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Wieloźródłowy model pola elektrycznego okrętu = Multisource model of ship electric field
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wieloźródłowy model pola elektrycznego okrętu. Wieloźródłowy model stanowi układ źródeł prądowych o określonych położeniach.
Ways of performing judo throws, and their efficiency, assessed in the open weight category in All-Japan Judo Championships
PublicationThere is no indication that earlier individual attempts in this area have been carried out in Japan. Judo masters including Kano, Koizumi, Kudo, Mifune, Tomiki and others have tried to introduce additional criteria to the classification. The need for so many modifications is a result of the many sport and referee rule changes, as well as to ensure the safety of competitors and to increase the attractiveness of judo contests. Purpose...
Ship model resistance - KCS
Open Research DataShip model instantaneous resistance, velocity, pitch and heave measured data for a KCS built and tested in the towing tank of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology of Gdansk University of Technology under regular head waves.
Mathematical model of pennate muscle
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to create a new mathematical model of pennate striated skeletal muscle. This new model describes behaviour of isolated flat pennate muscle in two dimensions (2D) by taking into account that rheological properties of muscle fibres depend on their planar arrangement. A new mathematical model is implemented in two types: 1) numerical model of unipennate muscle (unipennate model); 2) numerical model of...
Comparison of properties of the new electro-mechanical model and circumferential model of the inductive-dynamic drive
PublicationThe article presents a new electromechanical model of inductive-dynamic drive. The model is implemented in two environments: Maxwell for analyzing electrodynamic phenomena including moving of the disc and Ansys which allows for stress analysis on the basis of the volume forces imported from Maxwell. Additionally, a model validation by comparing with the existing circumferential model was carried out.
Validation of lumbar spine finite element model
Open Research DataThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research....
PublicationIn the paper, the authors describe the method of model reduction of a rotor system. The proposed approach enables to obtain a low order model including e.g. nonproportional damping or the gyroscopic effect. This method is illustrated using the example of a rotor system. First, a model of the system was built without gyroscopic and damping effects by using the rigid finite element method. Next, this model was reduced. Finally, two...
Communication Model Order Reduction in Hybrid Methods Involving Generalized Impedance Matrix
PublicationA novel strategy for the efficient analysis of frequency-domain scattering electromagnetic problems in open and closed domains is presented. A fully automatic model-order reduction technique, called the enhanced reduced-basis method, is applied to increase the efficiency of the hybrid approach, which combines the finite-element and mode-matching methods. Numerical tests show that the proposed algorithm yields reliable and highly...
Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to introduce the Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution which shall be in compliance with the Generic IT Organization Evolution Model. Due to its general nature, a set of practical adjustments is proposed in order to adapt the Generic Model to the IT Service Management domain. Further, two sets of rules describing the evolution of the IT Service Management area are defined based on two types of rules...
Laboratorial studies on the seepage impact in open-channel flow turbulence
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Compact Scheduling In Open Shop With Zero-One Time Operations
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NP-hardness of compact scheduling in simplified open and flow shops
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The Application of Open Capillary Modules for Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation
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Theoretical Auger and photoionization studies for open shell atoms andions.
PublicationWykorzystano program komputerowy RATIP do badań własności atomów i jonów o dowolnej konfiguracji. Położono nacisk na obliczenia szeregu własności elektronów Augera i fotojonizacji, aby dokonać porównań z ostatnio wykonywanymi doświadczeniami.
The application of an open tubular trap in analysis of organic air pollutants
PublicationOpisano możliwości wykorzystania odcinka handlowej kapilarnej kolumny chromatograficznej do pobierania próbek analitów z powietrza w celu ich chromatograficznego oznaczenia. Opracowany sposób opary jest na wykorzystaniu techniki równowagowej. Stężenia analitów w badanym medium mogą być obliczone na podstawie znajomości wartości odpowiednich współczynników podziału wyznaczonych w trakcie badań modelowych.
Ultra thick open tubular traps with an increased inner diameter.
PublicationPrzeanalizowano zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem otwartych pułapek kapilarnych z grubym nieregularnym filmem polidimetylosiloksanu do wzbogacania lotnych związków organicznych. Przeprowadzone rozważania teoretyczne oraz prace eksperymentalne wykazały, że zwiększenie średnicy wewnętrznej pułapek może znacząco polepszyć ich właściwości. Dla danego natężenia przepływu próbki oraz danego stosunku objętości faz w pułapce, liczba...
The improvement of axial bearing capacity of open-end pipe piles
PublicationZaproponowano sposób zwiększania nośności osiowej pali rurowych z otwartym dnem za pomocą wewnętrznych pierścieni. Przedstawiono wyniki badań w skali naturalnej i badań modelowych. Przeprowadzono analizę teoretyczną zjawiska metodą analityczną i numeryczną. Badania i analizy potwierdziły skuteczność proponowanego rozwiązania technicznego.
PublicationIn this paper properties of discrete forms of one dimensional steady gradually varied flow equations are discussed. Such forms of flow equations are obtained as a result of approximation of their differential forms, which is required to solve them numerically. For such purpose explicit or implicit numerical approximation schemes for ordinary differential equations can be applied. It turns out that dependently on the chosen approximation...
Verification of the Analytical Traffic Model of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Using the Simulation Model
PublicationIn this paper we verify the previously proposed analytical traffic model of a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). For this reason a proper simulation model used, in which not theoretical queuing system models but the operation of real network elements and standardized call scenarios are accurately implemented. Consequently,...
A Nonlinear Model of a Mesh Shell
PublicationFor a certain class of elastic lattice shells experiencing finite deformations, a continual model using the equations of the so-called six-parameter shell theory has been proposed. Within this model, the kinematics of the shell is described using six kinematically independent scalar degrees of freedom — the field of displacements and turns, as in the case of the Cosserat continuum, which gives reason to call the model under consideration...
The Dynamic Model of Magnetic Hysteresis
PublicationThis paper presents the scalar dynamic magnetic hysteresis model based on the Preisach theory. The important role in this theory played hysteresis operator states. The changes of these operators` states are not immediate in the dynamic model but they are a function of time and parameter k representing the magnetic properties of the material. In this paper the transient state of the hysteresis operator is defined by the nonlinear...
A laboratory model of an inspection vehicle. [Model laboratoryjny pojazdu inspekcyjnego]
PublicationW pracy opisano konstrukcję laboratoryjnego modelu pojazdu inspekcyjnego oraz zaproponowano system wielowątkowego sterowania pojazdem. Do budowy autonomicznego pojazdu wykorzystano napędzany elektrycznie już istniejący model laboratoryjny samochodu osobowego. Konstruowany pojazd wyposażono w specjalnie zaprojektowane elektroniczne układy czujnikowe pozwalające wykrywać i śledzić zaznaczoną kolorem czarnym trasę oraz mierzyć odległości...
The Rayleigh model of the multipath fading channel
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The Rayleigh fading envelope is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Analysis of a gene expression model
PublicationWe study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the number of active binding sites, the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For a simplified model that consist of three ordinary differential equations with time delay we derive conditions for stability of the positive steady state and for the...
Experimental Validation of Numerical Model within a Flow Configuration of the Model Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper investigates validation of flow within a model Kaplan turbine. This includes comparison of various turbulence models and their influence on torque and power generated by the turbine. Numerical results were compared with experimental data.
Wpływ powstania repozytorium MOST Wiedzy na rozwój Open Access i zwiększenie liczby cytowań publikacji – analiza publikacji pracowników Politechniki Gdańskiej (2010–2019)
PublicationCzy warto pisać publikacje w Otwartym Dostępie? Czy warto udostępniać publikacje w otwartych repozytoriach? Jakie znaczenie dla pracowników naukowych ma pisanie publikacji w Otwartym Dostępie? Czy powstanie we wrześniu 2017 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej instytucjonalnego repozytorium MOST Wiedzy mogło mieć korzystny wpływ na rozwój Open Access? Czy udostępnianie publikacji w modelu Open Access wpływa na cytowalność publikacji?
How do personality traits influence Open Government Data (OGD) adoption and usage? Investigating the indirect and moderating effects
PublicationOpen Government Data (OGD) research has focused for a long on the adoption and usage from the perspectives of users across different contexts. The underlying rationale for this specific focus is that OGD initiatives are undertaken to further citizen engagement with OGD for value generation and innovation purposes. Conceding that usage propensity is different across individuals, it is important to understand the influence of personality...
Przestrzeń publiczna a przemiany miasta
PublicationPraca składa się z dwunastu rozdziałów. Pierwsza część ma charakter wprowadzający do problematyki przestrzeni publicznej. W rozdziale drugim autorka przywołuje wybrane i ważne dla przedmiotu badań koncepcje teoretyczne oparte na modelu wieloparadygmatycznym. Rozdział trzeci osnuty jest wokół antycznego wzorca przestrzeni publicznej, który ze względu na niezwykłe bogactwo rozwiązań w tym zakresie wywodzi się właśnie z tego pnia....
Towards the Development of a Risk Model for Unmanned Vessels Design and Operations
PublicationAn unmanned merchant vessel seems to be escaping from the stage of idea exploration. Once the concept proofs its safety, it may become a part of maritime reality. Although the safety aspect of such a ship has been addressed by a handful of scholars, the problem remains open. This is mainly due to lack of knowledge regarding actual operational circumstances and design of unmanned ships, which are yet to be developed. In the...