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Search results for: blood
Efficacy of tranexamic acid supplemented with local infiltration analgesia in reducing blood loss in patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
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Efficacy of tranexamic acid supplemented with local infiltration analgesia in reducing blood loss in patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
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Arterial Blood Pressure Features of Hypertensive Patients with Typical and Atypical 460 nm Skin Fluorescence Response to Transient Ischaemia
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Inulin-type fructans trigger changes in iron concentration and activity of bone metabolism biomarkers in blood plasma of growing pigs
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Ratio of selenium concentrations between soil, forage plants and blood serum of beef cattle studied in organic and conventional farms
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Abelson Helper Integration Site 1 haplotypes and peripheral blood expression associates with lithium response and immunomodulation in bipolar patients
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PublicationThere is increasing evidence that heart performance directly influences cerebral perfusion. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the cardiac contribution to the relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations.
Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring as a guide to drug treatment of uncontrolled hypertensive patients: effects on home blood pressure in the BEAUTY study
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Determination of trace levels of eleven bisphenol A analogues in human blood serum by high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationChemicals showing structural or functional similarity to bisphenol A (BPA), commonly called BPA analogues, have recently drawn scientific attention due to their common industrial and commercial application as a substitute for BPA. In the European Union, the use of BPA has been severely restricted by law due to its endocrine disrupting properties. Unfortunately, it seems that all BPA analogues show comparable biological activity,...
Relationship between heart rate variability, blood pressure and arterial wall properties during air and oxygen breathing in healthy subjects
PublicationPrevious studies reported that normobaric hyperoxia influences heart rate, arterial pressure, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance, but the mechanisms underlying these changes are still not fully understood. Several factors are considered including degeneration of endothelium-derived nitric oxide by reactive oxygen species, the impact of oxygen-free radicals on tissues and alterations of autonomic nervous system function....
Natural fish oil improves the differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells to oligodendrocytes in vitro after interaction with the blood–brain barrier
PublicationThe blood–brain barrier (BBB) tightly controls the microenvironment of the central nervous system (CNS) to allow neurons to function properly. Additionally, emerging studies point to the beneficial effect of natural oils affecting a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes in the human body. In this study, using an in vitro model of the BBB, we tested the influence of natural fish oil mixture (FOM) vs. borage oil...
Presence of Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA in blood cells is a frequent event in patients with the late stage of primary cutaneous lymphomas and with atopic dermatitis
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Radiation-related Changes in Serum Proteome Profiles Detected by Mass Spectrometry in Blood of Patients Treated with Radiotherapy Due to Larynx Cancer
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Radiation-related Changes in Serum Proteome Profiles Detected by Mass Spectrometry in Blood of Patients Treated with Radiotherapy Due to Larynx Cancer
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BRCA1 Loss Preexisting in Small Subpopulations of Prostate Cancer Is Associated with Advanced Disease and Metastatic Spread to Lymph Nodes and Peripheral Blood
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Acute Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Blood Flow Restriction on Movement Velocity During Bench Press Exercise Against Different Loads
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Single nucleotide polymorphisms in A4GALT spur extra products of the human Gb3/CD77 synthase and underlie the P1PK blood group system
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Is the Fatty Acids Profile in Blood a Good Predictor of Liver Changes? Correlation of Fatty Acids Profile with Fatty Acids Content in the Liver
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C-Reactive Protein and White Blood Cell Count in Non-Infective Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Intravenous Thrombolysis
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Activity ofα1-Antitrypsin and Some Lysosomal Enzymes in the Blood Serum of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease after Smoking Cessation
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Outcome-Driven Thresholds for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Based on the New American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Classification of Hypertension
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Effects of Renal Sympathetic Denervation on Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea Course, and Glycemic Control in Patients With Resistant Hypertension and Sleep Apnea
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The competence of primary care doctors in the investigation of patients with elevated blood pressure: results of a cross‐sectional study using clinical vignettes
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Influence of duration of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate profile
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The influence of BDNF on human umbilical cord blood stem/progenitor cells: Implications for stem cell-based therapy of neurodegenerative disorders
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Effect of feeding various levels of poultry by-product meal on the blood parameters, filet composition and structure of female tenches (Tinca tinca)
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Influence of Acute Jugular Vein Compression on the Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity, Pial Artery Pulsation and Width of Subarachnoid Space in Humans
PublicationCelem pracy jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań dotyczących oceny wpływu silnego obustronnego zwężenia żył szyjnych na amplitudę pulsacji i zmiany szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej, prędkość przepływu mózgowego krwi, obwodowe ciśnienie krwi oraz możliwe relacje między wymienionymi parametrami.
Plasma n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids association with blood pressure level in healthy males. Part 2
PublicationRegularne spożycie ryb i długołańcuchowych kwasów tłuszczowych (PUFA) rodziny n-3, pochodzenia morskiego, może obniżać ciśnienie tętnicze krwi i zmniejszać ryzyko choroby wieńcowej. Jednak wpływ poszczególnych kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny n-3 i n-6 PUFA na ciśnienie tetnicze jest nadal kontrowersyjny. Celem pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy wysokością ciśnienia tętniczego krwi a zawartością n-3 i n-6 PUFA w surowicy i...
Increased inspiratory resistance alters the cardiac contribution to the dynamic relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations in healthy subjects
PublicationThere is increasing evidence that heart performance directly influences cerebral perfusion. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance will affect the cardiac contribution to the relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations.
Systolic blood pressure control prevents cognitive decline and slows development of white matter lesions in the brain: the SPRINT MIND study outcomes
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Sympathetic Activation Does Not Affect the Cardiac and Respiratory Contribution to the Relationship between Blood Pressure and Pial Artery Pulsation Oscillations in Healthy Subjects
PublicationUsing a novel method called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) and subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans, we assessed the influence of sympathetic activation on the cardiac and respiratory contribution to blood pressure (BP) cc-TQ oscillations in healthy subjects. The pial artery and subarachnoid width response to handgrip...
Human red blood cells targeted metabolome analysis of glycolysis cycle metabolites by capillary electrophoresis using an indirect photometric detection method
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Replication of hepatitis C virus in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin
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Corrigendum to “Blood pressure disturbances and endothelial dysfunction markers in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes” [Atherosclerosis 237 (2014) 129–134]
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Blood free Radicals Concentration Determined by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia Occurrence in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
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Current understanding of the effects of inspiratory resistance on the interactions between systemic blood pressure, cerebral perfusion, intracranial pressure, and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
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Blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk profile in hypertensive patients from central and eastern European countries: results of the BP-CARE study
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Ambulatory Systolic Blood Pressure is Related to the Deletion Allele of the Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Gene in Young Normotensives with Parental History of Hypertension
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New Gene Markers of Angiogenesis and Blood Vessels Development in Porcine Ovarian Granulosa Cells during Short-Term Primary Culture In Vitro
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Viability and intracellular nitric oxide generation in the umbilical cord blood CD34+CD133– and CD34+CD133+ cell populations exposed to local anaesthetics
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The Effect of Physical Activity and Repeated Whole-Body Cryotherapy on the Expression of Modulators of the Inflammatory Response in Mononuclear Blood Cells among Young Men
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Renal denervation achieved by endovascular delivery of ultrasound in RADIANCE-HTN SOLO or by radiofrequency energy in SPYRAL HTN-OFF and SPYRAL-ON lowers blood pressure
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Differentiating patients with obstructive sleep apnea from healthy controls based on heart rate-blood pressure coupling quantified by entropy-based indices
PublicationWe introduce an entropy-based classification method for pairs of sequences (ECPS) for quantifying mutual dependencies in heart rate and beat-to-beat blood pressure recordings. The purpose of the method is to build a classifier for data in which each item consists of two intertwined data series taken for each subject. The method is based on ordinal patterns and uses entropy-like indices. Machine learning is used to select a subset...
Hypertension types defined by clinic and ambulatory blood pressure in 14 143 patients referred to hypertension clinics worldwide. Data from the ARTEMIS study
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Levels of hemoglobin and lipid peroxidation metabolites in blood, catalase activity in erythrocytes and peak expiratory flow rate in subjects with passive exposure to tobacco smoke
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A label-free graphene-based impedimetric biosensor for real-time tracing of the cytokine storm in blood serum; suitable for screening COVID-19 patients
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Influence of Intensity RAMP Incremental Test on Peak Power, Post-Exercise Blood Lactate, and Heart Rate Recovery in Males: Cross-Over Study
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Dynamics of changes in iron concentration and total iron binding capacity in blood plasma of goat kids during their first month of life (Short Communication)
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Temporal Changes in Complexity of Cardiovascular Regulation during Head-Up Tilt Test by Entropic Measures of Fluctuations of Heart Period Intervals and Systolic Blood Pressure
PublicationTemporal changes in complexity of cardiovascular regulation during head-up tilt test by entropic measures of fluctuations of heart period intervals and systolic blood pressure