Search results for: mineral glass, stress estimation, finite elements, underwater viewports
Factory Acceptance Test – Strain Gauge Measurement - Report no: WOiO /II/88/2014
PublicationTested object was 40 meters long jib and its foundation, placed in Gdansk Shiprepair Yard, manufactured by KMK. The contruction was dedicated to the passenger cruise vessel "North Star" The Strain Gauge measurement in different location and load situation was done in order to validate calculation finite element models used during strength analysis for project. The expertise contains: methodology of the measurements, description...
Fracture prediction in flat PMMA notched specimens under tension - effectiveness of the equivalent material concept and fictitious material concept
PublicationThe fracture of notched elements under mode I loading (tension) remains an inexhaustible research topic, especially when it comes to the fracture of thermoplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which experience considerable plastic strains under tension. The paper points out that traditional brittle fracture criteria such as mean stress (MS) or maximum tangential stress (MTS) criteria used to predict this phenomenon do...
Robust four-node elements based on Hu–Washizu principle for nonlinear analysis of Cosserat shells
PublicationMixed 4-node shell elements with the drilling rotation and Cosserat-type strain measures based onthe three-field Hu–Washizu principle are proposed. In the formulation, apart from displacement and rotationfields, both strain and stress resultant fields are treated as independent. The elements are derived in the frame-work of a general nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells.The...
Effect of slag coal ash and foamed glass on the mechanical properties of two-stage concrete
PublicationTwo-stage concrete (TSC) is known by various names such as colcrete, Polcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete and prepacked concrete. It is different from traditional concrete in two fundamental ways, namely method of construction and mix proportion. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is defined as firstly, coarse aggregates are placed into the formwork and grout is applied to fill in the between coarse aggregate particles voids. Secondly,...
New Approach to Noncasual Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic FIR Systems Subject to Both Smooth and Abrupt Parameter Changes
PublicationIn this technical note, we consider the problem of finite-interval parameter smoothing for a class of nonstationary linear stochastic systems subject to both smooth and abrupt parameter changes. The proposed parallel estimation scheme combines the estimates yielded by several exponentially weighted basis function algorithms. The resulting smoother automatically adjusts its smoothing bandwidth to the type and rate of nonstationarity...
Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete
PublicationThis paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...
Comparison of buckling resistance of columns modelled by beam and shell elements using non-linear analysis
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to investigate the stability process in the axially compressed columns modelled by beam and shell elements using static and dynamic finite element analysis by taking both the geometric and material non-linearity into account. The perfect columns and columns with geometric imperfections were analysed. The differences between the results of static and dynamic analyses in shell and beam models were discussed.
Structure, luminescent properties and FDTD simulation of TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag:Ln3+ glass-ceramics system
PublicationTeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag glass systems (TBB) co-doped with terbium and europium ions have been successfully synthesized through conventional melt-quenching technique. Heat treatment procedure at 350 °C has been conducted in order to synthesize silver nanoparticles embedded in TBB glass matrix. Structural measurements involved XRD studies that revealed no crystallization of glass structure after heat treatment at elevated temperatures....
Laminated plates and shells - first ply failure analysis within 6-parameter shell theory
PublicationThis work describes Tsai-Wu and Hashin criteria modifications, dictated by nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with asymmetric strain measures and drilling rotation. The material law is based on standard orthotropic elastic constants for a non-polar continuum, under plane state of stress. First ply failure loads of cylindrical panel subjected to pressure and flat compressed plate are estimated by means of Finite Element Analysis....
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concretes (LWCs) with Various Aggregates
PublicationHigh requirements for the properties of construction materials and activities directed at environment protection are reasons to look for new solutions in concrete technology. This research was directed at solutions affecting the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The use of lightweight concretes (LWCs) allows one to meet both conditions at the same time. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to...
Nowe zakresy kreowania wizerunku fasad przy zastosowaniu technologii filtrów optycznych.
PublicationModern facades, whether made of glass or including transparent, translucent or reflective elements, let through a particular light spectrum or change its intensity in many different ways. “Filtering facades” may change the image seen through them or change the colour of passing light according to specific circumstances: the angle of observation or temperature. These indicated properties of facades acting as “filters” were made...
Seafloor relief reconstruction from side scan sonar data
PublicationSide scan sonar is one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. It is relatively cheap and easy to deploy, in comparison with more powerful sensors. Although side scan sonar does not provide seafloor bathymetry directly, its records are directly related to seafloor images. In the paper, the method for 3D seafloor relief reconstruction from side scan sonar data is presented. The method is based on the...
PublicationThe main purpose of this research is to determine the stress distributions on the contact surfaces between the logs of the historical carpentry corner joints. The additional purpose is to compare the stress distribution for four different boundary conditions in the case of dry and wet pine wood. The paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the shortcorner dovetail connection and the saddle notch corner joint, which are...
Parameter and delay estimation of linear continuous-time systems
PublicationIn this paper the problem of on-line identification of non-stationary delay systems is considered. Dynamics of supervised industrial processes is described by ordinary differential equations. Discrete-time mechanization of their continuous-time representations is based on dedicated finite-horizon integrating filters. Least-squares and instrumental variable procedures implemented in recursive forms are applied for simultaneous identification...
Dyskretno-ciągła metoda modelowania układów dynamicznych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono oryginalną metodę modelowania układów dyskretno-ciągłych. Metoda polega na dyskretyzowaniu układu trójwymiarowego jedynie w dwóch wybranych kierunkach. W trzecim z kierunków układ pozostaje ciągły. Otrzymany w ten sposób model jest modelem dyskretno-ciągłym. Opisany jest za pomocą równań różniczkowych cząstkowych. Ogólne równania różnicowe układu dyskretnego otrzymano, wykorzystując metodę sztywnych elementów...
Influence of the notch rounding radius on estimating the elastic notch stress concentration factor in a laser welded tee joint
PublicationIn recent years an increased interest of industry in sandwich-type metal structures can be observed. These structures consist of thin plates of 2.5 mm in thickness separated by stiffeners of different shapes and forms. Welds joining the plates and stiffeners are made on the outer side of the plates using laser welding technique. A locally focused source of heat causes the plate to melt creating a very narrow and elongated joint....
The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems
PublicationThe paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a three-dimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
An analytical four-layer horizontal electric current dipole model for analysing underwater electric potential in shallow seawater
PublicationThe paper presents a new analytical four‑layer (air–water–bottom–non‑conductive layer) horizontal electric dipole model which allows an accurate approximation of ship’s Underwater Electric Potential (UEP) from a sufficient depth in shallow coastal marine waters. The numerical methods, usually Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Elements Method (BEM), are typically used to estimate the electric field and the distribution of...
O zbieżności rozwiązań w nieliniowym mikropolarnym ośrodku sprężysto-plastycznym - zastosowanie elementów skończonych wyższego rzędu.
PublicationEfekty lokalizacji w nieliniowym geometrycznie sprężysto-plastycznym mikropolarnym ośrodku z osłabieniem materiału. Hipotezy Hubera-Misesa-Hencky’ego i Druckera-Pragera. Rozwiązanie równań sprężysto-plastycznych przy użyciu algorytmu powrotnego. Opis zastosowanych elementów skończonych. Przykłady numeryczne obliczeń w geotechnice.
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
PublicationThe present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublicationThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...
LDFEM analysis of FDP auger installation in cohesive soil
PublicationThis paper deals with large deformation finite element (LDFE) preliminary modelling of Full Displacement Pile (FDP) installation in cohesive soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The detailed FDP auger geometry is applied and the drilling process is modelled with full 3D Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation. The total stress approach and elastic-perfectly plastic model with rate-dependent Mises plasticity is used. The...
Tensile failure study of 3D printed PLA using DIC technique and FEM analysis
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental and numerical study of the failure behaviour of Fused Filament Fabricated (FFF) Polylactic Acid (PLA) samples subjected to tensile load. The examined samples are printed in flat orientation with 0◦, 45◦ and 90◦ raster angles. During the experiments the deformation of the specimens is continuously scanned with the 3D Aramis measuring system utilizing the digital imaging correlation technique,...
Generalized Savitzky–Golay filters for identification of nonstationary systems
PublicationThe problem of identification of nonstationary systems using noncausal estimation schemes is consid-ered and a new class of identification algorithms, combining the basis functions approach with localestimationtechnique,isdescribed.Unliketheclassicalbasisfunctionestimationschemes,theproposedlocal basis function estimators are not used to obtain interval approximations of the parametertrajectory, but provide a sequence of point...
Parameter and delay estimation of linear continuous-time systems
PublicationIn this paper the problem of on-line identification of non-stationary delay systems is considered. Dynamics of supervised industrial processes is usually described by ordinary differential equations. Discrete-time mechanization of their continuous-time representations is based on dedicated finite-horizon integrating filters. Least-squares and instrumental variable procedures implemented in recursive forms are applied for simultaneous...
On–line Parameter and Delay Estimation of Continuous–Time Dynamic Systems
PublicationThe problem of on-line identification of non-stationary delay systems is considered. The dynamics of supervised industrial processes are usually modeled by ordinary differential equations. Discrete-time mechanizations of continuous-time process models are implemented with the use of dedicated finite-horizon integrating filters. Least-squares and instrumental variable procedures mechanized in recursive forms are applied for simultaneous...
The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublicationLatest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...
Calculation of self and mutual inductances of the switched reluctance machine mathematical model.
PublicationA mathematical model of the switched reluctance machine (SRM) in a drive system obtained using Lagrange's energy method and a method of calculation of self and mutual inductances of the SRM are presented in the paper. The self and mutual inductances are elements of Lagrange's function in generalised coordinates and have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM). Selected calculation results for the particular machine...
A Time Delay Controller Included Terminal Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Gain Tuning for Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems
PublicationAn improved Time Delay Control (TDC) method for an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System (UVMS) is proposed. The proposed controller consists of three terms: a time-delay-estimation term that cancels nonlinearities of the UVMS dynamics, a Terminal Sliding Mode (TSM) term that provides a fast response and a PID term that reduces the tracking error. In addition the proposed controller uses fuzzy rules to adaptively tune the gains...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublicationThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Analiza statyczna i wytrzymałościowa konstrukcji wiszącej zadaszenia Stadionu Śląskiego
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano konstrukcję nośną zadaszenia Stadionu Śląskiego w Chorzowie, system statyczny i przyjęte rozwiązania konstrukcyjne. Przedstawiono poziom wytężenia kluczowych elementów oraz wytyczne dotyczące wzmocnienia. Analizy przeprowadzono w ramach audytu dokumentacji projektowej wykonanego na zlecenie inwestora.
Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublicationThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Modelling of elastic wave propagation in a bolted joint using a thin layer of shell elements
PublicationThere are many mathematical models describing the propagation of elastic waves through the imperfect boundary of two media. They were successfully applied to modelling of high frequency bulk waves and their interaction with local defects. On the other hand, the existing literature models of bolted connections ignore the aspect of imperfect connection between elements. Therefore, this paper presents the concept of application of...
Enhancing the Seismic Resistance of Columns by GFRP Confinement Using Flexible Adhesive-Experimental Study
PublicationIn this paper, the results of two experiments, focused on testing the effectiveness of a method of enhancing the seismic (dynamic) resistance of masonry columns with the use of flexible polymer adhesive, are shown. The first experiment was devoted to investigate the damping properties of a polymer working between two stiff layers, whereas the aim of the second one was to verify if the identified damping properties of the polymer...
Computational modelling of historic masonry railroad arch bridges
PublicationThe problems encountered during the analyzes of structural response of historic masonry railroad arch bridges are described in this paper. The attention is mainly focused on the stiffness of the masonry arches, their strengths and appropriate estimation of railroad load intensity. Issues related to computational modelling of two, existing, almost 130 years old masonry arch railroad bridges are presented in this context. The main...
Stress-driven nonlocal elasticity for nonlinear vibration characteristics of carbon/boron-nitride hetero-nanotube subject to magneto-thermal environment
PublicationStress-driven nonlocal theory of elasticity, in its differential form, is applied to investigate the nonlinear vibrational characteristics of a hetero-nanotube in magneto-thermal environment with the help of finite element method. In order to more precisely deal with the dynamic behavior of size-dependent nanotubes, a two-node beam element with six degrees-of freedom including the nodal values of the deflection, slope and curvature...
Stress Assessment of a Steel Bullet LPG Tank Under Differential Settlement Based on Geodetic Measurements and Sensitivity Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of a steel bullet LPG tank in operation at a base in Poland. The structure was set on a sand-gravel pillow and rigid concrete slab, and its settlement was periodically measured at five measuring points along the structure. After a few years, differential settlement was observed. Based on geodetic data, we attempt to assess the current stress level in the structure. The proposed methodology uses a...
Finite element simulation of cross shaped window panel supports
PublicationThe aim of the work is to verify suitability of cross-shaped window panel supports for mullion-transom wall systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to determine the behaviour of stainless steel elements under loading. The advanced non-linear numerical simulations are carried out using an implicit FEM software package MSC.Marc. This study is proposed to initiate the comprehensive investigation of mechanical properties...
Management Psychology 2022
e-Learning CoursesDuring the Management Psychology course, the focus is placed on how psychological science, research, and knowledge can support management. The course topics include elements pertaining to individual differences, decision-making, leadership, group work, stress management, and more. Course participants have to take a mid-term test and submit the final project at the end of the semester. During our first meeting, you have learned...
A New Type of Macro-Elements for Efficient Two-Dimensional FEM Analysis
PublicationThis letter deals with a model order reduction technique applicable for driven and eigenvalue problems solved using the finite element method (FEM). It allows one to efficiently compute electromagnetic parameters of structures comprising small features that require strong local mesh refinement. The subdomains of very fine mesh are separated from the global domain as so called macro-elements that undergo model reduction. The macro-elements...
Efficient model order reduction for FEM analysis of waveguide structures and resonators
PublicationAn efficient model order reduction method for three-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of waveguide structures is proposed. The method is based on the Efficient Modal Order Reduction (ENOR) algorithm for creating macro-elements in cascaded subdomains. The resulting macro-elements are represented by very compact submatrices, leading to significant reduction of the overall number of unknowns. The efficiency of the model...
Problems of Determination of Welding Angular Distortions of T-fillet Joints in Ship Hull Structures
PublicationShip hull structure elements are in majority joined by welding. Welding distortions can cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work verification of selected methods is proposed basing upon of the results of the laboratory measurements....
Galerkin formulations of isogeometric shell analysis: Alleviating locking with Greville quadratures and higher-order elements
PublicationWe propose new quadrature schemes that asymptotically require only four in-plane points for Reissner–Mindlin shell elements and nine in-plane points for Kirchhoff–Love shell elements in B-spline and NURBS-based isogeometric shell analysis, independent of the polynomial degree p of the elements. The quadrature points are Greville abscissae associated with pth-order B-spline basis functions whose continuities depend on the specific...
Numerical simulations of novel GFRP sandwich footbridge
PublicationIn the following paper some aspects of numerical analysis and designing stages of a footbridge made of composite materials are elucidated. Because of the used materials the design process in this case is not ordinary and requires the development of concepts, material selections, identification of material properties, numerical simulations, strength calculations, serviceability and durability analyses. This contribution presents...
Laplace domain BEM for anisotropic transient elastodynamics
PublicationIn this paper, we describe Laplace domain boundary element method (BEM) for transient dynamic problems of three-dimensional finite homogeneous anisotropic linearly elastic solids. The employed boundary integral equations for displacements are regularized using the static traction fundamental solution. Modified integral expressions for the dynamic parts of anisotropic fundamental solutions and their first derivatives are obtained....
Finite Element Approaches to Model Electromechanical, Periodic Beams
PublicationPeriodic structures have some interesting properties, of which the most evident is the presence of band gaps in their frequency spectra. Nowadays, modern technology allows to design dedicated structures of specific features. From the literature arises that it is possible to construct active periodic structures of desired dynamic properties. It can be considered that this may extend the scope of application of such structures. Therefore,...
Mechanism of Solute and Thermal Characteristics in a Casson Hybrid Nanofluid Based with Ethylene Glycol Influenced by Soret and Dufour Effects
PublicationThis article models a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) for the thermal and solute characteristics under gradients (concentration and temperature) in the magnetohydrodynamic flow of Casson liquid in a Darcy porous medium. The modelled problems are highly non-linear with convective boundary conditions. These problems are solved numerically with a finite element approach under a tolerance of 10−8. A numerical algorithm...
PublicationThe paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...