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Search results for: measurement
PublicationThe paper presents an impedance measurement module which is aimed for gas sensor. Sensor’s heater temperature conditioning and modulation feature is available in order to allow implementation of different techniques improving selectivity and sensitivity of gas sensors. The measurement module uses three-parameter sine-fitting technique for impedance measurement. To monitor sensor temperature, the resistance of the sensor’s heater...
Methods of Assessing Degradation of Supercapacitors by Using Various Measurement Techniques
PublicationThis article presents the qualitative analyses of the construction of supercapacitor samples. The analyses are based on the suggested thermographic measurements as well as the technique of testing the inherent noise of the investigated element. The indicated assessment methods have been referred to the currently used parameters for the qualitative evaluation of supercapacitors. The approach described in this paper, which introduces...
Simple Measurement Method for Resistive Sensors Based on ADCs of Microcontrollers
PublicationA new, complete measurement method for resistance measurement of resistive sensors for systems based on microcontrollers equipped with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is proposed. The interface circuit consists of only four resistors, including a resistive sensor and a reference resistor, connected directly to the microcontroller pins. It is activated only during measurements, which significantly reduces power consumption....
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios
PublicationThe problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...
Analysis of Measurement Errors in Rail Vehicles’ Pantograph Inspection System
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to evaluation of height measurement errors in laser scanning inspection system. The system, consisting of a laser line generator and a specialized camera, is dedicated to diagnosing carbon contact strips of railway vehicles’ pantographs. While height measurement resolution is easily computable based on system parameters, determining the measurement error is troublesome due to numerous impacts. As...
Spectral measurement of birefringence using particle swarm optimization analysis
PublicationThe measurement of birefringence is useful for the examination of both technical and biological objects. One of the main problems is that the polarization state of light in birefringent media changes periodically. Without the knowledge of the period number, the birefringence of a given medium cannot be determined reliably. We propose to analyse the spectrum of light in order to determine the birefringence. We use a Particle Swarm...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublicationThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Indirect Measurement of Motor Current Derivatives in PMSM Sensorless Drives
PublicationMotor current derivatives contain useful information for control algorithms, especially in sensorless electric drives. The measurement of motor current derivatives in electric motors supplied by voltage source inverter can be performed using di/dt transducers. However, in such a solution additional sensors have to be installed, e.g. Rogowski coils. Another approach is to measure current derivatives indirectly – by oversampling...
Filtering of interference signals of grounding resistance measurement with subharmonic method
PublicationOmówiono metodę filtracji zakłóceń o częstotliwości sieciowej wraz z wyższymi harmonicznymi poprzez zastosowanie metody szczególnego próbkowania z podharmonicznym sygnałem pomiarowym.
Evaluation of Street Lighting Efficiency Using a Mobile Measurement System
PublicationThe issue concerns the initial stage of work on a method for performing a rapid assessment of the energy efficiency and illuminance of a street lighting installation. The proposed method is based on simultaneous measurement of illuminance from three lux meters placed on the roof of the vehicle. The data are acquired in road traffic, while the vehicle is driving. The proposed solution will allow in the future to quickly and reproducibly...
Low cost electrochemical sensor module for measurement of gas concentration
PublicationThis paper describes a low cost electrochemical sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module is universal and can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 is used. The proposed equipment will be used as a component of electronic nose system employed for classifying and distinguishing...
PublicationThe issue of electric energy saving in public transport is currently becoming a key area of interest, a fact connected with both an increase in society’s environmental awareness and a rise in the prices of fuel and electricity. Electricity can be saved by reducing transmission losses in the supply system. The article presents a method of measurement and analysis of transmission losses in the supply system of electrified public transport...
Methodology of estimating temperature measurement uncertainty in a system for endurance tests.
PublicationThe team consisting of the article authors developed a non-invasive method and a system for measuring temperature during an endurance test. A thermocouple which provided the required accuracy of changes in temperature dynamics measurements was used for the purpose of the required research. The paper presents the methodology for estimating uncertainty of temperature measurement done with the presented system, using a method based...
Evaluation of the fast impedance spectroscopy method in the laboratory measurement system
PublicationIn this paper the method for fast impedancespectroscopy of technical objects with very high impedance(|Zx| ≥ 1 GΩ) is evaluated by means of simulation and practicalexperiment. The method is based on excitation of an object, witha square pulse and measurements of voltage and currentresponses with DAQ card. The object impedance spectrum isobtained with use of continuous Fourier transform. Someimprovements of the method concerned...
The Concept of Geodetic Analyses of the Measurement Results Obtained by Hydrostatic Leveling
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of hydrostatic leveling. Its application is presented in structural health monitoring systems in order to determine vertical displacements of controlled points. Moreover, the article includes a complete computation scheme that utilizes the estimation from observation differences, allowing the elimination of the influence of individual sensors’ systematic errors. The authors suggest two concepts of...
PublicationThis paper describes an amperometric sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors without major hardware changes. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 configurable via I2C interface is used. The concept of a measuring system composed of several modules dedicated for a gas sensors...
Wood Moisture-Content Measurement Accuracy of Impregnated and Nonimpregnated Wood
PublicationThe influence of the impregnation process of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) samples on the electrical resistance changes and the moisture-content measurement accuracy is presented in this paper. In this study, the resistances of impregnated and nonimpregnated green pine timber harvested from northern Poland were compared. An impregnation method based on a vacuum-pressure chamber was used. Copper salts were applied as the impregnated...
Dynamic unattended measurement based routing algorithm for diffServ architecture
PublicationDynamic routing is very important in terms of assuring QoS in today's packet networks especially for streaming and elastic services. Existing solutions dedicated to dynamic routing are often too complicated and seem to be not usable in real time traffic scenarios where transferred traffic may vary significantly. This was the main reason for research and new routing mechanism proposal which should apply to today's packet networks....
A Method of Lathe Checks Measurement; SMOF device and its software
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Measurement accuracy evaluation of transmission line earthings by impulse tests
PublicationUziemienia słupów linii energetycznych powinny być sprawdzane okresowo. Pomiary rezystancji takich uziemień przy pomocy metody niskoczęstotliwościowej wymaga wyłaczania linii i odkręcania przewodów odprowadzających od konstrukcji słupa. Metoda udarowa jest znacznie łatwiejsza w tej aplikacji i nie wymaga wyłaczania linii na czas pomiarów. W pracy oszacowano wpływ uziemień sąsiednich słupów na dokładność pomiarów metodą udarową.
Measurement of benzene concentration in urban air using passive sampling
PublicationAbstract The concentration of benzene in urban air in theTri-City area of Poland (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia, andTczew) was assessed using diffusive passive samplers (Rad-iello). Samples were collected during a four-year monitoringcampaign (2007-2010) at selected monitoring stations man-aged by the Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring inthe Gdańsk Metropolitan Area (ARMAAG) Foundation.The performance of the passive samplers was investigatedin...
Measurement of engine and vehicle parameters using onboard CAN network
PublicationWspółczesne samochody wyposażane są w dużą liczbę układów elektronicznych, które wymagają wzajemnej wymiany informacji. Techniczne problemy niezależnego łączenia ze sobą dużej liczby sterowników doprowadziły do powstania pokładowych sieci wymiany danych. Do najpopularniejszych z nich zalicza się obecnie system CAN. W pracy przedstawiono metodę rozpoznawania ramek wiadomości transmitowanych w pokładowej sieci CAN pojazdu przez sterowniki....
Drift, wow and flutter measurement and reduction in shrunken movie soundtracks
PublicationReferat przedstawia metodę i algorytmy do oceny i redukcji dryfu, kołysania i drżenia w skurczonych taśmach filmowych. Przedstawione algorytmy działają w oparciu o przetwarzaniu obrazu taśmy filmowej w celu wyznaczenia jej lokalnego skurczu, który jest jednym z powodów powstawania dryfu, kołysania i drżenia. Lokalny skurcz taśmy można wyznaczyć dzięki analizie wysokości: ramki obrazu, perforacji, lub innego, standaryzowanego elementu...
<title>Measurement and control of field in RF GUN at FLASH</title>
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Safety in measurement activities of buildings done with different methods and equipment
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Reliability of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement in Application to Multi-Rotor MAVs
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Setups for measurement of thermal time constant of bolometers and resistive layers
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwa układy do pomiaru termicznej stałej czasowejbolometrów i warstw rezystywnych, umożliwiające pomiar wartości tego parametru w zakresie od pojedynczych milisekund do kilku sekund. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów termicznej stałej czasowej wybranych warstw rezystywnych wykonanych w technologii LTCC z niestechiometrycznych tlenków lantanowo-strontowo-żelazowych oraz bolometru cienkowarstwowego wykonanego w tej samej...
Analysis of Uncertainty of the Emission Measurement of Gaseous Pollutants on Chassis Dynamometer
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The Effect of the Phenomenon of “Spectrum Leakage” on the Measurement of Power Quality Parameters
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Cost‐effectiveness of blood pressure measurement and hypertension follow‐up
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Synthetic jet actuator efficiency based on the reaction force measurement
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The Measurement Setup for Gas Detection by Resistance Fluctuations of Gas Sensors
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Quality of Analytical Results: Classifiying Errors and Estimating Measurement Uncertainty
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Comparison of modelling and measurement results of spectra emitted by a programmable lamp
PublicationNowadays artificial light with an optimized spectrum is used in many different applications. For instance, it is widely used in museums and exhibitions to illuminate the art. Moreover, such light stimulates the growth of plants, or can be applied in industry and healthcare. To achieve the best results for each application, the adjusting of a dedicated spectrum is required, which is a complicated task. The ongoing research is focused...
Measurement of Coherence Bandwidth in UHF Radio Channels for Narrowband Networks
PublicationThis paper presents results of investigation on the coherence bandwidth of narrowband radio channels in 430MHz band. The coherence bandwidth values were estimated froma power delay profile obtained by recording CDMA2000 forward channel signals during real-fieldmeasurements in various environments:mediumcity, flat terrain, and hilly terrain in northern Poland.The results of measurements are compared with characteristic parameters...
Theoretical and Measurement Investigations of DS CDMA Signal Detection Problem
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis teoretyczny wybranej motody wykrywania sygnałów z widmem rozproszonym DS CDMA. Przedstawiono prototypowe stanowisko laboratoryjne do wykrywania sygnałów DS CDMA i zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarowe.
On-line measurement of cell impedance during charging and discharging process
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono założenia metody pomiaru impedancji, która w przeciwieństwie do dotychczasowych technik impedancyjnych stosowanych w badaniach ogniw, umożliwia pracę on-line. W celu zaprezentowania możliwości metody wykonano eksperyment polegający na cyklicznym ładowaniu i rozładowywaniu elektrody ołowianej w 4.8M H2SO4 z jednoczesnym pomiarem impedancji. Zmiany parametrów elektrycznych otrzymanych w wyniku analizy widm impedancyjnych...
Continuous-time delay system identification insensitive to measurement faults
PublicationW pracy wykorzystuje się algorytmy identyfikacji do estymacji parametrów systemów ciągłych z opóźnieniem. Zastosowanie filtrów całkujących ze skończonym horyzontem obserwacji pozwala przekształcić równanie różniczkowe opisujące system ciągły do użytecznej postaci regresyjnej z czasem dyskretnym. Uzyskany w ten sposób i zachowujący oryginalną parametryzację model dyskretny daje się identyfikować stosując klasyczną metodę najmniejszych...
Quality of Analytical Results: Classifiying Errors and Estimating Measurement Uncertainty
PublicationThe most important parameter of each analytical result is its reliability. An analytical result is not a constant value; each result has two properties, error and uncertainty. The sources of both these parameters have to be known and their values determined (estimated). All analytical results are obtained by applying an appropriate measuring procedure. The need for reliable results requires application of reliable analytical procedures,...
PublicationIncreased spending on healthcare systems in many countries tends to attract attention to their efficiency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of healthcare systems in the OECD countries and indicate causes of inefficiency by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and using additive and super-efficiency models. The homogeneity of the sample is assessed and outliers are excluded. A ranking is established on the...
Device-independent quantum key distribution based on measurement inputs
PublicationWe provide an analysis of a family of device-independent quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols that has the following features. (a) The bits used for the secret key do not come from the results of the measurements on an entangled state but from the choices of settings. (b) Instead of a single security parameter (a violation of some Bell inequality) a set of them is used to estimate the level of trust in the secrecy of the key....
Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublicationRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
Nondestructive Testing of the Miter Gates Using Various Measurement Methods
PublicationWhen any problems related to civil engineering structures appear, identifying the issue through the usage of only one measuring method is difficult. Therefore, comprehensive tests are required to identify the main source. The strains and displacement measurements, as well as modal identification, are widely used in the nondestructive testing of structures. However, measurements are usually carried out at several points and confirm...
Microsystem for measurement of impedance sensors parameters.Optoelectronic and electronic sensors V.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono mikrosystem do pomiaru parametrów impedancyjnych czujników o module impedancji z przedziału 100ohm-1Gohm. Zastosowana w mikrosystemie technika cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów, pozwoliła na uzyskanie szerokiego zakresu częstotliwości pomiarowych, zwłaszcza bardzo niskich od 100uHz do 1MHz, przy zachowaniu prostej konstrukcji zapewniającej jego niską cenę. Mikrosystem zrealizowano w formie przyrządu...
The Goertzel filter-bank usage in the non-stationary impedance measurement.
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę pomiaru parametrów impedancyjnych w warunkach niestacjonarnych bazującą na próbkowaniu sygnałów pomiarowych i przetwarzaniu cyfrowym. Zaproponowano i przeanalizowano zastosowanie banku filtrów Goertzela. Porównano zaproponowane podejście z tradycyjnie stosowaną metodą STDFT. Przedstawiono wynik symulacji i pomiarów.
Measurement of transverse force with polarization-maintaining side-hole fibers.
PublicationW pracy badano możliwości wykorzystania przenoszących stan polaryzacji światłowodów typu Side-Hole do pomiaru siły działającej prostopadle do osi symetrii światłowodu. Na podstawie wyników modelowania stwierdzono, ze niektóre światłowody tego typu charakteryzują się większą czułością aniżeli standardowe światłowody przenoszące stan polaryzacji. W wyniku przeprowadzonych pomiarów potwierdzono wyniki modelowania.
Portable computer measurement system of machine tools in wood industry
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przenośny system diagnostyczny przeznaczony do oceny pracy obrabiarek skrawających i urządzeń przemysłu drzewnego. Ocena procesu obróbczego odbywa się na podstawie pomiaru wielkości mechanicznych, takich jak: prędkość obrotowa , przemieszczenia oraz przyspieszenia. Korzystanie z programów komputerowych, w które system jest wyposażony, pozwala użytkownikowi maszyn na przeprowadzanie szczegółowych analiz, dzięki...
The influence of parameters of input probe on the error of high impedance measurement
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sondę do pomiaru wysokich impedancji w zakresie 1kohm<|Zx|<100Gohm przeznaczoną do dołączenia do analizatorów typu gain-phase. Przeanalizowano wpływ parametrów sondy (pojemności pasożytnicze, toleranca rezystorów określających wzmocnienie wzmacniacza) na dokładność wyznaczenia modułu i argumentu zespolonego stosunku sygnałów wydzielonych w sondzie. Zamieszczono wyniki symulacji i pomiarów, pozwalające na...
Time-of-flight fiber optic sensors for strain and temperature measurement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono światłowodowy sensor czasu przelotu do pomiaru odkształceń i temperatury mogący pracować zarówno w modzie transmisyjnym, jak i odbiciowym. W pomiarach czasu przelotu wykorzystano krótkie impulsy światłowodowe wprowadzane do jednodomowego światłowodu. Pod wpływem czynników zewnętrznych (temperatura, odkształcenie, siła rozciągająca) zmieniała się droga optyczna w światłowodzie, co powodowało zmiany czasu przelotu...
Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology-EPOD