Search results for: narrow gauge rail
Designate CTOD Heat Affected Zone of butt weld, Report No: WOiO/II/76/2013
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
Designate CTOD of Weld Metal of butt weld, No WOiO/II/108/2013
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
CTOD designation for WM and HAZ in butt joint made from S460 ML steel, Expertise No. WOiO/II/82/2015
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Designate of CTOD for WM and HAZ, report no: WOiO/II/122/2014
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Mechanizmy komunikacji w rozproszonych systemach specjalnego przeznaczenia
PublicationZadania ochrony i bezpieczeństwa granic państwa realizowane przez Straż Graniczną wymagają wsparcia ze strony nowoczesnych systemów Technologii Informacyjnych (TI) uwarunkowanych ich specjalnym przeznaczeniem. Z uwagi na charakter tej służby, rozwiązania dla jej potrzeb muszą być realizowane jako systemy rozproszone umożliwiające przenoszenie i przetwarzanie informacji głosowych oraz różnorodnych danych, w tym specjalnego przeznaczenia....
Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleDr. Eng. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski studied geodesy and cartography at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn from 2004-2009, where he obtained the title of Master of Science in Engineering. In the years 2009-2016, he worked as a land surveyor in Iława and Gdańsk. He gained professional experience during the construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway, which helped him obtain a national surveying license in 2015. In...
The luminescence study ofNaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Ce coumpounds.
Open Research DataPhosphors with a rigid and symmetrical structure are urgently needed. The alkali lithosilicate family (A[Li3SiO4]) has been extensively studied with a narrow emission band due to its unique cuboid-coordinated environment and rigid structure. However, here we demonstrate for the first time Ce-doped NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4 phosphors with a broad emission band,...
The luminescence study of Ga2–x(Al0.68In0.32)xO3:Cr3+ coumpounds.
Open Research DataNear-infrared (NIR) phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs) are a highly efficient perspective NIR light source, with application hindered by a narrow emission band. In this work, we broaden the emission of a new series of NIR phosphors by controlling crystal structure disorder through cation cosubstitution. By substituting Ga3+ with (Al0.68In0.32)3+,...
Guided ultrasonic wave technique for corrosion monitoring and thickness variability analysis
PublicationCorrosion degradation poses a significant challenge to the structural integrity of industrial components, especially in critical sectors such as oil and gas, marine, and energy. This paper presents a novel approach to assessing corrosion damage using guided ultrasonic waves (GUWs), focusing on the statistical characterization of thickness variability in corroded plates. A combined algorithm is developed to estimate key statistical...
Experimental verification of visual method for measuring displacements of contact line elements
PublicationThe increase of rail vehicles speed, as well as the increase of their power, puts high demands on the power delivery system for traction vehicles The most critical point in the vehicle's power supply circuit is the contact between the current collector and contact wires. Ensuring a reliable co-operation of the current collector and contact line, requires technical development...
Influence of vision measurement system spatial configuration on measurement uncertainty, based on the example of electric traction application
PublicationTechnical diagnostics plays a significant role in ensuring operational reliability of electrified rail transport. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to vehicles is the sliding contact of the current collector with the traction network. For this reason, work is currently being carried on new measuring methods, whose appliance allows for more complete diagnostics of the contact line and current collectors,...
Automation of the Road Gate Operations Process at the Container Terminal—A Case Study of DCT Gdańsk SA
PublicationThe future increased terminal capacity will result in more container movement through the road complex and rail siding, which are one of the most critical areas (potential bottlenecks) in the container terminal. Truck turnaround time is one of the major factors that customers take into account while deciding how many container volumes they will handle through the container terminal. To enable to optimize increased traffic with...
CFFT columns in road through railroad crossings
PublicationThere were 12801 road through railroad one-level crossings in Poland in 2018. 215 accidents happened at them in 2018. In order to increase safety in rail and road traffic two-level crossings should be used. They are definitely safer and make the traffic more smooth. In the design and construction of two-level intersections of railway and road or path columns of circular cross-section are often used. They can be successfully replaced...
Computer-aided evaluation of the railway track geometry on the basis of satellite measurements
PublicationIn recent years, all over the world there has been a period of intensive development of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) measurement techniques and their extension for the purpose of their applications in the field of surveying and navigation. Moreover, in many countries a rising trend in the development of rail transportation systems has been noticed. In this paper, a method of railway track geometry assessment based...
Novel topology of compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell low-pass filter
PublicationIn this study, a novel pseudoelliptic function low-pass filter (LPF) constituted by a compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell has been designed and manufactured. The lumped-element seven-pole prototype has been adequately realized by using complementary perturbations located both in signal line and ground plane metallization. The fabricated uniplanar LPF offers a compact size of 5.6 x 9.8 mm2, return loss better than 26 dB over...
Polynomial windows with low sidelobes’ level
PublicationSome of the main advantages of polynomial windows are their low computational complexity and ability to easily change their frequency response modifying the values of their coefficients in the time domain. Kulkarni presented the coefficients obtained for such windows with fastest possible decaying sidelobes...
On the Usefulness of the Generalised Additive Model for Mean Path Loss Estimation in Body Area Networks
PublicationIn this article, the usefulness of the Generalised Additive Model for mean path loss estimation in Body Area Networks is investigated. The research concerns a narrow-band indoor off-body network operating at 2.45 GHz, being based on measurements performed with four different users. The mean path loss is modelled as a sum of four components that depend on path length, antenna orientation angle, absolute difference between transmitting...
Self-Censorship in a Workplace: The Role of Gender, Management Position, Procedural Justice and Organizational Climate
Open Research DataData consist of three studies. In study 1 (N = 948) we test whether women manifest more self-censorship than men and we verify whether this effect is maintained when women and men hold managerial position. Then, we analyse the effects of procedural justice (study 2, N = 98) and communal organizational climate (study 3, N = 567) on women’s and men’s...
Bricks images dataset
Open Research DataThe set contains 200 images of various wooden bricks of various shapes and colors placed on a background (blanket) with some heart shaped patterns. Each photo is available in 300x300 and 224x224 pixels size in PNG format. Photos are divided in 10 classes – 8 types of bricks photographed form various angles + 2 additional classes (multiple bricks at...
Adhesive Monitoring with Instrumented Wedge Test
PublicationThe wedge test (sometimes called the Boeing wedge test) is amongst the most readily exploitable techniques for assessment of the rate-dependent fracture energy of adhesive materials when used to bond relatively rigid substrates. With its siblings: the double cantilever beam (DCB), and the tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB), a force is applied, essentially in cleavage, to provoke substrate separation perpendicularly to the bondline...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublicationThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
Diagnostics of the tram track shape with the use of the global positioning satellite systems (GPS/Glonass) measurements with a 20 Hz frequency sampling
PublicationSatellite geodetic measurements used in the diagnosis of railway tracks require professional receivers and a very high frequency rate of data processing. It stems from a significant speed (10 km/h) kinematic measurements carried out during the passage of a measuring platform. The survey results (positions) of deformed railroad track have waveforms nature requiring additional processing methods and approximations. Due to the announcement...
Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using ESPAR Antenna
PublicationIn this paper a new single-anchor indoor localization concept employing Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antenna has been proposed. The new concept uses a simple fingerprinting algorithm adopted to work with directional main beam and narrow minimum radiation patterns of ESPAR antenna that scans 360° area around the base station, while the signal strength received from a mobile terminal is being recorded...
Searching of the buried objects into the sea bottom by means of nonlinear acouctic methods
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to introduce the methodology of preparing the area for investigations that will be carried out at the sea. As the first step there is recognition of the basic method both in the theory as well as experimental investigation. There were taken into account the nonlinear methods. These ones are very promising methods that have very interesting features, very convenient for examinations of the seabed structure....
Frequency measurement research with weight averaging of pulse output signal of voltage-to-frequency converter
PublicationThe paper presents the essence and investigation of the efficiency of weight averaging of a pulse output signal of voltage-to-frequency converter. The effect of counting and the influence of interference on the result of weight averaging of frequency modulated pulses are analyzed. It is shown that from the point of view of counting error reduction, the best are polynomial weight functions. In the case of high interferences whose...
Urchin-like TiO2 structures decorated with lanthanide-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots to boost hydrogen photogeneration performance
PublicationThe formation of heterojunctions between wide- and narrow-bandgap photocatalysts is commonly employed to boost the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen generation. Herein, the photoactivity of urchin-like rutile particles is increased by decorating with pristine as well as Er- or Yb-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots (QDs) at varied QD loadings (1–20 wt%) and doping degrees (1–15 mol%), and the best hydrogen evolution performance is achieved at...
Influence of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns shape on PPCC-based DoA estimation accuracy
PublicationIn the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization goals, which resulted in different...
A Comprehensive Survey on Antennas On-Chip Based on Metamaterial, Metasurface, and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Principles for Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems
PublicationAntennas on-chip are a particular type of radiating elements valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to electromagnetically interface free space, which is necessary for wireless communications. Antennas on-chip radiate and receive electromagnetic (EM) energy as any conventional antennas, but what distinguishes them is their miniaturized size. This means they can be integrated inside...
Probabilistic Approach to Precipitation-Runoff Relation in a Mountain Catchment: A Case Study of the Kłodzka Valley in Poland
PublicationOn the basis of daily precipitation and discharges recorded in 1974–2013 relations between precipitation and runoff in the Kłodzka Valley (KV) in south-western Poland were analyzed. The degree of synchronicity between them was determined using the bivariate Archimedean copulas. This study aims at identifying and then describe in a probabilistic way the precipitation and runoff relations in the area playing an important role...
Instrumented end notched flexure - Crack propagation and process zonemonitoring Part II: Data reduction and experimental
PublicationA mode II instrumented end notched flexure three point bending (ENF) adhesion test is described. The adhesive joint consists of two aluminium alloy (AW7075-T6) plates bonded with a structural epoxy adhesive (Hysol EA 9395™). Strain gauges are attached to the outer surface (backface) of the substrates in the lengthwise direction to measure local surface strain during crack propagation. Simultaneously, load/displacement measurements...
Dynamic mass measurement in checkweighers using a discrete time-variant low-pass filter
PublicationConveyor belt type checkweighers are complex mechanical systems consisting of a weighing sensor (strain gauge load cell, electrodynamically compensated load cell), packages (of different shapes, made of different materials) and a transport system (motors, gears, rollers). Disturbances generated by the vibrating parts of such a system are reflected in the signal power spectra in a form of strong spectral peaks, located usually in...
3D Machine Vision System for Inspection of Contact Strips in Railway Vehicle Current Collectors
PublicationConstruction and technical condition of current collectors is crucial to reliability and safety of railway transportation. According to the Technical Specifications for Interoperability railway vehicles in the European Union should be equipped with carbon contact strips. Excessive wear or defects of contact strips degrade the capability of undisturbed power transmission, cause faster wear of contact wire, and can even result in...
Hydrogen fuel cell power supply for hybrid elelectric multiple unit train
PublicationIn European countries, electrified routes amount for 40% to 65% of the total railway networks length. Some of those routes are only partially electrified, and construction of a catenary network might not be viable on all routes. Consequently, operators run diesel trains under catenary or require both an electric and diesel vehicle, increasing costs of operation. Dual-mode vehicles exist, but they are mostly equipped with diesel...
Pyrolysis and Torrefaction—Thermal Treatment of Creosote-Impregnated Railroad Ties as a Method of Utilization
PublicationA fundamental issue of waste management and the rail transport industry is the problem of utilizing used railroad ties. Wooden railroad ties are treated with a preservative, usually creosote. Due to their high toxicity, railroad ties are considered hazardous waste and must be utilized under various directives. It is proposed to utilize the troublesome waste by using the pyrolysis and torrefaction process. The research proves that...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublicationThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Images of the Seabed of the Gulf of Gdansk Obtained by Means of the Parametric Sonar
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present results of the experimental investigation of the seabed by means of parametric echosounder in the form of chosen images. The phenomena of nonlinear interaction between two parallel beams of high intensity gives as a results very narrow beam of low frequency wave, that enables to penetrate the sea bottom. The first step of our investigations was calibration of all the elements of the measuring...
Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception
PublicationThe main goal of this research study is focused on creating a method for loudness scaling based on categorical perception. Its main features, such as: way of testing, calibration procedure for securing reliable results, employing natural test stimuli, etc., are described in the paper and assessed against a procedure that uses 1/2-octave bands of noise (LGOB) for the loudness growth estimation. The Mann-Whitney U-test is employed...
Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Oxygen Generation of Nickel Nanoparticles
PublicationNowadays, more than ever, environmental awareness is being taken into account when it comes to the design of novel materials. Herein, the pathway to the creation of a colloid of spherical, almost purely metallic nickel nanoparticles (NPs) through pulsed laser ablation in ethanol is presented. A complex description of the colloid is provided through UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis, ensuring insight into...
XPS data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond
Open Research DataThe high-resolution C1s X-ray absorption spectra of BDD@H and BDD@D samples were measured using the facilities of the HE-SGM beamline (HE-SGM) at the BESSY II synchrotron radiation source of Helmholtz–Zentrum Berlin (HZB).[90] The measurements were carried out under ultra-high vacuum conditions: P ≈ 2×10−9 Torr at T = 300 K. The NEXAFS spectra were...
Wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji organizacji ruchu kolejowego w celu minimalizacji kosztów energii elektrycznej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podział kosztów w transporcie kolejowym z uwzględnieniem kosztów wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstwa, do których zaliczają się między innymi koszty dostępu do infrastruktury, czy koszty energii. Stwierdzono, że przy odpowiedniej organizacji ruchu pociągów na sieci kolejowej, bez ponoszenia dodatkowych nakładów na infrastrukturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia, można znacznie ograniczyć zużycie energii, a co za tym...
Ocena kształtu geometrycznego torów tramwajowych na podstawie pomiarów satelitarnych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono ocenę możliwości wykorzystania dwusystemowych fazowych odbiorników GNSS (GPS/Glonass) dla realizacji pomiaru inwentaryzacyjnego linii tramwajowych. Opisano przebieg pomiarów przeprowadzonych na terenie Gdańska i uzyskane wyniki. Wykazano, że dla obszarów miejskich zastosowanie rozwiązań GNSS w oparciu o lokalną stację referencyjną może być alternatywnym podejściem względem pomiarów opartych o sieć ASG-EUPOS...
Application of commercial microwave links (CMLs) attenuation for quantitative estimation of precipitation
PublicationPrecipitation estimation models are typically sourced by rain gauges, weather radars and satellite observations. A relatively new technique of precipitation estimation relies on the network of Commercial Microwave Links (CMLs) employed for cellular communication networks: the rain-inducted attenuation in the links enables the precipitation estimation. In the paper, it is analysed to what extent the precipitation derived from CML...
DESTINATE "Decision supporting tools for implementation of cost-efficient railway noise abatement measures”
ProjectsProject realized in Poznan University of Technology according to 730829 agreement from 2016-11-01
PublicationMeasurement of the clearance distance (both in the context of the rail and road) is one of the current and increasingly discussed topics in the context of photogrammetric and image processing (computer vision) methods. The article presents a description of a simple and rapid method of measure the clearance distance between the obstacles by using one-image photogrammetry. The proposed method was tested for the railway, tram and...
Multiaspect measurement analysis of breaking energy recovery
PublicationNowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth of environmental awareness in the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. That is why the reduction of energy consumption by increasing electrified urban transport, such as trams, trolleybuses, light rail and underground is becoming an increasingly important issue. Energy...
The influence of the place of residence on the behavior and transport preferences of the inhabitants of the agglomeration
PublicationTransport behaviors and preferences have an impact on modal split, which is why they should form the basis for shaping the public transport offer. Achieving the goals of sustainable mobility requires taking into account differences in transport behavior and preferences characterizing residents from different areas of the agglomeration. Analyzing differences in behaviors and preferences, the possibilities and limitations resulting...
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
PublicationThe article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning...
Cooperation of mono- and bi-articular muscles: human lower limb
PublicationObjectives: The aim of this study was to create and analyze a Pareto-optimal problem that would describe cooperation between mono- and bi-articulate lower limb muscles in sagittal plane. Methods: Equations describing the problem were derived and analyzed, additional constrains were introduced and experimental verification based on gait video analysis was performed. Results: Uncertainty of Pareto-optimal solution is shown for the...
Determination of Moisture Content Profiles of Spruce Wood After High Temperature Process and Air Drying
PublicationThe results of moisture content of wood after the process of its drying under high temperature conditions and air drying are presented. Wood samples, namely spruce (Picea abies Karst.) from the northern part of Pomerania region in Poland, were subject of steam and air drying.The aim of experiments was to measure moisture content of wood in its cross sections using moisture meter WRD-100. The samples of thickness 70 mm and length...
Study of probe signal bandwidth influence on estimation of coherence bandwidth for underwater acoustic communication channel
PublicationA signal transmitted in a shallow Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) channel suffers from time dispersion due to the multipath propagation and the refraction phenomena. This causes intersymbol interference of the received signal and frequency-selective fading observed in its spectrum. Coherence bandwidth is one of the key transmission parameters used for designing the physical layer of a data transmission system to minimise...