Search results for: acoustic climate of the baltic sea
A study of episodic events in the Baltic Sea – combined in situ and satellite observations**The project was financed by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) of Poland as contract No. 14-0004-04.
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First report and molecular analysis of population stability of the invasive Gulf wedge clam, Rangia cuneata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1832) in the Pomerian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Differing responses of the estuarine bivalve Limecola balthica to lowered water pH caused by potential CO2 leaks from a sub-seabed storage site in the Baltic Sea: An experimental study
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Characteristics of the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) diet in the Vistula River mouth (Mewia Łacha Nature Reserve, southern Baltic Sea), based on the osteological and molecular studies of scat samples
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Biogeochemistry of three different shallow gas systems in continental shelf sediments of the South-Eastern Baltic Sea (Gulf of Gdańsk): Carbon cycling, origin of methane and microbial community composition
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Antibiotic resistance and prevalence of class 1 and 2 integrons in Escherichia coli isolated from two wastewater treatment plants, and their receiving waters (Gulf of Gdansk, Baltic Sea, Poland)
PublicationIn this study, antimicrobial-resistance patterns were analyzed in Escherichia coli isolates from raw (RW) and treated wastewater (TW) of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), their marine outfalls (MOut), and mouth of the Vistula River (VR). Susceptibility of E. coli was tested against different classes of antibiotics. Isolates resistant to at least one antimicrobial agent were PCR tested for the presence of integrons. Ampicillin-resistant...
Jarosław Przewłócki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJarosław Przewłócki jest profesorem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, zastępca kierownika Katedry Technicznych Podstaw Projektowania Architektonicznego. Podstawowym kierunkiem jego działalności naukowej są badania zjawisk losowych i zastosowanie metod probabilistycznych oraz teorii niezawodności w budownictwie, a w szczególności w geotechnice. Autor i współautor około stu publikacji naukowych, w tym szeregu książek...
Postawy pracowników wobec zróżnicowania wiekowego w zespołach i organizacjach
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy postaw pracowników wobec zróżnicowania wiekowego w zespołach i organizacjach. W literaturze podkreśla się, że czynnikiem warunkującym efektywność takich zespołów są postawy pracowników wobec osób z innych grup wiekowych oraz wobec pracy z nimi, a ocena postaw pracowników jest niezbędna do wykorzystania właściwych metod zarządzania takim zespołem. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących...
Variability in the distribution of phytoplankton as affected by changes to the main physical parameters in the Baltic Sea**The study was financially supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: No. N N305 111636, N N306 353239) and ECOOP IP WP 10.1.3 Project. Partial support for this study was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – SatBatłyk project founded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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X-ray images of Baltic herring. Data analysis
Open Research DataBased on the developed methodology for the: (i) optimal method of catching, (ii) transporting and storing fish, (iii) measuring and (iv) analyzing X-rays images, the existing collection of X-ray images of Baltic herring, caught in October 2002 during the Swedish component of the Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS) in the Baltic proper (ICES...
Niezgodność przekonań i działań menedżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problematyki postaw i działań menadżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+. W literaturze dotyczącej zarządzania wiekiem przytaczane są wyniki badań na temat cech charakteryzujących starszych pracowników. Porównuje się je czasami z cechami przypisywanymi pracownikom młodym. Cel prezentowanych w artykule badań sformułowany został nieco inaczej i dotyczył zweryfikowania zbieżności zalet przypisywanych starszym pracownikom...
Katarzyna Tubielewicz dr
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PublicationThe paper refers to the dynamic short-term response analysis of the Baltic steel drilling platform (see Fig.2) in a random sea-state represented by one-dimensional wave spectrum proposed by Striekalov and Massel and it is recommended for the Baltic Sea area. The Baltic drilling platform is a jack-up type platform for the exploration and exploitation of oil under the Baltic Sea. The analysis presented deals with the stationary...
Best Agers Lighthouses - strategie zarządzania wiekiem w MSP w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego
PublicationW artykule podjęto problematykę zarządzania wiekiem w przedsiębiorstwach sektora MSP. Zaprezentowano założenia międzynarodowego projektu Best Agers Lighthouses - strategic age management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region realizowanego w ramach Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
Methodology of the Morphometry Study on Baltic Herring
PublicationAcoustic techniques are used in the estimation of the abundance of Baltic herring. Investigations of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength TS and the total fish length L, significant in the acoustic assessment, demonstrated its de-pendence on the study area location. It motivated the detailed analysis of the relationship between herring from the southern Baltic ICES Subdivisions 24, 25, and 26,...
Occurrence of Cyanobacteria in the Gulf of Gdańsk (2008–2009)
PublicationBlooms of cyanobacteria develop each summer in the Baltic Sea. Collecting complete data on this phenomenon is helpful in understanding the changes taking place in the Baltic Sea and forecasting the occurrence of these phenomena in the future. This dataset includes unpublished information about the occurrence of cyanobacteria in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic) in 2008 and 2009. The presented data combines basic physic-ochemical...
Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationThe work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...
Cyanobacterial and Algal Strains in the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
PublicationThe dataset titled Microalgal strains from “Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)” is a representation of cyanobacterial and microalgal cultures isolated from the Baltic Sea. It is a unique catalogue of strains of the dominant and rare species found in the Baltic phytoplankton and microphytobenthos assemblages. The main purpose of the collection is to extend the knowledge on the Baltic microbial communities by providing...
Extraction, separation, and specification of cyanobacterial photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments by easily available techniques
Open Research DataFiles contain raw spectrophotometric specta of cyanobacterial pigments - water soluble phycobilins and lipophilic pigments. The UV-Vis spectra were recorded also for raw cultures of cyanobacteria isolated from Baltic Sea (Synechocystis salina, Microcystis aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Nodularia spumigena, and Anabaena cylindrica). During the...
Hybrid constructed wetlands for the National Parks in Poland - a case study, requirements, dimensioning, preliminary results
PublicationWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations con struction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
The Sea And The Beach As Composition Elements Of The Coastal Gardens In West Prussia In The 19th Century
PublicationThe melancholic and changeable character of the Baltic Sea has often been used in the painting of the romantic period. The sea and its beaches were also an important composition element as well as a supplement of Baltic coastal gardens which were founded in West Prussia in the 19th century. Gardens set up on the coast used various moods of nature, as well as extensive and beautiful sea landscapes, often leading to nostalgia. The...
Remote command and control capabilities for data acquisition systems provided by delay-tolerant network mechanisms
PublicationThe paper presents an assessment of a remote device reconfiguration service employing a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) mechanisms. This service has been implemented as a part of a communication appliance dedicated to marine data transfer in off-shore and open sea areas. The service has been successfully deployed and validation test have been completed. The practical use-case has been defined as remote access to the equipment operating...
Frequency of neoplasia in the baltic clam Limecola balthica from the Gulf of Gdańsk between 1999-2002
Open Research DataThe presented dataset contains data describing the frequency of neoplasia in one of the most common bivalve species inhabiting the Baltic Sea, the baltic clam Limecola balthica. The frequency of neoplasia was assessed at various locations of the Gulf of Gdańsk between years 1999 - 2002. The dataset contains information describing the sampling areas...
Degradation of Polycaptolactone Modified with TPS or CaCO3 in Biotic/Abiotic Sewater
PublicationThe polymer degradation process in two types of water sourced from the Baltic Sea was investigated. Polycaprolactone modified with thermoplastic starch(PCL/TPS>85%) or calcium carbonate (60% PCL/40% CaCO3)and PCL alone were incubated for 28 weeks in sea water with and without microrganisms. The experimental results indicated that in each of the experiments degradation occured. The process was more effective in sea water with microorganisms.Modification...
Marek Kowalewski dr
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Environmemtal Degradation of Ramie Fibre Reinforced Biocomposites
PublicationThe estimation of environmental degradibility of different fibre reinforced biocomposites in Baltic sea and in compost with activated sludge under natural conditions is the subject of this paper. Two types of biocomposites, ramie fibre/ecoflex and ramie fibre/cellulose nanofibre reinforced corn starch resin, were studied.It was demonstrated that the biocomposites with natural fibre of ramie were degraded in compost faster than...
The best practices transfer part II
PublicationThis report has been produced within Work Package 4 of the EU-funded project QUICK IGA The project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013
Study of swimbladder morphometry of Baltic herring and sprat (development of measurement methodology)
PublicationEffective management of Baltic clupeids, which are valuable commercially and ecologically,requires the biomass control. The acoustical techniques are recognized as effective in fishstock assessment. The study of Baltic herring and sprat individual backscatteringcharacteristics is required for the accurate biomass estimation using acoustical techniques.The previous measurements demonstrated significant...
SatBałtyk – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing project in Poland. Part 2: Practical applicability and preliminary results**This work was carried out within the framework of the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund, (contract No. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09 entitled ‘The Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment’) and also as a part of IO PAS’s statutory research.The paper was presented in part at the 6th International Conference ‘Current Problems in the Optics of Natural Waters’, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6–10 September 2011.
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SatBałtyk – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing project in Poland. Part 1: Assumptions, scope and operating range**This work was carried out within the framework of the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund, (contract No. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09 entitled ‘The Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment’) and also as a part of IO PAS’s statutory research.The paper was presented in part at the 6th International Conference ‘Current Problems in the Optics of Natural Waters’ St. Petersburg, Russia, 6–10 September 2011.
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Biodegradable polymer packaging materials - influence on environment
PublicationAwareness of the waste problem and its impact on the environment has awakened new interest in the area of biodegradable polymers. Biodegradation of various polymers have been studied under diverse environments like in soil, in sewage sludge, in compost conditions and in sea water by different research groups. The aim of this paper is to present the research methods on the biodegradation of the commercially available biodegradable...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublicationThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Work and formal retirement age - opinions of SWE employees participating in the Best Agers Lighthouses International Project
PublicationThe paper presents selected results of studies carried out within the framework of the international project Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region, related to the assessment of the opportunities to continue working beyond the retirement age in the opinion of workers.
Marzena Starnawska dr
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Impact of Microphytobenthos Photosynthesis on the Characteristics of the Echo Signal from Baltic Sandy Sediments
PublicationThe understanding the influence of biological processes on the characteristics of the signals backscattered by the sea floor is crucial in the development of the hydroacoustical benthic habitat classification techniques. The impact of the microphytobenthos photosynthesis on the acoustical backscattering properties of the Atlantic sandy sediments was previously demonstrated by Holliday et al. (2004) and Wildman and Huettel (2012). To...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublicationIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublicationIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Piotr Konieczka prof. dr hab. inż.
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Numerical Model of Surface and Quasi-Spherical Sea Noise and Its Application to Analysis of DIFAR Systems
PublicationVarious types of passive sonar systems are used to detect submarines. These activities are complex and demanding. Therefore, computer simulations are most often used at the design stage of these systems. For this reason, it is also necessary to simulate the acoustic ambient noise of the sea. The article proposes a new numerical model of surface and quasi-spherical sea noise and presents its statistical parameters. The results of...
Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) – the ecosystem module**The study was supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: N N305 111636, N N306 353239). Partial support was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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PublicationStudy of the sea noise has been a subject of interest for years. The first work of this scope were published at the turn of the twentieth century by Knudsen (KNUDSEN et al., 1948) and G. Wenz (WENZ, 1962). Disturbances called "shipping noise" are one of the important components of the sea noise. In this work the results of an experimental research of underwater noise produced by a small ship of a classic propulsion are...
Microalgal strains from the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains information on the cyanobacterial and microalgal strains maintained at the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) at the Institute of Oceanography UG. The collection maintains cyanobacterial and algal strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and additionally several strains collected from a wide range of habitats. The culture collection...
Investigating the sustainability, utilisation, consumption and conservation of sea mammals – A systematic review
PublicationAlmost 80 % of the oceans, especially the Arctic and Subarctic are primarily inhabited by marine mammals. Marine species depend mostly on sea ice for food, raising their young ones and safeguarding themselves from predators. Consumption of marine mammals has always been recommended as healthy, but the truth is that it can be detrimental for human health because of sea water pollution from trash and chemicals. This systematic review...
The state of the art in the field of decrease the pollution in the South Baltic area
PublicationVarious form of human activity such as maritime transports, industrial activities, busy traffic, intensive farming and animal husbandry can have negative impact on natural marine environment. Baltic Sea catchment area is characterized by the high river water flux and wastewater treatment plants discharges. Additionally, the limited shallow connection to the North Sea results in little water exchange and residence time of approximately...
Analysis of the Water Level Variation at the Polish Part of the Vistula Lagoon (2008-2017)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of the following data:
MSRL 2.0. as a new method for research education on urban issues
PublicationThe MSRL 2.0. research is focused on the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) as a multidimensional urban phenomenon with Gdansk acting as a hub for the research teams. The idea of the MSRL 2.0. is to promote the collaboration of professionals and graduate and PhD students by bringing together the mentor(s) with a local research team sharing experiences and proposing strategic recommendations to strengthen sustainable urban development initiatives...
MASTER BSR Transfer, Development and Implementation of a common vocational Training to Master in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002372 agreement
PublicationThe rapid development of scanning technology, especially mobile scanning, gives the possibility to collect spatial data coming from maritime measurement platforms and autonomous manned or unmanned vehicles. Presented solution is derived from the mobile scanning. However we should keep in mind that the specificity of laser scanning at sea and processing collected data should be in the form acceptable in Geographical Information...
Mercury concentrations in marine biota with special focus on grey and ringed seals
PublicationMarine organisms are exposed and sensitive to effects of environmental contamination by heavy metals including different forms of mercury. Baltic seals as the top predators of the marine ecosystem are even more endangered due to (considerable) longevity as well as a long biological half-time of toxin elimination. The concentrations of mercury in seals from the Baltic is poorly known, thus the aim of this work is to determine and...