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Search results for: fibonacci step-up converter
One-step converting biowaste wolfberry fruits into hierarchical porous carbon and its application for high-performance supercapacitors
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Could the Optiplex <i>Borrelia</i> assay replace the traditional, two-step method of diagnosing Lyme disease?
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Single-Step Symmetrical Double Alkylation of β,γ-Unsaturated δ-Lactams via Magnesium ‘Ate’ Complexes
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Exploring multi-step glucose oxidation kinetics at GOx-functionalized nanotextured gold surfaces with differential impedimetric technique
PublicationFor a few past years, we can observe the enormous growth of investigations related to ultrasensitive electrochemical sensors capable of reliable determination of important body parameters and analytes. Utilized procedures rely on standard electrochemical methods, demanding electrode polarization, and information about the initial characteristics of the working electrode. More and more complex electrode materials are characterized...
NPC assessment in insulated DC/DC converter topologies using SiC MOSFETs for Power Electronic Traction Transformer
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Experimental EMI study of a 3-phase 100kW 1200V Dual Active Bridge Converter using SiC MOSFETs
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Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter for multilevel propulsion converters for electrical multiple units (EMU)
PublicationSemiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in power converters. Two different approaches to implementation of modern traction converters in electric multiple units (EMU) have been presented in recent years: (i) 3.3-kV SiC MOSFET-based three-level PWM inverter with regenerative braking and (ii) 6.5-kV IGBT-based four-quadrant power electronic traction transformer...
Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Open Research DataFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
Methylene blue decomposition on TiO2/reduced graphene oxide hybrid photocatalysts obtained by a two-step hydrothermal and calcination synthesis
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Optical Characterization of Nano- and Microcrystals of EuPO4 Created by One-Step Synthesis of Antimony-Germanate-Silicate Glass Modified by P2O5
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Three-step stacking by field-enhanced sample injection, sweeping, and micelle to solvent stacking in capillary electrophoresis: Anionic analytes
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Three-step stacking of cationic analytes by field-enhanced sample injection, sweeping, and micelle to solvent stacking in capillary electrophoresis
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Feasibility study of inductor coupling in three-level neutral-point-clamped quasi-Z-source DC/AC converter
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A 100 kW 1.2 kV 20 kHz DC-DC converter prototype based on the Dual Active Bridge topology
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Jarosław Ziętarski dr
PeopleJarosław Ziętarski is a lecturer (PhD) in the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He has his own channel on the youtube platform called "FAT CAT Financial Education" where he popularizes knowledge in the field of management accounting. He was on the organizing committee of the 28th Annual Multinational Finance Society Conference. Courses taught: Introduction...
Determination of β-blockers and β-agonists using gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry – A comparative study of the derivatization step
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Multi-step functionalization procedure for fabrication of vertically aligned mesoporous silica thin films with metal-containing molecules localized at the pores bottom
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One-Step Synergistic Effect to Produce Two-Dimensional N-Doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors
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One-step synthesis of N-doped metal/biochar composite using NH3-ambiance pyrolysis for efficient degradation and mineralization of Methylene Blue
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<title>Cavity digital control testing system by Simulink step operation method for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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Molecular Structures of the Phospha-Wittig Reaction Intermediate: Initial Step in the Synthesis of Compounds with a C═P–P Bond as Products in the Phospha-Wittig Reaction
PublicationThe phospha-Wittig reactivity ofβ-diketiminate titanium(III) complexes with phosphanylphosphido ligands was investigated. The reactions of [MeNacNacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}] and [MeNacNacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-P(Ph)tBu}] with acetone conducted in toluene solution under mild conditions led to the phospha-Wittig intermediates [{(ArN=C(Me)CHC(Me)=NAr)(C(Me)2O}Ti(Cl){PtBu2-P(SiMe3)C(Me)2O}] (1) and [{(ArN=C(Me)CHC(Me)=NAr) (C-(Me)2O}Ti(Cl){P(Ph)tBu-P(SiMe3)C(Me)2O}]...
Synergism of floated paperboard sludge cake /sewage sludge for maximizing biomethane yield and biochar recovery from digestate: A step towards circular economy
PublicationAnaerobic digestion of floated paperboard sludge (PS) cake suffers from volatile fatty acids (VFAs) accumulation, nutrient unbalanced condition, and generation of digestate with a risk of secondary pollution. To overcome these drawbacks, sewage sludge (SS) was added to PS cake for biogas recovery improvement under a co-digestion process followed by the thermal treatment of solid fraction of digestate for biochar production. Batch...
Marek Adamowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleStopień naukowy doktora uzyskał w 2008 r. na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2005 – 2011 pracował na Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. W 2010 r. jako laureat programu NCBR LIDER wybrał Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej jako jednostkę realizującą swój projekt z zakresu szerokopasmowych przyrządów półprzewodnikowych i ich zastosowań w elektrowniach wiatrowych. Od 2011 roku...
First step towards understanding the specific identity of fish muscle parasites of the genus Sarcotaces (Copepoda: Philichthyidae)—New species and first molecular ID in the genus
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Arkadiusz Lewicki dr hab. inż.
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Ryszard Strzelecki prof. dr hab. inż.
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Świadomość posiadania nadwagi pierwszym krokiem w zapobieganiu otyłości i jej powikłaniom = Awaraness of being overweight is the first step to avoid obesity and its complications
Publicationw ostatnim dwudziestoleciu obserwuje się niepokojący wzrost występowania nadwagi i otyłości na całym świecie. Istotnym elementem profilaktyki zapobiegajacej dalszemu nadmiernemu rozpowszechnieniu nadwagi i otyłości jest uświadomienie osobom najbardziej zagrożonym posiadania tych zaburzeń. Niniejsza praca ma na celu ocenę świadomości mieszkańców wsi na temat nadwagi
Analiza i badania transformatora hybrydowego z przekształtnikiem AC/DC/AC współdziałającym z przełącznikiem zaczepów
PublicationRozprawa dotyczy badań nad układem transformatora hybrydowego, który oprócz możliwości regulacji ciągłej napięcia za pomocą przekształtnika energoelektronicznego, posiada układ regulacji skokowej w postaci przełącznika zaczepów. Badane urządzenie przeznaczone jest do stabilizacji napięcia w dystrybucyjnej sieci niskiego napięcia. Dzięki skoordynowanej pracy układów (ciągłego i skokowego) uzyskana zostaje tzw. Wielostrefowa Regulacja...
A strong preference for the TA/TA dinucleotide step discovered for an acridine-based, potent antitumor dsDNA intercalator, C-1305: NMR-driven structural and sequence-specificity studies
PublicationTriazoloacridinone C-1305, a potent antitumor agent recommended for Phase I clinical trials, exhibits high activity towards a wide range of experimental colon carcinomas, in many cases associated with complete tumor regression. C-1305 is a well-established dsDNA intercalator, yet no information on its mode of binding into DNA is available to date. Herein, we present the NMR-driven and MD-refined reconstruction of the 3D structures...
Interference-Free Determination of Trace Copper in Freshly Ripened Honeys by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Following a Preconcentration by Solid-Phase Extraction and a Two-Step Elution Process
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One More Step Towards a Circular Economy for Thermal Insulation Materials—Development of Composites Highly Filled with Waste Polyurethane (PU) Foam for Potential Use in the Building Industry
PublicationThe rapid development of the building sector has created increased demand for novel materials and technologies, while on the other hand resulting in the generation of a severe amount of waste materials. Among these are polyurethane (PU) foams, which are commonly applied as thermal insulation materials. Their management is a serious industrial problem, due to, for example, their complex chemical composition. Although some chemical...
Calculation Program Supporting Switched Capacitor DC-DC Charge Pump Design (CP Design Calculator) - PartI: Preface
PublicationPrzedmiot badań i motywy podjęcia pracy. Metoda badawcza. Nota historyczna nt. konwertera Fibonacciego (Fibonacci multiplier) i pompy ładunkowej Makowskiego ("Makowski charge pump"). Przewidywane cele pracy. Podziękowania
Jarosław Guziński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJaroslaw Guzinski received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the Electrical Engineering Department at Technical University of Gdansk, Poland in 1994, 2000 and 2011 respectively. Since 2016 he is Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently he is the head of the Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion. From 2006 to 2009 he was involved in European Commission Project PREMAID Marie Curie, ‘Predictive...
Experimental validation and comparison of a SiC MOSFET based 100 kW 1.2 kV 20 kHz three-phase dual active bridge converter using two vector groups
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Switched-capacitor DC-DC converters in arbitrary switching mode - topologically derived resistive models based on incremental graph approach.
PublicationIn the preceding paper we reviewed some of modeling approaches aimed at systematic formulation and solution of switched capacitor DC-DC converters. In our review, special attention was paid to computationally efficient and mathematically elegant methods. In so doing we had tried to demonstrate the virtues of unified Incremental Graph (IG) approach. Incremental Graph is, in concept, a tool originally created for analysis and synthesis...
Single-Slope ADC With Embedded Convolution Filter for Global-Shutter CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThis brief presents an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) suitable for acquisition and processing of images in the global-shutter mode at the pixel level. The ADC consists of an analog comparator, a multi-directional shift register for the comparator states, and a 16-bit reversible binary counter with programmable step size. It works in the traditional single-slope mode. The novelty is that during each step of the reference ramp,...
Piotr Krajewski dr
PeoplePiotr Krajewski is a librarian at the Library of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and a PhD student at the Medical University of Gdańsk. His research interests focus on the standardization of the e-resources usage data and Open Access publishing, especially the role of institutional repositories in the development of the OA initiative and the phenomenon of “predatory publishers”. He works at Scientific and Technical Information...
Distribution Transformer with Multi-Zone Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid System Application
PublicationThe article presents four concepts of the multi-zone voltage regulation (MZVR) system. It is a combination of a distribution transformer with an on-load tap-changer, for step voltage regulation, and a power electronic converter, dimensioned for a fraction of MZVR power, realizing continuous voltage regulation, supplemented by a special switch, the so-called bypass. This allows voltage regulation at high resolution, wide range and...
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2021/22]
e-Learning CoursesDesign of complete prototype of Simple electronic circuit (DC-DC converter) with control based on integrated circuit.
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2021/22]
e-Learning CoursesDesign of complete prototype of Simple electronic circuit (DC-DC converter) with control based on integrated circuit.
Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance
PublicationThe focus of this study is on the grid-forming operation of the Energy Router (ER) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). ER is regarded as a key component of microgrids. It is a converter that interfaces the microgrid (s) with the utility grid. The ER has a multiport structure and bidirectional energy flow control. The ER concept can be implemented in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) to provide flexible energy control. A...
Dynamic characteristics of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell module
PublicationThe paper describes a fuel cell based system and its performance. The system is based on two fuel cell units, DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and a set of measurement instruments. In the study presented in the paper a dynamic response of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system to unit step change load as well as to periodical load changing cycles...
Audible noise in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Deepak Gautambhai Vyas PhD Student
PeoplePursuing Doctoral of Philosophy at Gdansk University of Technology. My research interests are sensorless control, power electronics converter, electrical machine, control system, power system, power system protection and smart grid.
Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid
PublicationThis paper presents the control of one cell of a modular single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for meeting the smart grid concept. In this way, the converter could be used not only as a conventional transformer but also for grid such as reactive power, harmonic elimination and energy storage. The topology of the cell is composed by a bidirectional converter with three stages: a half bridge in the input...
Development and tuning of irregular divide-and-conquer applications in DAMPVM/DAC
PublicationThis work presents implementations and tuning experiences with parallel irregular applications developed using the object oriented framework DAM-PVM/DAC. It is implemented on top of DAMPVM and provides automatic partitioning of irregular divide-and-conquer (DAC) applications at runtime and dynamic mapping to processors taking into account their speeds and even loads by other user processes. New implementations of parallel applications...
Coupled inductors based filter for matrix converters
PublicationThe use of the coupled inductors in the multipulse matrix converter (MC) systems is described in the paper. The possible arrangements of the system are given together with the description of their operation parameters. Moreover, the influence of the system’s topology on the output power quality is also presented. The invented converter structures evaluation results are given in the form of simulation tests acquired output waveforms...
The AC motor voltage and audible noise waveforms in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Design and experimental validation of a single-stage PV string inverter with optimal number of interleaved buck-boost cells.
PublicationIncreasing converter power density is a problem of topical interest. This paper discusses an interleaved approach of the efficiency increase in the buck-boost stage of an inverter with unfolding circuit in terms of losses in semiconductors, output voltage ripples and power density. Main trends in the power converter development are reviewed. A losses model was designed and used for the proposed solution to find an optimal number...
Buck-Boost Inverters with Symmetrical Passive Four-terminal Networks
PublicationAlternating Voltage Inverters (Converters) supplied by low-voltage sources DC (ex. fuel cell, photovoltaic cell) are most frequently realized on the basis of the three fundamental topologies: a) PWM voltage inverter with boost-converter" system, b) PWM voltage inverter with transformed converter DC/DC in the ,,boost-converter" system, c) PWM current converter. However none of these solutions is claimed to be the best and dominant...