Search results for: POWER CONVERTER
Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology
PublicationThe article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...
Jednofazowy falownik napięcia z aktywnym obwodem odsprzęgającym
PublicationZnanym zagadnieniem w jednofazowych falownikach napięcia jest pobieranie ze źródła napięcia stałego składowej przemiennej o częstotliwości dwukrotnie większej od częstotliwości generowanej przez falownik. Jednym z rozwiązań problemu jest stosowanie dużej baterii kondensatorów elektrolitycznych, lecz lepszym sposobem z punktu widzenia niezawodności i gęstości mocy przekształtnika jest stosowanie aktywnych układów odsprzęgania mocy....
Voltage fluctuations on the main switchgear of the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors_part_2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the voltage waveforms on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data was recorded during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of flickermeter, a hardware...
Nonlinear Control of a Doubly Fed Generator Supplied by a Current Source Inverter
PublicationNowadays, wind turbines based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are a commonly used solution in the wind industry. The standard converter topology used in these systems is the voltage source inverter (VSI). The use of reverse-blocking insulated gate bipolar transistor (RB-IGBT) in the current source inverter topology (CSI), which is an alternative topology, opens new possibilities of control methods. This paper presents...
Voltage fluctuations on the main switchgear of the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the voltage waveforms on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data was recorded during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of flickermeter, a hardware...
Performance Comparison of a 650 V GaN SSFET and CoolMOS
PublicationThe new technology of wide band gap semiconductors is said to outperform up-to-date silicon devices. High voltage Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors, now emerging in the market, have even three times shorter switching times and even four times smaller energy losses compared to the best in-class Si devices. In this paper the performance of a 650 V GaN SSFET is evaluated and compared with the newest silicon family of CoolMOS™ technology....
A 1-nS 1-V Sub-1-µW Linear CMOS OTA with Rail-to-Rail Input for Hz-Band Sensory Interfaces
PublicationThe paper presents an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with low transconductance (0.62–6.28 nS) and low power consumption (28–270 nW) for the low-frequency analog front-ends in biomedical sensor interfaces. The proposed OTA implements an innovative, highly linear voltage-to-current converter based on the channel-length-modulation effect, which can be rail-to-rail driven. At 1-V supply and 1-Vpp asymmetrical input driving,...
Hałaśliwość silników asynchronicznych – podstawy nowych hipotez
PublicationArtykuł zawiera nowe spojrzenie na hałas emitowany przez silniki asynchroniczne. Poprzez wykonane badania akustyczne z analizami widmowymi określono związki przyczynowo-skutkowe powstawania drgań i hałasu przy zasilaniu sieciowymch i przekształtnikowym. Na podstawie wyznaczonych charakterystyk kierunkowych ciśnienia akustycznego silników sformułowano hipotezę, że rola tarcz łożyskowych w emitowaniu hałasu przez silnik może być...
Przegląd systemów ładowania elektrycznych osobowych pojazdów i koncepcja dwukierunkowej ładowarki pokładowej
PublicationAktualnie trwa intensywny rozwój pojazdów elektrycznych (EV) i hybrydowych typu plug-in (PHEV) z pokładowymi bateriami akumulatorów. Badania w tej dziedzinie skupiają się na maksymalizowaniu sprawności oraz minimalizowaniu masy i objętości systemów ładowania baterii. W artykule przedstawiono podział systemów ładowania osobowych pojazdów typu EV/PHEV. Opisano systemy ładowania przewodowego z podziałem na ładowarki pokładowe i zewnętrzne, systemy...
Low current transformer utilizing Co-based amorphous alloys
PublicationMetal oxide surge arresters have been widely used for protection of power system networks against overvoltages due to atmospheric discharges or malfunction of devices connected to the network. During its operation a surge arrester structure is degradated, what can be observed as an increase of a surge arrester leakage current. Paper presents an implementation of a new, high-permeability, Co64Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy as a current...
Low Current Transformer Utilizing Co-Based Amorphous Alloys
PublicationMetal oxide surge arresters have been widely used for protection of power system networks against overvoltages due to atmospheric discharges or malfunction of devices connected to the network. During its operation a surge arrester structure is degradated, what can be observed as an increase of a surge arrester leakage current. Paper presents an implementation of a new, high-permeability, Co64Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy as a current...
Speed sensorless induction motor drive with predictive current controller
PublicationToday, speed sensorless modes of operation are becoming standard solutions in the area of electric drives. This paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with a predictive current controller. A closed-loop estimation system with robustness against motor parameter variation is used for the control approach. The proposed algorithm has been implemented using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and a...
Predykcyjne sterowanie równoległym filtrem aktywnym ze sprzężeniem od prądu zasilającego
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowatorską strategię predykcyjnego sterowania równoległym energetycznym filtrem aktywnym (EFA). Proponowane sterowanie zawiera sprzężenie zwrotne od prądu zasilającego i wiąże zalety sterowania w układzie otwartym oraz zamkniętym – szybkość reakcji na zmianę prądu odbioru i bardzo wysoką skuteczność kompensacji. Wysoka jakość prądu kompensacyjnego wynika również z zastosowania w sterowaniu algorytmów predykcyjnych,...
Canonical switched capacitor converters. Comments, complements, and refinements
PublicationSwitched Capacitor Converters (SCC) form useful blocks in low/medium power applications as they are suitable for integration, both as off-chip and on-chip IC realizations. However, the problem with SCC is that their voltage conversion ratio is topology-dependent. By changing the SC circuit configuration, we can gain control over voltage conversion but the available ratio remains of a discrete nature, i.e. it maps into a countable...
Experimental validation and comparison of a SiC MOSFET based 100 kW 1.2 kV 20 kHz three-phase dual active bridge converter using two vector groups
Publication -
High Frequency Conducted Emission in AC Motor Drives Fed By Frequency Converters: Sources and Propagation Paths
PublicationProvides a concise and thorough reference for designing electrical and electronic systems that employ adjustable speed drives Electrical and electronic systems that employ adjustable speed drives are being increasingly used in present-day automation applications. They are considered by many application engineers as one of the most interfering components, especially in a contemporarily faced industrial environment. This book fills...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
New Architecture of Solid-State High-Voltage Pulse Generators
PublicationThe application of the nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) for biomedical treatments has gained more interest in recent decades due to the development of pulsed power technologies which provides the ability to control the electric field dose applied during tests. In this context, the proposed paper describes a new architecture of solid-state high-voltage pulse generators (SSHVPG) designed to generate fully customised sequences...
Techno-economic analysis of a hybrid energy system for electrification using an off-grid solar/biogas/battery system employing HOMER: A case study in Vietnam
PublicationThe electrification of off-grid /island villages is a critical step towards improving the techno-economic circumstances of rural regions and the overall general growth of the country. However, consistent supply from a single source is not possible in these areas. Thus, a hybrid renewable energy system performs better in these conditions. The research challenge now is to identify the optimal combinations of HRES from the available...
Buck-Boost Inverters with Symmetrical Passive Four-terminal Networks
PublicationAlternating Voltage Inverters (Converters) supplied by low-voltage sources DC (ex. fuel cell, photovoltaic cell) are most frequently realized on the basis of the three fundamental topologies: a) PWM voltage inverter with boost-converter" system, b) PWM voltage inverter with transformed converter DC/DC in the ,,boost-converter" system, c) PWM current converter. However none of these solutions is claimed to be the best and dominant...
Development of an Advanced Control Algorithm for DAB DC/DC Converters: Inrush Current Limitation and Enhanced Operation in Transient States.
PublicationThe publication addresses the dynamic state challenges encountered during development of a dual active bridge (DAB) converter within DC microgrid systems. The conventional startup method is identified as instigating a cascade of unfavorable outcomes, encompassing elevated starting current, transformer current asymmetry, DC voltage distortions, EMI and heightened thermal stress on semiconductor components. Additionally, it necessitates...
Measure small currents without adding resistive insertion loss
PublicationFloating current to voltage converter can be inserted in-line with no voltage drop and no need for a ground reference.
Control Strategy of a Five-Phase Induction Machine Supplied by the Current Source Inverter With the Third Harmonic Injection
PublicationIn the five-phase induction machine (IM), it is possible to better use the electromagnetic circuit than in the three-phase IM. This requires the use of an adequate converter system which will be supplied by an induction machine. The electric drive system described, in this article, includes the five-phase induction machine supplied by the current source inverter (CSI). The proposed novelty—not presented previously—is the control...
Niekorzystny wpływ przekształtnikowego zasilania PWM na silniki asynchroniczne trakcyjne
PublicationThe electric traction drives with an AC motor fed by a frequency converter are used more and more often nowadays. The most significant side effects, of a converter's output voltage forming PWM method for AC motor windings, are steep voltage changes, which can initiate several destructive phenomena. The paper presents the adverse influence of a converter common mode voltage on the motor windings' increased voltage exposure and the...
Destructive impact of PWM inverters on traction AC motors
PublicationThe electric traction drives with an AC motor fed by a frequency converter are used more and more often nowadays. The most significant side effects, of a converter's output voltage forming PWM method for AC motor windings, are steep voltage changes, which can initiate several destructive phenomena. The paper presents the adverse influence of a converter common mode voltage on the motor windings's increased voltage exposure and...
Destructive Consequences of PWM Inverter Feeding for Traction AC Motors
PublicationThe electric traction drives with an AC motor fed by a frequency converter are used more and more often nowadays. The most significant side effects, of a converter's output voltage forming PWM method for AC motor windings, are steep voltage changes, which can initiate several destructive phenomena. The paper presents the adverse influence of a converter common mode voltage on the motor windings' increased voltage exposure and the...
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive
PublicationIn this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...
Selected aspects of the operation of Dual Active Bridge DC/DC converters
PublicationThis review paper discusses the concept of a bidirectional dual active bridge (DAB) DC/DC converter. Practical applications and control methods are explored, and various types of DAB converters are introduced and characterized. Aspects of operation are discussed, and enriched by the results of theoretical analyses, simulations, and experimental measurements of the original authors’ work.
Study of Metrological Properties of Voltammetric Electrodes in the Time Domain
PublicationMetrological properties of voltammetric electrodes, in the situation where on their surface an electrochemical reaction of oxidizing/reduction takes place, were analyzed in this chapter. The properties of electrodes on which a reaction controlled by ion transport process takes place were taken into consideration. Also, it was analyzed how the electrode’s shape and the voltage polarizing the electrode influence this electrode’s...
Gate Driver with Overcurrent Protection Circuit for GaN Transistors
PublicationThe improvement of the gate driver for GaN transistor is presented in this paper. The proposed topology contains the overcurrent protectionwith the two-stage turning off and independent control of turn on and off time of the GaN transistor. The operation of driver and its application in thehalf-bridge converter are described using both simulation and prototype measurements. The overcurrent protection was tested in Double Pulse...
Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance
PublicationThe focus of this study is on the grid-forming operation of the Energy Router (ER) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). ER is regarded as a key component of microgrids. It is a converter that interfaces the microgrid (s) with the utility grid. The ER has a multiport structure and bidirectional energy flow control. The ER concept can be implemented in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) to provide flexible energy control. A...
Budowa i sterowanie układu równoważenia napięć w obwodziepośredniczącym czteropoziomowego przekształtnika 4l-DCC
PublicationW artykule opisano budowę nowego układu równoważenia napięć w obwodzie pośredniczącym czteropoziomowego przekształtnika4L-DCC (ang. Four Level Diode Clamped Converter) oraz zaproponowano dwa alternatywne algorytmy modulacji szerokości impulsów - modulacjęPD-PWM (ang. Phase Disposition PWM) oraz PO-PWM (ang. Phase Opposition PWM). Zawarto rozważania dotyczące realizacji układu regulacjinapięć kondensatorów obwodu pośredniczącego.
DC-link voltage balancing in cascaded H-Bridge converters
PublicationIn the paper a DC-link voltage balancing strategy for multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter is proposed. Presented solution bases on optimal choice of active vector durations in Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SV-PWM). It makes it possible to DC-link voltages control and to properly generate the output voltage vector in the case of DC-link voltage unbalance. Results of simulation and experimental researches...
Multipulse inverter structures with low voltage distortion
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse three-level...
Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Open Research DataFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
Estymacja napięcia niezrównoważenia w obwodzie pośredniczącym trójpoziomowego falownika NPC z wykorzystaniem obserwatora EKF
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nowy algorytm estymacji napięcia niezrównoważenia w obwodzie pośredniczącym falownika 3L-NPC (ang. Three Level Neutral Diode-Clamped Converter) wykorzystujący rozszerzony filtr Kalmana. Algorytm może być wykorzystany do sterowania falownikiem bez czujnika napięcia w punkcie środkowym jak również może służyć do celów diagnostycznych czujnika polegających na porównaniu mierzonej wartości z estymowaną. W artykule...
Modular multipulse voltage source inverters with integrating coupled reactors
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse and twenty-four-pulse...
Modular high precision high current source for special applications — Simulation and verification
PublicationThis paper presents selected issues concerning realization of high precision high current source for special applications, where high demands of output parameters of such device are required. A new 80 kW prototype of modular high precision high current source is presented, where output current accuracy reaches 5x10-5. This paper presents also results of operation of the simulation model and of the prototype converter. In order...
Wireless intelligent audio-video surveillance prototyping system
PublicationThe presented system is based on the Virtex6 FPGA and several supporting devices like a fast DDR3 memory, small HD camera, microphone with A/D converter, WiFi radio communication module, etc. The system is controlled by the Linux operating system. The Linux drivers for devices implemented in the system have been prepared. The system has been successfully verified in a H.264 compression accelerator prototype in which the most demanding...
Modulacja 3D-SVPWM z kompensacją napięcia niezrównoważenia i balansowaniem napięć DC dla czterogałęziowego falownika 3L-NPC
PublicationPrzedstawiono realizację algorytmu modulacji napięcia 3D-SVPWM (ang. 3-Dimensional Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) z kompensacją napięcia niezrównoważenia dla trójpoziomowego czterogałęziowego falownika 3L-NPC (ang. 3-Level Neutral-Point-diode-Clamped Converter). Do wyznaczania współczynników wypełnień w modulacji szerokości impulsów zastosowano liniowe funkcje kształtu czworościennego elementu skończonego z węzłami, których...
Virtual Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm for Three-Level NPC Converters Based on the Final Element Shape Functions
PublicationThe paper puts forth a novel idea for the computation of Nearest Three Virtual Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for the three level NPC converters. The computations are based on the concept of final element shape function widely used in the domain of finite element analysis. The proposed approach significantly frees the computations from the use of trigonometric functions, which simplifies the computations and permits easier...
Modulacja 3D-SVPWM dla przekształtników wielopoziomowych czterogałęziowych na bazie funkcji kształtu
PublicationPrzedstawiono realizację algorytmu modulacji napięcia 3D-SVPWM (ang. 3-Dimensional Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) dla trójpoziomowego czterogałęziowego przekształtnika 3L-NPC (ang. 3-Level Neutral-Point-diode-Clamped Converter). Do wyznaczania współczynników wypełnień w modulacji szerokości impulsów zastosowano liniowe funkcje kształtu czworościennego elementu skończonego. Proponowany algorytm modulacji nie jest ograniczony...
Modified sliding mode control for seamless integration of P.V. energy in A.C. grid
PublicationSolar energy is a potentially abundant and reliable source of renewable energy. While it can undoubtedly increase grid reliability and efficiency, the inverted voltage generated from PV. sources may introduce distortion into the AC. grid. The proposed control mechanism, modified sliding mode control (MSMC), can seamlessly integrate the inverter output generated by obtaining DC. voltage from the boost converter linked with the PV....
Sinusoidal Alternating-Current Voltammetry and Metrological Properties of a Flat Voltammetric Electrode in the Time Domain
PublicationIn this paper there were analyzed metrological properties of a flat electrode used to mark ions with the method of sinusoidal alternating-current voltammetry in the situation where on its surface an electrochemical reversible reaction of oxidizing / reduction takes place. The result of the analysis conducted is that such a voltammetric electrode functions like a converter type I. Metrological properties of such an electrode in...
On analog comparators for CMOS digital pixel applications. A comparative study
PublicationVoltage comparator is the only – apart from the light-to-voltage converter – analog component in the digital CMOS pixel. In this work, the influence of the analog comparator nonidealities on the performance of the digital pixel has been investigated. In particular, two versions of the digital pixel have been designed in 0.35 μm CMOS technology, each using a different type of analog comparator. The properties of both versions have...
Dynamic characteristics of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell module
PublicationThe paper describes a fuel cell based system and its performance. The system is based on two fuel cell units, DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and a set of measurement instruments. In the study presented in the paper a dynamic response of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system to unit step change load as well as to periodical load changing cycles...
Selection of excitation signals for high-impedance spectroscopy
PublicationA method of fast impedance spectroscopy of technical objects with high impedance (|Zx| > 1 GOhm) is evaluated in this paper. An object is excited with a signal generated by a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) located on the U2531A DAQ module. Response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured object are sampled by analog-to-digital converters (ADC) in the DAQ module. The object impedance spectrum...
PublicationDiagnostic device monitors the tractor’s technical condition and identifies the location of damaged components during operation. The diagnostic device detects and identifies the following types of defects: functional defects (uf) which affect performance, exhaust defects (ue) which increase toxic emissions and fuel consumption, defects that jeopardize driving safety (us), defects that affect engine performance (ud). The key component...
The influence of the motor filtrers on harmonic current emmision in the pro-ective connection of drive systems.
PublicationThis paper contains detailed analysis of currents in protective wire in engine supplied from frequency converter without any external filters added. It was found that the peak value of current in protective conductor of engine was about 1500 mA at frequencies 5 Hz 50 Hz. In the continuation of research the dU/dt type motor filter and the sinusoidal filter were tested. It was found that the current in protective wire decreased...
Single-Slope ADC With Embedded Convolution Filter for Global-Shutter CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThis brief presents an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) suitable for acquisition and processing of images in the global-shutter mode at the pixel level. The ADC consists of an analog comparator, a multi-directional shift register for the comparator states, and a 16-bit reversible binary counter with programmable step size. It works in the traditional single-slope mode. The novelty is that during each step of the reference ramp,...