Search results for: ENERGY POLICY
ICT-enabled circular economy: conceptualising the links
PublicationThis chapter sets conceptual backgrounds regarding the potentially emerging causal links between digital technologies and circular economy ideas implementation. We argue that digital technologies may constitute an effective element enabling the transformation from linear to circular and environmentally friendly economic activities. This work draws the general picture at the macro and micro level. The macro perspective shows how...
Landscape perception and the teaching of it in Poland
PublicationA preliminary assessment of the state of knowledge of landscape perception is contained in this article. A survey was carried out of students of architecture and urban planning during the rural design course in the academic year 2017/2018. The pilot project involved the initial establishment of categories of the countryside image. It was assumed that the results represented students’ knowledge of the landscape characteristics and...
Can unequal distributions of wealth influence vote choice? A comparative study of Germany, Sweden and the United States.
PublicationIt is widely accepted that income influences voting behavior. Does wealth? Is the effect similar across countries? Studies of wealth and voting behavior have not existed until recently, in part because of the absence of data on wealth holdings. The findings in this chapter indicate that wealth is related to voting behavior in some countries but not in others. The chapter models the effects of wealth on one form of voting behavior,...
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model
PublicationThis article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle were used to calculate the truncated regression. Health care resources (physicians, nurses, hospital beds, financial...
Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion
PublicationIn response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...
Scaled agile framework. Dealing with software process‐related challenges of a financial group with the action research approach
PublicationThis article reports on a domain-specific software development venture at Nordea. We explore organizational constraints, challenges, and corrective actions undertaken when scaling the agile development approach of their Core Banking Platform program. The fit and required customizations of the rather complex and rigid SAFe framework in a policy-heavy financial institution are audited against the organic growth of the program. In...
Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas
PublicationPolicies and strategies for tree management and protection on a national, regional, and local level have not sufficiently considered differences between rural and urban areas. We used expert knowledge to compare rural and urban areas in a case study evaluating the relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) in policy development. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and focus group discussions were used to rank 17 ES, representing...
System architecture of an INSPIRE-compliant green cadastre system for the EU Member State of Poland
PublicationIn response to the need for a sustainable agricultural policy, which would support activities such as decision making in precise agriculture and mitigation of crop threats, a concept agricultural information system was developed for the area of Poland. This innovative concept, called Green Cadastre (GC), proposes to create a uniform system designed for use on a national scale by both state administration as well as local farmers....
Estimation of Housing Demand with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
PublicationIt has always been important to anticipate the demand for a product. To determine the demand for any product, the parameters such as the economic situation and the demands of the rival products are used generally. Especially in the housing sector, which is the locomotive sector for emerging countries, it is critical to anticipate housing demand and its relationship with economic variables. Because of that, economists, real estate...
Polish Polar Research: Green-and-White Paper under the aegis of the Polish Polar Consortium (PPC)
PublicationPolar research is a colloquial term for cross-area, cross-domain and interdisciplinary research in the Arctic and Antarctic. Polar research is mainly the domain of natural sciences, but technical sciences and humanities also grow in importance. Being vulnerable to climate change, polar regions are commonly considered as a kind of litmus paper of changes in geosystems, hence the importance of research done there. It aims at a better...
Examples of Taxation on Real Estate Properties as an Long-term Investment Asset. Description of Situation in Selected European Countries
PublicationReal estate properties have become the alternative asset for long-term savings and investments. Such investment however is strictly related to risk inter alia taxation policy. The following article describes and discusses both theoretical and practical aspects of long-term investment taxation imposed on real estate market in selected European countries. The article presents the analyses of the taxes including its functions, mechanisms...
Experiment with small objects floating under water in the harbor security aspect.
PublicationObservation of the underwater area is the element of general trend which primary purpose is to protect and enhance the safety of the selected region. The aim of the paper is to present the acoustic characteristics of typical objects floating on the surface or under the water, which constitute some knowledge on how to detect these objects. Create a catalog of acoustic signatures and acoustic images of objects mostly floating under...
Barriers to inter-company cooperation in clusters
PublicationClusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. One of the main goals of cluster development is to stimulate cooperation between companies in one or a few related sectors. The stakeholders of a cluster, as well as the local economy, can derive many benefits from such cooperation. However, there are numerous barriers, which make it difficult for...
Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters
PublicationClusters have proved to be powerful engine s of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakehol ders can derive many benefits fr om a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and...
Improving Social Justice, Environmental Integrity, and Geopolitical Resilience in EU Electric Mobility Transition
PublicationWe recommend improving social justice, environmental integrity, and geopolitical resilience in electric mobility transition. To achieve this policy recommendation, we propose the following: (1) Increase societal acceptance and justice of climate policies by engaging local stakeholders; (2) Prioritize sustainable mobility practices over replacement of internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) with battery electric vehicle (BEV);...
Hazards of a flooding event in the city of Gdansk and possible forms of preventing the phenomenon – case study
PublicationThe main objective is to examine the urban flood hazard in the city of Gdansk and to determine the possibilities of preventing this phenomenon. Hydrological and hydraulic modeling was used for the case study analysis of urban flood in Strzyża basin, applying the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS systems. The result of modeling with the assumption of torrential rainfall with a duration of t = 1 h (from 35 to 58 mm) is the probability of pluvial...
Towards Synthetic and Balanced Digital Government Benchmarking
PublicationReliable benchmarking is essential for effective management of the government digitalization efforts. Existing benchmarking instruments generally fail to support this target. One problem is the diversity of instruments, resulting in a split image of digital progress and adding ambiguity to policy decisions. Another problem is disconnect in assessing progress between digital and traditional “analog” governance, lending support to...
Gender and Digital Divide - Information and Communication Technologiesand their Impact on Equality
PublicationIn the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiaryeducation institutes. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations49. This has led to a variety of public policy measures, such as subsidies on community provision,...
Convergence or divergence in the European Union
PublicationThe disparities in economic prosperity revealed both from inter-country and inter-region perspective are one of the main problem in the modern economy. They consist of the dispersion in the real values such as incomes, GDP or productivity, but also nominal values such as prices and costs. The European Union is aware of this problem hence the role of the regional and structural policy aiming enhancing the cohesion between member...
Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes
PublicationEconomic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...
Smart Document-Centric Processing of Human Oriented Information Flows
PublicationUsually people prefer to focus on creative rather than repetitive and schematic work patterns. Still, they must spend a lot of time complying with the procedures, selecting the information they receive and repeatedly restoring the previous state of work. This paper proposes the Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) - a document-centric uniform interface to provide both effective communication of content and coordination...
Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy
PublicationIn many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...
Adaptive Optimal Discrete-Time Output-Feedback Using an Internal Model Principle and Adaptive Dynamic Programming
PublicationIn order to address the output feedback issue for linear discrete-time systems, this work suggests a brand-new adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) technique based on the internal model principle (IMP). The proposed method, termed as IMP-ADP, does not require complete state feedback, merely the measurement of input and output data. More specifically, based on the IMP, the output control problem can first be converted into a stabilization...
The role of sport in the Smart City concept
PublicationSport brings to cities innovative solutions that influence urban life, yet considerations about sport still rarely contribute to the development of the very popular smart city concept. This raises the question: what is the perception of sport in the city from the perspective of the smart city concept? One of the challenges of future urban policy is to provide initiatives that ensure the wellbeing and promote the model of a healthy...
Own or public? Later livelihoods of Ukrainian war migrant households in Poland
PublicationThis paper presents empirical research on the livelihood resources of Ukrainian households that fled to Poland due to the Russian invasion and reside there long term. Using a nationwide sample of these households and an accurate econometric framework, we investigate the factors influencing the role of income from work, other private resources and public assistance in covering their living costs in exile. Our findings confirm the...
Structural Heterogeneity Between EU15 and 12 New EU Members – the Obstacle to Lisbon Strategy Implementation
PublicationThe aim of this article is to identify diversity between the EU-15 and the New Members in their implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in the period 2000-2010. By analyzing a set of structural indicators, we aim to fill a gap in the literature: a lack of publications providing complex evaluation of the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy using measurable indicators. Given their suitability for international comparisons, we use...
Standard of living in Poland at regional level - classification with Kohonen self-organizing maps
PublicationThe standard of living is spatially diversified and its analyzes enable shaping regional policy. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the standard of living and to classify regions due to their standard of living, based on a wide set of determinants. The most common research methods are those based on composite indicators, however, they are not ideal. Among the current critiques moved to the use of composite...
Adapting new tools of urban freight management based on Gdynia’s dedicated delivery bays example – an analysis of the process
PublicationThe article presents an analysis of a process which ultimately helped Gdynia to designate pilot delivery sites in its downtown area using international experience. A verification was conducted of policy transfer theory and its practical implementation based on an URBACT Freight Tails project. While the choice of the solution was based on critical analysis of existing practical examples, it needed to be adapted to the local conditions...
How to define and measure informal employment in CEE countries - the case of Poland
PublicationThe study of informal employment is still associated with several obstacles, from the scope of definition, through measurement methods, to policy recommendations. This article aims to revise the existing methodological frames in order to point out how to improve the study of informal employment in CEE countries. The case of Poland serves to examine whether the common definitions and measurement methods are suitable for an inclusive...
Benchmarking the Digital Government Value Chain
PublicationDigital Government (DG) benchmarking is an academically vivid topic and, equally important, a tool with the potential to provide valuable insights to policymakers and public managers responsible for digital policies at the level of countries and international bodies. Alas, this potential remains largely untapped in the current DG benchmarking practice. In our study, we identify the reasons and propose a way of mitigating them....
Lonely and thinking about the past: The role of time perspectives, Big Five traits and perceived social support in loneliness of young adults during COVID-19 social distancing
PublicationBackground In Spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish government introduced a policy of social distancing. Being apart from one’s social network had the potential to evoke feelings of loneliness. The aim of the study was to find out how time perspectives might contribute to feeling lonely during the social distancing period, controlling for Big Five personality traits and perceived social support. Participants...
Smart Specializations as Innovative Ecosystems
PublicationIn the article it is showed that regional smart specializations that are currently the most important tool of the European innovation policy may be perceived, and if effective should constitute, innovative ecosystems. The article presents the concepts of smart specializations and innovative ecosystems. The concept of innovative ecosystem is, in the article, presented from the perspective of its foundation and relations to other...
PublicationThe concept of an “in-between-city” (Zwischenstadt) interprets the urban sprawl in Europe as a new, evolving model of urban development, taking the form of urbanized landscapes, which does not correspond with the traditional understanding of urban design. The actual shape of an in-between-city reflects the today’s technology and economy generating new lifestyles: global trends coexist with the locality in a strong relation. The...
Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe. The Polish Case
PublicationThe first aim of this paper is to analyze the features that have motivated Chinese outbound investments in the European Union. The paper outlines also the policies adopted by the European institutions and its member states to encourage the increase of the Chinese FDI without harming the internal European market, and consequently phase out all concerns that are afflicting the European public opinion. The second purpose is more focused...
Developing a cycling subsystem as part of a sustainable mobility strategy: the case of Gdansk
PublicationModal share is an important component in developing sustainable transport within a city. In recent years, many cities have set modal share targets for balanced and sustainable transport modes: 30% of public transport and 30% of non-motorized (cycling and walking) modes. Gdansk strategic documents have set similar goals with some actions already taken towards those goals. The cycle network is increasing popular. Gdansk’s cycling...
Implementation of Weigh-in-Motion System in Freight Traffic Management in Urban Areas
PublicationThe article presents how the Weigh-in-Motion system can be used for managing Gdynia’s freight traffic. Potential sites for weight pre-selection were identified in an analysis of the technical and location conditions. Situated directly in the east part of the Port of Gdynia a site was selected for a pilot implementation. Theoretical scenarios were simulated using an extended WIM system as a tool for controlling access to selected...
Is the Concept of Zero Waste Possible to Implement in Construction?
PublicationThe scientifically treated problem of reusing building materials appeared in the literature more than 50 years ago. This paper includes an analysis of the characteristics of recycled building materials, which is a prerequisite for rational recycling. The analysis and simulation of building stocks at different scales has led to the conclusion that the most important link in the transformation of the construction industry towards...
A prototype information system for managing and pricing e-waste
PublicationThere is no doubt that innovation drives development in all areas of human activity, including electrical and electronic equipment. However, the production of new equipment has a significant impact on the natural environment and a relatively high consumption of natural resources. To address these issues, the circular economy has been implemented in recent years by promoting and introducing numerous measures to facilitate the recycling...
The Self-employment of Women in Azerbaijan
PublicationAzerbaijan has a population of more than 10 million, of which women accounted for 50% in 2020. At the same time, 93% of Azerbaijan’s citizens describe themselves as Muslims. Since the beginning of independence, Azerbaijan has been a secular state by virtue of Article 48 of the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of worship, choice, or non-practice of religion and the freedom of...
Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A One-Way or Two-Way Relationship?
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index is treated as a standard to measure the competitiveness of countries. Leaders look at it to make policy and resource allocation decisions because global competitiveness is expected to be related to economic growth. However, studies which analyze the empirical relationship between these two economic categories are very rare. It is still an open question in the literature whether economic growth can...
Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon
PublicationThe banking sector is one of the key sectors in every economy, therefore, the issue of stability is one of the main interests not only of researchers but also policy-makers. The stability of the banking sector is especially important during a process of transformation. The aim of this article is to present a new tool for estimating the stability of the banking sector as a whole. Although the tool can be used to estimate the level...
Sustainability reporting in the airline industry: Current literature and future research avenues
PublicationSustainability reporting (SR) allows organisations to communicate their non-financial impacts to stakeholders. It has also become a widespread business practice in aviation, a transport sector that contributes significantly to global warming. Academia has begun to examine SR in the context of airlines surprisingly late, and no comprehensive reviews of its respective developments have been made so far. Consequently, a systematic...
Exploring the Institutional and Bottom-Up Actions for Urban Air Quality Improvement: Case Studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThe article presents the results of qualitative studies concerning the presence of air quality management in the process of urban planning and in the public discourse in Antwerp, Belgium, and Gdańsk, Poland. We focused on the way urban planners, environmental experts, and stakeholders perceive the problem of air pollution, especially with respect to urban development policy, and whether they consider it one of the major factors...
Authenticity of cultural heritage vis-à-vis heritage reproducibility and intangibility: from conservation philosophy to practice
PublicationThis article states that the philosophical nature/ambiguity/controversy of the issue of authenticity undermines its usefulness as a tool in conservation practice. The main drawback is the inability to objectively define the notion of authenticity. In conservation philosophy, the meaning of authenticity relativizes along with the widespread consent to the reproducibility of cultural heritage, whereas the recognition of its intangibility...
Nexus between stock markets, economic strength, R&D and environmental deterioration: new evidence from EU-27 using PNARDL approach
PublicationThis research investigates the impact of stock market indices, economic strength, and research and development expenditures on environmental deterioration in the EU-27 countries for the period 2000–2020. This study utilized linear and non-linear panel ARDL to estimate the short- and long-run effect. According to the results, the stock market indices have negative effect on environmental deterioration in the symmetric form. However,...
Editor's Farewell
PublicationBy this occasion, I would like to mention the major milestones Archives of Acoustics experienced during the last years. For some years, we concentrated our efforts on introducing Archives of Acoustics to the ISI Web of Knowledge and the Journal Citation Report databases.We achieved this aim, and since 2007 Archive of Acoustics has been referenced in the Journal Citation Report. Accordingly, our next object was to obtain the Impact...
Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: Review of Main Theoretical Concepts
PublicationThe objective of the article is to present key theoretical relationships between economic integration and FDI flows. The research method used is a comprehensive literature review. Most influential publications, including books, articles, working papers, etc. contributing to the subject were identified. The review consists of two essential parts: theory of FDI, and theoretical relationships between economic integration and FDI flows....
Cryptocurrencies as a Speculative Asset: How Much Uncertainty is Included in Cryptocurrency Price?
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between uncertainty indices (Geopolitical Uncertainty Index and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index) and cryptocurrencies. This study evaluated the behavior of cryptocurrencies with the evolution of uncertainties (GPU, EPU) on returns and volatility in terms of safe heaven as in traditional specualtive assets it increases their volaitility and reduces risk. For this purpose,...
Heterogeneity of national accounting systems, world-class universities and financial resources: What are the links?
PublicationThis study investigates the relationship between university financial resources, applied accounting systems, and the place of a university in the Shanghai Ranking. We find a strong relationship between the financial resources under the control of a world-class university and the position of that university in the highest tier of the global ranking. We propose a model (available online) to predict a university’s tier in the ranking...
The effects of selected factors on regional road fatalities – analysis of the Łódź region
PublicationAnalysis of regional accident records shows that a country’s national road safety programme does not have the same effect in each of its regions. What may be a serious problem in one region may be of marginal significance in another. Polish and international experience shows that main risk groups and types of accidents related to the level of development and quality of the road network differ from region to region. The conclusion...