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Search results for: truncated and censored models
Justification of quasi-stationary approximation in models of gene expression of a self-regulating protein
PublicationWe analyse a model of Hes1 gene transcription and protein synthesis with a negative feedback loop. The effect of multiple binding sites in the Hes1 promoter as well as the dimer formation process are taken into account. We consider three, possibly different, time scales connected with: (i) the process of binding to/dissolving from a binding site, (ii) formation and dissociation of dimers, (iii) production and degradation of Hes1...
Numerical Simulations of Seepage in Dikes Using unsaturated and Two-Phase Flow Models
PublicationModeling of water flow in variably saturated porous media, including flood dikes, is often based on the Richards equation, which neglects the flow of pore air, assuming that it remains at constant atmospheric pressure. However, there is also evidence that the air flow can be important, especially when the connectivity between the pore air and atmospheric air is lost. In such cases a full two-phase air-water flow model should be...
A Data-Driven Comparative Analysis of Machine-Learning Models for Familial Hypercholesterolemia Detection
PublicationThis study presents an assessment of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) probability using different algorithms (CatBoost, XGBoost, Random Forest, SVM) and its ensembles, leveraging electronic health record data. The primary objective is to explore an enhanced method for estimating FH probability, surpassing the currently recommended Dutch Lipid Clinic Network (DLCN) Score. The models were trained using the largest Polish cohort...
PublicationWith a single approach to modeling elements of different physical nature, the method of Bond Graph (BG) is particularly well suited for modeling energy systems consisting of mechanical, thermal, electrical and hydraulic elements that operate in the power system engine room. The paper refers to the earlier presented new concept of thermal process modeling using the BG method. The authors own suggestions for determining causality...
PublicationThe article presents the continuation of the authors’ research on the problem of the operational fluidity of cargo handling sea terminals, based on the example of the DCT. The article presents a solution based on the multiequation models and applied to analyze the operational fluidity of terminals in the transshipment and feeder relation. To provide a solution to the problem of the functioning of sea-land supply chains at the terminal,...
Procognitive activity of nitric oxide inhibitors and donors in animal models
PublicationNitric oxide is a small gaseous molecule that plays important roles in the majority of biological functions. Impairments of NO-related pathways contribute to the majority of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and mental disorders, such as schizophrenia. Cognitive decline is one of the most serious impairments accompanying both AD and schizophrenia. In the present study, the activities of NO donors, slow (spermine...
Noise profiling for speech enhancement employing machine learning models
PublicationThis paper aims to propose a noise profiling method that can be performed in near real-time based on machine learning (ML). To address challenges related to noise profiling effectively, we start with a critical review of the literature background. Then, we outline the experiment performed consisting of two parts. The first part concerns the noise recognition model built upon several baseline classifiers and noise signal features...
Empirical Adjustment of the Selected Propagation Models for Application in the Peculiar Environment of the Container Terminal
PublicationIt is important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio systems in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. The applied research methodology has been described too. Results of the statistical adjustment in terms of signal loss determination in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved effectiveness of adjustment by increasing...
The congruence of mental models in entrepreneurial teams – implications for performance and satisfaction in teams operating in an emerging economy
PublicationPurpose – The paper aims to explore the relationship between the congruence of mental models held by the members of entrepreneurial teams operating in an emerging economy (Poland) and entrepreneurial outcomes (performance and satisfaction). Design/methodology/approach – The data obtained from 18 nascent and 20 established entrepreneurial teams was analysed to answer hypotheses. The research was quantitative and was conducted using...
Rapid design optimization of antennas using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublicationPurpose – Development of techniques for expedited design optimization of complex and numerically expensive electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of antenna structures validated both numerically and experimentally. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – The optimization task is performed using a technique that combines gradient search with adjoint sensitivities, trust region framework, as well as...
Comparison of soil models in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments
PublicationThis paper deals with mathematical modelling of a seabed layer in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments. The existing seabed soil models: a “soil ring” and a semi-infinite soil layer are discussed in a comparative analysis of the shape factor of a surrounding soil layer. The meaning of differences in the heat transfer coefficient of a soil layer is illustrated based on a computational example...
Parameters’ Identification of Perzyna and Chaboche Viscoplastic Models for Aluminum Alloy at Temperature of 120◦C
PublicationThe main purpose of this paper is the parameters identification of the Perzyna and the Chaboche models for the aluminum alloy at elevated temperature. The additional purpose is comparison of the results for these viscoplastic models. The results have been verified by the numerical simulation of the laboratory tests. The material parameters have been calculated on the basis of the uniaxial tension test. The determination of the...
Nonlocal models Nonlocal Models of Plates and Shells with Applications in Micro- and Nanomechanics
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures according to 00000000000 agreement from 2019-10-01
A survey of automatic speech recognition deep models performance for Polish medical terms
PublicationAmong the numerous applications of speech-to-text technology is the support of documentation created by medical personnel. There are many available speech recognition systems for doctors. Their effectiveness in languages such as Polish should be verified. In connection with our project in this field, we decided to check how well the popular speech recognition systems work, employing models trained for the general Polish language....
Variable-fidelity CFD models and co-Kriging for expedited multi-objective aerodynamic design optimization
PublicationPurpose – Strategies for accelerated multi-objective optimization of aerodynamic surfaces are investigated, including the possibility of exploiting surrogate modeling techniques for computational fluid dynamic (CFD)-driven design speedup of such surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to reduce the overall optimization time. Design/methodology/approach – An algorithmic framework is described that is composed of: a search space reduction,...
Efficient knowledge-based optimization of expensive computational models using adaptive response correction
PublicationComputer simulation has become an indispensable tool in engineering design as they allow an accurate evaluation of the system performance. This is critical in order to carry out the design process in a reliable manner without costly prototyping and physical measurements. However, high-fidelity computer simulations are computationally expensive. This turns to be a fundamental bottleneck when it comes to design automation using numerical...
Experimental study on models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the study is to show the results of complex shaking table experimental investigation focused on the response of two models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes, including the aspects of diagnosis of structural damage. Firstly, the impact and the sweep-sine tests have been carried out, so as to determine the dynamic properties of models filled with different levels of liquid. Then,...
Michał Tomasz Tomczak dr hab.
PeopleMichał T. Tomczak, PhD. DSc is an Associate Professor of Human Resources Management and Vice Dean for Cooperation and Development at Faculty of Management and Economics. He was a Visiting Scholar at University of North Texas, TX; Curtin University and University of Western Australia. Author and coauthor of more than 50 publications in the field of human resource management. Principal Investigator and co-investigator of several...
Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) – state-of-the-art
PublicationResearch on connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has been gaining substantial momentum in recent years. However, thevast amount of literature sources results in a wide range of applied tools and datasets, assumed methodology to investigate thepotential impacts of future CAVs traffic, and, consequently, differences in the obtained findings. This limits the scope of theircomparability and applicability and calls for a proper standardization...
Three-Dimensional Printing of Bone Models
PublicationThe trabecular bone occurs, for example, in the femoral heads. Understanding the phenomenon of bone tissue degeneration can be the basis for the possibility of looking for alternative methods of surgical treatment of bone loss. The paper presents the results of the trabecular bone model, which was produced in additive manufacturing method with fused filament fabrication technology. The verification of the mechanical behavior of...
Simple SIR models with Markovian control
PublicationWe consider a random dynamical system, where the deterministic dynamics are driven by a finite-state space Markov chain. We provide a comprehensive introduction to the required mathematical apparatus and then turn to a special focus on the susceptible-infected-recovered epidemiological model with random steering. Through simulations we visualize the behaviour of the system and the effect of the high-frequency limit of the driving...
Macroscopic models for quantum systems and computers
PublicationOpisano układy makroskopowe realizujące dwubitowe operacje kwantowe.
Fractional Order Models of Dynamic Systems
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Models of Ships Groudings on Coastals Areas
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Knowledge-based models of the organization transformation
PublicationW artykule omówiono zastosowanie modeli opartych na wiedzy do wspomagania transformacji organizacji. Organizacje wytwarzające systemy informatyczne mogą wykorzystywać modele oparte na wiedzy (do gromadzenia danych o procesach transformacji i wspomagać te procesy) w procesach zmian zgodnych ze standardami CMMI. W artykule omówiono metody modelowania i wytwarzania takich baz jak również wskazano na ich przydatność dla zróżnicowanych...
Review of road safety theories and models
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono rozwój teorii i modeli stosowanych w badaniach bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz wykorzystywanych w zarzadzaniu bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Wyrózniono cztery grupy najbardziej rozwiniętych teorii: teorie statystyczne, teorie przyczynowe, teorie systemowe i teorie behawioralne. Według tak podzielonych teorii sklasyfikowano modele stosowane w badaniach i analizach bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego.
Internationalization of SME's: context, models and implementation
Early models of DNA damage formation
PublicationPrzeanalizowano jedne z pierwszych modeli opisujących uszkodzenia nici DNA. Przeanalizowano uszkodzenia powstające w pojedynczych i podwójnych niciach, pod wpływem czynników fizycznych i chemicznych.
Developing Prognostic Models of Organization Evolution
PublicationThe work focuses on the problem of measuring evolution of IT organizations. Changes in business influence functioning of the IT organization. IT departments or companies must ensure that the needs of their parent company/customers will be met. Therefore they must constantly evolve. Following question can be raised: is it possible to support process of changes the IT organization to run it smoother, faster, easier but with reduced...
An alternative IUH for the hydrological lumped models
PublicationW pracy wykazano związek pomiędzy modelami fali kinematycznej oraz fali dyfuzyjnej. Zaproponowano nową postać chwilowego hydrogramu jednostkowego dla modeli o parametrach skupionych.
Analysis of Interspike-Intervals for the General Class of Integrate-and-Fire Models with Periodic Drive
PublicationWe study one-dimensional integrate-and-fire models of the general type x˙=F (t, x) and analyze properties of the firing map which iterations recover consecutive spike timings. We impose very week constraints for the regularity of the function F (t, x), e.g. often it suffices to assume that F is continuous. If additionally F is periodic in t, using mathematical study of the displacement sequence of an orientation preserving circle...
Adaptive Sampling for Non-intrusive Reduced Order Models Using Multi-Task Variance
PublicationNon-intrusive reduced order modeling methods (ROMs) have become increasingly popular for science and engineering applications such as predicting the field-based solutions for aerodynamic flows. A large sample size is, however, required to train the models for global accuracy. In this paper, a novel adaptive sampling strategy is introduced for these models that uses field-based uncertainty as a sampling metric. The strategy uses...
Application of mechanistic and data-driven models for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems
PublicationIn this dissertation, the application of mechanistic and data-driven models in nitrogen removal systems including nitrification and deammonification processes was evaluated. In particular, the influential parameters on the activity of the Nitrospira activity were assessed using response surface methodology (RSM). Various long-term biomass washout experiments were operated in two parallel sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a different...
Multiobjective Aerodynamic Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Response Surface Surrogates
PublicationA computationally efficient procedure for multiobjective design optimization with variable-fidelity models and response surface surrogates is presented. The proposed approach uses the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that works with a fast surrogate model, obtained with kriging interpolation of the low-fidelity model data enhanced by space-mapping correction exploiting a few high-fidelity training points. The initial Pareto...
Modification of Selected Propagation Models in Terms of Path Loss Estimation in Container Terminal
PublicationIt is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio networks in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. Firstly - basing on measurements results - they have been evaluated in this scope and the analysis has shown, that the adjustment is needed. This modification improved significantly the accuracy of path loss modelling. For the...
A new anisotropic bending model for nonlinear shells: Comparison with existing models and isogeometric finite element implementation
PublicationA new nonlinear hyperelastic bending model for shells formulated directly in surface form is presented, and compared to four existing prominent bending models. Through an essential set of elementary nonlinear bending test cases, the membrane and bending stresses of each model are examined analytically. Only the proposed bending model passes all the test cases, while the other bending models either fail or only pass the test cases for...
Selection of AHI + SC Hybrid Storage Based on Mathematical Models and Load Variation Characteristics
PublicationThe article deals with the design of a hybrid storage consisting of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery (AHI) and supercapacitor (SC) modules. The selection of components is based on the knowledge of the load profile of the storage and the AHI battery and supercapacitor models. The paper presents the method of selecting components of the storage made of AHI batteries and supercapacitor modules The article includes an example of the hybrid...
Surface sliding in human abdominal wall numerical models: Comparison of single-surface and multi-surface composites
PublicationDetermining mechanical properties of abdominal soft tissues requires a coupled experimental-numerical study, but first an appropriate numerical model needs to be built. Precise modeling of human abdominal wall mechanics is difficult because of its complicated multi-layer composition and large variation between specimens. There are several approaches concerning simplification of numerical models, but it is unclear how far one could...
Empirical verification in industrial conditions of fracture mechanics models of cutting power prediction
PublicationA comparison of experimental results obtained in the industrial conditions at a sawmill located in the Baltic Natural Forest Region (PL) and theoretical cutting power consumption forecasted with the models which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction has been described. In computations of cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) values of...
Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison
PublicationAn unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation...
Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationDue to high requirements of variety of 3D spatial data applications with respect to data amount and quality, automatized, effcient and reliable data acquisition and preprocessing methods are needed. The use of photogrammetry techniques—as well as the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) automatic scanners—are among attractive solutions. However, measurement data are in the form of unorganized point clouds, usually requiring transformation...
A Method for the Evaluation of Urban Freight Transport Models as a Tool for Improving the Delivery of Sustainable Urban Transport Policy
PublicationThe article presents a method which helps local authorities to evaluate urban freight transport models. Given the complex requirements for input data and the inability to supply them for most cities, a proper quantitative evaluation of model functionality may be quite difficult for local authorities. Freight transport models designed to support sustainable urban freight transport objectives are a particular example. To overcome...
Data set generation at novel test-rig for validation of numerical models for modeling granular flows
PublicationSignificant effort has been exerted on developing fast and reliable numerical models for modeling particulate flow; this is challenging owing to the complexity of such flows. To achieve this, reliable and high-quality experimental data are required for model development and validation. This study presents the design of a novel test-rig that allows the visualization and measurement of particle flow patterns during the collision...
Hybrid of Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models as a modern approach to speech recognition systems
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a hybrid algorithm that combines the advantages ofartificial neural networks and hidden Markov models in speech recognition for control purpos-es. The scope of the paper includes review of currently used solutions, description and analysis of implementation of selected artificial neural network (NN) structures and hidden Markov mod-els (HMM). The main part of the paper consists of a description...
Fast EM-driven optimization using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublicationA robust and computationally efficient technique for microwave design optimization is presented. Our approach exploits variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulation models and adjoint sensitivities. The low-fidelity EM model correction is realized by means of space mapping (SM). In the optimization process, the SM parameters are optimized together with the design itself, which allows us to keep the number...
On Nature-Inspired Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Variable-Resolution EM Models
PublicationNumerical optimization has been ubiquitous in antenna design for over a decade or so. It is indispensable in handling of multiple geometry/material parameters, performance goals, and constraints. It is also challenging as it incurs significant CPU expenses, especially when the underlying computational model involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. In most practical cases, the latter is imperative to ensure evaluation reliability....
On possible applications of media described by fractional-order models in electromagnetic cloaking
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to open a scientific discussion on possible applications of media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) in electromagnetic cloaking. A 2-D cloak based on active sources and the surface equivalence theorem is simulated. It employs a medium described by FOM in communication with sources cancelling the scattered field. A perfect electromagnetic active cloak is thereby demonstrated with the use...
A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of corporate bankruptcy prediction models based on financial ratios: Evidence from Colombia, 2008 to 2015
PublicationLogit and discriminant analyses have been used for corporate bankruptcy prediction in several studies since the last century. In recent years there have been dozens of studies comparing the several models available, including the ones mentioned above and also probit, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, among others. For the first time for Colombia, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness...
Computational Complexity and Its Influence on Predictive Capabilities of Machine Learning Models for Concrete Mix Design
PublicationThe design of concrete mixtures is crucial in concrete technology, aiming to produce concrete that meets specific quality and performance criteria. Modern standards require not only strength but also eco-friendliness and production efficiency. Based on the Three Equation Method, conventional mix design methods involve analytical and laboratory procedures but are insufficient for contemporary concrete technology, leading to overengineering...
Multiple jets impingement – numerical analysis by the ζ-f and hybrid VLES turbulence models
PublicationPresented paper summarizes the Authors findings referring to the numerical analyses of the jet impinging phenomena in the case of complex jets configurations in various applications e.g. in the heat exchangers. Multiple jets interference resulting in the cross-flow and the surface curvature are the factors which impose the need of advanced turbulence models utilization. The outcome of the research based on the ζ-f turbulence model...