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Search results for: COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE
Influence of the Square Wave Voltage on Dynamical Properties of a Flat Voltammetric Electrode in the Time Domain by the Electrochemical Reversible Reaction
PublicationIn this article there is a presentation of the analysis of the polarizing voltage shape influencing dynamic properties of voltammetric electrodes when on their surface reversible reaction takes place in the time domain. The electrode polarization with linearly increasing voltage and with a square component, was analyzed. The analysis that were conducted showed that the voltammetric electrode behaves like a first order transducer....
Case studies of resonance phenomena in high voltage overhead power lines with shunt reactors
PublicationMisguided design of the towers of power transmission lines can lead to serious problems such as voltage asymmetry, overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties or resonance – in case of double circuit line with shunt reactors. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors.
Hydro Power Plant in the Process of Voltage Control in the Electric Power System and the System Restoration
PublicationThe article covers selected issues related to the share of hydroelectric power in the process of rebuilding the power system after black-out and voltage control during that process. Selected results of measurements made during the creation of the transmission chain for the need to start a block of a thermal power plant from a hydroelectric power plant were presented.
Selection of hardware platform for CBM Common Readout Interface
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Common variants of DNA repair genes and malignant melanoma
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Description Logic As A Common Software Engineering Artifacts Language
PublicationDescription logic is proposed as a powerful language able to support chosen software engineering process tasks like: requirements engineering, software architecture definition, software design and configuration management. To do this there is presented a correspondence between description logic and UML. Description logic based integrated software engineering process framework is proposed which owing to automatic knowledge inferring...
New Architecture of Solid-State High-Voltage Pulse Generators
PublicationThe application of the nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) for biomedical treatments has gained more interest in recent decades due to the development of pulsed power technologies which provides the ability to control the electric field dose applied during tests. In this context, the proposed paper describes a new architecture of solid-state high-voltage pulse generators (SSHVPG) designed to generate fully customised sequences...
An optimal sliding mode control based on immune-wavelet algorithm for underwater robotic manipulator
PublicationIn this paper, a robust optimal Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) based on new algorithm of Artificial Immune System (AIS) is proposed for trajectory tracking of underwater manipulators. A new AIS algorithm is used to derive optimal values of surface parameters and boundary layer thickness in SMC with considering minimum torques and error. Surface parameters and boundary layer thickness are considered as antibody in AIS and Morlet...
Voltage and Reactive Power Load Flow Optimization in the Power System Using Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe paper presents issues related to voltage control in the power system. An original method of reactive power flow optimization is considered, which leads to improved voltages in the power system and reduced active power losses. The optimization method is based on a procedure that employs fuzzy logic and is supported by a gradient search algorithm. The method has been implemented in PLANS software and verified.
Effects of solution composition and electrophoretic deposition voltage on various properties of nanohydroxyapatite coatings on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy
PublicationThe purpose of the research was to establish the influence of the solution composition and the electrophoretic deposition voltage on the coating homogeneity and thickness, nanohardness, adhesion, corrosion resistance and wettability. The Ti13Zr13Nb alloy was coated by the electrophoretic technique with hydroxyapatite in a solution containing 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5 g nanoHAp in 100 mL of suspension and at voltage 15, 30 or 50 V. The scanning...
Open-transistor fault diagnostics in voltage-source inverters by analyzing the load current
PublicationA novel method is presented for the detection andisolation of open-transistor faults in voltage-source invertersfeeding low-power AC motors. The method is based onmonitoring two diagnostic signals, one indicating sustained nearzerovalues of output current and thus permitting fault detection,the other permitting the isolation of the particular transistorwhich went faulty. The latter signal is the ratio of the averagephase current...
Beam on elastic foundation with anticlastic curvature: Application to analysis of mode I fracture tests
PublicationA first order correction is proposed taking into account both interface elasticity and transverse anticlastic curvature of flexible substrate(s) in the DCB (and related tests). Adherends are represented by Kirchhoff-Love plates, and the interface by Winkler-type elastic foundation. Two functions are introduced, representing evolution of beam deflection along the sample midline and anticlastic curvature along the plate. A method...
Highly-Miniaturized Microfluidically-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Half-Mode SIRW
PublicationThis article introduces a super-miniaturized frequency reconfigurable antenna diplexer based on microfluidic techniques. The proposed structure is developed using a half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular waveguide (HMSIRW). The antenna architecture consists of two HMSIRW cavities loaded with L-shaped slots, which are excited by two microstrip feedlines to realize two distinct radiating frequency bands. The footprint of the...
Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Based on Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Observer With Speed Convergence Improvement
PublicationThe super twisting sliding-mode observer (ST-SMO) has been proposed to achieve an effective method for alleviating low-order harmonics of measured quantities, issues related to DC drift, and suppression of chattering due to low-frequency sampling. The conventional ST-SMO, on the other hand, suffers from control delay in the convergence trajectory due to the system disturbance, resulting in decreased anti-disturbance capability...
Effect of soil moisture on current-carrying capacity of low-voltage power cables
PublicationOne of the factors affecting current-carrying capacity of underground power cables is the thermal resistivity of soil. Its value in the close proximity of the cable is the most important, and for this reason, in some cases, the local soil is replaced with an another soil type or with a cement-sand mixture. The thermal resistivity of the soil is strongly affected by moisture, and in the case of a cement-sand mixture – as tested...
Application of hybrid finite-difference mode-matching method to analysis of structures loaded with axially-symmetrical posts
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę hybrydową do analizy układów falowodowych zawierających dowolne konfiguracje obiektów osiowo-symetrycznych. Metoda oparta jest na połączeniu metody różnic skończonych, metody dopasowania rodzajów oraz iteracyjnej procedury rozpraszania. W pracy przedstawiono badania zbieżności metody. Uzyskane wyniki numeryczne porównano z wynikami odniesienia. Duża zgodność wyników potwierdziła poprawność opracowanego...
Imaging of graphene surface by means of tapping mode AFM
Open Research DataGraphene [1] is a material consisting of carbon planes with a hexagonal structure. One of the facts of interest from a purely scientific point of view is the very high mobility of electrons in the described material, allowing the study of relativistic effects inside a solid sample. Other features, such as bactericidal activity, make graphene an interesting...
Alternative approach for damping coefficient estimation in instrumented first-mode dominant steel frame buildings
PublicationAn alternative approach geared towards estimating damping coefficients in steel frame buildings is presented and assessed. The proposed methodology is conceptually intuitive and its implementation is straightforward. It arises from fundamental principles of structural dynamics and utilizes actual seismic recordings from instrumented buildings. The presented approach is most suitable for low- and mid-rise shear-type structures,...
The Influence of Limiters UEL and OEL (The power angle, stator's current and excitation current) ot the possibility of voltage collapse development
PublicationVoltage stability has been a major concern for power system utilities because of event of voltage collapses in the recent past. Sometimes, power system events have shown the need for generators to operate in the overexcited and underexcited region to support stable operation. Modern excitation systems include devices for controlling or limiting machine terminal voltage (overvoltage limiters), volts per hertz ratio (V/Hz limiters),...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublicationThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublicationThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
Study of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Prepared by the Electrophoretic Deposition Method at Various Voltage and Time Parameters
PublicationThe aim of the work is to compare the properties of nanohydroxyapatite coatings obtained using the electrophoretic deposition method (EDP) at 10 V, 20 V, and 30 V, and with deposit times of 2 and 5 min. The primary sedimentation was used to minimize the risk of the formation of particle agglomerates on the sample surface. Evaluation of the coating was performed by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy...
Hybridized Space-Vector Pulsewidth Modulation for Multiphase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter
PublicationIn space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for multiphase two-level voltage source inverters (VSI), the components of active vectors in all orthogonal spaces have to be calculated within the processor and stored in its memory. These necessitate intensive computational efforts of the processor and large memory space. This article presents a hybridized SVPWM for multiphase two-level VSI. In this algorithm, elements...
Research of chitosan coatings deposited by electrophoretic deposition method at various voltage and time parameters
PublicationThe aim of this research is to estimate the electrophoretic deposition main parameters, such as voltage and time duration, that will provide optimal characteristics of the surface layer. Chitosan coatings were synthesized on biomedical Ti13Zr13Nb alloys at 20 V and 30 V and with deposit times of 2min, 5 min, 10 min, and 15 min. Evaluation of the coating was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-Dispersive...
Modified SPWM Technique with Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection for a Five-Phase, Three-Level NPC Inverter
PublicationThis article presents a modified sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) scheme for a five-phase, three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The modulation scheme deploys a modified min–max function to inject the zero-sequence components into the reference modulating signals; hence enabling the effective utilization of the DC-link voltage. Balanced split-input DC-link voltages were achieved through further incorporation of adjustable...
Edge-Guided Mode Performance and Applications in Nonreciprocal Millimeter-Wave Gyroelectric Components
PublicationThe analogies between the behavior of gyromagnetic and gyroelectric nonreciprocal structures, the use of the simple transfer matrix approach, and the edge-guided (EG) wave property, supported in a parallel plate model for integrated magnetized semiconductor waveguide, are investigated in those frequency regions, where the effective permittivity is negative or positive. As with their ferrite counterparts, the leakage of the EG waves...
Standards for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area versus Common Assessment Framework in education. Conflict or harmony?
PublicationThe aim of the research was to analyze the assumptions of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ENQA) and the criteria of Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for the educational sector and based on that to find out the main differences and similarities (conflicts and harmony) between them. The results of the research showed that the current trends of the quality movement evolution in...
High - voltage thin - layer fuses
PublicationZaprezentowano nową technologię i konstrukcję bezpieczników wysokonapięciowych wykorzystując technologie stosowane w mikroelektronice. Cienką warstwę topika naniesiono na quasiceramiczne podłoże. Wykonane modele bezpieczników charakteryzują się wysoką pewnością działania oraz małymi stratami I2t.
The influence of SVC on the progress of voltage collapse
PublicationThe article presents the simulation concerning the cooperation of SVC circuit with a generative set in time, when of power system reaches low values which may lead to the fall-out of generator from the synchronous operation.
Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations
PublicationThe contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...
Response of high voltage disconnector under seismic excitation - experimental and numerical study
PublicationThe efficiency of the energetic infrastructure system is a very import safety issue in the region experienced by the ground motion. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental and numerical study focused on the earthquake-induced response of the high voltage disconnector, which is an important element of energetic network. First, the impact tests as well as the sweep-sine shaking table tests were conducted....
Phonon mode potential and its contribution to anharmonism
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Single-Mode Quadruple-Core Optical Fibres
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Modeling knee joint endoprosthesis mode of deformation
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Sliding mode multiscalar control of induction motor
Generation of vorticity mode by sound in Bingham plastic
PublicationBadanie dotyczy interakcji między modami akustycznymi i nieakustycznymi (tj. mody wirowe) dla klasy płynów nienewtonowskich zwanych płynami Binghama. Zostały wyprowadzone momentalne równania opisujące interakcje między modami. Uwzględnione zostały efekty nieliniowe w polu intensywnego dźwięku. Otrzymane równania opisują dynamikę zarówno akustycznych jak i wirowych modów (i mogą być stosowane zarówno do periodycznych i aperiodycznych...
A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationThis paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.
The surface of a fragment of the structure of an integrated circuit in the semi-contact mode.
Open Research DataThe surface of a fragment of the structure of an integrated circuit. Topographic measurements in the semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. NSG 01 probe.
Fiber optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO layers in transmission and reflective mode: comparative study
PublicationA construction of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer using a thin ZnO layer as a reflective surfaces was proposed and examined. In the investigated setup, the ZnO layer of thickness 200 nm were deposited on the face of the standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF-28). Measurements of interference signal were performed for the interferometer working in the transmission and reflective mode, as...
Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests
PublicationThe article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...
A Time Delay Controller Included Terminal Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Gain Tuning for Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems
PublicationAn improved Time Delay Control (TDC) method for an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System (UVMS) is proposed. The proposed controller consists of three terms: a time-delay-estimation term that cancels nonlinearities of the UVMS dynamics, a Terminal Sliding Mode (TSM) term that provides a fast response and a PID term that reduces the tracking error. In addition the proposed controller uses fuzzy rules to adaptively tune the gains...
Membrane Sterols Modulate the Binding Mode of Amphotericin B without Affecting Its Affinity for a Lipid Bilayer
PublicationMembrane-active antibiotics are known to selectively target certain pathogens based on cell membrane properties, such as fluidity, lipid ordering, and phase behavior. These are in turn modulated by the composition of a lipid bilayer and in particular by the presence and type of membrane sterols. Amphotericin B (AmB), the golden standard of antifungal treatment, exhibits higher activity toward ergosterol-rich fungal membranes, which...
Amplitude-distance spectroscopy in semi-contact mode
Open Research DataSince it was invented by Binnig et al. in 1986, atomic force microscopy (AFM) plays a key role in science and technology at the nanoscale. AFM is a microscopic technique that visualizes the surface topography using the attractive and repulsive forces of interaction between several atoms (in theory) of a blade attached to the end of the probe lever and...
Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Balancing Ability
PublicationSpace vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for cascaded H-bridge multilevel (CHB ML) inverter usually provide the possibility of using several combinations of active voltage vectors to generate the same output voltage vector. For preselected H-bridges, some of them may generate output voltages opposite to the assumed direction. This results in the change of the dc-link voltages of these H-bridges in the opposite direction...
A DFT+U study of carbon nanotubes under influence of a gate voltage
PublicationA possibility of appearance of antiferromagnetic ordering in armchair carbon nanotubes and graphene is studied using density functional theory within a DFT+U approach. It is shown that the Coulomb repulsion between electrons in the -orbitals of graphene would need to reach a threshold value of ,...
Experimental verification of a new method of loop resistance testing in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationA periodical verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock shall be performed in low voltage systems. The scope of this verification includes loop impedance/resistance testing. If a residual current device is installed in a tested circuit, this testing is problematic. A residual current device trips out during the test, because of the high value of measurement current. This precludes the execution of the...
Integrated algorithm for selecting the location and control of energy storage units to improve the voltage level in distribution grids
PublicationThis paper refers to the issue that mainly appears in distribution grids, where renewable energy sources (RES) are widely installed. In such grids, one of the main problems is the coordination of energy production time with demand time, especially if photovoltaic energy sources are present. To face this problem, battery energy storage units (ESU) can be installed. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to optimizing...
Three levels of fail-safe mode in MPI I/O NVRAM distributed cache
PublicationThe paper presents architecture and design of three versions for fail-safe data storage in a distributed cache using NVRAM in cluster nodes. In the first one, cache consistency is assured through additional buffering write requests. The second one is based on additional write log managers running on different nodes. The third one benefits from synchronization with a Parallel File System (PFS) for saving data into a new file which...
XPD Common Variants and their Association with Melanoma and Breast Cancer Risk
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Common variants of xeroderma pigmentosum genes and prostate cancer risk