Search results for: QUANTUM DYNAMICS
Do positrons measure atomic and molecular diameters?
PublicationWe report on density functional calculations (DFT) of elastic integral scattering cross-sections for positron collisions with argon, krypton, nitrogen and methane. The long-range asymptotic polarization potential is described using higher-order terms going much beyond an induced dipole potential (−α / r 4) while the short-range interaction is modeled by two different forms of electron – positron correlation potential (Boroński-Nieminen...
Urchin-like TiO2 structures decorated with lanthanide-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots to boost hydrogen photogeneration performance
PublicationThe formation of heterojunctions between wide- and narrow-bandgap photocatalysts is commonly employed to boost the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen generation. Herein, the photoactivity of urchin-like rutile particles is increased by decorating with pristine as well as Er- or Yb-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots (QDs) at varied QD loadings (1–20 wt%) and doping degrees (1–15 mol%), and the best hydrogen evolution performance is achieved at...
Implementation of high-precision computation capabilities into the open-source dynamic simulation framework YADE
PublicationThis paper deals with the implementation of arbitrary precision calculations into the open-source discrete element framework YADE published under the GPL-2+ free software license. This new capability paves the way for the simulation framework to be used in many new fields such as quantum mechanics. The implementation details and associated gains in the accuracy of the results are discussed. Besides the "standard" double (64 bits)...
A general approach to study molecular fragmentation and energy redistribution after an ionizing event
PublicationWe propose to combine quantum chemical calculations, statistical mechanical methods, and photoionization and particle collision experiments to unravel the redistribution of internal energy of the furan cation and its dissociation pathways. This approach successfully reproduces the relative intensity of the different fragments as a function of the internal energy of the system in photoelectron–photoion coincidence experiments and...
Efficiency of exciton splitting in organic photovoltaic cells within EQE spectrum
PublicationThe paper presents a procedure of estimating the efficiency of exciton splitting at ED/EA interface. The procedure consists in evaluation of splitting of excitons into electron-hole pairs on the basis of the external quantum efficiency spectra of planar cells and spectra of absorbance of active organic layers. The fitting parameters are the exciton splitting probabilities at ED/EA interface. The presented procedure was applied...
Relativistic two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field
PublicationA two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom with a relativistic Dirac electron, placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane, is considered. Closed forms of the first- and second-order Zeeman corrections to energy levels are calculated analytically, within the framework of the Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory, for an arbitrary electronic bound state. The second-order calculations are...
Negative result about the construction of genuinely entangled subspaces from unextendible product bases
PublicationUnextendible product bases (UPBs) provide a versatile tool with various applications across different areas of quantum information theory. Their comprehensive characterization is thus of great importance and has been a subject of vital interest for over two decades now. An open question asks about the existence of UPBs, which are genuinely unextendible, i.e., they are not extendible even with biproduct vectors. In other words,...
Investigating Layered Topological Magnetic Materials as Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction under High Current Densities
PublicationDespite considerable progress, high-performing durable catalysts operating under large current densities (i.e., >1000 mA/cm2) are still lacking. To discover platinum group metal-free (PGMfree) electrocatalysts for sustainable energy, our research involves investigating layered topological magnetic materials (semiconducting ferromagnets) as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction under high current...
Can Communication Power of Separable Correlations Exceed That of Entanglement Resource?
PublicationThe scenario of remote state preparation with a shared correlated quantum state and one bit of forward communication [B. Dakić et al., Nat. Phys. 8, 666 (2012)] is considered. Optimization of the transmission efficiency is extended to include general encoding and decoding strategies. The importance of the use of linear fidelity is recognized. It is shown that separable states cannot exceed the efficiency of entangled states by...
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios
PublicationThe problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...
Calculation of Vibrational Resonance Raman Spectra of Molecules Using Quantum Chemistry Methods
PublicationThe understanding and interpretation of experimental resonance Raman (RR) spectra can strongly benefit from theoretical simulations. These can be achieved by combining quantum chemistry (QC) methods to calculate the electronic and vibrational molecular properties, together with appropriate models and approximations to compute the Raman intensities. This chapter presents the main and most commonly employed approaches to calculate...
Formation of carbon monoxide by radiative association: a quantum dynamical study
PublicationRate coefficients for the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) by radiative association of carbon and oxygen atoms are computed using quantum dynamical simulations. At temperatures above 10 K CO radiative association is dominated by C(3P) and O(3P) approaching on the A1Π potential energy curve. The rate coefficient is estimated as k=A(T/300 K)αexp−β/T with A= 1.39 × 10−18 cm3 s−1, α=−0.016 and β= 92.2 for temperatures between 6 and...
An analysis of solar energy conversion systems based on photon and thermal processes
PublicationSolar spectral irradiance covers a fairly broad wavelength range. Solar radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is described by the concept of wave-particle duality. The corpuscular theory of electromagnetic radiation states that energy is transmitted by photons. Photons carry specific amounts of energy which can be used to convert solar energy into other types of energy, in particular electricity. The internal...
Site-selective magnetic order of neptunium inNp2Ni17
PublicationWe present the results obtained by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry, specific heat, and Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements carried out on Np2Ni17 polycrystalline samples. We show that long-range magnetic order, with a moment mu((2b)) similar to 2.25 mu(B), occurs below T-N = 17.5 K on the Np (2b) sites. A nontrivial situation is observed in that the other Np sites (2d) do not take part to the order...
The Ellenbogen's "Matter as Software" Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: II Bonding Between the C60 and X@C60 Molecules as Available Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Quantum Computing Devices
PublicationThe binding energy, BE of the X@C60-X@C60 homodimer and the X@C60-Y@C60 heterodimer resulting from the bond formation between the occupied X@C60 MBB and the C60 molecule was studied by means of semiempirical PM7 calculations, where X and Y denote atoms from H to Bi, excluding Tc and lanthanides. All possible combinations of N = 68 guest atoms were considered, which resulted in K = 2346 of different calculated dimers of (X@C60-Y@C60)...
Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices
PublicationRandomness is a fundamental concept, with implications from security of modern data systems, to fundamental laws of nature and even the philosophy of science. Randomness is called certified if it describes events that cannot be pre-determined by an external adversary. It is known that weak certified randomness can be amplified to nearly ideal randomness using quantum-mechanical systems. However, so far, it was unclear whether randomness amplification...
Elemental and tight monogamy relations in nonsignaling theories
PublicationPhysical principles constrain the way nonlocal correlations can be distributed among distant parties. These constraints are usually expressed by monogamy relations that bound the amount of Bell inequality violation observed among a set of parties by the violation observed by a different set of parties. We prove here that much stronger monogamy relations are possible for nonsignaling correlations by showing how nonlocal correlations...
Fluorescence of nanodiamond cocktails: pH-induced effects through interactions with comestible liquids
PublicationFluorescent nanodiamonds with nitrogen-vacancy centers have become important nanoscale probes for sensing and imaging. The surface chemistry of the nanodiamonds influences their emission, interactions, and quantum properties. In this work, we propose to utilize fluorescent nanodiamonds as photostable markers for investigation of comestible liquids. We prepared nanodiamond/comestibles suspensions/cocktails with a wide range of pH...
Novel two-step synthesis method of thin film heterojunction of BiOBr/Bi2WO6 with improved visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity
PublicationA novel two-step ionic liquid assisted procedure was applied for a controllable synthesis of BiOBr/Bi2WO6 heterojunction thin films. The preparation route involved an anodic oxidation of tungsten foil and hydrothermal transformation of as-anodized oxide in the presence of bismuth precursor and ionic liquid, N-butylpyridinium bromide [BPy][Br]. The BiOBr plates with irregular shapes adhered to the surface of flower-like Bi2WO6 and...
Constructing genuinely entangled multipartite states with applications to local hidden variables and local hidden states models
PublicationBuilding upon the results of R. Augusiak et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030404 (2015)] we develop a general approach to the generation of genuinely entangled multipartite states of any number of parties from genuinely entangled states of a fixed number of parties, in particular, the bipartite entangled ones. In our approach, certain isometries whose output subspaces are either symmetric or genuinely entangled in some multipartite...
Hydroperoxyl radical and formic acid formation from common DNA stabilizers upon low energy electron attachment
Publication2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (TRIS) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) are key components of biological buffers and are frequently used as DNA stabilizers in irradiation studies. Such surface or liquid phase studies are done with the aim to understand the fundamental mechanisms of DNA radiation damage and to improve cancer radiotherapy. When ionizing radiation is used, abundant secondary electrons are formed...
The LaPdIn 4 indide and elementary properties of the LaTIn 4 ( T = Ni, Pd, Pt) materials family
PublicationThe indium-rich intermetallic compound LaPdIn4 is reported, prepared by arc-melting and annealing at 600 C. Single crystal X-ray diffraction found the material to be orthorhombic, space group Cmcm (No. 63), with lattice parameters a ¼ 4.5462(3) Å, b ¼ 16.9208(10) Å, and c ¼ 7.3100(5) Å. This previously unreported indide is isostructural with LaNiIn4 and LaPtIn4. It is demonstrated that all three compounds in the LaTIn4 (T ¼ Ni,...
Theoretical study of the photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate: Ab initio and density functional theory investigation
PublicationThe first ionization energy and associated photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate are investigated with quantum chemistry calculations. The geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies and first ionization energy are computed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and at the second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). Moreover, accurate ionization energies are obtained with the Coupled-Cluster theory including singles and doubles...
Mechanism of hopping conduction in Be–Fe–Al–Te–O semiconducting glasses and glass–ceramics
PublicationElectrical properties of beryllium-alumino-tellurite glasses and glass–ceramics doped with iron ions were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity was measured over a wide frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and the temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The D.C. conductivity values showed a correlation with the Fe-ion concentration and ratio of iron ions on different valence states in the samples. On the basis of...
(CsX)Cu5O2(PO4)2 (X = Cl, Br, I): A Family of Cu2+ S = 1/2 Compounds with Capped-Kagomé Networks Composed of OCu4 Units
PublicationThree new salt inclusion compounds (CsX)Cu5O2(PO4)2 (X = Cl, Br, I), phosphate analogues of the kagomé mineral averievite, are reported. Their crystal structures are composed of trigonal networks of corner-sharing OCu4 anion-centered tetrahedra, forming capped-kagomé planes, which can also be regarded as two-dimensional slices along the [111] direction of a pyrochlore lattice. Magnetization and heat capacity measurements reveal...
A magnetic imprinted polymer nano-adsorbent with embedded quantum dots and mesoporous carbon for the microextraction of triazine herbicides
PublicationA magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) adsorbent incorporating amino-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles, nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots and mesoporous carbon (MIP@MPC@NGQDs@ Fe3O4–NH2) was fabricated to extract triazine herbicides from fruit juice. The embedded magnetite nanoparticles simplified the isolation of the adsorbent from the sample solution. The N-GQDs and MPC enhanced adsorption by affinity binding...
Quantifying Contextuality
PublicationContextuality is central to both the foundations of quantum theory and to the novel information processing tasks. Despite some recent proposals, it still faces a fundamental problem: how to quantify its presence? In this work, we provide a universal framework for quantifying contextuality. We conduct two complementary approaches: (i) the bottom-up approach, where we introduce a communication game, which grasps the phenomenon of...
The Ellenbogen’s “Matter as Software” Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: IV. The X@C60 Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) and Computing System Lifetime Estimation
PublicationThe problem of approximate lifetimes of individual X@C60 MBBs and tip-based nanofabricated quantum computing device systems is discussed under the conservative assumption of single-point failure. A single chemical transformation of the C60 cage into high-energy opened o-C60 isomer which forms the communication canal for the low energy transfer of an X atom from X@C60 MBB to the outside environment was studied. According to the...
Determination of aminoglycoside antibiotics: current status and future trends
PublicationThe use of aminoglycoside antibiotics is prevalent in medicine and agriculture. Their overuse increases their mobility in the environment, resulting in a need for reliable methods for their determination in a variety of matrices. However, the properties of aminoglycosides, in particular their high polarity, make the development of such methods a non-trivial task, inciting researchers to tackle this complex issue from different...
Spinon excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional S=12 chain compound Cs4CuSb2Cl12
PublicationThe spin−1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is ideal for realizing one of the simplest gapless quantum spin liquids (QSLs), supporting a many-body ground state whose elementary excitations are fractional fermionic excitations called spinons. Here we report the discovery of such a one-dimensional (1D) QSL in Cs4CuSb2Cl12. Compared to previously reported S=1/2 1D chains, this material possesses a wider temperature range over...
Quantum and carbon dots conjugated molecularly imprinted polymers as advanced nanomaterials for selective recognition of analytes in environmental, food and biomedical applications
PublicationSamples with complex matrix analyzed during explanation of pathogenesis of various diseases and food or environmental monitoring request advanced analytical and instrumental devices. Among the materials used for described purposes, quantum (QDs) or carbon dots (CDs) layered by molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) shells have gained widespread attention. Unique optical and physicochemical properties of QDs/CDs together with high...
Electron-Induced Decomposition of Uracil-5-yl O-(N,N-dimethylsulfamate): Role of Methylation in Molecular Stability
PublicationThe incorporation of modified uracil derivatives into DNA leads to the formation of radical species that induce DNA damage. Molecules of this class have been suggested as radiosensitizers and are still under investigation. In this study, we present the results of dissociative electron attachment to uracil-5-yl O-(N,N-dimethylsulfamate) in the gas phase. We observed the formation of 10 fragment anions in the studied range of electron...
Extending loophole-free nonlocal correlations to arbitrarily large distances
PublicationQuantum theory allows spatially separated observers to share nonlocal correlations, which enable them to accomplish classically inconceivable information processing and cryptographic feats. However, the distances over which nonlocal correlations can be realized remain severely limited due to their high fragility to noise and high threshold detection efficiencies. To enable loophole- free nonlocality across large distances, we introduce...
Electron-Induced Decomposition of 5-Bromo-4-thiouracil and 5-Bromo-4-thio-2′-deoxyuridine: The Effect of the Deoxyribose Moiety on Dissociative Electron Attachment
PublicationWhen modified uridine derivatives are incorporated into DNA, radical species may form that cause DNA damage. This category of molecules has been proposed as radiosensitizers and is currently being researched. Here, we study electron attachment to 5-bromo-4-thiouracil (BrSU), a uracil derivative, and 5-bromo-4-thio-20 -deoxyuridine (BrSdU), with an attached deoxyribose moiety via the N-glycosidic (N1-C) bond. Quadrupole mass spectrometry...
Crossover from charge density wave stabilized antiferromagnetism to superconductivity in Nd1−xLaxNiC2 compounds
PublicationThe path from the charge density wave antiferromagnet NdNiC2 to the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2 is studied by gradual replacement of Nd by La ions. The evolution of physical properties is explored by structural, magnetic, transport, magnetoresistance, and specific heat measurements. With the substitution of La for Nd, the Peierls temperature is gradually suppressed, which falls within the BCS mean-field relation for...
CuGaS2@NH2-MIL-125(Ti) nanocomposite: Unveiling a promising catalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
PublicationThe development of efficient nanocomposites represents a promising strategy for enhancing the transfer and separation of photogenerated carriers within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for photocatalytic H2 generation. In this study, we report, for the first time, the successful fabrication of a novel CuGaS2@NH2-MIL-125(Ti) nanocomposite in a two-step synthesis, consisting of octahedral NH2-MIL-125(Ti) metal-organic frameworks interspersed...
Effect of copper and silver modification of NH2-MIL-125(Ti) on the photoreduction of carbon dioxide to formic acid over this framework under visible-light irradiation
PublicationCu and Ag enhance the photocatalytic activities of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) toward CO2 conversion because of their CO2 adsorption capacities and effects on the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) overpotentials of MOFs. However, to date, targeted introduction of metals into MOFs to achieve visible (Vis)- light-active photocatalysts for CO2 photoconversion has not been realized. Herein, a series of aminefunctionalized...
General solution of quantum mechanical equations of motion with time-dependent Hamiltonians: A Lie algebraic approach
PublicationThe unitary operators U(t), describing the quantum time evolution of systems with a time-dependent Hamiltonian, can be constructed in an explicit manner using the method of time-dependent invariants. We clarify the role of Lie-algebraic techniques in this context and elaborate the theory for SU(2) and SU(1,1). In these cases we give explicit formulae for obtaining general solutions from special ones. We show that the constructions...
Distributed Representations Based on Geometric Algebra: the Continuous Model
PublicationAuthors revise the concept of a distributed representation of data as well as two previously developed models: Holographic Reduced Representation (HRR) and Binary Spatter Codes (BSC). A Geometric Analogue (GAc - ''c'' stands for continuous as opposed to its discrete version) of HRR is introduced - it employs role-filler binding based on geometric products. Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space...
Highly Visible-Light-Photoactive Heterojunction Based on TiO2 Nanotubes Decorated by Pt Nanoparticles and Bi2S3 Quantum Dots
PublicationA heterojunction with excellent visible light response and stability based on titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2 NTs), bismuth sulfide quantum dots (Bi2S3 QDs), and platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) is proposed. Both Pt NPs (3.0 ± 0.2 nm) and Bi2S3 QDs (3.50 ± 0.20 nm) are well distributed on the (i) top parts, (ii) inner walls, and (iii) outer walls of the TiO2 NTs. Visible-light-induced photoreaction was initialized by excitation...
Comparison of simplified sum-over-state expressions to calculate resonance Raman intensities including Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller effects
PublicationSum-over-state (SOS) expressions to simulate absorption spectroscopy and resonance Raman (RR) scattering including Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) effects are described. Starting from the general SOS method, several simplified SOS formulae are derived. In particular, within the so-called independent mode displaced harmonic oscillator model, it is shown that including the vibronic structure in the absorption and RR spectra...
Visible light photocatalytic activity of ionic liquid-TiO2 spheres: effect of the ionic liquid's anion structure
PublicationThe effect of the ionic liquid’s (IL) anion type ([BIMIM][X], where X= [Br], [PF6] or [OctSO4]) and content on the morphology, surface properties and photoactivity of TiO2 obtained by solvothermal method has been systematically investigated. Our results revealed that the presence of [Br], [OctSO4] anions favors formation of anatase phase, while presence of [PF6] anion causes formation of mixture of anatase and Ti(OH)PO4 phases....
Soft X-ray Induced Production of Neutral Fragments in High-Rydberg States at the O 1s Ionization Threshold of the Water Molecule
PublicationDissociation of water molecules after soft X-ray absorption can yield neutral fragments in high-Rydberg (HR) states. We have studied the production of such fragments by field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry. Neutral HR fragments are created at all resonances below the O 1s ionization potential (IP) and particularly within 1 eV above the O 1s IP. The latter effect is due to the recapture of the O 1s photoelectrons...
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Visible Light Activity of TiO2 Modified with Halide-Based Ionic Liquids
PublicationFormation of a surface complex between organic molecules and TiO2 is one of the possible strategies for the development of visible light-induced TiO2 photoactivity. Herein, three ionic liquids (ILs) with the same cation and dierent anions (1-butylpirydynium chloride/bromide/iodide) have been applied for the surface modification of TiO2 and to understand the role of anions in visible light-induced activity of ILs-TiO2 systems. Photocatalytic...
Visible-light-driven lanthanide-organic-frameworks modified TiO2 photocatalysts utilizing up-conversion effect
PublicationHighly efficient and quite stable composite with core-shell-like architecture reported herein, responds to the challenge of sunlight-driven photocatalysts. The Ln(ndc)/TiO2 photocatalytic system comprises active lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks (Nd, Er, Ho, and Tm as metal ions, and 2,6-naphthalene dicar-boxylic acid as the organic linker) and inert titanium dioxide and allow to convert incompatible visible radiation...
Calculating the Partition Coefficients of Organic Solvents in Octanol/Water and Octanol/Air
PublicationPartition coefficients define how a solute is distributed between two immiscible phases at equilibrium. The experimental estimation of partition coefficients in a complex system can be an expensive, difficult, and time-consuming process. Here a computational strategy to predict the distributions of a set of solutes in two relevant phase equilibria is presented. The octanol/water and octanol/air partition coefficients are predicted...
Electromodulation of monomer and excimer phosphorescence in vacuum-evaporated films of platinum (II) complexes of 1,3-di(2-pyridyl)benzenes
PublicationElectric field-modulated photoluminescence (EML) measurements are presented for vacuum-evaporated films of cyclometallated Pt (II) complexes of 1,3-di(2-pyridyl) benzenes used as triplet emitters in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The excimer phosphorescence is quenched by the external electric field of 2.5 MV/cm up to 25% but the same effect on monomer phosphorescence is one order of magnitude smaller. The higher quenching...
Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities. II. Direct test of uniqueness of vacuum
PublicationThe paper continues the analysis of vacuum Rabi oscillations we started in part I [Phys. Rev. A 79, 033836 (2009)]. Here we concentrate on experimental consequences for cavity QED of two different classes of representations of harmonic-oscillator Lie algebras. The zero-temperature master equation, derived in part I for irreducible representations of the algebra, is reformulated in a reducible representation that models electromagnetic...
Self-healing mechanism of metallopolymers investigated by QM/MM simulations and Raman spectroscopy
PublicationThe thermally induced self-healing mechanisms in metallopolymers based on bisterpyridine complexes of iron(II) sulfate and cadmium(II) bromide, respectively, were studied by means of combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) simulations and Raman spectroscopy. Two possible healing schemes, one based on a decomplexation of the cross-linking complexes and a second one relying on the dissociation of ionic clusters,...
Experimental and DFT insights into an eco-friendly photocatalytic system toward environmental remediation and hydrogen generation based on AgInS2 quantum dots embedded on Bi2WO6
PublicationBismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) can work as a photocatalyst but suffers from rapid recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. Herein, density functional theory (DFT) simulations revealed that the formation of a thermodynamically stable AgInS2(112)/Bi2WO6(010) heterojunction could promote charge separation and enhance the photoactivity of Bi2WO6. To confirm these theoretical predictions, a new type of photocatalysts in the form...