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Search results for: LS-SVM ALGORITHM

Search results for: LS-SVM ALGORITHM

  • Equitable coloring of hypergraphs



    A hypergraph is equitablyk-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into k sets/colorclasses in such a way that monochromatic edges are avoided and the number of verticesin any two color classes differs by at most one. We prove that the problem of equitable 2-coloring of hypergraphs is NP-complete even for 3-uniform hyperstars. Finally, we apply the method of dynamic programming for designing a polynomial-time algorithm to...

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  • Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations

    • S. Cygert
    • J. Porter-Sobieraj
    • D. Kikoła
    • J. Sikorski
    • M. Słodkowski

    - Year 2013

    Relativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory....

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  • On cooperative image denoising


    - Year 2011

    In this paper we suggest how several competing image denoising algorithms, differing in design parameters, or even in design principles, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable denoising algorithm. The proposed fusion mechanism allows one to combine practically all kinds of noise reduction tools. It also allows one to account for the distribution of measurement noise, and in particular - to cope with heavy-tailed...

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  • New Approach to Arc Fitting for Railway Track Realignment



    This article presents a new method of arc fitting for railway track realignment. The theoretical foundations are presented, along with a detailed algorithm of the iterative computational process. This method is based on solving a set of linearized pseudo-observation equations. The formulas of the functional model of the fitting problem were derived, and a special form of objective function is proposed. An iterative method for optimization...

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  • Automatic Discovery of IaaS Cloud Workload Types

    The paper presents an approach to automatic discovery of workloads types. We perform functional characteristics of the workloads executed in our cloud environment, that have been used to create model of the computations. To categorize the resources utilization we used K-means algorithm, that allow us automatically select six types of computations. We perform analysis of the discovered types against to typical computational benchmarks,...

  • General Provisioning Strategy for Local Specialized Cloud Computing Environments


    The well-known management strategies in cloud computing based on SLA requirements are considered. A deterministic parallel provisioning algorithm has been prepared and used to show its behavior for three different requirements: load balancing, consolidation, and fault tolerance. The impact of these strategies on the total execution time of different sets of services is analyzed for randomly chosen sets of data. This makes it possible...

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  • Matrix Strengthening the Identification of Observations with Split Functional Models in the Squared Msplit(q) Estimation Process


    - MEASUREMENT - Year 2023

    This article addresses the issue of raising the level of identification of observations with either single or more split functional models in the squared Msplit(q) estimation process. The theoretical part of the study presents the theoretical grounds for the classical method for estimating parameters in a split functional model and proposes a modification of the computational algorithm to increase the quality of the determinations...

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  • Enriched buckling for beam-lattice metamaterials


    We discuss two examples of beam-lattice metamaterials which show attractive mechanical properties concerning their enriched buckling. The first one considers pantographic beams and the nonlinear solution is traced out numerically on the base of a Hencky’s model and an algorithm based on Riks’ arc-length scheme. The second one concerns a beam-lattice with sliders and the nonlinear solution is discussed in analytic way and, finally,...

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  • Fast Approximate String Search for Wikification


    The paper presents a novel method for fast approximate string search based on neural distance metrics embeddings. Our research is focused primarily on applying the proposed method for entity retrieval in the Wikification process, which is similar to edit distance-based similarity search on the typical dictionary. The proposed method has been compared with symmetric delete spelling correction algorithm and proven to be more efficient...

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  • Modular high precision high current source for special applications — Simulation and verification


    - Year 2016

    This paper presents selected issues concerning realization of high precision high current source for special applications, where high demands of output parameters of such device are required. A new 80 kW prototype of modular high precision high current source is presented, where output current accuracy reaches 5x10-5. This paper presents also results of operation of the simulation model and of the prototype converter. In order...

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  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Year 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Komputerowa weryfikacja układów cyfrowych CMOS utworzonych z podukładów zasilanych ze źródeł o różnych wartościach napięcia

    W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki komputerowej weryfikacji cyfrowego układu CMOS utworzonego z klastrów, z których każdy jest zasilany odpowiednio malejącymi wartościami napięć. Zbiór klastrów został utworzony przy pomocy algorytmu ECA (Evolutionary Clustering Algorithm) dla potrzeb redukcji mocy pobieranej ze źródła zasilającego. Otrzymane rozwiązanie, charakteryzujące się zmniejszeniem zapotrzebowania na moc, nie powoduje pogorszenia...

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  • Identification of regions of interest in video for a traffic monitoring system


    - Year 2008

    A system for automatic event detection in the camera image is presented in this paper. A method of limiting a region of interest to relevant parts of the image using a set of processing procedures is proposed. Image processing includes object detection with shadow removal performed in the modified YCbCr color space instead of RGB. The proposed procedures help to reduce the complexity of image processing algorithm and result in...

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    With a set of 38 manually marked bleeding regions form endoscopic videos, the authors attempted to find an optimal image segmentation method for reproducing doctor’s markup. Mean shift segmentation combined with HSV histogram segmentation were used as a segmentation method, which was then optimized by tuning the parameters of the method using global optimization algorithm. A target function for measuring the quality of segmentation was...



    The paper presents a new approach to elimination of broadband noise and impulsive disturbances from archive audio recordings. The proposed adaptive Kalman-like algorithm, based on a sparse autoregressive model of the audio signal, simultaneously detects noise pulses, interpolates the irrevocably distorted samples and performs signal smoothing. It is shown that bidirectional (forward-backward) processing of the archive signal improves...

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  • Description logic based generator of data-centric applications

    The knowledge stored in Ontology Management Systems (OMS) that originally has the form of expressions, can be seen as a user application specification or as knowledge provided by an expert. The generator of applications discussed in this paper is defined as a program that automatically generates an application that meets a certain specification stored in OMS. It is shown that it is possible to build a user interface for data management...

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  • Description logic based generator of data-centric applications


    - Year 2010

    The knowledge stored in Ontology Management Systems (OMS) that originally has the form of expressions, can be seen as a user application specification or as knowledge provided by an expert. The generator of applications discussed in this paper is defined as a program that automatically generates an application that meets a certain specification stored in OMS. It is shown that it is possible to build a user interface for data management...

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  • Advances in macromodeling technique


    The paper discuses recent advances in the finite differencetime domain method employing macromodels. New techniquesfor creating irregularly shaped macromodels, grouping ofmacromodels and advanced macromodel cloning are introduced.The last technique is particularly important for efficient analysisof the structures based on Photonic Crystals (PhC). The methodallows one to shorten considerably the preprocessing time, theRAM usage...

  • Human voice modification using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2010

    The paper presents the possibilities of changing human voice by modifying instantaneous complex frequency (ICF) of the speech signal. The proposed method provides a flexible way of altering voice without the necessity of finding fundamental frequency and formants' positions or detecting voiced and unvoiced fragments of speech. The algorithm is simple and fast. Apart from ICF it uses signal factorization into two factors: one fully...

  • Reduced-order models in the finite element analysis


    A novel technique of incorporating macromodels into finite element electromagnetic analysis of waveguide components is presented. Macromodels are generated by using a model order reduction algorithm (ENOR), which results in significant decrease of the number of variables, that describe the computational region. Proposed technique allows for using a few independent macromodels as well as to duplicating one macromodel in many subregions...

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  • Proposal of a method for effective tasks distribution in the execution of compolex problems

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems into smaller and less complex tasks. Those tasks can be presented in a form of a dependency graph. This paper shows an idea of executing such a problem using cooperating autonomous agents. Main focus of this work is cooperation covering effective tasks distribution among executors. This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic executor selection...

  • Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph


    In this paper, methodology of acquisition and processing of video streams for the purpose of modelling object behaviour is presented. Multilevel contextual video processing was also mentioned. The Pawlak’s flowgraph is used as a container for the knowledge related to the behaviour of objects in the area supervised by a video surveillance system. Spatio-temporal dependencies in transitions between cameras can be easily changed in...

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  • Square root RC Nyquist filter of fractional delay


    In this paper we propose a discrete-time FIR (finite impulse response) filter which couples the role of square root Nyquist filter with fractional delay filter. This filter enables to substitute for a cascade of square root RC (SRRC) Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter in one device/algorithm. The aim is to compensate for transmission delay in communication system. Statistically defined performances, e.g. BER (bit error...

  • Comprehensive compensation of grid current distortion by shunt active power filters


    The paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of grid current distortion in shunt active power filter systems. Four sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the evaluation of grid voltages and computation of compensating currents, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...

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  • Fast EM-driven optimization using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities

    A robust and computationally efficient technique for microwave design optimization is presented. Our approach exploits variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulation models and adjoint sensitivities. The low-fidelity EM model correction is realized by means of space mapping (SM). In the optimization process, the SM parameters are optimized together with the design itself, which allows us to keep the number...

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  • Reduction of Computational Complexity in Simulations of the Flow Process in Transmission Pipelines

    The paper addresses the problem of computational efficiency of the pipe-flow model used in leak detection and identification systems. Analysis of the model brings attention to its specific structure, where all matrices are sparse. With certain rearrangements, the model can be reduced to a set of equations with tridiagonal matrices. Such equations can be solved using the Thomas algorithm. This method provides almost the same values...

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    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy kwestii poprawy dokładności estymacji położenia w systemie lokalizacji wewnątrzbudynkowej, bazującym na radiowych pomiarach odległości realizowanych przez modemy UWB. Proponuje się zastosowanie metody filtracji cząsteczkowej do zmniejszenia błędu wyznaczania pozycji obiektu przy braku bezpośredniej widoczności ze stacją referencyjną. W artykule opisano algorytm filtru cząsteczkowego, jego przykładową implementację...

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  • Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds


    Due to high requirements of variety of 3D spatial data applications with respect to data amount and quality, automatized, effcient and reliable data acquisition and preprocessing methods are needed. The use of photogrammetry techniques—as well as the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) automatic scanners—are among attractive solutions. However, measurement data are in the form of unorganized point clouds, usually requiring transformation...

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  • Improvement of glass break acoustic signal detection via application of wavelet packet decomposition

    The main subject of the authors' research are non-contact methods of glass break detection based on analysis of the acoustic signal generated during the event. This problem has essential meaning for modern cost- effective alarm systems, particularly those installed into big buildings. The main difficulties of the matter are: transient character of the signal, great number of similar sounds (false signals, mainly accidental glass...

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  • Online sound restoration system for digital library applications.

    Audio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...

  • HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index


    - Solid State Phenomena - Year 2013

    Current tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...

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  • 3D seafloor reconstruction using data from side scan and synthetic aperture sonar


    Side scan and synthetic aperture sonars are widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. They are relatively cheap and easy to deploy, in comparison with more powerful sensors, like multibeam echosounders. Although side scan and synthetic aperture sonars does not provide seafloor bathymetry directly, their records are finally related to seafloor images. Moreover, the analysis of such images performed by human eye...

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  • Wideband High-Gain Low-Profile Series-Fed Antenna Integrated with Optimized Metamaterials for 5G millimeter Wave Applications


    - Scientific Reports - Year 2024

    This paper presents a series-fed four-dipole antenna with a broad bandwidth, high gain, and compact size for 5G millimeter wave (mm-wave) applications. The single dipole antenna provides a maximum gain of 6.2 dBi within its operational bandwidth, which ranges from 25.2 to 32.8 GHz. The proposed approach to enhance both gain and bandwidth involves a series-fed antenna design. It comprises four dipoles with varying lengths, and a...

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  • Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-based Highly-isolated MIMO Antenna with High Gain and Beam Tilting Ability for 5G Millimeter Wave Applications


    - Scientific Reports - Year 2024

    This paper presents a wideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with high gain and isolation, as well as beam tilting capability, for 5G millimeter wave (MMW) applications. A single bow-tie antenna fed by a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) is proposed to cover the 28 GHz band (26.5–29.5 GHz) with a maximum gain of 6.35 dB. To enhance the gain, H-shaped metamaterial (MM)-based components are incorporated into the...

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  • An optimized dissolved oxygen concentration control in SBR with the use of adaptive and predictive control schemes

    This paper addresses the problem of optimizing control of the aeration process in a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) using sequencing batch reactor (SBR), one that affects the efficiency of wastewater treatment by stimulating metabolic reactions of microorganisms through dissolved oxygen (DO) level control, and accounts for the predominant part of operating costs. Two independent approaches to DO control algorithm design...

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  • Improved-Efficacy EM-Based Antenna Miniaturization by Multi-Fidelity Simulations and Objective Function Adaptation


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The growing demands for integration of surface mount design (SMD) antennas into miniatur-ized electronic devices have been continuously imposing limitations on the structure dimen-sions. Examples include embedded antennas in applications such as on-board devices, picosatel-lites, 5G communications, or implantable and wearable devices. The demands for size reduction while ensuring a satisfactory level of the electrical and field...

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  • Rzadka reprezentacja sygnału niestacjonarnego w technice oszczędnego próbkowania

    Przedstawiono zastosowanie techniki oszczędnego próbkowania do rekonstrukcji sygnału niestacjonarnego na podstawie skompresowanych próbek w dziedzinie czas-częstotliwość. Zastosowano nadmiarowy algorytm z różnymi słownikami aby znaleźć rzadką reprezentację sygnału. Wyniki symulacji potwierdzają, że zastosowanie oszczędnego próbkowania pozwala na rekonstrukcję sygnału niestacjonarnego z małej liczby losowo pobranych próbek, z niewielką...

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  • Sterowanie optyczną siecią wielodomenową z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania

    W artykule przedstawiono problem sterowania wielodomenową siecią optyczną z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania. Autorzy proponują wykorzystanie koncepcji sieci ASON/GMPLS, która spełnia wymagania nowoczesnych sieci optycznych, a jednocześnie umożliwia sterowanie wielodomenową siecią z gwarancją jakości usług. W artykule zaproponowano algorytm sterowania z gwarancją jakości, którego efektywność zweryfikowano metodą symulacji...

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  • Reconfiguring Minimum Dominating Sets in Trees


    We provide tight bounds on the diameter of γ-graphs, which are reconfiguration graphs of the minimum dominating sets of a graph G. In particular, we prove that for any tree T of order n ≥ 3, the diameter of its γ-graph is at most n/2 in the single vertex replacement adjacency model, whereas in the slide adjacency model, it is at most 2(n − 1)/3. Our proof is constructive, leading to a simple linear-time algorithm for determining...

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    The article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...

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    In the paper authors present a special measurement system for observing phase objects. The diffraction phas microscopy makes it possible to measure the dimensions of a tested object with a nanometre resolution. To meet this requirement, it is proposed to apply a spatial transform. The proposed setup can be based either on a two lenses system (called 4 f ) or a Wollaston prism. Both solutions with all construction aspects are described...

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  • Chromatic cost coloring of weighted bipartite graphs

    Given a graph G and a sequence of color costs C, the Cost Coloring optimization problem consists in finding a coloring of G with the smallest total cost with respect to C. We present an analysis of this problem with respect to weighted bipartite graphs. We specify for which finite sequences of color costs the problem is NP-hard and we present an exact polynomial algorithm for the other finite sequences. These results are then extended...

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  • Scattering and Propagation Analysis for the Multilayered Structures Based on Field Matching Technique


    A semi-analytical method is employed to the analysis of scattering and guiding problems in multilayer dielectric structures. The approach allows to investigate objects with arbitrary convex cross section and is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of the field projection at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. For the scattering problems the scattered field in the far zone is calculated...

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  • Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Approach In Power System Development

    The main objective of the research is the verification of the Power Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL) approach in power system analysis and design. The premise of the article is that using PHIL approach the performance of the power system in steady and transient state conditions can be analysed in real power system conditions. Models of induction machine were developed and real time simulations were performed. Simulation variables were...

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  • Moving object detection and tracking for the purpose of multimodal surveillance system in urban areas


    - Year 2008

    Background subtraction method based on mixture of Gaussians was employed to detect all regions in a video frame denoting moving objects. Kalman filters were used for establishing relations between the regions and real moving objects in a scene and for tracking them continuously. The objects were represented by rectangles. The objects coupling with adequate regions including the relation of many-to-many was studied experimentally...

  • Respiration rate estimation for model predictive control of dissolved oxygen in wastewater treatment plant


    Respiration rate is very important parameter for biological processes in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The sequential algorithm for estimate the respiration rate is proposed and investigated. The Kalman filter (KF) is used. Simulation tests for the benchmark WWTP are presented.Respiracja jest bardzo ważnym parametrem dla prawidłowego przebiegu procesów biologicznych w oczyszczalni ścieków. W artykule przedstawiono i zbadano...

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  • A multisensor detector of a sleep apnea for using at home

    Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea usually involves polysomnographic analysis, which unfortunately requires overnight stay in a specialized clinic and is very uncomfortable for a patient. This paper describes the method and apparatus for recording a set of signals to detect sleep apnea. The device records the following signals simultaneously: three-channel ECG, respiratory functions, signals from the accelerometer, and snoring...

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  • Camera angle invariant shape recognition in surveillance systems


    A method for human action recognition in surveillance systems is described. Problems within this task are discussed and a solution based on 3D object models is proposed. The idea is shown and some of its limitations are talked over. Shape description methods are introduced along with their main features. Utilized parameterization algorithm is presented. Classification problem, restricted to bi-nary cases is discussed. Support vector...

  • On the independence number of some strong products of cycle-powers

    In the paper we give some theoretical and computational results on the third strong power of cycle-powers, for example, we have found the independence numbers alpha((C^2_10)^⊠3) = 30 and alpha((C^4 _14)^⊠3) = 14. A number of optimizations have been introduced to improve the running time of our exhaustive algorithm used to establish the independence number of the third strong power of cycle-powers. Moreover, our results establish...

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  • Optimal backbone coloring of split graphs with matching backbones

    For a graph G with a given subgraph H, the backbone coloring is defined as the mapping c: V(G) -> N+ such that |c(u)-c(v)| >= 2 for each edge uv \in E(H) and |c(u)-c(v)| >= 1 for each edge uv \in E(G). The backbone chromatic number BBC(G;H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a backbone coloring with max c(V(G)) = k. In this paper, we present the algorithm for the backbone coloring of split graphs with matching backbone.

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