Search results for: MOMENT-FITTING QUADRATURE - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Dewulkanizacja ciągła rozdrobnionych odpadów gumowych


    - Przemysł Chemiczny - Year 2011

    Przedstawiono przegląd literaturowy postępu naukowego i technologicznego w zakresie dewulkanizacji ciągłej odpadów gumowych, która umożliwia redukcję kosztów produkcji oraz ułatwia wytwarzanie regeneratów gumowych w skali przemysłowej. Ponadto zaprezentowane zostały wstępne wyniki badania parametrów dewulkanizacji termomechanicznej rozdrobnionych odpadów gumowych prowadzonej przy użyciu wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej...

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  • Resonance microstrip structure with patch of arbitrary convex geometry with the use of field matching technique

    An analysis of the resonance frequency problem of planar microstrip structure with patch of arbitrary convex geometry is presented. A full-wave analysis is employed utilizing a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and field matching technique. In this approach, a field matching technique is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and next the method of moments is utilized to calculate resonance frequencies...

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  • Ideowa rzeźba architektoniczna. Dom


    - Year 2016

    W projektowaniu architektonicznym modelowanie, czy rzeźbienie jest manualnie twórczym, bazującym na osobistej wypowiedzi, fragmentem bardziej złożonego procesu. Jest to etap bardzo istotny dla indywidualnego zapisu treści w przyszłym obiekcie. W trakcie formowania ideowej rzeźby architektonicznej istnieje możliwość synergicznego współdziałania zmysłów. Jest to jednocześnie wyraźny moment urzeczywistniania treści w architekturze....

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  • Annual signals observed in regional GPS networks

    • J. Bogusz
    • M. Figurski

    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Year 2014

    Abstract: This paper describes analyses concerning annual signals in GPS-derived coordinates. The data was processed in the Military University of Technology Local Analysis Centre with Bernese 5.0 software. We used observations from 129 permanent GPS stations which belong to the Polish Active Geodetic Network (ASG-EUPOS), for the period of GPS weeks 1465-1729, corresponding to about 5 years. The annual signals have been estimated...

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  • Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym


    - Year 2014

    W rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....

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  • The fracture behaviour of notched PMMA specimens under simple loading conditions – Tension and torsion experimental tests


    This paper presents the results of experimental testing of flat PMMA specimens during uniaxial loading conditions. Two separate tests were conducted: tensile and torsion. The specimens were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. The specimens were made in two thickness variants: 5 and 15 mm. Monotonic tensile and torsion tests were carried out while keeping the averaged strain rate constant,...

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  • Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception

    The main goal of this research study is focused on creating a method for loudness scaling based on categorical perception. Its main features, such as: way of testing, calibration procedure for securing reliable results, employing natural test stimuli, etc., are described in the paper and assessed against a procedure that uses 1/2-octave bands of noise (LGOB) for the loudness growth estimation. The Mann-Whitney U-test is employed...

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  • Polynomial description of dynamic impedance spectrogram—introduction to a new impedance analysis method

    This paper presents a polynomial description of spectrograms obtained using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. A method to fit the polynomial degree correctly is discussed. A simple electrical system of a diode connected in parallel with a capacitor was used for testing. Dynamic impedance measurements during potentiodynamic polarization were conducted. This paper presents an alternative analysis method that allows...

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  • Understanding the capacitance of thin composite films based on conducting polymer and carbon nanostructures in aqueous electrolytes



    In this work electrochemical performance of thin composite films consisted of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), graphene oxide (GOx) and oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (oxMWCNTs) is investigated in various sulphates (Li2SO4, Na2SO4, K2SO4, MgSO4) and acidic (H2SO4) electrolytes. Capacitance values, rate capability and cycling stability achieved for the composite layers are correlated with the electrolytes’ properties...

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  • Participatory co-design approach for Greencoin educational tool shaping urban green behaviors.


    - Year 2022

    Our main goal is to prepare assumptions of the Greencoin (GC) cybernetic system, implying pro-ecological attitudes and behavior of city residents. We used qualitative methods, including a literature review and action research -workshops attended by academics, representatives of private and business sectors, urban movements, municipal institutions’ partners, and residents. Our results defined functionalities of the GC, identified...

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  • Has EGNOS its own place in maritime navigation?


    - Year 2015

    GNSS (in fact it usually means GPS) is at the moment the fundamental means of positioning for any variants of navigation. However some attributes of it can be not sufficient for every users or in some tasks, so there are any cases when this system needs support. From the mariner point of view pure GPS properties perfectly fulfils expectations of sailors at the open sea, however there are lot of cases, when accuracy of the system...

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  • Tensile strength test of PE foils modified with zinc oxide and zinc salts

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of PE foils mechanical tests, in which the material was evaluated for strength and extensibility at the moment of breaking and based on the same tests preceded by material fatigue in 50 stretching cycles. The principle of the method is to stretch the test sample placed in the clamps of the stretching apparatus at a...

  • Adaptive dynamic control allocation for over-actuated dynamic positioning system based on backstepping method in case of thruster faults

    The objective of the research considered in this paper is dynamic positioning of a nonlinear over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of limited information about thruster forces. First, the adaptive backstepping method is used to estimate the input matrix which will compensate partial loss of actuator effectiveness in the presence of actuator dynamics. Then, the adaptive commanded virtual forces and moment are allocated into...

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    - Diagnostyka - Year 2013

    In a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...

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  • The use of Acoustic Emission to identification damages bearings the main and crank engines about the automatic ignition


    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Year 2009

    The article describes the laboratory tests, which make the first stage of the study concerning the use of the AE method to determine the technical state of the slide bearings in engines with self-ignition. The aim of the present tests was to compare the recorded signals in relation to the technical state of the material of the bearing bush and to check the possibility of using the AE method in determining the transition moment...

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  • Approximation of the non-linear roll damping


    - Year 2010

    Artykuł omawia, jak otrzymać oszacowanie nieliniowego momentu tłumiącehgo kołysania boczne okretu za pomocą zapisu przebiegu kołysań swobodnych modelu okrętu. Udowadnia, że 1) moment tłumiący w kategoriach aproksymacji jest nieanalityczną funkcją nieparzystą prędkosci kołysań, 2) standardowa metoda, oparta na stosunku dwóch kolejnych amplitud, ma ograniczone zastosowanie, do niezbyt dużych amplitud kołysań. Zaproponowano nową metodą...

  • Obliczenia numeryczne magnetyzmu szczątkowego w obwodach magnetycznych pozostającego po ich wyłączeniu.


    - Year 2004

    Przedstawiono obliczenia numeryczne magnetyzmu szczątkowego rdzenia magnety-cznego, który pozostaje trwale namagnesowany po wyłączeniu zasilania. Prze- prowadzono je na przykładzie obwodu z transformatorem trójfazowym. Utworzono modele obwodowe układu w oparciu o programy symulacyjne ATP i PSpice. Prze-analizowano, jaki wpływ na stan namagnesowania poszczególnych kolumn tran-sformatora ma moment wyłączenia zasilania oraz takie...

  • Solving the Problem of Dynamic Adaptability of Artificial Intelligence Systems that Control Dynamic Technical Objects



    This paper investigates the increase in the response speed and stability of artificial intelligence systems that control dynamic technical objects. The problem of calculating the optimal time of switching an artificial intelligence system between software classes by the criterion of the rigidity degree of the model of a control object is considered. The solution of this problem is proposed for the general case of the control object...

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  • Podstawy Fizyki Technicznej

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Perelomova

    Celem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie fizyki i sposobu opisu interesujących zjawisk fizycznych w sposób jakościowy i ilościowy. Omówione są w wykładzie, wszędzie gdzie możliwe, metody i zjawiska potrzebne do wyjaśnienia sposobu działania urządzeń i technologii w różnych dziedzinach. WprowadzenieRodzaje wielkości fizycznych (tensory; skalary, wektory jako tensory rzędu 0 i I) i działania na tych wielkościach MechanikaSiła. I,II,III...

  • Cost-Effective and Sufficiently Precise Integration Method Adapted to the FEM Calculations of Bone Tissue

    The technique of Young’s modulus variation in the finite element is not spread in biomechanics. Our future goal is to adapt this technique to bone tissue strength calculations. The aim of this paper is to present the necessary studies of the element’s integration method that takes into account changes in material properties. For research purposes, a virtual sample with the size and distribution of mechanical properties similar...

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  • Struktury sieci transportu zbiorowego w miastach


    - Year 2013

    Potrzeby przewozowe mieszkańców miast powinny być zaspokajane poprzez dopasowaną i sprawnie funkcjonującą sieć transportu zbiorowego. Planując sieć i decydując się jednocześnie na jej sposób funkcjonowania istotnym jest uwzględnienie podstawowych postulatów przewozowych mieszkańców. Ostateczny kształt tej sieci wynika jednak z dodatkowych czynników zarówno infrastrukturalnych, ekonomicznych, jak i wielu innych. Celem niniejszego...

  • Localization and identyfication of ferromagnetic objects


    - Year 2008

    A compact ferromagnetic object placed in the earthly magnetic field causes disturbance of this field. This disturbance is associated with magnetization of the object. Ferromagnetic objects have induced and can also have permanent magnetization. In methods of locating and identifying ferromagnetic objects usually is using the model of the dipol moment. Determination of the position and values of the extremes of the magnetic field...

  • 237Np Mössbauer effect study on NpFeAsO

    • P. Gaczyński
    • T. Klimczuk
    • H. Walker
    • R. Springell
    • E. Colineau
    • R. Eloirdi
    • J. Griveau
    • R. Caciuffo


    We report 237Np Mössbauer measurements on NpFeAsO. The Np atoms were found to occupy only one crystallographic site. The value of the isomer shift (δ ∼ 9.1 mm s−1 versus NpAl2) indicates a 5f4 electronic configuration (Np3+ ions). The magnetic ordering of the Np sublattice below 60 K is established and the saturated ordered magnetic moment is determined to be 1.73μB at 3.6 K. The unique set of hyperfine parameters exclude a modulated...

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  • New kagome prototype materials: discovery of KV3Sb5, RbV3Sb5, and CsV3Sb5

    • B. R. Ortiz
    • L. C. Gomes
    • J. R. Morey
    • M. J. Winiarski
    • M. Bordelon
    • J. S. Mangum
    • I. W. H. Oswald
    • J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera
    • J. R. Neilson
    • S. D. Wilson... and 3 others

    - Physical Review Materials - Year 2019

    In this work, we present our discovery and characterization of a new kagome prototype structure, KV3Sb5. We also present the discovery of the isostructural compounds RbV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5. All materials exhibit a structurally perfect two-dimensional kagome net of vanadium. Density-functional theory calculations indicate that the materials are metallic, with the Fermi level in close proximity to several Dirac points. Powder and single-crystal...

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  • The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion



    This paper presents the results of experimental fracture test of flat PMMA specimens under biaxial loading condition tension with torsion (proportional). The specimens were made in two thicknesses: 5 and 15 mm and were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. Thanks to the ARAMIS 3D 4 M non-contact vision system, measurement of the elongation and twist angle were recorded. During experimental...

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  • Chemical composition of tellurium oxides thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering method

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Thin films were prepared by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering technique. Metallic Te target was sputtered for about 45 min in argon-oxygen atmosphere what resulted in 300 nm film thickness deposition. The pressure in the chamber was below 0.2 Pa and substrate was heated at 200 °C. The distance between sputtered target and the Corning 1737...

  • XPS analysis of TBBO glass

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Glasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic...

  • Investigations of the valence state of Co in a MnCoO ceramics

    Open Research Data
    open access

    McCoO ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. Chemical behaviour of the Cobaltium was measured by XPS method.  The analyses were...

  • Cure kinetics of epoxy/MWCNTs nanocomposites: Isothermal calorimetric and rheological analyses

    • P. Vijayan
    • D. Puglia
    • H. Rastin
    • M. Saeb
    • B. Shojaei
    • K. Formela


    A combinatorial route has been applied in cure kinetics study of epoxy nanocomposites containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) based on differential scanning calorimetry and rheokinetic analyses under isothermal conditions. Pristine and amine-modified MWCNTs bearing primary and secondary amines were used at very low concentrations (0.1 and 0.3 wt.% based on epoxy weight). Model-free and model-fitting methods were applied...

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  • Superconductivity in the intermetallic compound Zr5Al4


    Polycrystalline Zr5Al4 was synthesized using the arc-melting method. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the previously reported crystal structure of the Ti5Ga4-type P63/mcm with lattice parameters: a = 8.4312(6) A , and c = 5.7752(8) A . Electrical resistivity and low-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate that Zr5Al4 exhibits superconducting behavior below 2 K. The normalized heat capacity jump at Tc= 1.82 K...

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  • Influence of vision measurement system spatial configuration on measurement uncertainty, based on the example of electric traction application


    Technical diagnostics plays a significant role in ensuring operational reliability of electrified rail transport. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to vehicles is the sliding contact of the current collector with the traction network. For this reason, work is currently being carried on new measuring methods, whose appliance allows for more complete diagnostics of the contact line and current collectors,...

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  • A New Approach to the PWM Modulation for the Multiphase Matrix Converters Supplying Loads with Open-End Winding.


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    This article presents three variants of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for the Double Square Multiphase type Conventional Matrix Converters (DSM-CMC) supplying loads with the open-end winding. The first variant of PWM offers the ability to obtain zero value of the common-mode voltage at the load's terminals and applies only six switches within the modulation period. The second proposal archives for less Total Harmonic Distortion...

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  • Analysis of Video Transmission Capabilities in a Simulated OFDM-Based Supplementary BPL-PLC System


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The design and maintenance of a reliable communication system, especially in harsh working conditions for the oil and mining industry, brings many challenges. With the use of a video transmission system, one can monitor the crew and their working environment. Broadband over power line–power line communication (BPL-PLC) seems an ideal medium for such a service, since it enables the use of the existing wired infrastructure for supplementary...

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  • Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete

    This paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...

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  • Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine


    The conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...

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  • Sum-over-state expressions including second-order Herzberg–Teller effects for the calculation of absorption and resonance Raman intensities


    The sum-over-state expressions are derived to calculate the second-order Herzberg–Teller (HT) effects in absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. These effects depend on the second derivatives of the transition dipole moment with respect to the vibrational coordinates. The method is applied to the molecule of 1,3-butadiene using density functional theory calculations. It is found that the second-order HT effects are significant...

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  • Paweł Śliwiński dr hab. inż.

    Diplomas and academic degrees. Training 2017:   degree of habilitated doctor;2006:   PhD in Technical Sciences. PhD thesis defended with distinction. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.2000:   Master of Science. Graduated from the university with distinction. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.1995:   Mechanical technician. Graduated from a Technical Secondary School...

  • Optimization of the femtosecond laser impulse for excitation and the spin-orbit-mediated dissociation in the NaRb molecule

    Open Research Data

    High accuracy ab initio potential energy curves (1tSigma+, 2sSigma+, 1tPi), electronic transition dipole moment function (1tSigma+ - 1tPi), and spin-orbit coupling (2sSigma+ - 1tPi) have been calculated for the NaRb molecule. The time-dependent excitation and dissociation processes in the polar alkali diatomic NaRb molecule and the quantum properties...

  • XPS study of the YST ceramics

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Yttrium-doped strontium titanate  was prepared via conventional solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%). For comparision, two other techniques were used for synthesis: Pechini and wet methods. Both kind of samples were measured, after and before reduction process (in a hydrogen)....

  • Chemical analysis of the Au-Ag nanoaloys

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The nanostructures of AuAg nanoalloys were prepared by sequential sputtering of gold and silver thin films.  Single layer thickness was usually 2.8 nm were deosted by magnetron sputtering method in a Ar plasma. As deposited layers were annealed in Ar atmosphere at 550 degress for 15 minutes. For XPS measurements five samples were selected: pure gold...

  • Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments



    In this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....

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  • Zastosowanie metody estymacji rozkładem dyskretnym do oceny niezawodności fundamentu

    Praca dotyczy oceny nośności granicznej stochastycznego podłoża gruntowego. Przyjmując jako miarę bezpieczeństwa wskaźnik niezawodności, analizę przeprowadzono metodą estymacji rozkładem dyskretnym (PEM - Point Estimate Method). W metodzie tej ciągłą zmienną losową zastępuje się składającą się z impulsów dyskretną zmienną losową i aproksymuje charakterystyki statystyczne. Obliczenia wykonano dla przypadku obciążonej pionowo i osiowo...

  • Bezczujnikowa diagnostyka uszkodzeń mechanicznych w przekształtnikowym napędzie elektrycznym

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie detekcji uszkodzeń układu mechanicznego transmisji momentu w układzie bezczujnikowego napędu elektrycznego. Do detekcji uszkodzeń zastosowano analizę moment obciążenia który estymowany jest w czasie rzeczywistym. Przedstawiono strukturę układu napędowego, zależności obserwatora momentu oraz przykładowe wyniki badań w laboratoryjnym układzie napędowym. Uszkodzenia wprowadzano w sposób sztuczny...

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  • An Analysis of Elliptical-Rectangular Multipatch Structure on Dielectric-Coated Confocal and Nonconfocal Elliptic Cylinders

    A rigorous analysis of the resonance frequency problem of an elliptical-rectangular microstrip structure mounted on dielectric-coated elliptic conducting cylinder, with electrically small radius, is investigated in this paper. A full-wave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. The analysis is carried out considering the expansion of the field as a series of Mathieu functions. The complex resonance frequencies of...

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  • Magnetic-field-induced electric quadrupole moments for relativistic hydrogenlike atoms: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function


    We consider a Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field. We show that, to the first order in the strength of the external field, the only electric multipole moments, which are induced by the perturbation in the atom, are those of an even order. Using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function we derive a closed-form expression for the electric quadrupole moment induced...

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  • The energy approach to fatigue crack growth of S355 steel welded specimens subjected to bending

    • D. Rozumek
    • J. Lewandowski
    • G. Lesiuk
    • Z. Marciniak
    • J. A. Correia
    • W. Macek


    The study presents the results of the research on the rate of fatigue crack growth subjected to bending in the ferritic-pearlitic structure. The studies were carried out at a constant amplitude of the moment and at various values ​​of the load ratios R and at the operating frequency of the machine of 28.4 Hz. Flat specimens made of S355 steel and with fillet welds and with double-sided blunt external notches as well as concave...

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  • Global Optimization for Recovery of Clipped Signals Corrupted With Poisson-Gaussian Noise



    We study a variational formulation for reconstructing nonlinearly distorted signals corrupted with a Poisson-Gaussian noise. In this situation, the data fidelity term consists of a sum of a weighted least squares term and a logarithmic one. Both of them are precomposed by a nonlinearity, modelling a clipping effect, which is assumed to be rational. A regularization term, being a piecewise rational approximation of the ℓ0 function...

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  • Determination of time dependence of coated metal electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure using principal component analysis

    The use of the principal component analysis (PCA) permits the complex and quantitative analysis of the time dependence of electrical and electrochemical parameters of coated metal obtained by fitting impedance data. So far, changes in electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure were analyzed independently. In this way, some of the information contained in the relationship between changes in parameters over time are...

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  • Determination of benzo(a)pyrene content in PM10 using regression methods

    The paper presents an attempt of application of multidimensional linear regression to estimation of an empirical model describing the factors influencing on B(a)P content in suspended dust PM10 in Olsztyn and Elbląg city regions between 2010 and 2013. During this period annual average concentration of B(a)P in PM10 exceeded the admissible level 1.5-3 times. Conducted investigations confirm that the reasons of B(a)P concentration...

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  • Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel

    • M. Wlodarczyk-Sielicka
    • D. Połap
    • K. Prokop
    • K. Połap
    • A. Stateczny

    - Remote Sensing - Year 2023

    The visualization of riverbeds and surface facilities on the banks is crucial for systems that analyze conditions, safety, and changes in this environment. Hence, in this paper, we propose collecting, and processing data from a variety of sensors—sonar, LiDAR, multibeam echosounder (MBES), and camera—to create a visualization for further analysis. For this purpose, we took measurements from sensors installed on an autonomous, unmanned...

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