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Search results for: WASTE, ENVIRONMENT, MODULAR.
Modular Ceramic-Polymeric Device for Analysis of Selected Elements in Liquid Using Microplasma
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Cost-performance framework for the assessment of Modular Multilevel Converter in HVDC transmission applications
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Raman modular system with fibre-optic probes for remote monitoring of CVD process
PublicationW pracy opisano konstrukcję modułowego spektroskopu ramanowskiego umożliwiającego monitorowanie wzrostu warstw w procesach CVD. Przedstawiono rezultaty testów skostruowanego układu oraz wstępne wyniki pomiarów warstw diamentowych.
Integration of multi-interface conversion channel using FPGA for modular photonic network
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Housing Environment
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Hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment
PublicationThe efficiency analysis a hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) interface was presented. Four, the most popular methods: Chan's, Foy's, Fang's and Friedlander's were considered. These algorithms enable the calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) using the time differences of arrival (TDOA) between several base...
Nitrogen pathways in the environment.
PublicationPraca stanowi wprowadzenie do zbioru artykułów poświęconych wielorakim aspektom badań nad ścieżkami przenoszenia związków azotu, zagrożeniami z tego wynikającymi oraz metodami przeciwdziałania tym zagrożeniom. Przedstawiono w niej bardzo problematykę obiegu kołowego azotu w przyrodzie, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zakłócenia w tym obiegu, będące rezultatem różnorodnej działalności człowieka. Na tle aktualnego stanu wiedzy, krótko...
Organohalogen compounds in the environment.
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem związków chloroorganicznych w środowisku, takich jak: pestycydy chloroorganiczne, polichlorowane bifenyle, polichlorowane dibenzodioksyny i furany. Omówiono podstawowe właściwości fizykochemiczne, toksykologiczne oraz ścieżki przemian w środowisku.
Analysis of economical lighting of highways in the environment of SMOL language
PublicationThe paper puts forward and implements a method of designing and creating a modelling simulation environment for eztensive and complete analysis of economical lighting on highways. From a general design viewpoint, the proposed solution explores the concept of a network description language (SMOL), which has been designed to describe the necessary network functions, mechanisms, and devices; for the purpose of their computer simulation...
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Effect of the Road Environment on Road Safety in Poland
PublicationRun-off-road accidents tend to be very severe because when a vehicle leaves the road, it will often crash into a solid obstacle (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). A statistical analysis of the data shows that Poland's main roadside hazard is trees and the severity of vehicles striking a tree in a run-off-road crash. The risks are particularly high in north-west Poland with many of the roads lined up with...
Coffee Silverskin as a Multifunctional Waste Filler for High-Density Polyethylene Green Composites
PublicationThis work aims to describe the coffee silverskin effect as a lignocellulosic waste filler for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites development. The main task was to determine various modification effects resulting from the complex chemical composition of coffee silverskin containing compounds with potential antioxidative properties, including caffeine, polyphenols, tannins, or melanoidins. The processing, thermal, physicochemical,...
Production of fuel briquette from solid waste biomass using natural resin as a binder
PublicationAbstract Background: This research aimed to evaluate the use of natural resin as a binder for the production of fuel briquette from solid waste biomass. Methods: Proximate analyses were made for fuel briquette prepared from solid waste biomass using natural resin as a binder in comparison with using starch as a binder. Results: The results for density, percent content of moisture, percent content of volatile matter, percent content...
Production of fuel briquette from solid waste biomass using natural resin as a binder
PublicationBackground: This research aimed to evaluate the use of natural resin as a binder for the production of fuel briquette from solid waste biomass.Methods: Proximate analyses were made for fuel briquette prepared from solid waste biomass using natural resin as a binder in comparison with using starch as a binder.Results: The results for density, percent content of moisture, percent content of volatile matter, percent...
PublicationTeams are the basic unit of the C2NIWA community, which – using the technical capabilities of this environment – focuses on the implementation of various projects. This article presents one of the competitions carried out within the framework of a C2NIWA project called Uwaga! Upadek! [Attention! Fall!], used as an example of a collaborative project for which analyses related to the assessment of teamwork based on the input-process-result...
Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting
PublicationRecently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...
Pre-treatment of bio fraction waste prior to fermentation processes
PublicationCurrent efforts are taken to increase resource efficiency, close material loops, and improve sustainable waste and by-products management. Thus, networking agro-food by-products and converting them into valuable products completely exhausting the potential of the raw material becomes significant. Model lignocellulosic and starch based biomass were subjected to pre-treatment with the application of acidic compounds, i.e. sulphuric...
Technological aspects of manufacturing polymer packaging materials degradable in seawater environment
PublicationIn recent years, the number of polymer materials used in the food packaging market was growing extremely fast. This contributed to depletion of non-renewable resources and more intense degradation of the environment due to resistant polymer. Therefore, such a dramatic situation has forced researchers to look for biodegradable materials, decomposable under action of microorganism. Currently, only a small number of researches examine...
Performance Analysis of the OpenCL Environment on Mobile Platforms
PublicationToday’s smartphones have more and more features that so far were only assigned to personal computers. Every year these devices are composed of better and more efficient components. Everything indicates that modern smartphones are replacing ordinary computers in various activities. High computing power is required for tasks such as image processing, speech recognition and object detection. This paper analyses the performance of...
Recycling of Industrial Waste as Soil Binding Additives—Effects on Soil Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties during Its Stabilisation before Road Construction
PublicationTo improve the in situ soil stabilization, different chemical additives are used (ion exchange compounds, additives based on H2SO4 or vinyl polymers, and organic additives using lignosul- fonates). One interesting alternative is the production of additives from various waste materials. The extensive testing of waste-based blends with soil was performed; the mechanical (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)) and hydraulic (capillary...
The Importance of Demand and Environment for Defining and Establishing the Role of Data Stewards
PublicationData stewardship is now a central part of FAIR research data management. Although various types of positions called data stewards have been created at academic institutions over the last years, no demand-oriented, formal model of data stewardship and the associated roles exist so far. This workshop report presents the outcomes of the panel discussion “The Importance of Demand and Environment for Defining Data Stewardship” held...
Food Waste Valorization by Microalgae
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Utilization of waste chloroorganic compounds
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Pyrolysis as an alternative for combustion of waste
PublicationProces pirolizy polega na rozkładzie materii organicznej w podwyższonej temperaturze w warunkach beztlenowych, dlatego może być on stosowany jako alternatywa lub uzupełnienie dla procesu spalania. Piroliza pozwala na uzyskanie substancji chemicznych z polimerów naturalnych i syntetycznych. W umiarkowanej temperaturze (300 - 500 ° C), można uzyskać wysokiej wydajności frakcji ciekłej, natomiast wysokie temperatury sprzyjają powstawaniu...
Real-time simulation in non real-time environment
PublicationSimulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...
Management of ground tire rubber waste by incorporation into polyurethane-based composite foams
PublicationRapid economic growth implicated the developing multiple industry sectors, including the automotive branch, increasing waste generation since recycling and utilization methods have not been established simultaneously. A very severe threat is the generation of enormous amounts of post-consumer tires considered burdensome waste, e.g., due to the substantial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, it is essential...
Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to investigate music genre recognition in the rough set-based environment. Experiments involve a parameterized music data-base containing 1100 music excerpts. The database is divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres. Tests are conducted using the Rough Set Exploration System (RSES), a toolset for analyzing data with the use of methods based on the rough set theory. Classification effectiveness...
On the use of black tea waste as a functional filler for manufacturing self-stabilizing polyethylene composites: In-depth thermal analysis
PublicationThermal and oxidative stabilization are critical aspects in the processing and exploitation of polyolefins. Black tea contains many natural antioxidants, the largest group of compounds in its composition. When used as a filler for composite manufacturing, the thermo-oxidation process of polyethylene can be slowed down. Black tea waste (BTW) generated during the process of packing tea into sachets was introduced into a bio-based...
The Taste of Waste: The Edge of Eggshell Over Calcium Carbonate in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber
PublicationRubber technology experiences a new age by the use of biowaste or natural fillers. In this regard, taking properties of reinforcing agents from biowaste fillers remains as the challenging matter. Chicken eggshell (ES) biowaste has recently been introduced to substitute calcium carbonate (CaCO3) duo to its superior properties and low price. In this work, composites based on acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) reinforced with ES...
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Waste into Useful Energy Using Advanced HiTAG/HiTSG Technology
PublicationAn advanced thermal conversion system involving high-temperature gasification of biomass and municipal waste into biofuel, syngas or hydrogen-rich gas is presented in this paper. The decomposition of solid biomass and wastes by gasification is carried out experimentally with a modern and innovative regenerator and updraft continuous gasifier, among others. A ceramic high-cycle regenerator provides extra energy for the thermal conversion...
Endocrine disrupting compounds in the baby's world - A harmful environment to the health of babies
PublicationGlobally, there has been a significant increase in awareness of the adverse effects of chemicals with known or suspected endocrine-acting properties on human health. Human exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) mainly occurs by ingestion and to some extent by inhalation and dermal uptake. Although it is difficult to assess the full impact of human exposure to EDCs, it is well known that timing of exposure is of importance...
Proposal of New Starch-Blends Composition Quickly Degradable in Marine Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to obtain a quickly degradable in seawater polymer blend as an alternative proposal for classical polymer packaging. For preliminary studies: poly(lactic acid) (PLA), starch, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), gelatin and glycerol were chosen. PLA was pointed out due to its biodegradability and comparable properties to polyethylene or polypropylene. Whereas starch was chosen as abundant, renewable and cheap polymer...
Metals in the environment as risk factors for infectious diseases: gaps and opportunities
PublicationThis chapter aims to provide insights into current knowledge and gaps in our understanding of the influence that trace metals in the environment have on the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. By reducing immune function, trace metal deficiencies may substantially contribute to the global burden of diarhea, pneumonia, and malaria. Improved methods and biomarkers for assessing the risk of trace metals deficiencies and toxicities...
Contemporary multifunctional buildings towards a sustainable development of the housing environment
PublicationDevelopment of contemporary urban centers depends on the basis that buildings present more and more complex structures in terms of size and purpose. They are referred to as multifunctional buildings. This aspiration has its origins in the development of urban centers and in the desire to optimize the built-up areas. The article presents the theory of the approach to the design of multifunctional buildings with a focus on the residential...
Determining QoS in the Video Telephony Service in an IP Environment
PublicationIP networks are indispensable nowadays. They are among the most efficient platforms. The constantly growing number of users and new services in these networks - the largest being the Internet - requires a good quality of any application used.Determining the QoS in real-time services is particularly important. This work is dedicated to exactly this aspect of the real-time service Video Telephony over IP (VToIP). First, the ITU-T...
Entropy Production Associated with Aggregation into Granules in a Subdiffusive Environment
PublicationWe study the entropy production that is associated with the growing or shrinking of a small granule in, for instance, a colloidal suspension or in an aggregating polymer chain. A granule will fluctuate in size when the energy of binding is comparable to k_{B}T, which is the “quantum” of Brownian energy. Especially for polymers, the conformational energy landscape is often rough and has been commonly modeled as being self-similar...
Efficiency and proportions of waste tyre pyrolysis products depending on the reactor type—A review
PublicationThis article discusses the current use of different pyrolytic reactors, their constructions and operating principles regarding the yields of main products of waste tyre pyrolytic recycling. Whether one makes a larger or smaller profit, or even a loss due to a surcharge being levied on waste tyre recycling, depends on the sale of the pyrolysis products (gas, char, oil), the proportions and market prices of which differ. The cheapest...
Context sensitive privacy management in a distributed environment
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia mechanizm zarządzania prywatnością stworzony dla systemu rozproszonego z założeniem, że węzły systemu mają ograniczone zasoby (moc procesora, pamięć). Podstawowy pomysł zakłada, że prywatne dane są filtrowane zgodnie z polityką prywatności użytkowników przed ich ujawnieniem innym użytkownikom. Te decyzje są silnie umiejscowione, co ogranicza narzut związany z zarządzaniem prywatnością na węzłach systemu. Sam...
Structural Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Beams Incorporating Waste Plastic Straws
PublicationThe behavior of reinforced concrete beams containing fibers made of waste plastic straws (WPSs) under the three point bending test is examined. The effect of WPS fiber addition on the compressive and split tensile strength is reported. Four concrete mixes were prepared. The control mix PS-0 had a proportion of 1 cement: 1 sand: 2 coarse aggregate and a water cement ratio of 0.4. In the other three mixes PS-0.5, PS-1.5 and PS-3,...
Copper Slag as a Potential Waste Filler for Polyethylene-Based Composites Manufacturing
PublicationThe present study aimed to analyze the application of waste material from copper production– copper slag (ŻŻL) as filler for composites based on the high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Copper slag filler was introduced in the amounts of 1–20 wt%, and its influence on the appearance (color analysis), chemical structure (Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy), microstructure (optical microscopy), as well as static (tensile...
Teaching Architecture – contemporary challenges and threats in the complexity of built environment
PublicationThe complexity of the modern built environment is a problem n ot only of architectural and urban issues. This issue extends to many othe r disciplines as well as covering a wide range of social engagements. The idea of writing this pa per is generally initiated by the debate which took place in Gdańs k on 22.01.2016, and was prepar ed in order to meet representatives of the four circles of interest...
Ground Tire Rubber Filled Flexible Polyurethane Foam—Effect of Waste Rubber Treatment on Composite Performance
PublicationThe application range of flexible polyurethane (PU) foams is comprehensive because of their versatility and flexibility in adjusting structure and performance. In addition to the investigations associated with further broadening of their potential properties, researchers are looking for new raw materials, beneficially originated from renewable resources or recycling. A great example of such a material is ground tire rubber (GTR)—the...
Recycling of Waste Rubber by Thermo-Mechanical Treatment in a Twin-Screw Extruder
PublicationRecycling of waste tires is a significant issue considering both environmental and economic aspects. One of the leading recycling routes is the shredding of tires resulting in the generation of ground tire rubber. This material can be easily introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, reducing the use of conventionally applied petroleum-based materials. In such cases, it is essential to ensure sufficient interfacial compatibility,...
Valorization of waste cabbage leaves by postharvest photochemical treatments monitored with a non-destructive fluorescence-based sensor
PublicationThe biosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds in cabbage waste, outer green leaves of white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), was stimulated by postharvest irradiation with UVB lamps or sunlight. Both treatments boosted the content of kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, especially in the basal leaf zone, as determined by the HPLC analysis of leaf extracts and by a non-destructive optical sensor. The...
Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively
PublicationGlobal food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...
Design and experimental investigations of a cylindrical microjet heat exchanger for waste heat recovery systems
PublicationCompact heat exchangers have more and more applications in many areas, including the HVAC, food and petrochemical industry. This paper describes the development of heat exchanger technology for waste heat recovery (WHR) from a range of processes. Case-study testing shows that the proposed heat exchanger can successfully enhance heat transfer and recover waste heat in a range of applications making them economically, environmentally and...
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An Evaluation of the Energy Potential of Agri-Food Waste: Green Residues from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Shea Nutshells (Vitellaria paradoxa)
PublicationAddressing the agricultural challenges of agri-food waste accumulation, this study assessed the energy potential of green residues from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Kmicic) plants in different fertilizer configurations and Shea nutshell (Vitellaria paradoxa) waste. Two key parameters were compared: (I) Calorific Value (CV), representing thermal treatment, and (II) Biogas and Biomethane production potential, representing...
Parallel implementation of a Sailing Assistance Application in a Cloud Environment
PublicationSailboat weather routing is a highly complex problem in terms of both the computational time and memory. The reason for this is a large search resulting in a multitude of possible routes and a variety of user preferences. Analysing all possible routes is only feasible for small sailing regions, low-resolution maps, or sailboat movements on a grid. Therefore, various heuristic approaches are often applied, which can find solutions...
Impact of DC fault blocking capability on the sizing of the DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter