


  • Trade diversity and stages of development - evidence on EU countries.


    The paper presents the dynamics of trade diversification with respect to stages of development in the European context. The analysis focuses on EU27 countries observed across the years 1988–2010 and compared to a sample of 136 international economies at all levels of income per capita. We will use product level statistics (six digit HS0) and confront export and import patterns of absolute diversification/concentration. The results...

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  • The Impact of EU Funds on the Development of Business Environment Institutions – Research Results in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland


    - Year 2014

    The paper presents the main findings of the research conducted to assess the impact of EU funds on development of business environment infrastructure in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, and – indirectly – on the growth of the innovation capacity of Pomeranian entrepreneurs. The research shows that support of ROP PV 2007-2013 contributed to the creation of multifunctional business infrastructure throughout the Pomorskie Voivodship,...

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  • Tradycyjna versus przyspieszona internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw z branż high-tech. Wyniki badań empirycznych


    The discussion on the role and importance of time in the process of internationalization of firms belongs to the mainstream of research in the field of internationalization. In the literature, the phenomenon of early and rapid internationalization was noticed in the early 1980s; however, the intensive development of the research into this phenomenon began a decade later and continues today. For several years in Poland, the share...

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  • The Cluster Organization. Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships


    - Year 2021

    Cluster organizations are becoming more and more popular, both in developing and developed countries. Considering the development of cluster policy and the related dynamic growth of cluster initiatives in the world, the lack of sufficient knowledge on the development of cooperation in cluster organizations inhibits their development and, in many cases, causes their complete disintegration.   The book provides new important elements...

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  • Macroeconomic functions of the Russian stock market


    - Year 2013

    The purpose of this article is to present the structure of the stock market in the Russian Federation and the significance of this part of national financial system for the whole economy, particularly the degree of main macroeconomic functions fulfillment. First part of the text includes an overview of the main theoretical concepts linked with the stock market roles as well as a brief description of results of selected studies...

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  • Competencies of graduates as future labour market participants – preliminary study

    The aim of article is to examine and compare the views of employers and future employees on the desirable competencies of the potential labour market participants. The applied research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods – interviews conducted among recruiters (representing potential employers) and a survey of university graduates (future employees). The study shows that both the Polish graduates and...

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  • Determining an Architectural Character for Durban Residential Streetscapes

    • L. du Plessis

    - Year 2024

    In the current global context and in consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a strong need for urban densification. However, this development is also driven by processes linked to the idea of capitalism and 'economic growth'. Such development often leads to the loss of the 'genius loci' of a place and sometimes even overlooks the fact that the quality of the built environment greatly influences the health and...

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  • Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects


    - Year 2022

    In order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Information and communication technologies versus diffusion and substitution of financial innovations. The case of exchange-traded funds in Japan and South Korea


    - Year 2021

    The substitution between financial innovations, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and stock index derivatives (i.e. index financial instruments) is one of the relatively understudied topics of the financial sciences. The current study aims to verify empirically the diffusion and substitution of ETFs in the market for index financial instruments. It presents in-depth analysis of the development of index financial instruments traded...

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  • Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood


    - Year 2017

    A study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...

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  • A Concept of Using Knowledge Models to Secure Intellectual Capital in Enterprise


    Without a doubt, knowledge has become the most important resource for all companies in the world. Knowledge extended of our own observations and practice is being called experience. With the increase of knowledge and gained experience, the individual becomes more and more valuable employee in terms of business. The above mentioned knowledge can be gained only by self-improvement, which requires time and other necessary elements...

  • Sources of macroeconomic competitiveness in Central and East European Countries


    - Year 2007

    The aim of the paper is to assess empirially economic growth and productivity patterns in Central and East European Countries (CEECs), and to provide a thorough insight into the factors influencing macroeconomic competitiveness in the CEE region. The study goes back to early 1990s and describes macroeconomic developments in eight countries which joined the EU in 2004 (namely: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,...

  • Analiza kohortowa przyczyn bierności zawodowej osób w wieku 45+


    - Year 2014

    Zmiany demograficzne następujące w ostatnich latach w krajach rozwiniętych stawiają nowe wyzwania przed badaczami i praktykami rynku pracy. Jedną z najbardziej zauważalnych konsekwencji „starzenia społeczeństw” jest wydłużenie czasu bierności zawodowej. Jednocześnie w wolniejszym tempie występuje proces wydłużenia czasu aktywności zawodowej. Z punktu widzenia stabilności systemu emerytalnego istotne jest zatem określenie przyczyn...

  • The Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies


    - Year 2018

    This book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development patterns and dynamics of this process across developed economies over the period 1980 to the present day. It adopts newly developed methodology to identification of the ‘critical mass’ and isolation of technological takeoff intervals, which are intimately related to the process of technology diffusion. The statistically robust analysis...

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  • Application of MARKAL model to optimisation of electricity generation structure in Poland in the long-term time horizon. Part II. Model and forecasts assumptions


    In this paper, the next in a series of publications on the subject, assumptions are presented of a power system development model in terms of electricity generation technology infrastructure in Poland, in the long term perspective until 2060. The model is based on the mathematical structure of the MARKAL optimization package. Among other things developed are a forecast of the final demand for electricity and heat, the current...

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  • Sustainable Development of Water Housing Using the Example of Poland: An Analysis of Scenarios

    At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Polish cities began the process of returning to live by water. There is a growing interest in water reservoirs not only as places for recreation, but also as new areas suitable for living, at the very center of the city. Unfortunately, due to the lack of appropriate legal regulations, the dynamic development of floating homes (FHs) is starting to raise increasing concerns in Poland. Regardless...

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  • Proximity and Innovation in Clusters: How Close, How Far?

    The concept of proximity, whilst attractive cognitively, is still a poorly explored area in management sciences. The earliest publications on proximity were published at the end of the twentieth century and the development of this concept was strongly influenced by The French School of Proximity (Kirat & Lung, 1999; Rallet & Torre, 1999; Torre & Gilly, 2000; Carrincazeaux et al., 2001; Torre & Rallet, 2005). However, the most influential...

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  • Shaping the new planning curricula in the post-socialistic context lessons from Poland and Russia


    Planning education is the issue widely discussed during various conferences and seminars, especially ones grouping the representatives of universities offering professional education in this field. But to large extend this discourse is dominated by the realities and specifics of the highly- developed countries, which is also reflected in the structure of the organizations of universities offering these. At the same time planning...

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  • Economic vitality of Polish suburbs


    - GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology - Year 2016

    Since 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...

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  • Stock markets in BRIC: development levels and macroeconomic implications

    The main purpose of the article is the presentation of changes in the stock market development level and their implications for the real economy in BRIC, i.e. Brazil, Russia, India and China. Research method was case studies based on qualitative and quantitative data. First part of the text is devoted to presenting main concepts regarding theoretical linkages between the stock market and real economy. Empirical part begins with...

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    - Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne - Year 2018

    Określenie dopuszczalnego poziomu zadłużenia jest ważną kwestią dla każdej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce, a jej ranga jeszcze rośnie, jeśli samorząd odczuwa silną presję na dbanie o rozwój obszaru, na którym funkcjonuje, borykając się równocześnie z niedostatkiem dochodów. Taka sytuacja dotyczy większości województw samorządowych, które spośród wszystkich szczebli struktury samorządowej...

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  • The Bridge to Knowledge – Open Access to Scientific Research Results on Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge Platform


    The European policy of Open Access to scientific research is now one of the key issues discussed in public debates on the future development of scientific communication. The implementation of Open Access tools has significant impact on scientific and economic growth. On the one hand, Open Access accelerates disseminating new research findings and facilitates recognition of authors on a more global scale. On the other hand, Open...

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  • The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?


    The literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors infuencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously....

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  • Process of Emergence of Smart Specialisation in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland

    The European Commission puts a growing emphasis on the smart specialization as a tool of regional development. This term is present in a number of strategic development documents in the European Union, including Europe 2020, published by the European Commission in 2010. It implies the need for countries and regions to specialize as well as focus the development of innovation on areas that are consistent with their endogenous potentials. Objectives...

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  • Analiza możliwości wzrostu udziału transportu zbiorowego w wojewódzkich przewozach pasażerskich na przykładzie województwa pomorskiego

    Podział zadań przewozowych pomiędzy dostępne środki transportu jest jednym z kluczowych wyzwań przy opracowaniu Planów Transportowych w regionach. Stan aktualny i prognozy prowadzone na obszarze Unii Europejskiej wskazują, że w najbliższych latach dominującym środkiem transportu pasażerskiego będzie samochód osobowy z zarysowującą się tendencją wzrostową. Dlatego bardzo istotnym działaniem przy budowie zintegrowanego systemu transportu...

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  • The spatial planning of industrial areas in an urbanized area for cargo, in the development of inland waterway transport


    - E3S Web of Conferences - Year 2018

    Spatial planning, taking into account the configuration of the surface, i.e. its shape (relief) and the presence and mutual location of objects and points of characteristic water ports, is a derivative of several natural, economic, market, technical, social and political factors. It depends on the destination port, the planned structure of trade in cargo, the forecasted traffic of ships, passageways, the technology of reloading...

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  • Use of public-private partnerships for revitalization initiatives in Poland

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  • Bariery natury systemowej, organizacyjnej i społecznej w tworzeniu i rozwoju akademickich spółek

    In the literature on the subject, many studies can be found on the barriers they face in creating and developing their entrepreneurial activity in Poland. Among them, mainly those that concern all entrepreneurs, and thus also spin-off companies, are described. However, these companies are burdened with specific barriers that are significant only to them. The study drew particular attention to them, but also referred to the others,...

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  • Framework for Structural Health Monitoring of Steel Bridges by Computer Vision


    - SENSORS - Year 2020

    The monitoring of a structural condition of steel bridges is an important issue. Good condition of infrastructure facilities ensures the safety and economic well-being of society. At the same time, due to the continuous development, rising wealth of the society and socio-economic integration of countries, the number of infrastructural objects is growing. Therefore, there is a need to introduce an easy-to-use and relatively low-cost...

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  • Development of banking sectors in Kosovo and Montenegro in the years 2000 - 2010


    The article presents main aspects of development of banking markets in two Balkan countries - Kosovo and Montenegro. Both of them are charaterised by similar recent history, both in political and economical fields. Their financial sectors have had to be built almost from scretch. The author describes stages of development of competition in the banking sectors, using the following ratios: performace, structure, liquidity. The data...

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  • Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters

    Clusters have proved to be powerful engine s of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakehol ders can derive many benefits fr om a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and...

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  • The Prospects of Retail Payment Developments in the Metaverse


    In the age of technological development, rapid technological progress, and the metaverse development in which humans interact with each other and with the environment using virtual real-world metaphors, payment systems may also need to be re-considered. The study aims to find an answer to the question of what should be retail payments in the metaverse and to begin interdisciplinary discussions about...

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  • The importance of CEFTA 2006 for Western Balkan countries


    Free foreign trade is one of the most important issues all over the world. The impact of bilateral trade can be studied both from economic as well as political perspectives; when it improves economic development, it also creates the conditions for international stability. The aim of the article is to conduct a comparison of the changes to export trade flow in the Central European Free Trade Agreement 2006, with reference to countries...

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  • Transformation of the Odesa Waterfront


    - Przestrzeń Ekonomia Społeczeństwo - Year 2021

    Odesa is a unique city: it is the third-largest city in Ukraine and the second in the Black sea region. During its short but eventful history, it gathered a variety of cultural layers within its boundaries, what had reflected in its architecture, urban life, and unique accent of its inhabitants. The city`s waterfront is considered to be the Pearl of the Black Sea. Starting with the receiving of the Porto Franco status in 1819,...

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  • Upward convergence patterns in chosen environmental-related SDGs



    Sustainable development is a challenge facing humanity. EU countries not only strive to reach their specific objectives, but they also work collaboratively towards shared goals. There is a need to balance synergies and compromises to address these objectives effectively. When discussing countries' development and people's well-being, one often focuses on socio-economic development. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental...

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  • Migration of container terminals as their natural process of evolution: Case study of Gdańsk and Gdynia ports


    The paper proposes a theoretical model of container terminals and container port development, based on the life cycle theory, threshold theory and catastrophe theory, and in references to Kuznets' swings (interpreted as waves of infrastructural investments), and Kondratiev long economic waves. The aim of this model is to explain the development process of a container terminal and a port within one technological generation, as...

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  • Knowledge Risks in the Sharing Economy


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents a theoretical analysis of potential risks connected with knowledge that organizations operating in the sharing economy might potentially face. Nowadays, it can be stated that an increasing amount of individuals and organizations participate in sharing and exchanging data, information, and knowledge, as well as physical goods and services (Botsman & Rogers, 2011). The development of the sharing economy has...

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  • Bridge of Knowledge: an Internet platform for R2R and R2B transfer of knowledge and promotion of cooperation


    Currently, the European Commission puts emphasis on supporting collaboration between universities and business. There are many possible ways to create a strong relationship between both these parties. Positive results of such cooperation lead to increased competitiveness of the global market and, in consequence, bring significant growth of innovation. The cooperation between research-to-research (R2R) and research-to-business (R2B)...

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  • Immunogenic and protective activity of recombinant chimeric Toxoplasma gondii proteins


    - Year 2017

    Toxoplasmosis, one of the most common parasitic invasions worldwide, may pose a great threat for individuals with weakened immune system. The parasite also causes considerable economic losses due to infection of livestock. To date there is no efficient immunoprophylaxis for humans and animals, which would provide long-lasting protection against T. gondii invasion. Chimeric proteins, containing several selected fragments of parasite...


    This article presents our continuing efforts to develop a model of the Internet-based mortgage market in Poland. It sums up modeling research done over the last 4 years, also showing the stages and the process of building and verifying the proposed model consisting of three submodels. The submodels are described for three market situations; that is, a stable market, financial crisis, and economic boom. The proposed model variables...

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  • Legislation and Practice of Selected State Aid Issues, According to EU and Polish Law


    - Year 2022

    The dataset encompasses several tables, each consisting of three elements: legislation, jurisprudence and scientific articles on numerous subjects and economic activities receiving public financial support in the form of state aid instruments. The set includes a subjective list of the most commonly used and/or disputable examples of granting aid, such as for (local) airports and airlines, steel production, shipyards, and coalmines....

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  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    - Year 2003

    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, casualty reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    - Year 2004

    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland - the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, fatality reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Reshaping financial systems: The role of ICT in the diffusion of financial innovations – Recent evidence from European countries

    Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are among the fastest-growing types of innovative financial products. The emergence and spread of these instruments have been facilitated by the digital revolution. Information and communication technology (ICT) is profoundly reshaping the global economic landscape, laying solid foundations for unrestricted and unbounded flows of information and knowledge, eliminating information asymmetries, and furthering...

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  • Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data

    Objective: The article aims to indicate the determinants of informal employment in registered enterprises using company-level evidence from Poland. Research Design & Methods: The survey conducted among Polish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in 2018 was used to find the driving forces of informal employment in Poland. The adequate sample comprised 952 representative surveys derived from the computer-assisted telephone...

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    - Year 2019

    This paper addresses dynamic planning and analysis of earthquake disaster relief work by analysis the disaster throughout the technical and procedural method. And combine this analysis as continues assessment for better input to investigating planning disaster for discontinuous economic growth. This implemented, considering the vulnerability and hazard analysis as a procedural analysis disaster to estimating acceptance risk leveling...

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  • Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation


    - RED. ZAGR. ANGIELSKI - Year 2008

    Empirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...

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  • Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes

    Economic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...

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