Search results for: analytical methods
Modified GAPI (MoGAPI) Tool and Software for the Assessment of Method Greenness: Case Studies and Applications
PublicationThe green analytical procedure index (GAPI) has been widely used to assess the greenness of different steps in analytical methodology. In the GAPI index, the different stages of the chemical analysis process are depicted using five pentagrams divided in subsections, labeled green, yellow, or red according to the degree of greenness. This GAPI tool provides a quick overview of the environmental impact and safety of the procedure....
Applications of nanosorbents in dispersive solid phase extraction/microextraction approaches for monitoring of synthetic dyes in various types of samples: A review
PublicationNanosorbents are frequently used in analytical chemistry for their various applications, including extraction and microextraction of synthetic dyes. Synthetic dyes pose a threat to living organisms, particularly humans, due to their worldwide use in a variety of industries. The removal and quantification of synthetic dyes from various matrices is becoming increasingly important. The use of nanosorbents in dispersive solid phase...
Common methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine and related compounds II: Capillary electrophoresis and nuclear magnetic resonance
PublicationAmphetamine group and related ring-substituted substances are generally synthetic compounds, belonging to one of the most heavily abused drug groups in recent years. Some compounds in this class also originate from plants. Analysis of the enantiomers of AM-type compounds and metabolites is extremely important for a number of scientific disciplines. From studies of biological activity or mechanisms through determination of precursor...
The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
PublicationIn the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal...
Sampling Strategies: Statistics of Sampling
PublicationEach step of the analytical procedure has a significant influence on the final result of the analysis. In the majority of cases the analytical procedure encompasses sampling because the analysis of the entire object (material) is usually not possible. Thus it is necessary to include the uncertainty related to sampling procedure in the uncertainty budget calculations. In the paper: the most important properties of the analysed...
Application of multicriteria decision analysis in solvent type optimization for chlorophenols determination with a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
PublicationThis study presents a novel support tool for the optimization and development of analytical methods. The tool is based on multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), namely the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), that allows users to rank possible solutions according to their requirements. In this study, we performed rankings of pairs of eight extraction and three dispersive solvents used...
Classification and fingerprinting of kiwi and pomelo fruits by multivariate analysis of chromatographic and spectroscopic data
PublicationThe fingerprinting capacity of two analytical techniques, HPLC and UV-Vis spectroscopy in the case of fruits samples (kiwi and pomelo) has been investigated. The multivariate exploratory techniques were used for sample discrimination according to the fruit species and subspecies. The combination of principal component analysis with linear discriminant analysis is opening new directions in the fingerprinting analysis. The classifications...
Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach for Force Prediction in End Milling of 42CrMo4 Steel
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Simple analytical considerations on a thermal-flow operating parameters of a heat storage tank
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Analytical studies on deposition and entrainment present in the Venturi nozzle two-phase flow
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Analytical model of torsional vibrations of typical sawing machine main drive system
PublicationPrzedstawiono model fizyczny i matematyczny drgań skrętnych napędu głównego typowej pilarki tarczowej. Model tworzą elementy sztywne SES połączone między sobą za pośrednictwem elementów sprężysto - tłumiących EST w układzie szeregowym. W modelu matematycznym uwzględniono: właściwości dynamiczne silnika napędowego, wymiary piły tarczowej, cechy materiału obrabianego (wymiary, rodzaj drewna, wilgotność drewna) oraz właściwości dynamiczne...
Studies of human and veterinary drugs' fate in environmental solid samples- analytical problems.
PublicationW różnych ośrodkach naukowych na całym świecie trwają prace nad poznaniem losu środowiskowego zanieczyszczeń z grupy farmaceutyków. Obecność pozostałości farmaceutycznych w poszczególnych elementach środowiska stanowi nowe wyzwanie zarówno z punktu widzenia technologii oczyszczania wód i ścieków jak i analityków, których zadaniem jest opracowanie nowych metodyk analitycznych. W publikacji przedstawiono problemy z jakimi stykają...
Half-order analytical modelling of ferromagnetic sheet. Validation with finite elements simulation
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Optimization of liquid chromatographic separation of pharmaceuticals within green analytical chemistry framework
PublicationThe contribution is aimed at the development of methodology that allows to consider green analytical chemistry criteria during optimization of liquid chromatographic separation with design of experiment. The objectives of the optimization are maximization of peak areas of five non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, maximization of resolution between peaks, with simultaneous shortening of chromatographic separation time and minimization...
An analytical hierarchy process for selection of the optimal procedure for resveratrol determination in wine samples
PublicationThe study shows the application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in ranking the analytical procedures, that are applied for resveratrol determination in wine samples. 19 different analytical methodologies are described by metrological, economic and environmental criteria, that are further divided into 10 subcriteria. Before AHP application, the amount of input data is decreased with cluster analysis. The first run of AHP is...
Verification of the Analytical Traffic Model of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Using the Simulation Model
PublicationIn this paper we verify the previously proposed analytical traffic model of a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). For this reason a proper simulation model used, in which not theoretical queuing system models but the operation of real network elements and standardized call scenarios are accurately implemented. Consequently,...
On Nonlinear Bending Study of a Piezo-Flexomagnetic Nanobeam Based on an Analytical-Numerical Solution
PublicationAmong various magneto-elastic phenomena, flexomagnetic (FM) coupling can be defined as a dependence between strain gradient and magnetic polarization and, contrariwise, elastic strain and magnetic field gradient. This feature is a higher-order one than piezomagnetic, which is the magnetic response to strain. At the nanoscale, where large strain gradients are expected, the FM effect is significant and could be even dominant. In...
Analytical applications and physicochemical properties of ionic liquid-based hybrid materials: A review
PublicationIonic liquids with their unique properties found so far numerous analytical applications. Among them ionic liquids immobilized on the surface or within the pores of a solid support were successfully utilized in extraction techniques dedicated to preconcentration of the analytes from food, environmental and biological samples. In this review we focus on comprehensive summarizing of available literature data on the examples of ionic...
PublicationThe article discusses issues related with storage of granular materials in silos made of corrugated sheets and reinforced with vertical ribs. Advantages and disadvantages of these structures are named, and typical technological solutions used by largest silo producers are presented. Moreover, basic assumptions of Eurocode 3 are discussed in the context of determining the buckling load capacity of a ribbed jacket. Alternative methods...
Determination of antibiotic residues in honey
PublicationHoney produced by honeybees is a valuable food product. The presence of xenobiotics in honey may harm its quality and constitute a danger to human health. Antibiotics are commonly applied by beekeepers to eliminate disease among honeybees. Moreover, ubiquitous administration of antibiotics may cause bacteria to become resistant to many drugs and spread antibioticresistant strains of bacteria. Appropriate sample preparation and...
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichal Michna received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Gdansk, Poland, in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Since 2004, he was employed at the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines of the Gdańsk University of Technology (assistant, assistant professor, senior lecturer). In 2010-2015 he was a deputy of head of the Department of Power Electronics and...
Problems and challenges associated with estimating the emissions of organic compounds from indoor materials
PublicationFor several years intensive research has been carried out with the aim of developing a database of the types and amounts of pollutants released from indoor materials to the indoor environment. The paper discusses in detail basic problems and challenges encountered when estimating the emissions of chemical compounds released from of indoor materials. Factors affecting the validity of data obtained by using two different types of...
Development of different methods for drugs and psychoactive substances extraction from hair samples and their identification based on HPLC-ESI-QTOF analysis
PublicationOver the past decade, the use of non-controlled designer drugs and drug of abuse has rapidly increased. Hair, as a human matrix, enables detection of drugs incorporated into its structure. Studies of presence and identification of drug metabolites in human hair samples has been performed using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS) with steady alternation of...
Chiral analysis of chloro intermediates of methylamphetamine by one-dimensional and multidementional NMR and GC/MS
PublicationImpurity profiling and classification of abused drugs using chiral analytical techniques is of particular interest and importance because of the additional information obtained fromthis approach. When these methods are applied to the synthesis of illicitly used substances, they can supply valuable information about the conditions/chemicals used in the synthesis. We have applied GC and NMR methods to the study of intermediates found...
Deep eutectic solvents with solid supports used in microextraction processes applied for endocrine-disrupting chemicals
PublicationThe determination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has become one of the biggest challenges in Analytical Chemistry. Due to the low concentration of these compounds in different kinds of samples, it becomes necessary to employ efficient sample preparation methods and sensitive measurement techniques to achieve low limits of detection. This issue becomes even more struggling when the principles of the Green Analytical Chemistry...
Reliable method of assessing fracture properties of asymmetric bonded joints
PublicationTwo methods of assessing fracture properties of adhesive joints were studied. Two wedge tests: with continuous deflection and with force measurements were compared. Asymmetric geometry of the bonded joint was considered, i.e. two different plates of aluminium alloys: Al-Cu and Al-Mg, were bonded with epoxy DGEBA adhesive. The analytical model is shown to estimate the values of fracture properties: crack position and critical fracture...
Selected analytical challenges in the determination of pharmaceuticals in drinking/marine waters and soil/sediment samples
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Analytical Techniques for Determining Pharmaceutical Residues in Drinking Water – State of Art and Future Prospects
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Analytical techniques for trace organic compounds-III: Mass spectrometry in trace organic analysis
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Exact analytical scattering lengths for a class of long-range potentials with r(-4) asymptotics.
PublicationWyprowadzono analityczne wyrażenie dla długości rozpraszania dla pewnej klasy potencjałów zanikających asymptotycznie jak r do (-4). Wpływ rdzenia potencjału uwzględniono poprzez dwa parametry: promień rdzenia oraz krótkozasięgową długość rozpraszania.
Miniaturised analytical procedure of determining polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in bottom sediments
PublicationOpisano metodę oznaczania bardzo niskich stężeń polichlorowanych bifenyli w obecności wysokich zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych. Analizie techniką GC-MS poddawany jest ekstrakt z 1 g próbki osadu. Jako standardy wewnętrzne zastosowano Naftalen-d8, benzo[a]antracen-d12 i PCB 209. Średni odzysk standardów przedstawiał się następująco: 65, 55 i 60% odpowiednio. Do izolacji frakcji PCB stosowano niekomercyjne...
The influence of the thickness, recombination and space charge on the loss of photocurrent in organic semiconductors: an analytical model
PublicationWe propose an analytical model of the photocurrent efficiency dependence on the light intensity in organic semiconductors. The influence of the thickness of sample, space charge effects and recombination of charge on the loss of photocurrent has been considered. We demonstrate that the presented model is the enhancement of an analytical model reported recently by Rappaport et al (2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 033714). The method to identify...
Trends in edible vegetable oils analysis. Part B. Application of different analytical techniques
PublicationW publikacji przeglądowej przedstawiono najnowsze osiągnięcia w instrumentalnej analizie olejów roślinnych. Dotychczas w ocenie stabilności oksydatywnej stosuje się różne metody analityczne, jednak nie są one wystarczające. Dlatego ciągle istnieje potrzeba rozwoju nowych łączonych technik, które umożliwią lepszą kontrolę jakości olejów. Publikacja przedstawia zarówno techniki przygotowywania próbek do analiz jak i metody instrumentalne...
Analytical calculations of scattering lengths for a class of long-range potentials of interest for atomic physics
PublicationWe derive two equivalent analytical expressions for an $l$th partial-wave scattering length $a_{l}$ for central potentials with long-range tails of the form % \begin{math} \displaystyle V(r)=-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}\frac{Br^{n-4}}{(r^{n-2}+R^{n-2})^{2}} -\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}\frac{C}{r^{2}(r^{n-2}+R^{n-2})}, \end{math} % ($r\geqslant r_{s}$, $R>0$). % For $C=0$, this family of potentials reduces to the Lenz potentials discussed in...
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory. A practical approach : Second edition
PublicationThe second edition defines the tools used in QA/QC, especially the application of statistical tools during analytical data treatment. Clearly written and logically organized, it takes a generic approach applicable to any field of analysis. The authors begin with the theory behind quality control systems, then detail validation parameter measurements, the use of statistical tests, counting the margin of error, uncertainty estimation,...
Computational modeling of molecularly imprinted polymers as a green approach to the development of novel analytical sorbents
PublicationThe development of novel molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) sorbents for specific chemical compounds require a lot of tedious and time-consuming laboratory work. Significant quantities of solvents and reagents are consumed in the course of the verification of appropriate configurations of polymerization reagents. Implementation of molecular modeling in the MIP sorbent development process appears to provide a solution to this...
Multivariate statistical comparison of analytical procedures for benzene and phenol determination with respect to their environmental impact
PublicationThe studydescribesthepossibilityofapplicationofself-organizingmapstechniquetoassessthe greenness ofanalyticalmethodologies.Themetrologicaland “environmentalimpact” parametersof proceduresforbenzeneandphenoldeterminationinwatersamplesweresetsofinputdatafor chemometric analysis.Totally47objectsand8variablesformedthedatausedforanalysis.Themajor factors responsiblefornon-greencharacterofthemethodologyaretheamountoforganicsolventand amount...
Analytical method for calculation of heat source temperature drop for the Organic Rankine Cycle application
PublicationIn the paper presented are considerations on the cooperation of the limited capacity heat source with the Organic Rankine Cycle unit. Usually the heat source providing thermal energy to the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) may have twofold characteristics. It can be in the form of a single phase fluid, i.e. as hot exhaust gas or hot liquid, or in some cases it may be available as a phase changing fluid, as for example, technological...
Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Grouping of Analytical Procedures for Phthalates Determination in Disposable Baby Diapers
PublicationThis study presents the application of one of the tools from the multicriteria decision analysis set (MCDA), the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Selected green analytical chemistry metrics were used to rank analytical procedures for the phthalate determination in disposable baby diapers. Nine analytical procedures were assessed in order to find one that has the lowest environmental impact...
Local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of channel member flange - analytical approach
PublicationThe local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of the cold-formed channel member flange is investigated. The governing nonlinear differential equation for axially compressed columns and beams undergoing pure bending is derived using the stationary total potential energy principle. The critical stress and initial post-buckling equilibrium path is determined by means of a perturbation approach. The results obtained allow...
Analytical Traffic Model for a Multidomain IMS/NGN Network Including Service and Transport Stratum
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of modelling call processing performance (CPP) in a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture including the elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in service stratum and based on the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology in transport stratum. An analytical traffic model for such an architecture is proposed by integrating the formerly implemented submodels of service...
Greening procedures and analytical parameters. The polychlorinated naphthalenes analysis in complex matrices as proof of concept
PublicationDue to the complexity of analytical procedures employed for the determination of wide spectrum of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), it is important to consider the green character of the applied protocols and propose the greenest solutions. In this review, the green aspects of several analytical procedures used for the determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) (as a representatives of POPs) in different types of...
Pre-analytical aspects in metabolomics of human biofluids – sample collection, handling, transport, and storage
PublicationMetabolomics is the field of omics research that offers valuable insights into the complex composition of biological samples. It has found wide application in clinical diagnostics, disease investigation, therapy prediction, monitoring of treatment efficiency, drug discovery, or in-depth analysis of sample composition. A suitable study design constitutes the fundamental requirements to ensure robust and reliable results from the...
A review of recent advances in the single- and multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic piezoelectric motors
PublicationIn this paper a comprehensive review of recent studies on the ultrasonic piezoelectric motors is presented. The analytical, numerical and experimental analysis. In further sections, classification methods of piezoelectric motors, survey criteria and three main groups of ultrasonic piezoelectric motors with examples have been presented and described. Finally, the conclusions and future research perspectives have been proposed.
Application of ionic liquids in microextraction techniques: Current trends and future perspectives
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) with their unique properties found so far numerous analytical applications. Among them ILs both in their liquid form and immobilized on the surface or within the pores of a solid support were successfully utilized in microextraction techniques. The scope of this review will cover a comprehensive summarizing of available literature data on selected properties of ILs playing a key role in analytical purposes,...
Green Aspects of Miniaturized Sample Preparation Techniques
PublicationCorrect monitoring and control of the state of the environment and scientific research on the subject of environmental protection often require that determinations of compounds present at very low concentrations be made in samples characterized by a matrix of complex composition (e.g., biological samples, water and soil samples). Moreover, due to the limited number of analytical techniques which are sufficiently sensitive to conduct...
Problems and chellenges to determine pesticide residues in bumblebees
PublicationBumblebees play an important role in t he pollination process of many crops and flowers. Therefore, taking action to protect and assess the impact of p esticides on these insects is fully justi fied. Pesticides may cause mortality and also sub-lethal effects that are not always directly visible. Bumblebees, like honeybees, can be used as indicators for environmental monitoring contamination. Two approaches are mainly used for the...
Novel materials and approaches for solid-phase (micro) extraction in LC-MS-based metabolomics
PublicationMetabolomics offers a unique approach to study biological systems. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry serves as a powerful analytical tool to analyze complex mixtures of metabolites. However, successful metabolomic analysis relies on sample preparation. While untargeted analysis traditionally favors nonselective procedures like liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), these methods can compromise analytical performance due...
Magnetic deep eutectic solvents – Fundamentals and applications
PublicationMagnetic deep eutectic solvents (MDES), a relatively new subclass of conventional deep eutectic solvents (DES) containing additional paramagnetic components in their structure. MDES exhibit a strong response toward external magnetic fields, thus they can improve many industrial and analytical applications. In addition, this new group of solvents present unique physicochemical properties that can be easily tuned by selecting the...
Agata Kot-Wasik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgata Kot-Wasik, born in 1964 in Siedlce, graduated in 1988 from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology in Industrial and Technical Analysis. In 1988-1992 she was employed in the Department of Organic Chemistry. In 1990, she completed postgraduate studies "Instrumental techniques in the traces analysis and Environmental Protection" at GUT, and in 1992 began PhD Studies at the Faculty of Chemistry, GUT, which...