Search results for: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Common methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine and related compounds II: Capillary electrophoresis and nuclear magnetic resonance
PublicationAmphetamine group and related ring-substituted substances are generally synthetic compounds, belonging to one of the most heavily abused drug groups in recent years. Some compounds in this class also originate from plants. Analysis of the enantiomers of AM-type compounds and metabolites is extremely important for a number of scientific disciplines. From studies of biological activity or mechanisms through determination of precursor...
Complementarity of electronic and vibrational circular dichroism based on stereochemical studies of vic-diols
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Comparison Study on Sonodirect and Sonoalternate Current Electrocoagulation Process for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
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Process Optimization for Acid Hydrolysis and Characterization of Bioethanol from Leftover Injera Waste by Using Response Surface Methodology: Central Composite Design
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Gradient reversed-phase high-performance chromatography of ionogenic analytes
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Critical approach to PLE technique application in the analysis of secondary metabolites in plants
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The Role of and the Place of Method Validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
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Quality problems in determination of organic compounds in environmental samples, such as PAHs and PCBs
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Standard gas mixtures – indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
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Gaseous standard mixtures – the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands
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Prospects for the Production, Research and Utilization of Reference Materials
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Validation of a sampling procedure
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Perspectives and challenges in extracellular vesicles untargeted metabolomics analysis
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Determination of Zinc, Copper, and Mercury in Water Samples by Using Novel Micro Cloud Point Extraction and UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
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Recent Developments in Methods of Analysis for Fluoride Determination
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Developments in Methods of Analysis for Naphthalene Sulfonates
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Application of Microextraction Techniques Including SPME and MESI to the Thermal Degradation of Polymers: A Review
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Application of Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction in Narrow-Bore Tube for Preconcentration and Spectrophotometric Determination of Cadmium in Aqueous Samples
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A Comprehensive Review on Shilajit: What We Know about Its Chemical Composition
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Recent achievements in element analysis of bee honeys by atomic and mass spectrometry methods
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Advances in assessing the elemental composition of distilled spirits using atomic spectrometry
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Critical evaluation of recent achievements in low power glow discharge generated at atmospheric pressure between a flowing liquid cathode and a metallic anode for element analysis by optical emission spectrometry
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Development of direct-current, atmospheric-pressure, glow discharges generated in contact with flowing electrolyte solutions for elemental analysis by optical emission spectrometry
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Impact and practicability of recently introduced requirements on elemental impurities
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Cold atmospheric plasma-induced chemical vapor generation in trace element analysis by spectrometric methods
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Determination of aminoglycoside antibiotics: Current status and future trends
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Element analysis of bee-collected pollen and bee bread by atomic and mass spectrometry – Methodological development in addition to environmental and nutritional aspects
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Limitations of Integrative Passive Samplers as a Tool for the Quantification of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – A Critical Review with the Latest Innovations
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Calibration of Passive Samplers for the Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals in Water-Sampling Rate Variation
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Applications of metal organic framework adsorbents for pipette-tip micro solid-phase extraction
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High Performance Liquid chromatography - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupling: A Comprehensive Review
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Trends in biomedical analysis of red blood cells – Raman spectroscopy against other spectroscopic, microscopic and classical techniques
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Investigation of stability of aqueous solutions containing trace amounts of volatile organic analytes
PublicationOznaczając lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne w matrycy wodnej należy uwzględnić specyficzne właściwości, którymi charakteryzują się te związki, a mianowicie:- niska temperatura wrzenia; - wysoka prężność pary nad roztworem; - stosunkowo niska rozpuszczalność w wodzie.Właściwości te należy uwzględnić w trakcie przygotowania wodnych roztworów wzorcowych wykorzystywanych na etapie kalibracji i badań modelowych. Ze względu na istotność...
Quality problems in the determination of organic compounds in environmental samples, such as PAHs and PCBs
PublicationPrzedstawiono i skomentowano wyniki badań międzylaboratoryjnych w zakresie oznaczania wybranych związków organicznych w próbkach środowiskowych. Oznaczenia wykonane były przez niezależne laboratoria analityczne, które stosowały różne procedury przygotowania próbek do analizy.Badania wskazują, że wynik oznaczania poszczególnych analitów zależny był od stosowanej przez laboratorium procedury izolacji i oznaczania. Stwierdzono różnice...
Sol-gel technique - a versatile tool for adsorbent preparation
PublicationPrzygotowanie próbek do analizy, w tym przede wszystkim izolacja i/lub wzbogacanie analitów stanowi kluczowy element każdej procedury analitycznej z zakresu oznaczania składników śladowych. Wyzwania analityczna są związane zarówno z właściwościami fizykochemicznymi samych analitów jak i składników matrycy oraz stosowanych sorbentów. Choć gama znanych sorbentów i faz stacjonarnych, które można wykorzystać w praktyce analitycznej...
Review of the determination of pesticide residues in ambient air
PublicationW publikacji dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych metodyk oznaczania pozostałości pestycydów w powietrzu zewnętrznym. W publikacji przedstawiono także techniki używane do oznaczeń końcowych. Obecnie najpopularniejszą techniką oznaczeń końcowych jest chromatografia gazowa bądź cieczowa sprzężona ze spektrometrem mas.
Determination of glucosinolates and their decomposition products-indoles and isothiocyanates in cruciferous vegetables
PublicationWyniki badań epidemiologicznych oraz wyniki doświadczeń prowadzonych na zwierzętach mogą być podstawą do tezy, że wysoki poziom spożycia warzyw z rodziny krzyżowych, takich jak brokuły, brukselka, kalafior, kapusta może chronić organizm ludzki przed rozwojem nowotworów. W związku z tym, wspomniane warzywa wzbudzają zainteresowanie badaczy jako potencjalne źródło substancji mogących znaleźć zastosowanie w profilaktyce chorób nowotworowych....
Fate and analysis of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment.
PublicationObecność pozostałości farmaceutyków w poszczególnych elementach środowiska stanowi nowe wyzwanie zarówno z punktu widzenia technologii oczyszczania wód i ścieków, jak i dla analityków, których zadaniem jest opracowanie nowych metodyk analitycznych. Wiele stosowanych leków nie jest w organizmie całkowicie rozkładanych. Często są one wydalane po nieznacznym przekształceniu,lub nawet w niezmienionej postaci. Opisano drogi...
Advances in mass spectrometry for iron speciation in plants
PublicationIron is an important nutrient essential for plants and critical for human health. The state-of-the art of methods for iron speciation in cereal grains and plant fluids is critically reviewed. Particular attention is given to the latest developments in the coupling of HPLC with the parallel ICP MS and electrospray ionization (ESI) MS/MS detection, usually QTOF MS or Q-Orbitrap MS, for the identification and quantification of iron...
Prospects of ionic liquids application in electronic and bioelectronic nose instruments
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of application of ionic liquids to chemical sensors and biosensors being an integral part of the electronic and bioelectronic-type instruments. The design and principle of operation of the electronic and bioelectronic noses are compared. Both the benefits and shortcomings of the application of ionic liquids in these type of instruments are described. The prospects of the development and application...
Ionic liquids in the microextraction techniques: the influence of ILs structure and properties
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are composed entirely of ions thus they possess unique properties, including negligible volatility, a liquid state in a broad range of temperatures and ability to change them depending on the chosen type of anion and cation, which make ILs unique and useful for many applications in sample preparation techniques. A deeper understanding of the nature of ILs and the impact of their structure on their parameters...
State of the art in sample preparation for human breast milk metabolomics—merits and limitations
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) contains metabolites that are diverse in chemical structure and concentration. These metabolites range from high-abundance to low-abundance compounds and from polar to nonpolar. This complex nature of HBM makes HBM samples difficult to analyze, especially in global metabolomic studies for the determination and characterization of complete sets of metabolites. In this review, the state of the art in sample...
Solid Phase Microextraction: Apparatus, Sorbent Materials, and Application.
Publicationhe primary objective of this review article is to strategically screen and highlight the advancements in the area of solid phase microextraction (SPME). The plenty of review articles have been written on different aspects of SPME, this review is dedicated to provide the brief but clear overview of the research footprints so produced from SPME. Some of the key advancements in types and designs, coating materials, coating strategies,...
Bio-inspired approaches for explosives detection
PublicationDue to unique abilities of the animals regarding analysis of complex gas substances, they still remain a gold standard in analysis of explosives. Unusual capabilities of biological chemosensory systems, including both vertebrates and invertebrates, stimulate elaboration of the devices mimicking their activity and operation parameters as precisely as possible. The electronic analogues are a subject of investigation in many research...
Evaluation of Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms for Removal of Cephalexin and Tetracycline Antibiotics By Sistan Sand from Water and Wastewater Samples
PublicationIn this research, Sistan sand was used as a natural and inexpensive sorbent for removal of cephalexin and tetracycline antibiotics from water and wastewater samples. For a concentration 60.0 mg L-1 of cephalexin, optimum removal conditions were: pH of the sample 3.0, adsorbent amount 1.0 g, contact time 20.0 min, added amount of sodium chloride to adjust the ionic strength of the solution 7.0 g L-1. Langmuir isotherm was the best...
Olfactory receptor-based biosensors as potential future tools in medical diagnosis
PublicationThe detection of biomarkers is the future of non-invasive medical diagnosis and screening. Discovery and identification of reliable disease specific volatile organic compounds is dependent on repeatable, accurate analysis of trace level gaseous analytes mainly in breath samples. Natural variety of the olfactory systems and the compounds capable of gas molecules binding creates wide possibilities of acquisition and implementation...
Multi-objective optimization of microextraction procedures
PublicationOptimization of extraction process requiresfinding acceptable conditions for many analytes and goodperformance in terms of process time or solvent consumption. These optimization criteria are oftencontradictory to each other, the performance of the system in given conditions is good for some criteriabut poor for others. Therefore, such problems require special assessment tools that allow to combinethese contradictory criteria into...
Trace analysis - challenges and problems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z oznaczaniem składników śladowych i ultraśladowych w próbkach o złożonym składzie matrycy. W oparciu o dane literaturowe omówiono sposoby zapobiegania błędom jakimi mogą być obarczone wyniki oznaczeń końcowych.
Denudation - a convenient method of isolation and enrichment of analytes
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono: podstawy teoretyczne techniki denudacyjnej; rozwiązania konstrukcyjne podstawowych typów urządzeń denudacyjnych; obszar praktycznego wykorzystania technik denudacyjnych.
Modern techniques of extraction of organic analytes from environmental matrices.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono usystematyzowane informacje dotyczące dostępnych jak i nowych technik izolacji i wzbogacania analitów organicznych przed etapem oznaczeń końcowych.