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Search results for: quality engineering
Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...
Editorial: Information and knowledge engineering for intelligent systems. Part II
PublicationW pracy omówiono najnowsze dokonania w zakresie inzynierii i zarządzania wiedzą i informacją z perspektywy ich możliwych zastosowań w konstruowaniu systemów inteligentnych
Editorial: Information and knowledge engineering for intelligent systems. Part I
PublicationW pracy omówiono najnowsze dokonania w zakresie inzynierii i zarządzania wiedzą i informacją z perspektywy ich możliwych zastosowań w konstruowaniu systemów inteligentnych
On Explaining Intuitiveness of Software Engineering Techniques with User eXperience Concepts
PublicationW referacie zawarto próbę wyjaśnienia intuicyjności technik inżynierii oprogramowania za pomocą pojęć zaczerpniętych z obszaru doświadczenia użytkownika. Analizy dotyczą zarówno intuicyjności przy pierwszym zetknięciu się użytkownika z daną techniką, jak i dynamiki transformacji epizodycznych doświadczeń na doświadczenie skumulowane i powiązane z nim postrzeganie intuicyjności. Przedyskutowano potencjalne zastosowania modelu i...
Research and education at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology.
PublicationPrzedstawiono aktualną działalność naukowo-badawczą Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej w 60-lecie jego istnienia - realizowaną w 11 Katedrach w ramach działalności statutowej, badań własnych, projektów badawczych KBN i umów z przemysłem. Omówiono proces dydaktyczny na studiach inżynierskich, magisterskich i doktoranckich. Scharakteryzowano prowadzone specjalności i podano zamierzenia w zakresie umiędzynarodowienia studiów...
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Time of its 60th/100th Anniversary
PublicationScharakteryzowano historię Wydziału Mechanicznego w perspektywie 100. letniej tradycji kształcenia politechnicznego w Gdańsku oraz 60 lat Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej. Omówiono kształcenie studentów, tematykę badawczą i innowacyjną oraz program obchodów Roku Jubileuszowego na Wydziale.
Topology, Size, and Shape Optimization in Civil Engineering Structures: A Review
PublicationThe optimization of civil engineering structures is critical for enhancing structural performance and material efficiency in engineering applications. Structural optimization approaches seek to determine the optimal design, by considering material performance, cost, and structural safety. The design approaches aim to reduce the built environment’s energy use and carbon emissions. This comprehensive review examines optimization...
Comparative review of piezoelectric biomaterials approach for bone tissue engineering
PublicationBone as a minerals’ reservoir and rigid tissue of the body generating red and white blood cells supports various organs. Although the self-regeneration property of bone, it cannot regenerate spontaneously in severe damages and still remains as a challenging issue. Tissue engineering offers several techniques for regenerating damaged bones, where various biomaterials are examined to fabricate scaffolds for bone repair. Piezoelectric...
Increasing the lifetime of engineering structures through the use of composite laggings
PublicationThe use of composite laggings prevents concrete (chemical and biological) corrosion. Columns coated with composite or reinforced composite are more resistant to negative environmental impact on concrete or steel. The mechanical properties of the reinforced casing also cause that these types of columns are more resistant to lateral forces. The applied casing limits carbonization of concrete and cyclical freezing and thawing with...
Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course
PublicationIn recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...
EIA in teaching sustainable development and environmental protection in engineering education
PublicationA multifaceted approach in teaching the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a way to stress the role of environmental education in technical sciences is the focus of this article. The EIA is an example of an effective tool that supports spatial planning in implementing sustainable development. The aim is to present the idea and benefits of a facilitative and collaborative approach in teaching the EIA, stressing the role of...
Smart Innovation Engineering Using Set of Experience and Decisional DNA
PublicationKnowledge-based Engineering Systems are founded upon integration of knowledge into computer systems and are one of the core requirements for the future Industry 4.0. Since the fourth industrial revolution is passing through the developing phase, implementation of Cyber-Physical Production Systems require more realistic approach. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering plays an important role in manufacturing industries facing...
Application of Reverse Engineering Technology in Part Design for Shipbuilding Industry
PublicationIn the shipbuilding industry, it is difficult to create CAD models of existing or prototype parts, especially with many freeform surfaces. The paper presents the creation of the CAD 3D model of a shipbuilding component with the application of the reverse engineering technology. Based on the data obtained from the digitization process, the component is reconstructed in point cloud processing programs and the CAD model is created....
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublicationThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics as a Decision Support Tool in River Engineering
PublicationThe prediction of winter flooding is a complicated task since it is affected by many meteorological and hydraulic factors. Typically, information on river ice conditions is based on historical observations, which are usually incomplete. Recently, data have been supplemented by information extracted from satellite images. All the above mentioned factors provide a good background of the characteristics of ice processes, but are not...
Smart Innovation Engineering System - A Tool for Facilitating Product Innovation Process
PublicationFor the survival and prosperity of the manufacturing unit, entrepreneurs need to find out new ideas that can be implemented in the products leading to innovation. The current study employs a systematic approach for product innovation. In this approach past experiences based on innovation decisions are stored and recalled during the innovation problem solving process. Implementing this system in the process of product innovation...
Recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as Construction Material in Civil Engineering: A Review
PublicationIn general, the quantity of plastics of all types consumed annually all over the world has been growing in a phenomenal way. The manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes (MSW) generate numerous waste plastic materials. The increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. It is believed that the management of solid...
Cognitive engineering and functional safety technology for reducing risks in hazardous plants
PublicationCognitive engineering is considered nowadays as interesting multidisciplinary domain that focuses on improving the relations between humans and the systems that are supervised and operated. The industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants are increasingly computerized and perform various safety functions. These are designed and implemented according to the functional safety concept. The objective is to maintain...
Advances in Natural Polymer-Based Electrospun Nanomaterials for Soft Tissue Engineering
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Noncontact Ultrasonic Nondestructive Techniques: State of the Art and Their Use in Civil Engineering
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Photonics applications and web engineering: SPIE-PSP WILGA Symposium series
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Perforated alumina templates as a tool for engineering of CoPd film magnetic properties
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The use of response surface methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
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Book review: Simulation-Driven Design Optimisation and Modelling for Microwave Engineering
PublicationCelem książki jest przedstawienie aktualnego stanu badań dotyczących projektowania układów mikrofalowych poprzez modelowanie i optymalizacje wspomagane symulacjami elektromagnetycznymi. Grupa międzynarodowych ekspertów zajmujących się rożnymi aspektami komputerowo wspomaganego projektowania układów mikrofalowych, podsumowuje i dokonuje przeglądu ostatnich osiągnięć w tej dziedzinie oraz przedstawia szereg praktycznych zastosowań....
The use of Response Surface Methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
PublicationStability loss is one of the key issues in the analysis of shells made of composite materials. This paper aims at finding the variation of the critical or limit value of the load resulting from geometric imperfections. An axially compressed 16-layer cylindrical panel model is considered. The imperfections of the panel are simulated as random fields. The parameters of these fields are used as the basic variables of the reliability...
New direction of education on mechanical engineering faculty in gdansk university of technology
PublicationW artykule opisano szczegółowo kierunki kształcenia wprowadzone w ostatnich latach na Wydziale Mechanicznym Pol. Gd. Przedstawiono ofertę kształcenia na nowych kierunkach takich jak Mechatronika, Inżynieria Mechaniczno-Medyczna oraz Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji dla studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia. Opisano również własne doświadczenia w implementacji procesu Bolońskiego trójstopniowego kształcenia w systemie European...
Toward Smart Innovation Engineering: Decisional DNA-Based Conceptual Approach
PublicationABSTRACT Knowledge and experience are essential requirements for product innovation. The presented paper proposes a systematic approach for product innovation support using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising a Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). This proposed system is dynamic in nature because it updates itself every time a new decision related to innovation is made. Through this...
Cogenerative micro power plants - a new direction for development of power engineering?
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące perspektywy mikrosiłowni domowych w gospodarce rozproszonej. Przedstawiono oryginalne kryterium doboru czynnika roboczego w mikrosiłowni oraz przedstawiono sprawności cieplne i egzergetyczne obiegów Clausiusa-Rankina realizujących pracę mikrosiłowni.
Virtual Engineering Objects: Effective Way of Knowledge Representation and Decision Making
PublicationThis paper presents a knowledge representation case study by constructing Decisional DNA of engineering objects. Decisional DNA, as a knowledge representation structure not only offers great possibilities on gathering explicit knowledge of formal decision events but also it is a powerful tool for decision-making process. The concept of Virtual engineering Object (VEO), which is a knowledge and experience representation of engineering...
Biopolymer-based composites for tissue engineering applications: A basis for future opportunities
PublicationBiomimetic scaffolds supporting tissue regeneration are complex materials with multifunctional characteristics. The unique biocompatibility and biodegradability of biopolymers make them excellent candidates for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Biopolymers, which have a wide range of properties, can be obtained from different natural sources. Depending on the target tissue, biopolymers can be engineered to meet a series...
Surface engineering of graphene oxide membranes for selective separation of perfluorooctanoic acids
PublicationPerfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are environmental toxicants and their widespread detection and accumulation in the environment can be detrimental to the ecosystem. In this study, surface charge of GO membranes was engineered to enhance selectivity of graphene oxide (GO) membranes and for the removal of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA ∼400 Da) in real concentration ranges in wastewater streams. The structure and physicochemical properties...
Qualitative and quantitative mechanisms in managing IT projects in concur-rent engineering environment
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wprowadzenie do twardych i miękkich moetod modelowania. Nastepnie wprowadzono czytelnika do obszaru inżynierii równoległej (współzadaniowej). Całość zaproponowano jakośrodowisko wspomagania decyzji w procesach zarządzania złożonymi międzynarodowymi projektami badawczymi w obszaru Information Technology.
Modelling and simulations in time-fractional electrodynamics based on control engineering methods
PublicationIn this paper, control engineering methods are presented with regard to modelling and simulations of signal propagation in time-fractional (TF) electrodynamics. That is, signal propagation is simulated in electromagnetic media described by Maxwell’s equations with fractional-order constitutive relations in the time domain. We demonstrate that such equations in TF electrodynamics can be considered as a continuous-time system of...
A Comprehensive Review: Applications of the Kozeny–Carman Model in Engineering with Permeability Dynamics
PublicationIn this review article, we investigate the dynamic nature of the Kozeny–Carman Model concerning permeability and its application in engineering contexts. Providing insights into the changing dynamics of permeability within mining, petroleum, and geotechnical engineering, among other engineering applications. While some are complex and require additional modifcations to be applicable, others are simple and still function in specifc...
Dynamic Execution of Engineering Processes in Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems Toolchains
PublicationEngineering tools support the process of creating, operating, maintaining, and evolving systems throughout their lifecycle. Toolchains are sequences of tools that build on each others' output during this procedure. The complete chain of tools itself may not even be recognized by the humans who utilize them, people may just recognize the right tool being used at the right place in time. Modern engineering processes, however, do...
Electrically Conductive Carbon‐based (Bio)‐nanomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
PublicationA proper self-regenerating capability is lacking in human cardiac tissue which along with the alarming rate of deaths associated with cardiovascular disorders makes tissue engineering critical. Novel approaches are now being investigated in order to speedily overcome the challenges in this path. Tissue engineering has been revolutionized by the advent of nanomaterials, and later by the application of carbon-based nanomaterials...
Optimizing Construction Engineering Management Using Metaheuristic Methods and Bayesian Networks
PublicationThe construction of buildings invariably involves time and costs, and disruptions impact ongoing construction projects. Crisis situations in management strategies, structural confusion, and finan-cial miscalculations often arise due to misguided decision-making. This article proposes a method that combines the learning of Bayesian Networks and heuristic techniques to optimize deci-sion-making processes in construction scheduling....
Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine
PublicationSemiconductor|melanin interfaces have received increasingly more attention in the fields of photocatalysis and applied electrochemistry because of their facile synthesis, unique electrical properties, and strong capability toward photosensitization. In this work, we describe the electropolymerization of quinone-rich polydopamine (PDA) on the surface of hydrogenated TiO2 nanotubes with enhanced photoactivity in the visible spectrum....
The effect of laser on metal surfaces for multidisciplinary usage in material and thermal engineering
PublicationThe subject of heat transfer and cooling systems is still a matter of contention in many different fields of science and industry. Infrigidation is much more difficult than warming, and so, much more needed in more and more different devices, starting from massive industrial machinery and air conditioning in commercial buildings, up to micro and nano-surgery tools. In fact, the size of many cooling systems is still a problem. It...
The Impact of Lexicon Adaptation on the Emotion Mining From Software Engineering Artifacts
PublicationSentiment analysis and emotion mining techniques are increasingly being used in the field of software engineering. However, the experiments conducted so far have not yielded high accuracy results. Researchers indicate a lack of adaptation of the methods of emotion mining to the specific context of the domain as the main cause of this situation. The article describes research aimed at examining whether the adaptation of the lexicon...
Exploration of Creativity Techniques in Software Engineering in Training-Application-Feedback Cycle
PublicationCreativity research has proposed about a hundred and fifty creativity techniques. The question is whether they can be applied in software engineering for creativity training or directing creativity in software projects. This paper aims at answering this question via a quasi-experiment conducted in Training-Application-Feedback cycle in which participants express their opinions about selected creativity techniques after training...
Effects of Storing Flux-Cored Wires under Various Conditions
PublicationWelding processes involving the use of flux-cored wires are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in shipbuilding as well as in off-shore and civil engineering. The article presents characteristics of the welding process, its areas of application as well as advantages and disadvantages (e.g. necessity of ensuring appropriate conditions for the storage of filler metal wires). The satisfaction of quality-related requirements...
Ewa Marjańska dr inż.
PeopleEwa Marjańska works as an assistant professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Faculty of Management and Economics. She received her doctorate in the field of commodity science. Her scientific interests focus primarily on the methods of quantitative measurements of quality, including food quality analysis and quality management systems, as well as on the quality of higher education. She is the author of papers published...
Decisional DNA (DDNA) Based Machine Monitoring and Total Productive Maintenance in Industry 4.0 Framework
PublicationThe entire manufacturing spectrum is transforming with the advent of Industry 4.0. The features of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA) were utilized for developing Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO), Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Virtual Engineering Factory (VEF), which in turn facilitate the creation of smart factories. In this study, DDNA based Machine Monitoring for Total Maintenance...
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
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Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal
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Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism
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International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences
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Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation Journal