Search results for: MINING WASTE MANAGEMENT - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Frequent Sequence Mining in Web Log Data


    - Year 2018

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  • Application of decisional DNA in web data mining



    Przedstawiono pilotową koncepcję i aplikację integracji reprezentacji wiedzy opartej na decyzyjnym DNA oraz systemów pozyskiwania wiedzy i danych z Internetu. Wskazano na zalety proponowanej integracji oraz przedstawiono kierunki przyszłych badań w tym zakresie.

  • Knowledge management in SMEs - theoretical considerations.


    - Year 2010

    The purpose of this chapter is to present an analysis of knowledge management concept with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is aimed to propose an overview for SMEs to apply this above-mentioned concept. This overview can be used by managers and owners of SMEs to introduce knowledge management into their organizational structures.

  • Thermogravimetric analysis/ pyrolysis of used tyres and waste rubber

    The process of pyrolysis is investigated in this paper. The pyrolysis results of two samples: waste tyres and rubber at different heating rates (10, 20, 50 K/min), were compared. In other experiments the degradation of two pyrolysis products, char and oil was examined. The kinetic study using the thermogravimetry equipment (TG) was done, which allowed determination of the kinetic mechanism of the process. The elemental analysis...

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  • Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Poland

    The objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be identified, assessed and mitigated. Road transport safety is significantly less developed than that of rail, water and air transport. The average individual risk of being a fatality in relation to the distance covered is thirty times higher in road transport that in the other modes. This is...

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  • ICT in Management - Spring 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Durkiewicz

    ICT in Management course for Bachelor in Management students (Spring 2024 edition)

  • Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Year 2023

    he main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...

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  • Data Mining (for Data Engineering) - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zawadzka
    • A. Karpus
    • W. Waloszek
    • K. Goczyła


    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Rizun


  • Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment

    The authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...

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  • VII Seminarium „Lean Management w szkołach wyższych”


    10-02-2020 09:00 - 11-02-2020 14:00

    Wydarzenie skierowane jest do wszystkich osób zainteresowanych wdrażaniem podejścia procesowego i Lean Management w szkołach wyższych, w wymiarze praktycznym i teoretycznym.

  • Ontology as a Tool for the IT Management Standards Support

    In this paper the authors discuss the initial idea of using ontologies to model requirements of the standards that support IT management processes. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is set as an example. A need for transition from the generic model do the organization-specific one is indicated. The described example serves as a ground for considering the usefulness of such modeling approach in the wider spectrum of...

  • Pre-Treatment of Furniture Waste for Smokeless Charcoal Production


    - Materials - Year 2020

    The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of using furniture waste for smokeless fuel production using the pyrolysis process. Four types of wood-based wastes were used in the pyrolysis process: pine sawdust (PS), chipboard (CB), medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and oriented strand board (OSB). Additionally, the slow and fast types of pyrolysis were compared, where the heating rates were 15 C/min and 100 C/min, respectively....

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  • Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne

    • A. Sekuła
    • A. Miszczuk
    • J. Wojciechowska-Solis
    • J. Nucińska,

    - Year 2022

    Rozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...

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  • Potrzeba wykorzystania narzędzi Enterprise Project Management w przedsiębiorstwie między narodowym - studium przypadku


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące projektu wdrożenia narzędzia informatycznego, które usprawni proces planowanie pracy i zarządzanie zasobami w filiach zagranicznych, mającego znamiona systemu Enterprise Project Management - do wspomagania zarządzania projektami. Omówiono zalety oraz wady tego typu rozwiązań w stosunku do tradycyjnych sposobów zarządzania. Wskazano szanse i zagrożenia dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw wynikające...

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    The article presents the changes in management concepts used in civil aviation business in last 25 years. There is a need to make prognosis and support decision-making processes with different models but each model is adapted to current management concept. This article will present the changes and possible future trends in management concepts with the description of strengths and weaknesses of each of them. These might be used...

  • Implementing Change Management Processes in an Enterprise

    This work demonstrates how to implement change management processes in a company, based on the suitability of IBM software.

  • Jan Ostoj dr hab.


    Prof. Assoc. dr hab. Jan Ostoj – rector of the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law between 1999 and 2020, currently head of Banking and Finances Department at the same school, lecturer and researcher in the area of economics and finances with more than 40 years of experience. Co-creator of two faculties of the school managed and two off-campus teaching centres. Previously employed at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University...

  • Cultural dilemmas of international management

    Zarządzanie międzynarodowe polega na kierowaniu działalnością przedsiębiorstwa przekraczającą granice państw. Otoczenie międzynarodowe, zwłaszcza wymiar kulturowy odgrywa podstawową rolę w kształtowaniu efektywności umiędzynarodowionego podmiotu. Celem referatu jest przedstawienie problematyki zarządzania międzynarodowego w aspektach kulturowych. Pierwsza część pracy ukazuje obszary zarządzania międzynarodowego. Następnie krótko...

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  • Economics of credit scoring management


    - Year 2019

    Credit scoring models constitute an inevitable element of modern risk and profitability management in retail financial lending institutions. Quality,or separation power of a credit scoring model is usually assessed with the Gini coefficient. Generally, the higher Gini coefficient the better, as in this way a bank can increase number of good customers and/or reject more bad applicants. In...

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  • Leather Waste Hydrolysation, Carbonization, and Microbial Treatment for Nitrogen Recovery by Ryegrass Cultivation

    • K. Kuligowski
    • D. Skrzypczak
    • K. Mikula
    • K. Chojnacka
    • P. Bandrów
    • R. Tylingo
    • S. Mania
    • A. Woźniak

    - Materials - Year 2024

    Leather waste contains up to 10% nitrogen (N); thus, combustion or gasification only for the energy recovery would not be rational, if safety standards are met. On the other hand, the chromium (Cr) content exceeding 5% in half of the waste stream (w/w) is too significant to be applied in agriculture. In this work, four acid hydrolysates from leather waste shavings, both wet-white free of Cr and wet-blue with Cr, were used: two...

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  • Business Process Management education in Poland: A manifesto for academic teaching

    • P. Sliż
    • J. Berniak-Woźny
    • E. Brzychczy
    • R. Gabryelczyk
    • K. Gdowska
    • M. Grzesiak
    • A. Napieraj
    • M. Podobińska-Staniec
    • N. R. Potoczek
    • M. Szelągowski... and 2 others

    - e-mentor - Year 2024

    This paper critically assesses Business Process Management (BPM) education in Poland and provides evidence-based recommendations for improvement. Through a survey of 44 BPM educators, the study evaluates BPM lifecycle coverage, IT tool utilization, and incorporation of the Six Core Elements of BPM. The findings reveal a focus on process modeling and analysis, identifying gaps in the way the entire BPM lifecycle is addressed. Despite...

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  • Polypropylene structure alterations after 5 years of natural degradation in a waste landfill



    Up to 25% of plastic waste in Europe is still disposed of in landfills, despite recycling efforts. The plastic waste in the landfill plot may be exposed both to abiotic and biotic degradation processes, although it is thought that most of the plastic materials tend to be resistant to biodegradation or biodeterioration even after a long time. To verify if polypropylene (PP) can undergo the process of short-term biodegradation and...

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  • Mapping knowledge risks: towards a better understanding of knowledge management


    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyze potential knowledge risks organizations might face. With the growing complexity of organizational environments and the plethora of new knowledge risks emerging, this critical but under-researched field of knowledge management (KM) deserves closer attention. The study is based on a critical analysis of the extant literature devoted to knowledge risks, discusses potential...

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  • Waste materials assessment for phosphorus adsorption toward sustainable application in circular economy

    Phosphorus is the main determinant of nutrient enrichment in the water bodies. Many resources including nutrients may be shortly exhausted, assuming current consumption. This scenario leads to growing interest in resources recovery and/or reuse, which together with sustainable energy consumption and waste reduction are the main courses of the circular economy. Usage of coagulants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not allow...

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  • Multimedia in teaching economics and management in higher education.


    - Year 2014

    Nowadays, the use of multimedia teaching materials at universities makes a standard practice. However their saturation is still quite low comparing to the expectations of students - the main consumers of the information contained therein. This article will present the results of research conducted among students of Management and Engineering Management carried at the Technical University of Gdańsk. Some students of Computer Science...

  • Valorization of waste cabbage leaves by postharvest photochemical treatments monitored with a non-destructive fluorescence-based sensor



    The biosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds in cabbage waste, outer green leaves of white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), was stimulated by postharvest irradiation with UVB lamps or sunlight. Both treatments boosted the content of kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, especially in the basal leaf zone, as determined by the HPLC analysis of leaf extracts and by a non-destructive optical sensor. The...

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  • Information systems management - autumn 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Durkiewicz

    Information Systems in Management for International Management students. Autumn 2023

  • Tools for road infrastructure safety management in Poland


    The objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be systematically identified, assessed, removed and mitigated. There are a number of approaches to road safety management. European Union Directive 2008/96/EC requires EU member states to use four basic tools of road safety infrastructure management. An overview of the methods in these countries...

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  • A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate



    The recycling of food waste (FW) through anaerobic fermentation into lactic acid (LA), with two isomers L-LA and D-LA, aligns with the principles of a bio-based circular economy. However, FW fermentation is often limited by competing pathways, acidification inhibition, and trace metals deficiency. This study investigates the introduction of landfill leachate, containing buffering agents (ammonia) and trace metals, into FW fermentation....

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  • Salinity enhances high optically active L-lactate production from co-fermentation of food waste and waste activated sludge: Unveiling the response of microbial community shift and functional profiling



    Lactic acid (LA), a versatile platform molecule, can be fermented from organic wastes, such as food waste and waste activated sludge. In this study, an efficient approach using salt, a component of food waste as an additive, was proposed to increase LA production. The LA productivity was increased at 10 g NaCl/L and optical pure L-lactate was obtained at 30 g NaCl/L. The enhancement of LA was in accordance with the increased solubilization...

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  • Quality Management 2019 / 2020

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Grudowski

    St. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5

  • Quality Management 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Grudowski
    • E. Marjańska

    St. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5


    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Stefańska
    • P. Grudowski
    • A. Wendt
    • E. Marjańska

    St. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5

  • Quality Management 2020/2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Grudowski
    • E. Marjańska

    St. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5

  • Quality Management 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Marjańska

    St. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5


    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Kolerski

    Water Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...

  • A comprehensive overview of software product management challenges

    The principal focus of software product management is to ensure the economic success of the product, which means to prolong the product life as much as possible with modest expenditures to maximizs profits. Software product managers play an important role in the software development organization while being responsible for the strategy, business case, product roadmap, high-level requirements, product deployment (release-management),...

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  • Logistics management 2022_Joanna Czerska

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Czerska

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Data Reduction Algorithm for Machine Learning and Data Mining


    - Year 2008

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  • Forest management

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Klisz

    The last ice age ended in Scandinavia about 15 000 years ago. The land was gradually occupied by present tree species. Human settlement followed the vegetation. The first forest uses were hunting and gathering. Animal husbandry and forest grazing came later. Shifting cultivation was a wide spread form of agriculture, especially in Sweden and Finland. Wood was first used for domestic purposes and for construction, In the 18th century,...

  • Mining Technology-Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy


    ISSN: 2572-6668 , eISSN: 2572-6676

  • Production Management - 2020/2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Drozd
    • M. Wirkus
    • J. Czerska

    Supplement material to Production Management Exercises. BIM sem.4

  • Strategies for Dealing With Software Product Management Challenges


    Software product management, which involves multiple processes and responsibilities and links to many activities within the organisation, increases the success rate of IT projects. However, the adoption of product management activities and the implementation of the software product manager role itself varies between companies. This research explores the topic of software product managers’ strategies for dealing with challenges...

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs – selected issues.


    - Year 2014

    The success of a small or medium-size enterprise might be dependent on the way in which this company manages its knowledge. With limited access to other resources like land, capital or labor force, the access to knowledge and its effective application might become a source of competitive advantage for an SME. It is confirmed that organizations, which successfully implement the concept of knowledge management might achieve better...

  • Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology


    This book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation...

  • Algorithmic Human Resources Management - Perspectives and Challenges

    Theoretical background: Technology – most notably processes of digitalisation, the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and prevalence of remote work due to pandemic – changes the way organizations manage human resources. One of the increasing trends is the use of so-called “algorithmic management”. It is notably different than previous e-HRM or HRIS (human resources information systems) applications, as it...

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  • Project Team Management Supported by an Agent-Based Model


    This work is a continuation of a series of works about research into the use of multi-agent systems to support IT project management. Previous studies have shown the possibility of using a multi-agent in order to optimize management decisions concerning the selection of methods for project implementation. It was noted that the project manager's decisions are influenced by three fundamental parameters: the entropy of the project,...

  • Engineering and Management of Space Systems


    - Year 2024

    Dynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...

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  • Informal projects management with volunteers participation

    The article briefly presents some experiences and results of research which has been conducted in order to identify key elements influencing the success of projects managed in informal way with volunteers’ participation. These experiences were collected during the realization of several “soft” projects. The general aims of these projects were sports competitions’ organisation, cultural events and charity projects for...

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