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Search results for: LARGEST RUSSIAN CITIES
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
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Russian Journal of Pacific Geology
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Russian Journal of Marine Biology
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Piętnaście lat istnienia Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Rusycystów Translatoryków i Leksykografów „Translationis” [Fifteen years of 'Translationis', the Society of Russian Student Translators and Lexicographers]
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Management of Urban Waters with Nature-Based Solutions in Circular Cities—Exemplified through Seven Urban Circularity Challenges
PublicationNature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletion and climate-related challenges in urban areas. The COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA17133 entitled “Implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for building a resourceful circular city” has established seven urban circularity challenges (UCC) that can be addressed effectively with NBS. This paper presents the outcomes...
Attempt to eliminate health inequalities in Poland arising at the time of political and economic transformation: Polish 400 Cities Project
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Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition
PublicationThe text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...
The Undisrupted Growth of the Airbnb Phenomenon between 2014–2020. The Touristification of European Cities before the COVID-19 Outbreak
PublicationAs a result of the Airbnb eruption, not only has the character of the short-term rental market been completely transformed, but the decades long growth in tourism has also been further accelerated. Therefore, due to the new demands of the tourism economy, the major shift in the usage of historic city centers occurred–the process of ‘touristification’, that results in the emergence of its new, unsustainable form. Despite the significance...
Избранные проблемы перевода специальных текстов (на примере польского и русского языков) [Selected problems in translation of specialized texts as exemplified in the Polish and Russian languages]
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Введение во внутреннюю межъязыковую лексическую омонимию (на примере польского и русского языков) [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (as based on Polish and Russian)]
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Lucyna Nyka prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleLucyna Nyka (Ph.D., D.Sc., Prof.) is a Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, in 2008-2016 a Vice-Dean for Research, and since 2016 – Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. Her research interests focus on issues concerning water-related architecture and urban landscapes. She is the author and co-author of many projects focused on urban renewal. She was an author of the EU-founded (Audiovisual...
Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.
PublicationSustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users’ opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method’s advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...
Blockchain based Secure Data Exchange between Cloud Networks and Smart Hand-held Devices for use in Smart Cities
PublicationIn relation to smart city planning and management, processing huge amounts of generated data and execution of non-lightweight cryptographic algorithms on resource constraint devices at disposal, is the primary focus of researchers today. To enable secure exchange of data between cloud networks and mobile devices, in particular smart hand held devices, this paper presents Blockchain based approach that disperses a public/free key...
Jacek Krenz dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleJacek Krenz, born in 1948 in Poznań, Poland, is an academic architect and painter. He is a professor at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, taught also at University of Fine Arts in Poznań – both in Poland – and at Universidade da Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal. Charter member of The Polish Watercolour Society. He is a co-founder of the Wdzydze Artists’ Village in Kaszuby, Poland, where he works in his...
Tackling Air Pollution in Cities with Modelling and Simulation: Remote Group Model Building as an Educational Tool Supporting System Dynamics Modelling
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Введение в анализ межъязыковых лексических омонимов на примере польского, русского и финского языков [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (based on Polish, Russian and Finnish)]
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Wstęp do analizy międzyjęzykowych homonimów leksykalnych na przykładzie języków: polskiego, rosyjskiego i fińskiego [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (based on Polish, Russian and Finnish)]
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Mai’a K. Davis Cross, Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski (red.), European-Russian Power Relations in Turbulent Times, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2021, ss. 311.
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Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography
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Bulletin of Russian State Medical University
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Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention (Russian Federation)
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Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research
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Laboratorium-Russian Review of Social Research
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Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
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Voprosy Leksikografii-Russian Journal of Lexicography
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Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation)
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Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture
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Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies
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Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology
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Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology
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Mining Science and Technology(Russian Federation)
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Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals
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Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
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Diamonds in the Mine. Strategies for the Cities in the Silesian Metropolitan Region. / Diamenty w kopalni. Strategie rozwoju dla miast śląskiego regionu metropolitalnego.
PublicationJan Olbrycht, poseł do Parlamentu Europejakiego, w swojej działalności związanej z rozwojem miast współpracuje z Towarzystwem Urbanistów Polskich, jednym z najstarszych stowarzyszeń urbanistów w Europie, które aktywnie działa od 1923 roku. Miałam przyjemność i zaszczyt reprezentować Zarząd Główny Towarzystwa w naszych ostatnich wspólnych przedsięwzięciach. W roku 2016 po konferencji „Miasto - Zarządzanie Miastem” corocznie...
From creative writing, virtual environments to nature-based solutions: linking research and education to facilitate transition from sustainable to regenerative cities
PublicationChallenges related to the climate crisis and its consequences, such as rising sea levels, urban heat islands or floods, engender pressure on architectural education. Sustainable design often inclines to regenerative one - an emerging trend focused on the restorative power of architecture. The question appears upon the tools and methods that would facilitate both students and academics to address new challenges. This article offers...
Концепция внутренней межъязыковой омонимии (на материале русского, польского и финского языков) [The conception of internal linguistic homonymy between languages as based on the material from Russian, Polish and Finnish]
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Proces integracji języków europejskich wyrażonej w zasobach homonimiki języka polskiego, rosyjskiego i fińskiego [The process of integration of European languages as expressed by the rich homonymy of Polish, Russian and Finnish]
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Russian Journal of Biomechanics
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Russian Studies of Jan Kochanowski University
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Rosyjskie piśmiennictwo naukowe z zakresu przekładoznawstwa. Rzecz o monografii bibliograficznej Ewy Konefał pt. Przekładoznawstwo rosyjskie. Tom 1: Autoreferaty dysertacji 1937–2015 (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2016) [Russian academic literature in the field of translation studies. About Eva Konefał’s bibliographic monograph Russian translation studies. Volume 1: Abstracts of dissertations 1937-2015 (Publishing house of Gdansk University, Gdansk 2016)]
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Homonimika rosyjska jako przedmiot zainteresowania polskich leksykologów i leksykografów. Na marginesie najnowszych prac Jerzego Kaliszana [Russian homonymy as an object of interest of Polish lexicologists and lexicographers on the newest works of Jerzy Kaliszan]