Search results for: MODELLING OF POWER SYSTEMS - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.

     Details concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...

  • Soft modelling support for information management


    W artykule zaproponowano trzystopniowy proces modelowania przepływów informacji. Zaproponowane stopnie obejmują dekompozycje, reprezentacje i integracje. Przedyskutowano możliwości wspomagania każdego z powyższych stopni przypomocy systemów opartych na bazie wiedzy, głównie inteligentnego przeszuki-wania, systemów ekspertowych i sieci neuronowych.

  • Applications of soft modelling and intelligent techniques


    W edytorialu omówiono szeroko obecne praktyczne zastosowania modelowania miękkiego oraz technik inteligentnych, rozumianych jako takie techniki, które potrafią wspomagać podejmowanie decyzji w zmiennych warunkach otoczenia.

  • Probability modelling of vessel collisions



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  • Modelling of the Svalbard fjord Hornsund

    • J. Jakacki
    • A. Przyborska
    • S. Kosecki
    • A. Sundfjord
    • J. Albretsen

    - Oceanologia - Year 2017

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  • Modelling of foundations for supporting structures.


    W pracy przedstawiono problemy współpracy fundamentów konstrukcji wsporczych z otaczającym ośrodkiem gruntowym w warunkach przestrzennego stanu odkształcenia. Przedstawiono możliwości analizy odporu granicznego podłoża i przemieszczeń fundamentów sztywnych obciążonych siłą poziomą lub momentem. Porównano modelowanie fizyczne zjawisk z modelowaniem matematycznym z wykorzystaniem symulacji numerycznych opartych na analizie płaskiego...

  • Descriptive Modelling of Virtual Transactions.


    Artykuł prezentuje opisowy model transakcji detalicznych, w którym ich znaczenie (IOR) wyrażone przez strukturę sprzedaży i udział w rynku jest uwarunkowane funkcjonalnością (FUN), na którą wpływają w sposób zwrotny trzy grupy czynników : technologicznych, (TFG) ludzkich (HFG) oraz rynkowych (MFG).

  • Modelling of engineering materials with microstructure


    - Year 2003

    Artykuł omawia różne modele do opisu lokalizacji odkształceń w postaci rys i stref ścinania w materiałach budowlanych takich jak grunt i beton. Zastosowane modele mechaniki ośrodka ciągłego i modele dyskretne.

  • Modelling and computer animation of geodetic field work


    - Year 2014

    3D modelling of objects is a way of obtaining information, while the visualization of geospatial data is becoming a production task in the scope of surveying. Visualization of geospatial data provides effective tools for analysis information about the land surface, land cover, its features, properties etc. Computer animations, both 2D images and 3D are becoming additional, expected and clear form for presentation results of geodetic...

  • Modelling a 6-dof manipulator using Matlab software

    This paper presents an alternative approach to modelling a revolute robot. The manipulator in question is Kuka KR 16-2. The main problem in robot modelling is a kinematic analysis. The revolute robot consist of six rotary joints (6-DOF) with base, shoulder, elbow and wirst. The kinematics problem is defined as a transformation from the cartesian space to the joint space. The Denavit- Hartenberg (D-H) model of representation was...

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  • Chapter 2: Modelling and analysis of rotor with magnetic bearing system


    - Year 2008

    The paper is concerned with rotor magnetic bearing system modelling. Such system is a relatively complex electromechanical system and can be considered as typical mechatronic one. The port-based modelling of physical systems has been used to obtain discrete-continuous model of considered system. Proposed approach enables to obtain reduced low-order lumped parameter representation of the system including gyroscopic interactions....

  • Mathematical modelling of implant in an operated hernia for estimation of the repair persistence

    This paper presents mathematical modelling of an implanted surgical mesh used in the repair process of the abdominal hernia. The synthetic implant is simulated by a membrane structure. The author provides a material modelling of the implant based on the dense net model appropriate for technical fabrics. The accuracy of the proposed solution is evaluated by comparing the simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the system with the...

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  • Modelling of joining route segments of differential curvature

    The paper presents a new general method of modelling route segments curvature using differential equations. The method enables joining of route segments of different curvature. Transitional curves of linear and nonlinear curvatures have been identified in the case of joining two circular arcs by S-shaped and C-oval transitions. The obtained S-shaped curves have been compared to the cubic C-Bezier curves and to the Pythagorean hodograph...

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  • Evaluating Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Modeling and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process



    The fourth industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0 is reshaping and evolving the way industries produce products and individuals live and work therefore, gaining massive attraction from academia, business and politics. The manufacturing industries are optimistic regarding the opportunities Industry 4.0 may offer such as, improved efficiency, productivity and customization. The present research contributes to the Industry 4.0...

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  • Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Strength of Corroded Ship Structures


    The present study reviews the recent advances in modelling and analyses the strength of corroded ship structures. Firstly, the time-variant methodologies that consider only the mean structural element thickness loss due to corrosion degradation are identified. Corrosion degradation is regarded as the phenomenon that causes uneven thinning of specimens. This has been captured by various researchers as the loss of mechanical properties...

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  • Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    Assessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...

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  • Modelling an accelerometer for robot position estimation


    - Year 2014

    The article describes a new model of a MEMS accelerometer for usage in inertial measurement units (IMU). Such units allow to measure orientation and location of the sensor/system and therefore can be applied for systems positioning. The main purpose of the paper is to model pertinent accelerometer functions substantial in determination of the location of the sensor by means of double integration of acceleration. The model takes...

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  • Higher harmonics produced by traction substations – computer modelling and experimental verification

    Voltage and current harmonics have a detrimental effect on the components of a power system. Current harmonics may result in the overload and damage to power transformers, although the rms value of load current does not exceed their current-carrying capacity. Voltage harmonics may result in, for example, damage to capacitor banks used to compensate reactive power. Devices which contribute to both current and voltage distortion...

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  • Modelling of dark fermentation of glucose and sour cabbage


    In the article, modified Anaerobic Digestion Models 1 (ADM-1) was tested for modelling dark fermentation for hydrogen production. The model refitting was done with the Euler method. The new model was based on sets of differential equations. The model was checked for hydrogen production from sour cabbage in batch and semi-batch in 5 g VSS (volatile solid suspension)/L and at the semi-batch process from glucose at 5 and 10 g VSS/L....

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  • Modelling of dielectric properties of BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics


    In the present paper results of the studies devoted to computer simulations of dielectric response of electroceramics in a frequency domain as well as analysis of the experimental data are given. As an object of investigations BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics was taken. Simulations of the hypothetical impedance response of the ceramic system were performed under assumption of the brick-layer model. A strategy for analysis and modelling...

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  • Using FreeFEM open software for modelling the vibrations of piezoelectric devices


    Modelling vibrations of piezoelectric transducers has been a topic discussed in the literature for many decades. The first models - so-called one-dimensional - describe the vibrations only near operating frequency and near its harmonics. Attempts to introduce two-dimensional models were related to the possibility of one transducer working at several frequencies, including both thickness vibrations and those resulting from the transducer...

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  • Cezary Orłowski prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska dr inż.

    I am currently an assistant professor (adjunct) at Gdansk University of Technology (Department of Differential Equations and Mathematics Applications). My scientific interests include dynamical systems theory, chaos theory and their applications to modeling of biological phenomena, especially to neurosciences. In June 2013 I completed PhD in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) (thesis...

  • Modelling of Abdominal Wall Under Uncertainty of Material Properties


    - Year 2020

    The paper concerns abdominal wall modelling. The accurate prediction and simulation of abdominal wall mechanics are important in the context of optimization of ventral hernia repair. The shell Finite Element model is considered, as the one which can be used in patient-specific approach due to relatively easy geometry generation. However, there are uncertainties in this issue, e.g. related to mechanical properties since the properties...

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  • Bohdan Pakhaliuk PhD student

    Bohdan Pakhaliuk received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in industrial electonics from Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine, in 2016 and 2018 respectively. He is PhD student of double postgraduate study, in Gdansk University of Technology and Chernihiv National University of Technology. He is junior researcher of the Department of Biomedical Radioelectronics Apparatus and Systems, Chernihiv National University...

  • A comprehensive approach to SBR modelling for monitoring and control system design

    The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive description of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) modelling for monitoring, control, and plant operational optimisation validation. The paper provides a detailed modelling of the SBR, its components and constituent processes. For this purpose, the mass balance principle and continuity equations were provided with a reactive term implemented using Activated Sludge Model (ASM)....

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  • Modelling of high frequency dynamic responses of engineering structures


    Modelling of high frequency dynamic responses of engineering structures, especially those related to wave propagation, is a real numerical challenge. Nowadays most of numerical models, used for that purpose, are based on the application of various finite element techniques. However, finite element discrete models may also be considered as possessing certain periodic structures, which may manifest themselves in particular scenarios....

  • The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch


    - Year 2015

    Latest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...

  • Analytical method of modelling the geometric system of communication route


    The paper presents a new analytical approach to modelling the curvature of a communication route by making use of differential equations. The method makes it possible to identify both linear and nonlinear curvature. It enables us to join curves of the same or opposite signs of curvature. Solutions of problems for linear change of curvature and selected variants of nonlinear curvature in polynomial and trigonometric form were analyzed....

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  • Path Loss Modelling in the Untypical Outdoor Propagation Environments


    In the paper three ways of path loss modelling in the untypical outdoor environments are presented. The exemplary untypical outdoor environment is analyzed. The investigated environment is characterized, and the measurement campaign are shortly described. The following models have been analyzed: the COST231 Walfisch-Ikegami model, the modified COST231Walfisch-Ikegami model tuned on the basis of empirical data, and the empirical...

  • Analog modelling in qualitative analysis of vibration propagation

    The theory of dynamic systems is usually used to model the real systems. The models are based on solving ordinary differential equations, partial or difference, which enable obtaining the relation between input signal and the system response (output signal). The analogy between those models and generalized dynamic systems or control systems can be practically used. Vibration propagation can be described in a similar way as the...

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  • Advances in soft modelling techniques and decision support


    Postępy w technikach miękkiego modelowania i wspomagania decyzji. W edytorialu przybliżono najnowsze osiągnięcia w zakresie miękkiego modelowania opartego na teorii zbiorów rozmytych i systemów z bazami wiedzy. Omówiono postępy teoretyczne w tej dziedzinie, jak również obszary obecnych i przyszłych zastosowań.

  • Modelling of performance of an AUV stealth vehicle. Design for operation.


    - Year 2018

    In the paper some results of research connected with modelling of performance and risk assessment of an AUV stealth vehicle are presented. A general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. The basic stealth characteristics of the AUV stealth vehicle are briefly described. The method of research is introduced. The AUV stealth vehicle concept is presented including the...

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  • Modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings

    The aim of this review paper is to examine the most recent available studies dealing with theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects related to modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings. The main thermophysical, mechanical and hygrometric properties of wood are firstly discussed. Then, the basic governing equations of heat and mass transfer phenomena are presented. A detailed description of the physical...

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  • Numerical modelling of 3D printout using line (1D) elements


    A proposition of some numerical modelling of the 3D printout is presented in the paper. The proposed model is composed of some 1D elements. The resulting numerical model of the infill consist of beam, spring and rigid elements. Obtained results confirm correctness of the proposed modelling method. Two methods of estimation of the spring parameters are proposed in the paper. In the first method, mechanical properties of the connecting...

  • A two dimensional approach for modelling of pennate muscle behaviour


    - Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering - Year 2017

    The purpose of this study was to elaborate a two-dimensional approach for unipennate and bipennate striated skeletal muscle modelling. Behavior of chosen flat pennate muscle is modelled as a rheological system composed of serially linked passive and active fragments having different mechanical properties. Each fragment is composed of three elements: mass element, elastic element and viscous element. Each active fragment furthermore...

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    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2012

    This paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...

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  • Risk Modelling for Passages in Approach Channel


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  • Control System Modelling for Superconducting Accelerator


    - Year 2007

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  • GIS Integrated Modelling of a Himalayan Landscape

    • T. Gumbricht
    • H. Lindholm
    • A. Akre
    • R. Szczepanek
    • M. Hessling
    • J. McCarthy


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  • Equilibrium price - modelling, forecast and application

    Nowoczesną gospodarkę charakteryzuje wzrastające znaczenie cen. Znajomość ogólnych zasad mechanizmu kształtującego ceny oraz analizy cen umożliwiają przedsiębiorstwom przewidzenie ceny równowagi i podjęcie przynoszącej zyski decyzji, zwłaszcza na rynku oligopolu homogenicznego, gdzie przedsiębiorcy muszą brać pod uwagę reakcję konkurencji. Przedstawiony w artykule, dynamiczny model ekonometryczny cen benzyny, na rynku paliw płynnych...

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  • Modelling of elastic response of granular media


    - Year 2010

    W pracy przedstawiono opis gruntowego ośrodka ziarnistego w ujęciu jego nieciągłości.Podano przejście opisu tego ośrodka do opisu ośrodka gruntowego ciągłego. Podano rozwiązania ciągłe stanu naprężenia wg. rozwiązania Mindlina. Podano określenie wartości parametrów sprężystych ośrodka ciągłego przy bardzo małych odkształceniach. Przeanalizowano wpływ różnych czynników na określenie modułu odkształcenia sprężystego. Podano sposób...

  • Modelling of spirometry - the application for diagnostic purposes


    - Year 2008

    The process of the tissue oxygen supply is the fundamental process of the human life. The lung functioning consists of three processes: the ventilation, the perfusion and the diffusion. The paper deals with one of these processes which is the ventilation process. The quality of the pulmonary ventilation has a strong influence on the patient's health condition. Numerous limitations are imposed on conditions of the lung quality measurement,...

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  • Modelling of dryout process in an annular flow



    W pracy pokazano teoretyczny model kryzysu wrzenia przy wysokich stopniach suchości, który jest modyfikacją modelu proponowanego wcześniej przez Sedlera i Mikielewicza. Model wysychania filmu cieczowego w przepływie pierścieniowym składa się z różniczkowych równań bilansu masy zapisanych dla filmu na ściance i kropel w rdzeniu przepływu. Rozwiązanie układu równań wymaga znajomości gęstości strumienia masy kropel wytrącających się...

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  • Thermal imaging and modelling of burned skin


    - Year 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów in-vivo na zwierzętach w diagnostyce oparzeń z wykorzystaniem metod obrazowania termicznego w podczerwieni. Wyniki skorelowano z rezultatami otrzymanymi w symulacjach numerycznych tkanki skóry.

  • Study of a plate modelling a dock gate

    • J. Chroscielewski
    • Z. Cywinski
    • I. Kreja
    • S. Uminski

    - Computers & Structures - Year 1983

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    - Year 2013

    The paper focuses on the assessment of second-order explicit numerical scheme for unsteady flows in sewers. In order to simulate the pressurized flow the 'Preissmann slot' concept is implemented. For simulation of the transcritical flow the original and improved McCormack scheme is used. The calculated results are compared with numerical solutions and laboratory measurements published in the technical literature. Moreover, the...

  • Modelling of cutting by means of fracture mechanics


    - Year 2013

    The suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...



    - Pro ligno - Year 2013

    The suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...

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  • On FE modelling of fully saturated soils


    - Year 2008

    Przedstawiono podstawy modelowania gruntów nasyconych w ramach metody elementów skończonych. Przedstawiono szczegółowo podstawowe równania różniczkowe problemu oraz ich słabą formę potrzebną w dyskretyzacji w metodzie elementów skończonych. Porównano dwie podstawowe metody formułowania elementów skończonych: uproszczoną u-p oraz pełną u-p-w. Omówiono podstawowe różnice i ograniczenia metody uproszczonej. Artykuł w swej rozszerzonej...

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