Search results for: mineral glass, stress estimation, finite elements, underwater viewports
Numerical analysis of the carpentry joints applied in the traditional wooden structures
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical analysis of the carpentry joints made from spruce wood. The material parameters of the wood have been calculated on the basis of nine independent material constants (an orthotropic material). The contact zone between the individual elements of the connection has been determined using Contact Tables in the MSC.Marc software. Five types of carpentry joints have been analyzed. The main aim of the research...
Multilevel model order reduction with generalized compression of boundaries for 3-d FEM electromagnetic analysis
PublicationThis paper presents a multilevel Model Order Reduction technique for a 3-D electromagnetic Finite Element Method analysis. The reduction process is carried out in a hierarchical way and involves several steps which are repeated at each level. This approach brings about versatility and allows one to efficiently analyze complex electromagnetic structures. In the proposed multilevel reduction the entire computational domain is covered...
Dobór cech elementu skończonego do wyznaczania naprężeń w tkance kostnej
PublicationBadania dotyczące obliczeń metodą elementów skończonych dla tkanki kostnej często wykorzystują metodologię budowy maszyn, gdzie używa się materiałów konstrukcyjnych o jednolitych właściwościach. Rzadko uwzględniają zróżnicowanie modułu Younga w obszarze elementów skończonych, gdzie informacje o rozkładzie sztywności tkanki pochodzą z obrazów tomograficznych. Celem pracy jest opracowanie metody modelowania tkanki kostnej uwzględniającej...
Experimental Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Lightweight Concrete
PublicationIn light of the scientific research, the corrosion of concrete structures is one of the main problems that may reduce their durability due to the negative impact of the natural environment. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on the selected properties of lightweight concrete subjected to the influence of aggressive liquids. Four concrete mixes were prepared with a granular aggregate made of foamed glass (GEGA)...
New approaches to cutting resistance estimation of wood cutting process with circular-saw blades
PublicationTheoretical and experimental determination of values of cutting resistance belongs to the basic and simultaneously the most developed field of mechanics of this process. Energetic effects of wood sawing process are mainly calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance which, in wood cutting, is a function on a lot of factors. In this paper new method for calculation of cutting resistance is described. The latter method...
Analysis of Ceramic Elements with Ring-Crack Defects in Lubricated Rolling Contact
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. Surface ring cracks on lubricating rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations...
Arch bridges under test loadings
PublicationThis paper illustrates experience in arch bridges test loadings of the research team of Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures from the Gdansk University of Technology. The presented calculations results constist the analysis of spatial construction schemes made using the finite elements method (FEM) and its comparison to the field studies. Arch bridges with the longest spans, visualisation of the computational...
A New Three-Dimensional Space Vector Modulation for Multilevel Four-Leg Converters Based on the Shape Functions of Tetrahedral Element
PublicationThe paper proposes a new three-dimensional space vector pulse-width modulation (3D-SVPWM) algorithm for multilevel four-leg converters. The proposed PWM duty cycle calculation is based on the shape functions of the threedimensional tetrahedral finite elements. The algorithm ensures synthesis of accurate and undistorted output voltages even under significant imbalance or ripple in the DC-link voltages. At the same time, the algorithm...
Three-point bending test of sandwich beams supporting the GFRP footbridge design process - validation
PublicationSome selected aspects concerning material and construction design issues for pedestrian footbridge made of GFRP composite materials are elaborated in this paper. The analysis is focused on validation tests, which are particularly important because of the advanced technology and materials that are used for this innovative bridge. The considered footbridge is a sandwich-type shell structure comprising of PET foam core and outer skins...
Static Shape and Stress Control of Trusses with Optimum Time, Actuators and Actuation
PublicationTraditional shape and stress control of structures use many actuators and require enormous time to find reasonable solutions that need designers to input specific target displacement and stress. This study employs a linear technique to static shape and stress control of pin-jointed assemblies as a theoretical advancement to prior works and provides a comparative analysis against previously established works. The study evaluates...
Simulation of unsteady flow over floodplain using the diffusive wave equation and the modified finite element method
PublicationWe consider solution of 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a domain temporarily covered by a layer of water. A modified finite element method with triangular elements and linear shape functions is used for spatial discretization. The proposed modification refers to the procedure of spatial integration and leads to a more general algorithm involving a weighting parameter. The standard finite element method and the finite difference...
Local buckling of composite channel columns
PublicationThe investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...
Numerical modelling of the mesofracture process of sintered 316L steel under tension using microtomography
PublicationThis paper concerns numerical modelling of the deformation process, taking into account the local fracture of porous 316L sinters at the mesoscopic scale using the finite element method. Calculations are performed with the use of geometrical models, to map the realistic shape of the porous mesostructure of the material, obtained by means of computed microtomography. The microtomographic device has limited and insufficient measurement...
Guided wave propagation for assessment of adhesive bonding between steel and concrete
PublicationAdhesive bonding is becoming more increasingly important in joining of structural elements. In civil engineering, there is a growing interest in connection by adhesive bonding in steel-concrete flexural members. This study concerns the guided wave propagation technique applied to condition assessment of an adhesive connection between a steel member and a concrete beam. Various states of degradation were considered by producing...
Structural response of existing spatial truss roof construction based on Cosserat rod theory
PublicationPaper presents the application of the Cosserat rod theory and newly developed associated finite elements code as the tools that support in the expert-designing engineering practice. Mechanical principles of the 3D spatially curved rods, dynamics (statics) laws, principle of virtual work are discussed. Corresponding FEM approach with interpolation and accumulation techniques of state variables are shown that enable the formulation...
The Concept of Geodetic Analyses of the Measurement Results Obtained by Hydrostatic Leveling
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of hydrostatic leveling. Its application is presented in structural health monitoring systems in order to determine vertical displacements of controlled points. Moreover, the article includes a complete computation scheme that utilizes the estimation from observation differences, allowing the elimination of the influence of individual sensors’ systematic errors. The authors suggest two concepts of...
Four Level Diode-Clamped Back-To-Back Converter with Active DC Link Voltage Control
PublicationThis article presents the design and control of 4L-DC back-to-back converter. To solve the DC link voltage balancing problem in four-level converter a new three-level double chopper topology based on PO-PWM modulation was designed and successfully tested. Also, the paper describes two phase space vector pulse width modulation 2P-SVPWM based on the shape function of finite elements. The control structure with modified Dead-Beat...
Application of the distributed transfer function method and the rigid finite element method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems
PublicationIn the paper application of the Distributed Transfer Function Method and the Rigid Finite Element Method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems is presented. In this method an elastic body is divided into 1-D distributed parameter elements (strips or prisms). The whole body (divided into strips or prism) is described by a set of coupled partial differential equations. Solving this equations in the state space form it is possible...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublicationWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Multivariate Statistical Approach for Nephrines in Womenwith Obesity
PublicationCatecholamines are physiological regulators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during stress, but their chronic influence on metabolic changes in obese patients is still not clarified. The present study aimed to establish the associations between the catecholamine metabolites and metabolic syndrome (MS) components in obese women as well as to reveal the possible hidden subgroups of patients through hierarchical cluster analysis...
Praktyczne zastosowania analizy wrażliwości na przykładzie projektowania tarczy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania analizy wrażliwości przy projektowaniu tar-czy. Badano wpływ zmian grubości obszarów tarczy – zmiennej projektowej – na przemiesz-czenie wybranego punktu tarczy – zmiennej stanu. Zaproponowano metodę projektowania polegającą na zwiększeniu grubości obszarów tarczy, których wpływ na wariację zmiennej stanu (wrażliwość) jest największa. Do obliczeń numerycznych korzystano z metody elemen-tów...
Design, Realization and Measurements of Enhanced Performance 2.4 GHz ESPAR Antenna for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
PublicationThis paper presents the design, realization and measurements of an Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antenna with enhanced performance of estimating the incoming signal direction. Designed antenna is dedicated for 2.4 GHz ISM applications with emphasis on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Proposed antenna provides different radiation patterns by proper configuration of the parasitic elements. Thus, several...
Elastic wave propagation for condition assessment of steel bar embedded in mortar
PublicationThis study deals with experimental and numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in steel bars partially embedded in mortar. The bars with different bonding lengths were tested. Two types of damage were considered: damage of the steel bar and damage of the mortar. Longitudinal waves were excited by a piezoelectric actuator and a vibrometer was used to non-contact measurements of velocity signals. Numerical calculations...
Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System
PublicationThe paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...
Numerical studies on the influence of selected construction features and road conditions on the performance of road cable barriers
PublicationCable barriers are commonly used on Polish roads, including motorways and local roads. Their main elements are pre-stressed wire ropes, which are usually anchored at two ends in concrete blocks buried in the soil. In this work numerical studies concerning the influence of selected construction features and parameters of the vehicle motion on the performance of cable barriers were performed. Numerical simulations are a useful tool...
Influence of meniscus shape in the cross sectional plane on the knee contact mechanics
PublicationWe present a three dimensional finite element analysis of stress distribution and menisci deformation in the human knee joint. The study is based on the Open Knee model with the geometry of the lateral meniscus which shows some degenerative disorders. The nonlinear analysis of the knee joint under compressive axial load is performed. We present results for intact knee, knee with partial and complete radial posterior meniscus root...
Honey as an indicator of heavy metals in the environment
PublicationHoney bees collect nectar, pollen and honeydew to produce bee products. One of them is honey, which due to chemical composition and properties is considered by human as a valuable food product. When honey bees collect substrates to produce honey they can bring contaminants to the hive. The presence of xenobiotics in bee products may lower their quality and devalue their properties, and also endanger human health. Many scientists...
A new finite element with variable Young's modulus
PublicationThe Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique that is well-established in the field of engineering. However, in biological sciences, it is justtaking its first steps. Bone tissue is an example of biological material which isexposed to high loads in its natural environment. Practically every movementof the body results in changing stress levels in the bone. Nature copes with thisvery well but when human intervention is...
M-integral for finite anti-plane shear of a nonlinear elastic matrix with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe path-independent M-integral plays an important role in analysis of solids with inhomogeneities. However, the available applications are almost limited to linear-elastic or physically non-linear power law type materials under the assumption of infinitesimal strains. In this paper we formulate the M-integral for a class of hyperelastic solids undergoing finite anti-plane shear deformation. As an application we consider the problem...
Numerical analysis of pile installation effects in cohesive soils
PublicationIn this thesis the empirical equation for radial effective stress calculation after displacement pile installation and following consolidation phase has been proposed. The equation is based on the numerical studies performed with Updated Lagrangian, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations as well as the calibration procedure with database containing world-wide 30 pile static loading tests in cohesive...
Optimal shape and stress control of geometrically nonlinear structures with exact gradient with respect to the actuation inputs
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient and robust optimization methodology for stress and shape control of actuated geometrically nonlinear elastic structures, applied to 3D trusses. The actuation inputs, modeled as prescribed strains, serve as the optimization variables. The objective is to minimize total actuation while satisfying several constraints: (i) actuation bounds in each actuated element and (ii) target ranges for nodal displacements...
Biomechanics of the medial meniscus in the osteoarthritic knee joint
PublicationBackground. Increased mechanical loading and pathological response of joint tissue to the abnormal mechanical stress can cause degradation of cartilage characteristic of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Despite osteoarthritis is risk factor for the development of meniscal lesions the mechanism of degenerative meniscal lesions is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the influence of medial compartment knee OA...
Measurements of transmission properties of Acoustic Communication Channels
PublicationTough transmission properties of shallow water acoustic channels (SWAC) highly limit the use of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. An adaptive matching of modulation and signaling schemes to instantaneous channel conditions is needed for reliabledata communications. This creates, however, unique challenges for designers when compared to radio transmission systems. When communication system elements are in move, the...
The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels
PublicationLike other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...
Determination of the Bending Properties of Wire Rope Used in Cable Barrier Systems
PublicationThis paper presents research on the bending properties of 3 × 7 19-mm wire rope commonly used in road cable barriers. A total of 19 experimental tests were conducted. In addition, two nonlinear 3D numerical models of the wire rope using beam and solid finite elements were developed. Based on these models, four numerical simulations were carried out. The numerical results were validated against the experimental ones and a very good...
Opracowanie procedury i badania wytrzymałościowe połączeń spawanych pomiędzy rurą kwadratowa a elementami giętymi na zimno ze stali S355 oraz testowanie połączeń o grubości 4, 6, 8mm typu S355
PublicationCelem pracy było: - opracowanie procedury badania wytrzymałości połączeń spawanych rozciąganych w kierunku prostopadłym i w kierunku równoległym (ścinanych) do osi spoiny. Spoiny te łączyły elementy rur kwadratowych o różnej grubości z elementami w kształcie ceownika giętymi na zimno. - wykonanie próbek do badań wytrzymałościowych wyciętych z elementów spawanych dostarczonych przez Zakład Produkcyjny firmy Borga obciążonych prostopadle...
Local Mesh Deformation for accelerated parametric studies based on the Finite Element Method
PublicationThis paper presents an approach for enhancing the efficiency of two-dimensional Finite Element Method analysis in parametric studies or optimisation process of microwave components. The new approach involves local mesh deformation applied near the elements that are modified during computations. Since in the proposed approach the topology of the mesh remains unchanged, a new mesh does not have to be generated from scratch when the...
Search for the most useful geometry of an acoustic journal bearing
PublicationComputer simulations of a number of journal bearing’s geometries utilising acoustic levitation were carried out. The choice of the best geometry depended on the ability of a deformed shape, created by piezo-electric elements, to facilitate squeeze film ultrasonic levitation, and also to create three evenly distributed diverging aerodynamic gaps. Deformations of analysed variants of the bearing’s shape were generated by numerical...
Validation of lumbar spine finite element model
Open Research DataThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research....
Bending analysis of functionally graded nanoplates based on a higher-order shear deformation theory using dynamic relaxation method
PublicationIn this paper, bending analysis of rectangular functionally graded (FG) nanoplates under a uniform transverse load has been considered based on the modified couple stress theory. Using Hamilton’s principle, governing equations are derived based on a higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT). The set of coupled equations are solved using the dynamic relaxation (DR) method combined with finite difference (FD) discretization technique...
Failure of cold-formed beam: How does residual stress affect stability?
PublicationIn machine industry, stresses are often calculated using simple linear FEM analysis. Occasional failures of elements designed in such a way require recomputation by means of more sophisticated methods, eg. including plasticity and non-linear effects. It usually leads to investigation of failure causes and improvement of an element in order to prevent its unwanted behavior in the future. The study presents the case where both linear...
Ultrasonic diagnostics of concrete T-beams used in bridge structures
PublicationThis paper describes a method of ultrasonic diagnostics used for prefabricated concrete elements. The studies are focused on the applicability of nondestructive techniques based on impulse and wave packet induced elastic waves for the condition assessment of T-shaped bridge beams. Experimental tests were performed for the prestressed beam used for the superstructure of the viaduct on A1 highway near Toruń. In addition numerical...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Incorporating installation effects into the probability analysis of controlled modulus columns
PublicationThis technical report presents the probabilistic analysis which integrates the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) with random field theory to model the load–displacement behavior of Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) in overconsolidated Poznań clay. Presented study focuses on the practical aspects of statistical analysis of geotechnical data, numerical model development, and results evaluation. Variability and spatial distribution of...
PublicationDesigners of hydraulically driven machines and devices are obliged to ensure during design process their high service life with taking into account their operational conditions. Some of the machines may be started in low ambient temperature and even in thermal shock conditions (due to delivering hot working medium to cold components). In order to put such devices into operation appropriate investigations, including experimental...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę estymacji współczynników sztywności Elementów Sprężystych (ES) modelujących zamocowanie podatnego wielkogabarytowego przedmiotu obrabianego na stole frezarki. Proponowana metoda bazuje na algorytmie optymizacji za pomocą roju cząstek (ang. Particle Swarm Optimization), który pozwala na uzyskanie dobrej zgodności (aktualizacji) modelu Metody Elementów Skończonych (MES) z modelem pochodzącym z identyfikacji...
Calculations of notch stress factor of a thin-walled spreader bracket fillet weld with the use of a local stress approach
PublicationPresence of geometric notches in welded joints causes concentration of strains and stresses, therefore reducing fatigue strength of such joints. This article presents an analysis of stress concentrations in a fillet weld of a spreader mounting bracket on a small sailing yacht. The aim of this article is to direct the attention of designers, manufacturers and regulatory bodies to issues of fatigue cracks that form in brackets fastening...
Theoretical examination of the fracture behavior of BC3 polycrystalline nanosheets: Effect of crack size and temperature
Publication2D carbon graphene nanostructures are elements of advanced materials and systems. This theoretical survey provides explanation to the mechanical and fracture behavior of mono- and polycrystalline BC3 nanosheets (denoted as MC- and PCBC3NS, respectively) as a function of temperature and the type of crack defects. The mechanical performance of PCBC3NS at elevated temperatures was monitored varying the number of grain boundaries (the...