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Search results for: dna sequence recognition
Camera angle invariant shape recognition in surveillance systems
PublicationA method for human action recognition in surveillance systems is described. Problems within this task are discussed and a solution based on 3D object models is proposed. The idea is shown and some of its limitations are talked over. Shape description methods are introduced along with their main features. Utilized parameterization algorithm is presented. Classification problem, restricted to bi-nary cases is discussed. Support vector...
Termodynamika niekowalencyjnego oddziaływania małocząsteczkowych ligandów z dna
PublicationKwasy nukleinowe są jednym z głównych celów biologicznych dla wielu antybiotyków oraz leków przeciwnowotworowych i przeciwwirusowych. Podczas tworzenia nowych farmaceutyków ważna jest dokładna wiedza na temat sposobu wiązania się leku do DNA. Oddziaływanie ligand-DNA można podzielić na dwie grupy: 1. wiązanie kowalencyjne, które często prowadzi do utworzenie trwałych wiązań pomiędzy nićmi DNA, 2. fizykochemiczne wiązanie, które...
Scoreboard Architectural Pattern and Integration of Emotion Recognition Results
PublicationThis paper proposes a new design pattern, named Scoreboard , dedicated for applications solving complex, multi-stage, non-deterministic problems. The pattern provides a computational framework for the design and implementation of systems that integrate a large number of diverse specialized modules that may vary in accuracy, solution level, and modality. The Scoreboard is an extension of Blackboard design pattern and comes under...
System for automatic singing voice recognition
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono system automatycznego rozpoznawania jakości i typu głosu śpiewaczego. Przedstawiono bazę danych oraz zaimplementowane parametry. Algorytmem decyzyjnym jest algorytm sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Wytrenowany system decyzyjny osiąga skuteczność ok. 90% w obydwu kategoriach rozpoznawania. Dodatkowo wykazano przy pomocy metod statystycznych, że wyniki działania systemu automatycznej oceny jakości technicznej...
Antipsychotic drug prescription sequence analysis in relation to death occurrence and cardiometabolic drug usage: A retrospective longitudinal study
PublicationThe potential role of antipsychotics in increasing cardiovascular risk of mortality is still debated. The aim of this study was to assess the death risk associated with sequences of first-generation antipsychotic (FGA) and second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) prescriptions, including clozapine and lithium, and drugs for cardiometabolic diseases. We conducted a retrospective longitudinal analysis involving 84,881 patients who received...
Decisional DNA and Optimization Problem
PublicationMany researchers have proved that Decisional DNA (DDNA) and Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS or SOE) is a technology capable of gathering information and converting it into knowledge to help decision-makers to make precise decisions in many ways. These techniques have a feature to combine with different tools, such as data mining techniques and web crawlers, helping organization collect information from different sources...
Decisional DNA: the concept and its implementation platforms
PublicationOmowiono kopncepcje zarzadzania wiedza oparta na decyzyjnym DNA gdzie wiedza jest reprezentowana poprzez zbiory doswiadczen. Przedstawiono obecne oraz przyszle zastosowania omawianej koncepcji.
Metylacja DNA w rozwoju, diagnostyce i terapii nowotworów
PublicationDotychczas kowalencyjna modyfikacja DNA, jaką jest zarówno naturalna metylacja DNA, jak i addukty DNA egzogennych niskocząsteczkowych związków chemicznych, były ropatrywane z punktu widzenia genomu. W świetle obecnej wiedzy dotyczącej epigenomu można sądzić, że stosunkowo niewielkie modyfikacje czy to w postaci metylacji cytozyny, czy adduktu DNA mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na działanie komórki, a co za tym idzie także jej transformację...
Pose classification in the gesture recognition using the linear optical sensor
PublicationGesture sensors for mobile devices, which have a capability of distinguishing hand poses, require efficient and accurate classifiers in order to recognize gestures based on the sequences of primitives. Two methods of poses recognition for the optical linear sensor were proposed and validated. The Gaussian distribution fitting and Artificial Neural Network based methods represent two kinds of classification approaches. Three types...
Influence of accelerometer signal pre-processing and classification method on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy. In the test four methods of classification were used: support vector machine, decision trees, neural network, k-nearest neighbor.
Therapeutic intervention by the simultaneous inhibition of DNA repair and type I or type II DNA topoisomerases: one strategy, many outcomes
PublicationMany anticancer drugs reduce the integrity of DNA, forming strand breaks. This can cause mutations and cancer or cell death if the lesions are not repaired. Interestingly, DNA repair-deficient cancer cells (e.g., those with BRCA1/2 mutations) have been shown to exhibit increased sensitivity to chemotherapy. Based on this observation, a new therapeutic approach termed 'synthetic lethality' has been developed, in which radiation...
Analysis of induction of DNA DSBs on telomeres in A549 cells
Open Research DataData consist of an analysis of DNA DSBs on telomeres. A549 were treated with compounds (TXT4, MTX, DMSO) at IC90 concentration for the indicated time. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat objective (Carl Zeiss)....
Automatic Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationThe automatic emotion recognition domain brings new methods and technologies that might be used to enhance therapy of children with autism. The paper aims at the exploration of methods and tools used to recognize emotions in children. It presents a literature review study that was performed using a systematic approach and PRISMA methodology for reporting quantitative and qualitative results. Diverse observation channels and modalities...
On practical application of Shannon theory to character recognition and more
PublicationLet us consider an optical character recognition system, which in particular can be used for identifying objects that were assigned strings of some length. The system is not perfect, for example, it sometimes recognizes wrongly the characters "Y" and "V". What is the largest set of strings of given length for the system under consideration, which can be mutually correctly recognized, and the corresponding objects correctly identified?...
Acquisition and indexing of RGB-D recordings for facial expressions and emotion recognition
PublicationIn this paper KinectRecorder comprehensive tool is described which provides for convenient and fast acquisition, indexing and storing of RGB-D video streams from Microsoft Kinect sensor. The application is especially useful as a supporting tool for creation of fully indexed databases of facial expressions and emotions that can be further used for learning and testing of emotion recognition algorithms for affect-aware applications....
Framework for Product Innovation Using SOEKS and Decisional DNA
PublicationProduct innovation always requires a foundation based on both knowledge and experience. The production and innovation process of products is very similar to the evolution process of humans. The genetic information of humans is stored in genes, chromosomes and DNA. Similarly, the information about the products can be stored in a system having virtual genes, chromosomes and decisional DNA. The present paper proposes a framework for...
Termodynamiczne aspekty oddziaływania niskocząsteczkowych ligandów z DNA
PublicationKwasy nukleinowe są celem biologicznym dla wielu antybiotyków oraz leków przeciwnowotworowych i przeciwwirusowych. Dlatego podczas tworzenia nowych farmaceutyków ważna jest dokładna wiedza na temat sposobu wiązania się leku do DNA.Oddziaływanie ligand-DNA można podzielić na dwie grupy: 1. wiązanie kowalencyjne, które często prowadzi do utworzenie trwałych wiązań pomiędzy nićmi DNA, 2. fizykochemiczne wiązanie, które może być podzielone...
Analysis of 2D Feature Spaces for Deep Learning-based Speech Recognition
Publicationconvolutional neural network (CNN) which is a class of deep, feed-forward artificial neural network. We decided to analyze audio signal feature maps, namely spectrograms, linear and Mel-scale cepstrograms, and chromagrams. The choice was made upon the fact that CNN performs well in 2D data-oriented processing contexts. Feature maps were employed in the Lithuanian word recognition task. The spectral analysis led to the highest word...
Raman spectroscopic study of Ni2+-DNA interactions in aqueous systems
PublicationMetodą ramanowskich widm różnicowych określono sposób oddziaływania jonu Ni2+ z DNA(CT) w układach wodnych. Kation Ni(II) koordynuje w pozycjach N7 guaniny (G) i adeniny (A) w powtarzających się sekwencjach GG, AA i GA cząsteczki DNA. Jednocześnie Ni2+ oddziałuje zewnątrz sferowo poprzez cząsteczki wody z grupami fosforanowymi DNA.
Parameters optimization in medicine supporting image recognition algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, a procedure of automatic set up of image recognition algorithms' parameters is proposed, for the purpose of reducing the time needed for algorithms' development. The procedure is presented on two medicine supporting algorithms, performing bleeding detection in endoscopic images. Since the algorithms contain multiple parameters which must be specified, empirical testing is usually required to optimise the algorithm's...
Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size
PublicationThe presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...
Comparison of selected off-the-shelf solutions for emotion recognition based on facial expressions
PublicationThe paper concerns accuracy of emotion recognition from facial expressions. As there are a couple of ready off-the-shelf solutions available in the market today, this study aims at practical evaluation of selected solutions in order to provide some insight into what potential buyers might expect. Two solutions were compared: FaceReader by Noldus and Xpress Engine by QuantumLab. The performed evaluation revealed that the recognition...
Frequent Sequence Mining in Web Log Data
Publication -
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
PeopleBeata Krawczyk, PhD, Professor Academic degrees, education, qualifications: B. Krawczyk earned his master degree in Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1986, and her PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1996. Postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in biological sciences in the discipline biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, in 2009. In 2012...
Application of decisional DNA in web data mining
PublicationPrzedstawiono pilotową koncepcję i aplikację integracji reprezentacji wiedzy opartej na decyzyjnym DNA oraz systemów pozyskiwania wiedzy i danych z Internetu. Wskazano na zalety proponowanej integracji oraz przedstawiono kierunki przyszłych badań w tym zakresie.
Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA
PublicationIn this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...
Automatic Singing Voice Recognition EmployingNeural Networks and Rough Sets
PublicationCelem badań jest automatyczne rozpoznawanie głosów śpiewaczych w kategorii rodzaju i jakości technicznej śpiewu. W artykule opisano stworzoną bazę danych głosów, która zawiera próbki głosu śpiewaków profesjonalnych i amatorskich. W dalszej części opisano parametry zdefiniowane w oparciu o zjawiska biomechaniczne w narządzie głosu podczas śpiewania. W oparciu o stworzone macierze parametrów wytrenowano i porównano automatyczne klasyfikatory...
Decisional DNA based embedded systems: a new perspective
PublicationOmówiono nowe kierunki i perspektywy badań w zakresie systemów podporządkowanych opartych na decyzyjnym DNA.
VUV irradiation studies of plasmid DNA in aqueous solution
PublicationInteractions of VUV light and DNA samples in aqueous solutions are reported. The damage induced by such radiation is quantified by monitoring both loss of supercoiled DNA and formation of single and double strand breaks using agarose gel electrophoresis. Irradiations were performed using synchrotron VUV photons of 130, 150, 170 and 190 nm. VUV irradiation experiments revealed enhanced damage upon irradiation with 170 nm photons...
Decisional DNA digitral TV: concept and initial experiments
PublicationPrzedstawiono pierwsze wyniki eksperymentalnej integracji telewizji cyfrowej z decyzyjnym DNA reprezentujacym wiedze o odbiorcy programow.
Human-Computer Interface Based on Visual Lip Movement and Gesture Recognition
PublicationThe multimodal human-computer interface (HCI) called LipMouse is presented, allowing a user to work on a computer using movements and gestures made with his/her mouth only. Algorithms for lip movement tracking and lip gesture recognition are presented in details. User face images are captured with a standard webcam. Face detection is based on a cascade of boosted classifiers using Haar-like features. A mouth region is located in...
Systematic Literature Review for Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals
PublicationResearchers have recently become increasingly interested in recognizing emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and many studies utilizing different approaches have been conducted in this field. For the purposes of this work, we performed a systematic literature review including over 40 articles in order to identify the best set of methods for the emotion recognition problem. Our work collects information about the most...
Systematic Literature Review for Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals
PublicationResearchers have recently become increasingly interested in recognizing emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and many studies utilizing different approaches have been conducted in this field. For the purposes of this work, we performed a systematic literature review including over 40 articles in order to identify the best set of methods for the emotion recognition problem. Our work collects information about the most...
Flow cytometry analysis of DNA DSBs in telomerase positive and negative cell lines after treatment with TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataFlow cytometry analysis of DNA DSBs in telomerase positive (A549, H460) and negative (NHBE2594, U2OS) cell lines after treatment with equitoxic concentrations of TXT2 and TXT4. MTX and DMSO were used as positive and negative controls, respectively.
A comparative study of English viseme recognition methods and algorithms
PublicationAn elementary visual unit – the viseme is concerned in the paper in the context of preparing the feature vector as a main visual input component of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition systems. The aim of the presented research is a review of various approaches to the problem, the implementation of algorithms proposed in the literature and a comparative research on their effectiveness. In the course of the study an optimal feature vector construction...
Automatic recognition of therapy progress among children with autism
PublicationThe article presents a research study on recognizing therapy progress among children with autism spectrum disorder. The progress is recognized on the basis of behavioural data gathered via five specially designed tablet games. Over 180 distinct parameters are calculated on the basis of raw data delivered via the game flow and tablet sensors - i.e. touch screen, accelerometer and gyroscope. The results obtained confirm the possibility...
A comparative study of English viseme recognition methods and algorithm
PublicationAn elementary visual unit – the viseme is concerned in the paper in the context of preparing the feature vector as a main visual input component of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition systems. The aim of the presented research is a review of various approaches to the problem, the implementation of algorithms proposed in the literature and a comparative research on their effectiveness. In the course of the study an optimal feature vector...
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublicationThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
Wybrane metody badania poziomu metylacji DNA w komórkach eukariotycznych
PublicationMetylacja regionów promotorowych jest jednym z głównych mechanizmów regulacji transkrypcji genów u eukariota. W komórkach ssaczych metylacja DNA zachodzi głównie na reszcie cytozyny występującej w dinukleotydach CpG i jest katalizowana przez metylotransferazy DNA (DNMT1, DNMT3A i DNMT3B) (Turek Plewa, Jagodziński 2005). Mapowanie 5 metylocytozyny w DNA genomowym jest jednym z narzędzi do badania wpływu metylacji na tkankowo-specyficzną...
Local Texture Pattern Selection for Efficient Face Recognition and Tracking
PublicationThis paper describes the research aimed at finding the optimal configuration of the face recognition algorithm based on local texture descriptors (binary and ternary patterns). Since the identification module was supposed to be a part of the face tracking system developed for interactive wearable computer, proper feature selection, allowing for real-time operation, became particularly important. Our experiments showed that it is...
Modified SPWM Technique with Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection for a Five-Phase, Three-Level NPC Inverter
PublicationThis article presents a modified sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) scheme for a five-phase, three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The modulation scheme deploys a modified min–max function to inject the zero-sequence components into the reference modulating signals; hence enabling the effective utilization of the DC-link voltage. Balanced split-input DC-link voltages were achieved through further incorporation of adjustable...
Simulation of Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Data Transmission System for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublicationUnderwater acoustic communication (UAC) system designers tend to transmit as much information as possible, per unit of time, at as low as possible error rate. It is a particularly difficult task in a shallow underwater channel in which the signal suffers from strong time dispersion due to multipath propagation and refraction phenomena. The direct-sequence spread spectrum technique (DSSS) applied successfully in the latest standards...
Strain sequence effect on fatigue life and fracture surface topography of 7075-T651 aluminium alloy
PublicationThe paper studies the effect of strain-loading sequence on fatigue lifetime and fracture surface topographies in 7075-T651 aluminum alloy specimens. Fatigue tests were performed in two ways: (i) constant-amplitude loading and (ii) two series of variable amplitude loading with non-zero mean strain values. The topography of the fatigue fractures was measured over their entire surfaces with the help of an optical confocal measurement...
Binding free energy of selected anticancer compounds to DNA - theoreticalcalculations
PublicationPraca dotyczy swobodnej energii wiązania z DNA trzech związków o działaniu przeciwnowotworowym (mitoksantronu i dwóch pochodnych pirymidoakrydyny). Obliczenia wykorzystywały metody Poissona-Boltzmanna (udział elektrostatyczny) i metody SASA (udział nieelektrostatyczny). W wyniku badań zaproponowano struktury kompleksów jakie tworzą badane ligandy z DNA.
Feasibility Study for Food Intake Tasks Recognition Based on Smart Glasses
PublicationIn this exploratory study 13 adult test subjects have performed different food intake tasks while wearing a three axis accelerometer mounted at a temple of glasses. Two different algorithms for task recognition have been applied and compared. The retrospective data processing leads to better task recognition results when the frequency range of 50 Hz to 100 Hz is analysed within accelerometer signal recordings. A straightforward...
A New Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Signal Detection Method for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Shallow-Water Channel
PublicationDirect-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is one of the modulation and coding techniques used in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems for reliable data transmision even at low signal levels. However, in a shallow water channel, there is a strong multipath propagation which causes a phase fluctuation of the received signal, affecting the performance of the spread-spectrum system. The article presents a differential method...
Fuzzy rule-based dynamic gesture recognition employing camera & multimedia projector
PublicationIn the paper the system based on camera and multimedia projector enabling a user to control computer applications by dynamic hand gestures is presented. The main objective is to present the gesture recognition methodology which bases on representing hand movement trajectory by motion vectors analyzed using fuzzy rule-based inference. The approach was engineered in the system developed with J2SE and C++ / OpenCV technology. OpenCV...
Sign Language Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks
PublicationThe objective of this work was to provide an app that can automatically recognize hand gestures from the American Sign Language (ASL) on mobile devices. The app employs a model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for gesture classification. Various CNN architectures and optimization strategies suitable for devices with limited resources were examined. InceptionV3 and VGG-19 models exhibited negligibly higher accuracy than...
A survey of automatic speech recognition deep models performance for Polish medical terms
PublicationAmong the numerous applications of speech-to-text technology is the support of documentation created by medical personnel. There are many available speech recognition systems for doctors. Their effectiveness in languages such as Polish should be verified. In connection with our project in this field, we decided to check how well the popular speech recognition systems work, employing models trained for the general Polish language....
Absorption and fluorescence spectrum the Diamond™ nucleic acid dye applied to DNA and friction ridge analysis from fingerprint traces
Open Research DataThe results of a study of the spectroscopic properties of Diamond™ dye binding to reference DNA and to DNA from a fingerprint using a UV/VIs spectrophotometer and a spectrofluorimeter are presented.