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Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS - Female, 76 - Tissue image [4080730010642141]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BRONCHUS AND LUNG tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: VS200 Olympus slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS - Female, 76 - Tissue image [4080730010647871]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BRONCHUS AND LUNG tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: VS200 Olympus slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS - Female, 76 - Tissue image [4080730010646921]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BRONCHUS AND LUNG tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: VS200 Olympus slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Novel primosomal protein B from thermophilic bacterium Thermoanerobacter tengcongensis
PublicationWe report the identification and characterization of theprimosomal protein B (PriB) from thermophilic bacteriumThermoanerobacter tengcongensis (TtePriB). It is the largestknown bacterial PriB protein consisting 216 amino acidresidues with a calculated molecular mass of 25 kDa. Surprisingly,it is functional as monomer containing two single-stranded DNA binding domain (OB-fold) and it is thecompletely new kind structure of SSB protein....
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amino acid and peptide derivatives of mycophenolic acid
PublicationThe series of 16 novel amino acid and peptide mycophenolic acid (MPA) derivatives was obtained as potential antibacterial agents. Coupling of MPA with respective amines was optimized with condensing reagents such as EDCI/DMAP and T3P/TEA. Amino acid analogs were received both as methyl esters and also with the free carboxylic group. The biological activity of the products was tested on five references bacterial strains: Klebsiella...
Quality Model for Integrated Security Monitoring and Control in Water Distribution Systems
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of drinking water distribution system (DWDS) security in the terms of water quality which in the era of terrorist threat is of high importance to the public. The contribution of this paper is the development of the so called security module to extend a multi-species water quality model. This gives an insight to the situation in DWDS not only under normal operational conditions but also in case...
Evidence of mutations conferring resistance to clarithromycin in wastewater and activated sludge
PublicationThe occurrence of clarithromycin in wastewater samples and of the activated sludge bacteria possibly resistant to this pharmaceutical was the object of the study. Samples of wastewater or activated sludge were taken from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in summer and winter and characterised regarding their clarithromycin concentrations and the presence of nucleic acid fragments (Cla-sequences) known to be responsible for...
Polymer biodegradable coatings as active substance release systems for urological applications
PublicationCatheter-associated urinary tract infections are the result of catheterization of the bladder. The risk of infection is directly proportional to the length of the bladder catheterization. Bacteria cells have the ability to adhere and create the biofilm on the surface of catheter materials. Bacteria’s biofilm is an extremely beneficial environment of existence for microorganisms. Microorganisms that are an integral part of the biofilm...
A state of the art review on the use of fungi in biofiltration to remove volatile hydrophobic pollutants
PublicationThe physical/chemical abatement of gas pollutants creates many technical problems, is costly and entails significant environmental impacts. Biological purification of off-gases is a cheap and ecologically safe way of neutralization of gas pollutants. Despite the recent advances, the main technological challenge nowadays is the purification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of hydrophobic character due to their low solubility...
The Action Mechanisms, Anti-Cancer and Antibiotic-Modulation Potential of Vaccinium myrtillus L. Extract
PublicationHerbal medicinal products containing Vaccinium myrtillus L. (bilberry) fruits and fruit extracts are widely available in the market. Although bilberry leaves and stems are considered as bio-waste, they contain much higher levels of phenolic compounds than fruits. The study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and anticancer potential of aerial part extracts from Vaccinium myrtillus L. (V. myrtillus, VM) plants harvested at high...
T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number
PublicationLet T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) =...
On the independence number of some strong products of cycle-powers
PublicationIn the paper we give some theoretical and computational results on the third strong power of cycle-powers, for example, we have found the independence numbers alpha((C^2_10)^⊠3) = 30 and alpha((C^4 _14)^⊠3) = 14. A number of optimizations have been introduced to improve the running time of our exhaustive algorithm used to establish the independence number of the third strong power of cycle-powers. Moreover, our results establish...
Comparison of the Efficiency of Turbo Codes with Mechanisms of Reducing the Number of Iterations
PublicationThe paper presents the construction of encoders and decoders turbo codes with different number of states. Simulation results of the transmission quality of the turbo codes were presented. Decoders for turbo codes have worked with a fixed number of iterations and with the mechanisms reducing the number of iterations. Data were transmitted in Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian B environment for data rate 384 kbps. The SOVA algorithm...
Entanglement and Nonlocality are Inequivalent for Any Number of Parties
PublicationUnderstanding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement is one of the fundamental problems in quantum physics. In the bipartite case, it is known that these two phenomena are inequivalent, as there exist entangled states of two parties that do not violate any Bell inequality. However, except for a single example of an entangled three-qubit state that has a local model, almost nothing is known about such a relation in multipartite...
Bounds on the vertex-edge domination number of a tree
PublicationA vertex-edge dominating set of a graph $G$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is incident with a vertex of $D$ or a vertex adjacent to a vertex of $D$. The vertex-edge domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma_{ve}(T)$, is the minimum cardinality of a vertex-edge dominating set of $G$. We prove that for every tree $T$ of order $n \ge 3$ with $l$ leaves and $s$ support vertices we have $(n-l-s+3)/4...
Composition and antimicrobial activity of fatty acids detected in the hygroscopic secretion collected from the secretory setae of larvae of the biting midge Forcipomyia nigra (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
PublicationThe hygroscopic secretion produced by the secretory setae of terrestrial larvae of the biting midge Forcipomyia nigra (Winnertz) was analysed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The viscous secretion is stored at the top of each seta and absorbs water from moist air. GC-MS analyses (four independent tests) showed that the secretion contained 12 free fatty acids, the most abundant of which were oleic...
Pyocyanin extraction - the comparison of typical organic solvents and ionic liquids
Open Research DataPyocyanin is a pigment produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa that recently gained importance as a valuable chemical. Most often, the method for its extraction is based on the use of chloroform, a recognized hazardous substance. Therefore, an efficient and more environment-friendly method is vital for further use. In this work, we compared different organic...
The problem of infections associated with implants – an overview
PublicationImplant-associated infections are serious and relatively common complication that leads to implant loss. The purpose of this paper is to gather knowledge about this issue. A literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and pathogenesis of infections related to implants was carried out. This position collects data on commonly used implants and infections associated with them from various fields of medicine and contains classifications...
Assessment of the impact of bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes)
PublicationThe assessment of the impact of the bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes) Tecoflex® and Tecothane® is presented. The polyurethane samples were incubated with pure cultures of the microorganisms at 30 °C for five months. The changes in the chemical structure of the polymers were evaluated using loss of weight and contact angle...
Degradation of implantable materials – in vivo and in vitro research
PublicationThe article concerns the biological and electrochemical degradation of metallic implants in vivo and in vitro studies. The in vivo research dealt with degradation of plates used to join bones, as well as endoprostheses. The most common damages were: metalosis, breaking in the microstructure changes, breaking in area of holes, as well as plastic deformation throughout the length of an implant. The material used for the research...
Modelling of dark fermentation of glucose and sour cabbage
PublicationIn the article, modified Anaerobic Digestion Models 1 (ADM-1) was tested for modelling dark fermentation for hydrogen production. The model refitting was done with the Euler method. The new model was based on sets of differential equations. The model was checked for hydrogen production from sour cabbage in batch and semi-batch in 5 g VSS (volatile solid suspension)/L and at the semi-batch process from glucose at 5 and 10 g VSS/L....
Kombucha from alternative raw materials – The review
PublicationNowadays, people's awareness about the role of diet in maintaining well-being and good health has increased. Consumers expect that the products not only provide them with essential nutrients but will also be a source of biologically active substances, which are beneficial to their health. One of the "healthy trends," which has appeared among the consumers worldwide is kombucha, a tea drink with high antioxidant potential, obtained...
Antibacterial evaluation of bioactive modifiers of bone cements: antibiotics, nanometals and chitosan
PublicationModern biomaterials in addition to their basic tasks, can serve as carriers of active substance. The release of a bioactive particles allows to locally fight infection or its prevent it. Bone cements additionally to their basic applications in orthopedic surgery can also serve to deliver locally active substances. Currently, only antibiotics are routinely used as modifiers for bone cements. Bioactive bone cements constitute...
Effect of TiO2 Concentration on Microstructure and Properties of Composite Cu–Sn–TiO2 Coatings Obtained by Electrodeposition
PublicationIn this work, Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings were electrochemically obtained from a sulfate bath containing 0–10 g/L of TiO2 nanoparticles. The effect of TiO2 particles on kinetics of cathodic electrodeposition has been studied by linear sweep voltammetry and chronopotentiometry. As compared to the Cu–Sn alloy, the Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings show rougher surfaces with TiO2 agglomerates embedded in the metal matrix. The highest...
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The dynamics of the total output of the fishery sector: The case of Indonesia
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the total output of the Indonesian fishery industry when the changes of the final demand occur. This study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis, as an analysis instrument. Two conditions are noticed in calculation and analysis parts, namely (1) “whole sector change”, and (2) “pure change”. An initial period...
An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree
PublicationA 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...
Total restrained bondage in graphs
PublicationPodzbiór D zbioru wierzchołków grafu nazywamy zewnętrznie totalnym dominującym w grafie, jeśli każdy wierzchołek spoza D ma sąsiada zarówno w D jak i poza D. Moc najmniejszego zbioru o tej własności nazywamy liczbą dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego. W artykule badamy wpływ usuwania krawędzi na liczbę dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego, czyli liczbę zewnętrznego totalnego zniewolenie w grafach.
Impact of Cyclist Facility Availability at Work on the Number of Bike Commuters
PublicationThe article describes the results of research designed to establish whether cycle provision can influence the number of employees commuting by bike. To that end, employee surveys were conducted in three IT companies in 2012 and 2016. The questionnaire asked about travel behaviour and what the staff thought about their company’s provision of cyclist facilities. Since 2012 each of the companies has moved its head office and the...
Communications in Number Theory and Physics
Journals -
International Journal of Number Theory
Journals -
Assessment of diversity and composition of bacterial community in Sludge Treatment Reed Bed systems
PublicationDue to their low emission of odours and lack of the need to apply additional chemical agents, sludge treatment reed beds (STRBs) constitute an economically feasible and eco-friendly approach to sewage sludge management. Correctly designed and operated STRBs ensure effective reduction of the dry matter content coupled with the mineralisation of organic compounds. Successful operation of STRBs relies on complex interactions between...
The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
New conjugates of tuftsin and muramyl dipeptide as stimulators of human monocytes-derived dendritic cells
PublicationMuramyl dipeptide (MDP) and tuftsin are known biologically active compound displaying a significant influence on various cell populations of innate immune response. MDP, as a fragment of bacterial cell wall, stimulates not only macrophages and monocytes, but also dendritic cells. In contrast, little is known about tuftsin influence on these cells. Therefore it seemed vital to access whether tuftsin or its derivatives conjugated...
Release of potassium from actvated sludge as a resultof use peroxyacetic acid = Uwalnianie potasu z osadu czynnego pod wpływem kwasu nadoctowego
PublicationThe phenomenon of potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) from the calls of activated sludge bacteria in the result of peroxyacetic acid (CH3CO3H) dosing was investigated. Addition of the strong oxidant to the activated sludge environment caused activation of the defense mechanisms of bacterial cells, related to glutathione transformations, which resulted in the significant increase of potassium ions concentration....
Molecular modeling and evaluation of novel dibenzopyrrole derivatives as telomerase inhibitors and potential drug for cancer therapy
PublicationDuring previous years, many studies on synthesis, as well as on anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities of the pyrazole derivatives have been described. Certain pyrazole derivatives exhibit important pharmacological activities and have proved to be useful template in drug research. Considering importance of pyrazole template, in current work the series of novel inhibitors were designed by replacing central...
Use of Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 producing recombinant colicins for treatment of IBD patients
PublicationPatients with Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis infected with Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli strains constitute the largest group among Inflammatory Bowel Disease subjects, when taking into account all known etiological agents of the disease. A possible link between these pathogenic bacteria and inflammation process has gained the confidence in recently published papers. Observed enteric neuroglial cells apoptosis and...
C-reactive protein (CRP) evaluation in human urine using optical sensor supported by machine learning
PublicationThe rapid and sensitive indicator of inflammation in the human body is C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Determination of CRP level is important in medical diagnostics because, depending on that factor, it may indicate, e.g., the occurrence of inflammation of various origins, oncological, cardiovascular, bacterial or viral events. In this study, we describe an interferometric sensor able to detect the CRP level for distinguishing between...
A method for the analysis of methylmercury and total Hg in fungal matrices
PublicationThe aim of the study was to develop an efficient method for the determination of monomethyl-mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) content in materials such as fungal sporocarps and sclerotia. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) with the assigned values of MeHg and THg as well as the control materials (dried mushrooms) with known content of THg were evaluated for method validation. Recovery of MeHg from reference materials was...
Total cross section measurements for electron scattering from tin(IV) chloride (SnCl4)
PublicationTotal cross section for electron scattering from SnCl4 molecules has been measured for energies from 0.6 to 300 eV. Obtained results have been compared with total cross sections for electron scattering from other tetrachloride molecules: XCl4 where X=C, Si, Ge.
Fast Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Based on Limited Number of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns
Publication— In this article, we investigate how the calibrationfree single-anchor indoor localization algorithm developed for base stations equipped with electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas can further be improved. By reducing the total number of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns used in localization process, one can significantly reduce the time needed for an object localization. Performed localization measurements...
PublicationPoint-cloud spatial expansion (PCSE) allows the creation of a new pointcloud form that presents an alternative geometry of an entire object in a single spatial view. Spatial expansion facilitates the analysis process and introduces an additional spatial parameter describing the point cloud. An important element of the PCSE method is determining the position of the axis of symmetry of a symmetrical object: the procedure for determining...
Number of own bank branches (2017)
Open Research DataThe number of traditional bank branches is decreasing. As can be seen from the data presented in the table below, over the year (2016-2017), the network of bank branches in Poland decreased by over half a thousand (currently the total number of traditional bank branches, excluding partner branches, amounts to nearly 6 thousand). None of the 20 largest...
Mechanical exfoliation and layer number identification of single crystal monoclinic CrCl3
PublicationAfter the recent finding that CrI3, displays ferromagnetic order down to its monolayer, extensive studies have followed to pursue new two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. In this article, we report on the growth of single crystal CrCl3 in the layered monoclinic phase. The system after mechanical exfoliation exhibits stability in ambient air (the degradation occurs on a time scale at least four orders of magnitude longer than...
An upper bound on the 2-outer-independent domination number of a tree
PublicationA 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_2^{oi}(T) <= (n+l)/2,...
Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Coatings for Stents in Veterinary Medicine—State of the Art and Perspectives
PublicationMicrobial colonization in veterinary stents poses a significant and concerning issue in veterinary medicine. Over time, these pathogens, particularly bacteria, can colonize the stent surfaces, leading to various complications. Two weeks following the stent insertion procedure, the colonization becomes observable, with the aggressiveness of bacterial growth directly correlating with the duration of stent placement. Such microbial...
Evaluating the antibacterial activity of muramyl dipeptide derivatives, retro-tuftsin derivatives, and anthraquinone oligopeptides against a range of pathogenic bacteria
PublicationSearch for new and efficient antibiotic is crucial because of microbial drug resistance and problems with side effects of the administered medication. In this study, we evaluate the in vitro microbiological activity of muramyl dipeptide derivatives, retro-tuftsin derivatives (i.e., tuftsin with reversed amino acid sequences), and combinations of retro-tuftsin derivatives with substituted anthraquinones. The potency of the investigated...
Alternative treatment approaches of urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most widespread and annoying infections affecting millions of people every year annually. The biggest problem of urinary diseases are recurrences, the increasing resistance of uropathogens to commonly used antibiotics, as well as the high health care costs of afflicted persons. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains (UPECs) are the most dominant etiologic agent of community-acquired infections...
MXenes Antibacterial Properties and Applications: A Review and Perspective
PublicationThe mutations of bacteria due to the excessive use of antibiotics, and generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have made the development of new antibacterial compounds a necessity. MXenes have emerged as biocompatible transition metal carbide structures with extensive biomedical applications. This is related to the MXenes’ unique combination of properties, including multifarious elemental compositions, 2D-layered structure,...