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Search results for: INTERNET EVALUATION

Search results for: INTERNET EVALUATION



    Internet oraz kształcenie oparte na wykorzystaniu e-technologii stały się nieodłącznym elementem edukacji. Artykuł przedstawia zarys historii rozwoju e-learningu na Politechnice Gdańskiej, przykładowe rozwiązania technologiczne, elementy tworzenia struktur organizacyjnych oraz związanych z legislacją, a także wybrane projekty wykorzystujące szeroko pojęte e-technologie w edukacji akademickiej realizowanej na Uczelni

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  • Badanie jakości transmisji mowy w sieciach IP.

    Praca zawiera opis eksperymentu mającego na celu zbadanie relacji pomiędzy oceną subiektywną sygnału mowy a jakością transmisji tego sygnału w kanale telekomunikacyjnym. Zrealizowano symulację transmisji pakietowej sygnału mowy w sieci Internet (VoIP). Wykonano serię testów odsłuchowych opartych na listach logatomowych i odpowiednio dobranych zdaniach. Do interpretacji wyników zastosowano analizę statystyczną.

  • Model of Volunteer Based Systems.


    - Year 2013

    There are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet. This chapter attempts to formulate a mathematical model of the volunteer based approach to distributed computations and apply it...



    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2020

    The paper presents a cyberspace model where different categories of IT services are offered and used largely. A general cybersecurity policy is considered and the corresponding cybersecurity strategies are shown. The role of such technologies as: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data is analyzed in order to improve the cybersecurity of a cyberspace. A new kind of service oriented cyberspace is proposed and its main properties...

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  • Internetowy system czasu rzeczywistego do akwizycji i wizualizacji obrazów radarowych.


    W artykule przedstawiono realizację zdalnego interfejsu użytkownika do radaru cyfrowego firmy SITEX Marine Electonics Inc. umieszczonego na dachu budynku Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Na potrzeby udostępniania pomiarów wykonywanych przez radar zrealizowano dedykowany serwer Internetowy, który realizuje na bieżąco przesyłanie skompresowanych obrazów radarowych do klilentów przez sieć...

  • Dokształcanie na odległość kandydatów na studia politechniczne - model DOROTKA


    - Year 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono potrzebę dokształcania kandydatów na studia politechniczne i podjęte w tym celu działania w ramach powołanego Konsorcjum Uczelni Technicznych. Zaprezentowano model z wykorzystaniem systemu LMS (ang. Learning Management System) - DOROTKA (Doskonalenie Organizacji, ROzwoju oraz Tworzenia Kursów Akademickich przez Internet), wspierający działania związane z uruchomieniem kursów wyrównawczych z matematyki i...

  • Budowa ontologii usług dla potrzeb wyszukiwania


    - Year 2010

    Ontologie, dzięki zapewnieniu formalnego opisu przy zachowaniu czytelności dla człowieka, są coraz powszechniej stosowaną metodą opisu usług sieciowych. Zaprezentowano słownik WordNet i jego zastosowanie jako meta ontologia do opisów usług podobnych różnych dostawców. Zaproponowano algorytm oparty o ten słownik umożliwiający integrację ontologii usług w celu zapewnienia interoperacyjności rozwiązań dostępnych w sieci Internet.

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  • Modeling Volunteer Based Systems


    - Year 2016

    There are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations [1, 2, 3]. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet [7]. This chapter presents an application of a mathematical model of the volunteer computing presented in Volume 1 of this...

  • Sources of inspiration in designing ecological buildings. If not Pinterest than what?


    Efficiency of ecological measures for sustainable architecture depends greatly upon the moment in which it is defined as essential, and how early it can be applied during the design concept stage. The following article refers to inspiration, the initial stage of the design and means to combine it with substantial knowledge regarding ecological architecture. Means, such as computer programs...

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  • Measurement of Latency in the Android Audio Path


    This paper provides a description of experimental investigations concerning comparison between the audio path characteristics of various Android versions. First, information about the changes in each system version in the context of latency caused by them is presented. Then, a measurement procedure employing available applications to measure latency is described comparing to results contained in the Internet. Finally, a comparison...

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  • Problemy określania położenia geograficznego węzłów sieci IP


    - Year 2008

    W pracy przedstawiono problemy lokalizacji geograficznej węzłów w sieci Internet. Zaproponowano metodologię określania topologii opartą o protokoły ICMP (ping i tracert), serwis WHOIS i DNS. Opracowaną metodologię zastosowano do określenia topologii wybranych sieci operatorów działających na terenie Polski. Przedstawiono wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonych badań. Wskazano na ograniczenia wynikające ze struktury sieci szkieletowych...

  • On the Disaster Resiliency within the Context of 5G Networks : The RECODIS Experience

    • C. Esposito
    • A. Gouglidis
    • D. Hutchison
    • A. Gurtov
    • B. Helvik
    • P. Heegaard
    • G. Rizzo
    • J. Rak

    - Year 2018

    Network communications and the Internet pervade our daily activities so deeply that we strongly depend on the availability and quality of the services they provide. For this reason, natural and technological disasters, by affecting network and service availability, have a potentially huge impact on our daily lives. Ensuring adequate levels of resiliency is hence a key issue that future network paradigms, such as 5G, need to address. This...

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  • Dydaktyczne stanowisko laboratoryjne do zdalnego zarządzania elementami instalacji elektrycznej budynku


    - Year 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono metody zdalnego monitorowania i sterowania urządzeniami instalacji elektrycznej standardu KNX. W szczególności zwrócono uwagę na możliwości wykorzystania programu ETS, biblioteki Falcon, serwera OPC wraz z oprogramowaniem typu SCADA oraz sterownika umożliwiającego zdalne zarządzanie instalacją za pomocą przeglądarki internetowej z dowolnego komputera podłączonego do sieci Internet. Przedstawiono elementy...

  • Specyfikacja Systemu IP QoS opartego na architekturze DiffServ


    - Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne - Year 2009

    Artykuł przedstawia ogólną specyfikację systemu IP QoS (ang. Internet Protocol Quality of Service), który to system jest obecnie implementowany w ramach projektu krajowego "Zarządzanie ruchemw sieciach IP". System ten jest zgodny z architekturą DiffServ (ang. Differentiated Services) i architekturą NGN (Next Generation Networks). W szczególności, artykuł pokrótce omawia architekturęsystemu, oferowane klasy usług w systemie oraz...

  • Nowoczesne technologie dla systemów zdalnej edukacji. Zastosowanie Komputerów w Nauce i Technice.XIII cykl seminariów zorganizowanych przez PTETiS, Oddział Gdańsk.

    Internet w przyszłości może stać się podstawowym źródłem materiałów do nauczania w szkolnictwie. Problemami w tej dziedzinie są sposoby tworzenia i przechowywania danych oraz metody poszukiwania materiałów na ściśle określony temat. Obecnie istnieją międzynarodowe standardy do tworzenia materiałów edukacyjnych, które zostaną opisane w niniejszym artykule. W publikacji zostanie również przedstawiona całościowa koncepcja...

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  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface


    - Year 2013

    Often, Web technologies are used to operate or to configure network-enabled equipment, to configure and administer modular applications, or as teaching environments. The comfort of human work requires a similar response time in these applications as in the Internet. To improve response time, various forms of caching at different levels are employed. To improve the user experience in regard to response time when performing specific...

  • Crowdsourcing and Volunteer Computing as Distributed Approach for Problem Solving


    In this paper, a combination between volunteer computing and crowdsourcing is presented. Two paradigms of the web computing are described, analyzed and compared in detail: grid computing and volunteer computing. Characteristics of BOINC and its contribution to global Internet processing are shown with the stress put onto applications the system can facilitate and problems it can solve. An alternative instance of a grid computing...

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  • Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system


    This article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...

  • Architecture and Basic Assumptions of RSMAD

    The study presents the architecture of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD) which is used for transmission (realized using GSM, UMTS or TETRA networks, and through the Internet network), archiving and exploring image data of traffic offenses. The paper also presents selected basic assumptions of the RSMAD system, which are relevant to the implemented by the system...

  • Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia


    - Profesional de la Informacion - Year 2022

    This paper focuses on the use of technology to improve democracy, comparing the cases of Estonia and Catalonia. Both examples are closely related in their use of technology to further democratize the decision-making processes but have opposite starting points. Estonia’s internet voting system is an offshoot of the comprehensive e-governance system developed by the Estonian government. It is meant to make it more convenient for...

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  • Laxer Clinical Criteria for Gaming Disorder May Hinder Future Efforts to Devise an Efficient Diagnostic Approach: A Tree-Based Model Study


    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Year 2019

    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized in May 2013 and can be evaluated using the criteria developed by American Psychiatric Association (APA). The present study investigated the role each IGD criteria plays in diagnosing disordered gaming. A total of 3,377 participants (mean age 20 years, SD = 4.3 years) participated in the study. The data collected was scrutinized to detect patterns...

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  • Performance Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded Systems


    - Year 2020

    Machine learning is no longer confined to cloud and high-end server systems and has been successfully deployed on devices that are part of Internet of Things. This paper presents the analysis of performance of convolutional neural networks deployed on an ARM microcontroller. Inference time is measured for different core frequencies, with and without DSP instructions and disabled access to cache. Networks use both real-valued and...

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  • Towards Extending Wikipedia with Bidirectional Links


    In this paper, we present the results of our WikiLinks project which aims at extending current Wikipedia linkage mechanisms. Wikipedia has become recently one of the most important information sources on the Internet, which still is based on relatively simple linkage facilities. A WikiLinks system extends the Wikipedia with bidirectional links between fragments of articles. However, there were several attempts to introduce bidirectional...

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  • Mobile operators at war: opinion mining and sentiment analysis on social media


    Considering hermetic and very competitive market such as mobile operator ones, social media has become best alternative for contact with customer and gathering data and opinions. Different style of running social media profiles is giving different results. The research presented in this paper aims to show the number of responses gathered from polish Internet users and its sentiment for mobile operator brands. It also presents practical...

  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface


    In human-computer interaction, response time is assumed generally not to exceed significantly 1-2 seconds. While the natural competition in the Internet public Web serving ensures adhering widely to such limits, some Web environments are less competitive and offer much worse user experience in terms of response time. This paper describes a solution to significantly improve user experience in terms of response time with only modification...

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    W dobie powszechnej obecności mobilnych urządzeń aktywnie wykorzystujących dostęp do sieci Internet, wyraźnie widoczne jest, zarówno w pracach badawczych jak i wdrożeniowych, dążenie do realizacji postulatu powszechności dostępu sieciowego poprzez rozwój bezprzewodowych technik. Jednakże praktyka wykazuje, iż badania heterogenicznego środowiska dostępowego wymagają często testów w rzeczywistym środowisku sieciowym. Artykuł opisuje...

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  • MAlSim - Mobile Agent Malware Simulator


    - Year 2008

    One of the problems related to the simulation of attacks against critical infrastructures is the lack of adequate tools for the simulation of malicious software (malware). Malware attacks are the most frequent in the Internet and they pose a serious threat against critical networked infrastructures. To address this issue we developed Mobile Agent Malware Simulator (MAISim). The framework uses the technology of mobile agents and...

  • Supporting Assurance by Evidence-based Argument Services

    Structured arguments based on evidence are used in many domains, including systems engineering, quality assurance and standards conformance. Development, maintenance and assessment of such arguments is addressed by TRUST-IT methodology outlined in this paper. The effective usage of TRUST-IT requires an adequate tool support. We present a platform of software services, called NOR-STA, available in the Internet, supporting key activities...

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  • Platforma eNauczanie – miejsce na edukację i spotkania – warto profesjonalnie dzielić się wiedzą


    Każda z uczelni w Polsce korzysta z rozwiązań technologicznych pozwalających na organizowanie i wspomaganie nauczania przez Internet. Są to tzw. platformy edukacyjne. Podstawowe zadanie tych rozwiązań, będących czasami zaawansowanymi systemami, polega na gromadzeniu materiałów dydaktycznych, ich organizowaniu i udostępnianiu odbiorcom przez Internet. Spopularyzowanie swojej marki w Internecie to jedno, ale zapewnienie sobie dobrej...

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  • Broadband communication solutions for maritime ITSs: Wider and faster deployment of new e-navigation services


    n its initial part, the paper presents an overview of popular technologies and systems currently developed or employed in maritime communication. These solutions are used to provide both ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication for the purpose of supporting specific services, often dedicated to maritime safety and e-navigation. Utility of such communication systems have been thoroughly verified over the years and their strengths...

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  • Radio Simulcasting at a Glance: a New Look at Broadcasting and Streaming Services


    - Year 2018

    Radio is by far one of the most popular and accessible medium. With its availability it attracts listeners all around the world. There are numerous ways of delivering content to consumers. The present situation is characterized by the convergence of acoustics, computer science and telecommunications. This paper reviews the current status of radio broadcasting and streaming services. It describes a subjective study concerning different...

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  • Performance of FAN conception of traffic control in IP QoS networks


    - Year 2008

    In this paper we present the architectural implementation of Flow Aware Networking (FAN), a new approach for realizing QoS guarantees in the Internet. We also propose FAN traffic control algorithm which performs traffic control on flow level. Using the proposed FAN node model, we conduct simulation research to prove if FAN can be a new approach for realizing QoS guarantees. The basis of this research is finding a way to guarantee...

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  • Application of IT tools in Educational Project Dissemination – Example of the INNOCASE Project


    - Year 2014

    The chapter presents innovative approaches (based on IT) to educational project dissemination. The appearance of the Internet and various tools based on it allowed using new methods and channels of getting to target groups and project beneficiaries. The chapter describes a great deal of dissemination means based on IT tools that are available to contemporary project manager of an educational project. These tools might be applied...

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  • – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits


    Along with a general progress in the modern computational tools, dynamic development of Internet applications using the cloud methodology and solutions is now observed. Clearly, also the applications installed locally, and being commonly used previously, are gradually gaining their counterparts in computational network clouds. The clouds have also brought new service sales opportunities. Namely, the service sales model based on...

  • Audio-visual aspect of the Lombard effect and comparison with recordings depicting emotional states.

    In this paper an analysis of audio-visual recordings of the Lombard effect is shown. First, audio signal is analyzed indicating the presence of this phenomenon in the recorded sessions. The principal aim, however, was to discuss problems related to extracting differences caused by the Lombard effect, present in the video , i.e. visible as tension and work of facial muscles aligned to an increase in the intensity of the articulated...

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  • Benchmarking Scalability and Security Configuration Impact for A Distributed Sensors-Server IOT Use Case


    - Year 2021

    Internet of Things has been getting more and more attention and found numerous practical applications. Especially important in this context are performance, security and ability to cope with failures. Especially crucial is to find good trade-off between these. In this article we present results of practical tests with multiple clients representing sensors sending notifications to an IoT middleware – DeviceHive. We investigate performance...

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  • Określanie topologii sieci w celu lokalizacji abonenta telefonii VoIP wzywającego pomocy


    - Year 2008

    Technologia VoIP zaczyna odgrywać coraz większą rolę na rynku telekomunikacyjnym. W pracy przedstawiono problemy wdrażania w UE numeru alarmowego 112. Ważnym, nierozwiązanym problemem jest lokalizacja abonenta telefonii VoIP wzywającego pomocy. Przedstawiono problemy związane z wykrywaniem miejsca podłączenia telefonu VoIP w sieci Internet. Omówiono możliwości jakie stwarza w tym zakresie nowy protokół LLDP MED i porównano z innymi...

  • OSC - domain oriented ontology creation system


    Ontologies are, as part of semantic web, a basic component to enrich content available in the Internet with a meaning understandable for computers. In this publication an architecture and functionality of a domain oriented web portal for collaborative creation and storage of ontologies is presented. The system is being created by Gdańsk University of Technology Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics faculty's Department...

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  • Implementacja mikroserwerowa TCP/IP w systemie diagnostycznym bazującym na cyfrowej magistrali testujacej IEEE 1149.1

    Przedstawiono mikrosystem pomiarowo-diagnostyczny sterowany przez Internet i pozwalający na zdalne testowanie układów analogowych. Do realizacji mikrosystemu wykorzystano kontroler ethernetu RTL8019AS, mikrokontroler PIC18F4620 oraz wyposażony w magistralę IEEE 1149.1 i przetwornik analogowo-cyfrowy układ scalony SCANSTA476. Aplikacja pozwala na przeprowadzanie zdalnego pomiaru napięcia w 8 wybieranych programowo punktach. Obszarem...

  • Kształcenie nauczycieli informatyki w zakresie opracowywania komputerowych multimedialnych środków dydaktycznych.


    - Year 2003

    W artykule przedstawiono studia podyplomowe ''Internet i multimedia'', których słuchaczami są nauczyciele informatyki szkół średnich i gimnazjów. Opisano program kształcenia tych studiów, wyróżniając w nim dwa zasadnicze nurty:zapoznanie słuchaczy ze współczesnymi trendami rozwoju technologii informacyjnej oraz nauczenie słuchaczy opracowywania komputerowych pomocy dydaktycznych wykorzystujących zasoby multimedialne...

  • Radio system for monitoring and acquisition of data from traffic enforcement cameras - features and assumptions of the system

    The study presents the architecture and selected functional assumptions of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (RSMAD). Ultimately, the system will be used for transmission and archiving image data of traffic offenses, but can also perform other duties related to traffic safety. Implementation of the RSMAD system will facilitate, inter alia, issuing the fine process and supervision...

  • The Pomerania Design Faktory as an Example of 50+ Entrepreneurship Promotion


    - Year 2014

    The article presents one of the programmes carried out by The Gdańsk Entrepreneurs' Foundation and The Gdansk Labor Office in 2013/14, dedicated to seniors. It is a great example of an innovative project aimed at the activation of individuals aged 50+ by using their own talents and interests in business. It also shows the results of intergenerational cooperation because the trainers — especially the designers — were much younger...

  • Security and Anonymity in Agent Systems


    - Year 2012

    Many agent systems have been developed and suggested for commercial application. However, in spite of the significant potential offered by the agent paradigm, the lack of such important properties as security, anonymity and untracebility especially in open dynamical environment, such as the Internet, has blocked the active implementation of agent technologies. Protecting agent systems poses a more demanding challenge comparing...

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  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Year 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • COVID-19 and digital deprivation in Poland


    Research background: The problem of digital deprivation is already known, but the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted its negative consequences. A global change in the way of life, work and socialisation resulting from the epidemic has indicated that a basic level of digital integration is becoming necessary. During the lockdown, people were forced to use ICTs to adapt to a rapidly changing reality. Current experience with coronavirus...

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  • Optimization of the Hardware Layer for IoT Systems using a Trust Region Method with Adaptive Forward Finite Differences

    Trust-region (TR) algorithms represent a popular class of local optimization methods. Owing to straightforward setup and low computational cost, TR routines based on linear models determined using forward finite differences (FD) are often utilized for performance tuning of microwave and antenna components incorporated within the Internet of Things systems. Despite usefulness for design of complex structures, performance of TR methods...

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  • The Comparison of the Web GIS Applications Relevant for 4D Models Sharing


    - Year 2019

    The paper presents results of the project: Cultural Heritage Through Time (CHT 2, realized accomplished within the framework of the “Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage” JPI-CH ( by an international consortium: Politecnico di Milano (IT), Newcastle University (UK), Salamanca University (ES), and Stanislaw Staszic Scientific Association SSSA (a non-profit...

  • Modeling the Customer’s Contextual Expectations Based on Latent Semantic Analysis Algorithms


    Nowadays, in the age of Internet, access to open data detects the huge possibilities for information retrieval. More and more often we hear about the concept of open data which is unrestricted access, in addition to reuse and analysis by external institutions, organizations and people. It’s such information that can be freely processed, add another data (so-called remix) and then published. More and more data are available in text...

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  • Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT

    • P. Jagannathan
    • S. Gurumoorthy
    • A. Stateczny
    • P. B. Divakarachar
    • J. Sengupta

    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    In recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...

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  • 4D Models in World Wide Web


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents some results of research curried out within the framework of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). One of the main project aims were to develop a methodology for sharing multi-temporal information via the Internet (webGIS) for remote analysis of structures and landscapes over time. Reported in this paper results are focused on testing two technologies (Hexagon and Esri) for online...

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