Search results for: research methods in psychology - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: research methods in psychology

Search results for: research methods in psychology

  • Scientific research in the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering

    Short descriptions of various research subjects taken up at the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering are included in the paper. The subjects cover a wide range of bearing systems and tribology research and the research on tires and road surfaces. A third field of activity is biomedical engineering – with the attempts to improve methods of modelling biological materials in FEM calculations. The Department has...



    Purpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....

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  • E-MEDIACJE JAKO PRZEDSIĘBIORCZA STRATEGIA ROZWIĄZYWANIA KONFLIKTÓW = E-mediation – the entrepreneurial strategy of conflict resolution

    Artykuł dotyczy tematu e-mediacji, które są nowoczesną metodą rozwiązywania konfliktów gospodarczych, zakładającą zastosowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań informatycznych w procesie zarzadzania konfliktem. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono na grupie polskich przedsiębiorców, by zweryfikować postawy wobec e-mediacji i gotowość korzystania z tego rozwiązania w sytuacjach konfliktowych.

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  • Research project I (February 2024)

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Gajewska
    • S. Gajewski

    This is the course for English-speaking students of Research project I. Access code: KSiSR2024 If you have some problem with access to the course please sent me e-mail to: (give me the name and your id number).



    ISSN: 1046-1310 , eISSN: 1936-4733

  • Wykorzystanie wiązań niekowalencyjnych do otrzymywania jedno- i dwuskładnikowych struktur supramolekularnych


    - Year 2022

    Przedstawiona rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badań nad wykorzystaniem oddziaływań międzycząsteczkowych do projektowania i syntezy uporządkowanych struktur krystalicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wiązań halogenowych i chalkogenowych jako stosunkowo nowych i bardzo atrakcyjnych z punktu widzenia inżynierii kryształu. Praca podzielona jest na kilka części. Pierwsza z nich stanowi wstęp teoretyczny obejmujący opis, założenia oraz...

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  • Chinese Law Research Guide


    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This Research Guide will be the first step in your journey with Chinese law. China grows more important every day from a global perspective. However, studying and conducting research on Chinese law can be extremely challenging, especially if you do not know Mandarin well. This book is intended as a compact but comprehensive research guide that would provide students (especially...

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  • Letter to the Editor: Discussion on the Paper “State-of-the-Art of Research on Seismic Pounding Between Buildings with Aligned Slabs”

    The paper “State-of-the-art of research on seismic pounding between buildings with aligned slabs” (by Kharazian and López-Almansa) has recently been published in the journal of Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. It can be considered as a kind of continuation of previous ‘state-of-the-art’ publications, including two papers and a book. Unfortunately, the paper contains a number of misleading or wrong statements as...

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  • Monte Carlo Methods - 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Franz

    This course will introduce the foundations of Monte Carlo simulation methods. Fundamental algorithms will be described. It will be shown how Monte Carlo methods can be used to simulate the transport of energetic particles in condensed matter.

  • Review of Cybersecurity Assessment Methods: Applicability Perspective


    Cybersecurity assessments are crucial in building the assurance that vital cyberassets are effectively protected from threats. Multiple assessment methods have been proposed during the decades of the cybersecurity field. However, a systematic literature search described in this paper reveals that their reviews are practically missing. Thus, the primary objective of this research was to fulfil this gap by comprehensively identifying...

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  • Typologia aktywności online konsumenta w zakresie marki


    - MARKETING I RYNEK - Year 2015

    Web 2.0 daje konsumentom nieograniczone możliwości wchodzenia w interakcje, wypowiadania się, udostępniania oraz kreowania treści dotyczących produktów i marek. Tego typu aktywność konsumentów, która ma miejsce w Internecie (tzw. COBRA), stanowi wielką wartość dla firm. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi pierwszą próbę przedstawienia pełnej klasyfikacji tego typu zachowań w trzech głównych kategoriach (konsumpcji, kontrybucji i kreacji),...

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  • Ośrodki wzrostu na obszarach peryferyjnych regionów. W poszukiwaniu kapitału terytorialnego

    Przedmiotem badań były gminy miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie na obszarach peryferyjnych województw, czyli poza obszarami funkcjonalnymi miast wojewódzkich i aglomeracji śląskich. Cele badań było: (1) rozpoznanie najbardziej rozwiniętych gospodarczo gmin na badanym obszarze; (2) rozpoznanie, w jaki sposób czynniki rozwojowe i ich kombinacje, które mogą tworzyć kapitał terytorialny, są postrzegane i wykorzystywane w strategiach miejskich....

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  • Knowledge engineer – more than only technical position. The concept of knowledge engineering education at the Faculty of Management and Economics


    - Year 2014

    Organizational learning means an effective knowledge management. Management is nothing more than the constant decision-making. Therefore organizational learning must be seen through the prism of decisions taken at all levels. Unfortunately decisions are never taken within comfortable conditions. Decision maker suffers from a lack of any support. There is often a problem with human resources having right skills, sometimes they do...

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  • Wpływ właściwości cieczy hydraulicznej na wartość skoków ciśnienia w komorach pomp tłoczkowych osiowych


    - Year 2018

    Publikacja dotyczy badań skoków ciśnienia w komorach roboczych pomp tłoczkowych osiowych. Skupiono się w nim na wpływie właściwości cieczy hydraulicznej na wartość skoków ciśnienia. Przeanalizowano wpływ takich parametrów jak: -gęstość, -lepkość, -ściśliwość, -zapowietrzenie. Do określenia wpływu właściwości cieczy na skoki ciśnienia wykorzystano badania laboratoryjne i symulacje komputerowe.



    Crowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...

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  • SOLAP GIS in maritime research


    Multidimensional Geographical Information System is a system especially designed to acquire, distribute, analyze and visualize complicated spatio-temporal data. Modern Geographical Information System technology can provide easy-to-use, near real-time solutions to many problems from different areas of research. In the article, authors summarize recent works on Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) and multidimensional Geographical...

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  • Od modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa do modelu biznesu organizacji publicznej

    Zadowolenie obywateli z jakości życia jest związane z poziomem zaspokajania ich potrzeb, wśród których występuje możliwość korzystania z dóbr publicznych. Wiąże się to z dostępem do usług publicznych. Gospodarzami w zakresie świadczenia tych usług są organizacji publiczne. Zatem z rozumowania logicznego wynika, że wzrost zadowolenia mieszkańców może nastąpić wówczas, gdy podniesie się dostępność i poziom jakości usług publicznych....

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  • Strategie rozwoju obszarów funkcjonalnych miast na obszarach peryferyjnych polskich regionów


    - Year 2017

    Artykuł dotyczy strategii 12 miejskich obszarów funkcjonalnych (MOF) na polskich ob-szarach peryferyjnych, tj. zlokalizowanych poza MOF stolic województw. Celami badania były: (1) znalezienie czynników, które były podstawą do opracowania planowanych strategii, (2) rozpoznanie i ocena strategii (3) wzbogacenie wiedzy na temat planowania strategicznego: stosowanych metod, a także najbardziej powszechnych wad. Metoda badań obejmowała...

  • Research project

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Gajewski

  • Comparison of developed gaze point estimation methods


    - Year 2008

    This paper presents the software part of an inexpensive hands-free eye tracking system. The system works using infrared illumination like most of the available eye trackers. Two methods allowing estimation the gaze point on computer screen are compared. Research on effectiveness of these methods is discussed and the better one is indicated.

  • Research grant applications (W)

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Boczkaj
    • A. Zielińska-Jurek
    • P. Rybarczyk
    • A. Małachowska

    Searching for a grant for yourself. Competitions: of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), of the National Science Center (NCN)' of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), of the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR), European Commission Grants (ERC). Formulation of the application: analysis of the requirements. Description of project issues: purpose, meaning, work plan, and methodology. Reviewer's...

  • Comparison of selected electroencephalographic signal classification methods

    A variety of methods exists for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals classification. In this paper, we briefly review selected methods developed for such a purpose. First, a short description of the EEG signal characteristics is shown. Then, a comparison between the selected EEG signal classification methods, based on the overview of research studies on this topic, is presented. Examples of methods included in the study are: Artificial...

  • The Toolbox of Methods for Multidirectional Characterization of Dietary Nucleic Acids; Verification for Raw and Processed Food Products

    Currently, the nutritional value of food is associated mainly with components such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. However, another important macromolecules present in many foods are dietary nucleic acids (dietNA), i.e., DNA as well as both coding and non-coding RNAs. In the context of food chemistry and nutrition, dietNA are nowadays vastly neglected. In consequence, there are no dedicated methodologies to characterize...

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  • Communication methods at selected private universities in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia in 2010

    Open Research Data
    open access

    A university, including a private one, is an organization serving the environment. Therefore, a necessary condition (especially in today's market situation) is the development of cooperation between universities and the environment. Creating mutual relations between universities with the environment, belongs to an important area of activity of this...

  • Research Grant Applications (SEM)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Zielińska-Jurek
    • P. Rybarczyk

    Searching for a grant for yourself. Competitions: of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), of the National Science Center (NCN)' of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), of the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR), European Commission Grants (ERC). Formulation of the application: analysis of the requirements. Description of project issues: purpose, meaning, work plan, and methodology. Reviewer's...

  • Methods for biomaterials printing: A short review and perspective


    - METHODS - Year 2022

    Printing technologies have opened larger windows of innovation and creativity to biomaterials engineers by providing them with the ability to fabricate complex shapes in a reasonable time, cost, and weight. However, there has always been a trouble with function adjusting in printing technologies in view of the multiplicity of materials and apparatus parameters. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, revolutionized biomaterials...

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  • Spectroscopy Methods in Nanotechnology 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Witkowska

    Course for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, specialization Nanostructures and computer simulations in materials science, sem. 2. The aim of the course is to discuss the basic theoretical and practical issues of spectroscopy and presentation of the various types of spectroscopic methods and ways to interpret spectra, with particular attention paid to the possibility of their use in the study of nanostructured systems.

  • Spectroscopy Methods in Nanotechnology 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Witkowska

    Course for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, specialization Nanostructures and computer simulations in materials science, sem. 2. The aim of the course is to discuss the basic theoretical and practical issues of spectroscopy and presentation of the various types of spectroscopic methods and ways to interpret spectra, with particular attention paid to the possibility of their use in the study of nanostructured systems.

  • Charakterystyka procesu ciągłej dewulkanizacji termomechanicznej z zastosowaniem metod doświadczalnych


    - Przemysł Chemiczny - Year 2013

    Badano proces termomechanicznej dewulkanizacji rozdrobnionych odpadów gumowych prowadzono przy użyciu wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej współbieżnej o specjalnej konfiguracji układu uplastyczniającej, umożliwiającego wywieranie znacznych sił ścinających na miał gumowy. W badaniach doświadczalnych zastosowano metodę powierzchni odpowiedzi RSM (response surface methodology). Wyznaczono modele matematyczne wyrażające zmienność właściwości...

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  • A review of explainable fashion compatibility modeling methods


    The paper reviews methods used in the fashion compatibility recommendation domain. We select methods based on reproducibility, explainability, and novelty aspects and then organize them chronologically and thematically. We presented general characteristics of publicly available datasets that are related to the fashion compatibility recommendation task. Finally, we analyzed the representation bias of datasets, fashion-based algorithms’...

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  • Advanced Ship Control Methods


    The chapter presents two main streams of research in vessel control at sea: dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel and decision support in case of collision at sea. The control structure and basic requirements for the DP system are defined. Selected issues of automatic control of a dynamically positioned vessel are discussed. A review of advanced methods of controlling a DP ship is carried out, taking into account the tasks of...

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  • Gravity-related research (Engineering and Management of Space Systems) 21/22

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Wittbrodt

    The goal of the subject is to extend of the knowledge gained in the framework of general mechanics (statics, kinematics, dynamics). Students will be familiarized with the description of the kinematics and dynamics of motion in typical gravity-related research conditions (microgravity in parabolic flights, drop towers, sounding rockets) as well as gravity-related research platforms, its opportunities and limitations. Additionally,...

  • The Indication Methods and Techniques of Urban Light Pollution


    - Year 2021

    The goal of this study is to review and categorize approaches and methods of facing urban light pollution. Probing various references and documents, the current practice focus on extracting and reviewing different types of urban light pollution detection, survey, and measurement to define a taxonomy of methods by instant comparison. The means of measurement and detecting this pollution include 14 most cited techniques that have...

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  • Measuring research on radio wave propagation


    - Year 2010

    Telecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...

  • Możliwości odzysku fosforu z odcieków, osadów ściekowych i popiołów po termicznym przekształcaniu osadów ściekowych

    W ostatnich latach zaobserwowano rosnącą świadomość o ograniczonych zasobach fosforu. Szacuje się, że mogą one ulec wyczerpaniu w ciągu 100 lat, przy obecnym zaawansowaniu technologii. Ponad 80% wydobywanego złoża wykorzystywane jest do produkcji nawozów sztucznych oraz w przemyśle chemicznym. Taka perspektywa zwiększa zainteresowanie recyklingiem fosforu, który może być odzyskiwany ze ścieków w fazie płynnej, z odwodnionych osadów...

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  • Oxylipin profiling for clinical research: Current status and future perspectives

    • K. Parchem
    • S. Letsiou
    • T. Petan
    • O. Oskolkova
    • I. Medina
    • O. Kuda
    • V. B. O'Donnell
    • A. Nicolaou
    • M. Fedorova
    • V. Bochkov
    • C. Gladine


    Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators with increasing interest in clinical research. They are usually measured in systemic circulation and can provide a wealth of information regarding key biological processes such as inflammation, vascular tone, or blood coagulation. Although procedures still require harmonization to generate comparable oxylipin datasets, performing comprehensive profiling of circulating oxylipins in large studies...

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  • Critical review of propeller performance scaling methods based on model experiments and numerical calculations


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2013

    The article presents the results of experimental and theoretical investigation of propeller scale effects. The objective of this investigation is to test the adequacy of the methods currently used and to develop possible improvement of the methods.New approaches to the problem and new procedures to account for the propeller scale effects are suggested. The description of the underlying experimental and theoretical research is included.

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  • Data Mining Applications and Methods in Medicine


    In this paper we describe the research area of data mining and its applications in medicine. The origins of data mining and its crucial features are shortly presented. We discuss the specificity of medicine as an application area for computer systems. Characteristic features of the medical data are investigated. Common problems in the area are also presented as well as the strengths and capabilities of the data mining methods....

  • Advanced operating methods


    - Year 2020

    Selected operating methods of resistive gas sensors were presented. The methods utilize flicker noise (1/f noise), which gives additional information about ambient gas when compared with the recorded changes of DC resistance only. Methods of flicker noise measurements were outlined. Recently developed prototype gas sensors comprising golden nanoparticle functionalized with organic ligands can generate intense flicker noise induced...

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  • An Estimation of the Efficiency of Public Research Institutes in Poland – DEA Approach

    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to measure and assess the efficiency of research institutes in Poland. The institutes operate on the basis of various legal frameworks, but they serve a common purpose and have a joint area of activity, research and development.Research Design & Methods: We used the SBM model, a component of the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, to analyse the efficiency...

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  • The accuracy of alternative stock valuation methods – the case of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    The main aim of this article is to examine the accuracy of different methods of share valuation used by Polish analysts in reports prepared in order to issue recommendations for companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In the literature on the subject, the view which prevails is that the more sophisticated methods, i.e. those taking into account the discounting process, are characterised by higher valuation accuracy. However,...

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  • Zróżnicowanie działań w zakresie zarządzania wiekiem

    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zarządzania wiekiem (ZW), a w szczególności zróżnicowania jego wdrażania w krajach o odmiennych uwarunkowaniach związanych z sytuacją osób starszych na rynku pracy to jest w Szwecji, Niemczech i Polsce. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych porównując je z wynikami badań przeprowadzonych w ramach Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in The Baltic Sea Region. Pozwoliło...

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  • Support for research biobanks among medical students in the Republic of Kazakhstan


    Background: Over the past few years, several biobanks have been organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). As research biobanks are becoming an increasingly important tool for precision medicine, they require competent biobankers who will help disseminate the idea of biobanking throughout the society and support donation for research purposes. This study aimed to assess the support for research...

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  • Identyfikacja instrumentu muzycznego z nagrania fonicznego za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych


    - Year 2024

    Celem rozprawy jest zbadanie algorytmów do identyfikacji instrumentów występujących w sygnale polifonicznym z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. W części teoretycznej przywołano podstawy przetwarzania sygnałów fonicznych w kontekście ekstrakcji parametrów sygnałów wykorzystywanych w treningu sieci neuronowych. Dodatkowo dokonano analizy rozwoju metod uczenia maszynowego z uwzględnieniem podziału na sieci neuronowe pierwszej,...

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  • Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Rewieński

    Course description: This course focuses on modern numerical techniques for linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs), and integral equations fundamental to a large variety of applications in science and engineering. Topics include: formulations of problems in terms of initial and boundary value problems; finite difference and finite element discretizations; boundary element approach;...

  • Social Entrepreneurship Research – Challenges, Explanations and Suggestions for the Field Development


    Employing critical review and reflection on the key literature in the area of entrepreneurship and management studies in social entrepreneurship field, this paper aims to outline the current challenges this field is facing, while introducing related explanations and suggesting required changes. The current field of social entrepreneurship research is at its nascent stage, which is determined by ongoing definitional debates and...

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  • Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods


    Analysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...

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  • Wyzwania współpracy z robotem jako członkiem zespołu

    – Cel: Ocena, jakie są przekonania dotyczące współpracy z robotami w zespole, jakie są obawy i oczekiwania związane z „zatrudnianiem” robotów. – Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowane z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety w grupie 593 specjalistów IT. – Wyniki badań: Roboty nadal traktowane są głównie jako narzędzia, nie jako podmioty uczestniczące w pracy zespołu. Przekonanie, że obecność robota w zespole nie wyeliminuje...

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  • Results of the “DPDT-Auger” Research Project on Screw Displacement Piles

    The main objective of the “DPDT-Auger” research project was to test the prototype DPDT auger for forming screw displacement piles in the ground (patented in Poland in 2020). An additional aim was to develop design methods and rules for the making of such piles. The augers and piles were first tested on a model scale, and then more extensively in the real scale on experimental field plots. The results found the overall functionality...

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  • Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego.


    - Year 2020

    Celem badawczym, przyjętym w niniejszej pracy jest identyfikacja procesów zlecanych na zewnątrz w badanej populacji wraz z czynnikami warunkującymi ich skuteczność. Celem utylitarnym jest opracowanie narzędzia umożliwiającego dobór dostawców oraz ocenę procesów poddanych outsourcingowi. W rozdziale pierwszym pracy omówiono pojęcie outsourcingu oraz jego wykorzystanie w zarządzaniu procesami organizacji. Zidentyfikowano również...