. Both circulators are connected through the same arm, hence, the problem of anti-parallel magnetization met in this type of circulators is avoided without the increase...
PublicationThe primary aim of this paper is to present a new application which is at this moment the only open source real-time VoIP quality monitoring tool that supports IPv6 networks. The application can keep VoIP system administrators provided at any time with up-to-date voice quality information. Multiple quality scores that are automatically obtained throughout each call reflect influence of variable packet losses and delays on voice...
Credit default swaps and banks
PublicationThis chapter aims to explore the evolving role of credit default swaps (CDS) in managing and transferring default risk from the perspective of banks from a holistic perspective. This chapter examines credit default swaps (CDSs) as derivative financial instruments that transfer credit risk on debt securities. While CDSs offer benefits such as risk management and risk trading, they also introduce potential systemic risks, as evidenced...
Research on causes of corrosion in the municipal water supply system
PublicationThis paper presents results of failure analysis study to characterize the corrosion damage that occurred in the water supply system in Krakow. This analysis includes: electrochemical noise, linear polarization and resistometric measurements. Water aggressiveness of four water intakes was defined using Langelier and Ryznar indices. Results from this indices did not reveal the causes of considerable corrosion losses in water systems....
Influence of Phase Composition on Dielectric Properties of Bismuth-Based Ceramics with Scheelite-Type Structure
PublicationGoal of the present research was to study dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics fabricated by solid state reaction route followed with pressureless sintering. The samples were fabricated from the mixture of oxides, viz. Nb2O5 and Bi2O3. Apart from stoichiometric amount an excess of 3%, 5% and 10% by mole of Bi2O3 was used. It was found that an excess amount of Bi2O3 oxide caused formation of Bi5Nb3O15 minor phase in amount of...
Application of vertical flow constructed wetlands for highly contaminated wastewater treatment: preliminary results
PublicationBasing on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reject waters (RWC) generated during dewatering of digested sewage sludge on centrifuges in conventional WWTP and municipal landfill leachate (LL), the pilot constructed wetlands for treatment of both types wastewater were designed and built. In the paper the conception, design and assumed treatment efficiencies of the pilot plants are presented. The water balance of the...
Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite
PublicationMany of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...
Susceptibility to Degradation in Soil of Branched Polyesterurethane Blends with Polylactide and Starch
PublicationA very important method of reducing the amount of polymer waste in the environment is the introduction to the market of polymers susceptible to degradation under the influence of environmental factors. This paper presents the results of testing the susceptibility to degradation in soil of branched polyesterurethane (PUR) based on poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (R,S-PHB), modified with poly([D,L]-lactide) (PLA) and starch (St). Weight...
A new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming with rhamnolipid solutions
PublicationA new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming is described. It is based on rhamnolipid biocomplex solution application for phosphatides removal. The rhamnolipid biocomplex produced by Pseudomonas sp. PS-17 was used as biosurfactant. Rapeseed oil was used in all experiments. First, it was degummed with H2SO4 in order to remove all phosphatides and then 1% (w/w) of granular soybean lecithin was added. Model oil was treated with...
Road safety inspection as a tool for road safety management – the polish experience
PublicationIn Poland, road inspections were implemented in June 2014 on all national roads. Previously conducted traffic surveys mainly related to the technical condition of roads, signs and markings; other safety issues were overlooked. The main problem that occurs during inspection is an inspector’s subjective qualitative assessment which affects the classification of the sources of hazard on the road.. The paper presents an analysis of...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
The Methodology for Determining the Theoretical Based on the Characteristics of Effective Absorbency Versus Pressure Drop in the Motor
PublicationThis article describes a method for determining the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor. It has been shown that the actual working volume of the motor is the sum of the theoretical working volume and the additional volume that depends on the pressure drop in the working chambers of the motor. It was also shown that the volumetric losses in the hydraulic motor are not only a function of the pressure drop in...
Development of tools for road infrastructure safety management for the provinces (voivodeships) in Poland
PublicationThe development of modern tools for road infrastructure safety management will help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries as one of the main objectives adopted in 2013 in the National Road Safety Programme 2014-2020 and the new Road Safety Programme 2011-2020 in the EU. Risk Management in Highway Engineering can be applied in developing tools essential in the process of safety management. Risk Management in Highway...
Effect of MAO coatings on cavitation erosion and tribological properties of 5056 and 7075 aluminum alloys
PublicationTwo ceramic coatings have been applied on 5056 and 7075 aluminum alloy by microarc oxidation (MAO) technology. The mass losses, surface morphologies and the phase constituents of the MAO coatings before and after cavitation tests were examined by means of digital scales, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. In order to assess the impact of the mechanical properties of the surface layer on...
Low-Cost Method for Effective Conductivity Improvement of Additively Manufactured All-Metal Waveguide Components
Publication— In this paper, a low-cost method of 3D printed allmetal waveguide effective conductivity improvement is proposed and studied. The approach is a combination of internal surface polishing to reduce the roughness followed by coating a highconductivity layer through electroplating. Both methods allow to reduce total power losses within the waveguide which are impacted by the conductivity of the metal. A set of mm-wave test vehicles...
Safety issues referred to induced sheath voltages in high-voltage power cables – case study
PublicationLoad currents and short-circuit currents in high-voltage power cable lines are sources of the induced voltages in the power cables’ concentric metallic sheaths. When power cables operate with single-point bonding, which is the simplest bonding arrangement, these induced voltages may introduce an electric shock hazard or may lead to damage of the cables’ outer non-metallic sheaths at the unearthed end of the power cable line. To...
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Honeybees using Modified QUEChERS Sample Work-Up and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PublicationIncreasing emissions of chemical compounds to the environment, especially of pesticides, is one of factors that may explain present honeybee colony losses. In this work, an analytical method employing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was optimized for the simultaneous screening of 19 pesticides which have not been yet determined in honeybee samples from northern Poland (Pomerania). The sample preparation,...
Hydraulic valve design methodology for hydro turbine control system
PublicationThe control of the turbine and its equipment in a hydroelectric power plant requires the HPU (hydraulic power unit) to deliver large volumes of working fluid in a short time at specific optimum control parameters. The use of typical proportional flow control valves created by manufacturers of hydraulic components in low-pressure control systems is disadvantageous due to high pressure losses in the control chambers. This paper presents...
Effect of Simultaneous Valve Closures in Hydraulic Piping Systems
PublicationThe paper investigates wave interference (between pressure waves) occurring in simple hydraulic systems. Water hammer was induced by simultaneous closure of three valves located at the reservoirs of a “Y” type hydraulic system. Numerical simulations were carried out with the help of the freeware computer package Allievi enabling the reader to replicate results in a direct manner. The influence of the following quantities has been...
Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors
PublicationPandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics in the Area of the Planned Siarzewo Reservoir
PublicationRiver regulation is an inseparable aspect of the economic progress of countries, and based on the examples of highly developed countries, it may be concluded that their development could be partially supported by properly conducted water management. The construction of dams in cold regions or areas where ice phenomena are observed in winter, requires taking into account the impact of ice on the structure and the impact of the designed...
Investigation of the thermal effects in water-lubricated journal bearings with axial grooves
PublicationWater-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearings are frequently applied as stern tube bearings due to their advantages over other bearing types. They are environmentally friendly, can operate without sealings and in conditions of low friction losses. The most popular are bearings with open axial grooves, which require, for proper operation, forced axial flow of the lubricating water. Correctly designed and operated stern tube bearings...