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Search results for: high-gain antenna
Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy
PublicationIn the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...
Recent weight gain in patients with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea
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Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor
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Gain deficit effect in the fractional delay filter design by the window method
PublicationMetoda okien jest sposobem szybkiego i skutecznego projektowania filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających. Jednakże wzmocnienie tak zaprojektowanego filtru różni się od zakładanej wartości idealnej. To zjawisko, nazywane deficytem wzmocnienia, negatywnie wpływa na jakoś projektowanego filtru. Artykuł poświęcono wynikom badań oraz metodom korekcji tego problemu. Omówiono wpływ współczynnika korekcji deficytu wzmocnienia na charakterystykę...
Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics
PublicationData-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...
Expedited EM-driven multi-objective antenna design in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublicationA technique for low-cost multi-objective optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is presented. The optimization procedure is expedited by exploiting fast surrogate models, including coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations and response surface approximations (RSA). The latter is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto non-dominated designs which are further refined using response correction methods....
Quasi-Global Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Principal Components and Affine Subspace-Spanned Surrogates
PublicationParametric optimization is a mandatory step in the design of contemporary antenna structures. Conceptual development can only provide rough initial designs that have to be further tuned, often extensively. Given the topological complexity of modern antennas, the design closure necessarily involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations and—in many cases—global search procedures. Both factors make antenna optimization a computationally...
Frequency-Reconfigurable Hybrid SIW-Based Self-Diplexing Antenna Using Solid and Liquid Dielectric Loading
PublicationThis paper presents a novel frequencyreconfigurable self-diplexing antenna (SDA) utilizing a hybrid substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW). The antenna comprises a radiating slot, a feeding network, and a hybrid SIW cavity featuring half-mode circular and half-mode rectangular SIW structures. The unique feature of this antenna lies in its fine-tuning capability of each resonant frequency by inserting or injecting solid and liquid...
Multi-objective antenna design by means of sequential domain patching
PublicationA simple yet robust methodology for rapid multiobjective design optimization of antenna structures has been presented. The key component of our approach is sequential domain patching of the design space which is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs, obtained by means of single-objective optimization runs. The patching process yields the initial approximation of the...
Highly-Miniaturized Microfluidically-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Half-Mode SIRW
PublicationThis article introduces a super-miniaturized frequency reconfigurable antenna diplexer based on microfluidic techniques. The proposed structure is developed using a half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular waveguide (HMSIRW). The antenna architecture consists of two HMSIRW cavities loaded with L-shaped slots, which are excited by two microstrip feedlines to realize two distinct radiating frequency bands. The footprint of the...
High pressure spectroscopy of chromium doped LiTaO3crystals
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On Accelerated Metaheuristic-Based Electromagnetic-Driven Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Response Features
PublicationDevelopment of present-day antenna systems is an intricate and multi-step process requiring, among others, meticulous tuning of designable (mainly geometry) parameters. Concerning the latter, the most reliable approach is rigorous numerical optimization, which tends to be re-source-intensive in terms of computing due to involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simu-lations. The cost-related issues are particularly pronounced whenever...
Fast EM-Driven Nature-Inspired Optimization of Antenna Input Characteristics Using Response Features and Variable-Resolution Simulation Models
PublicationUtilization of optimization technique is a must in the design of contemporary antenna systems. Often, global search methods are necessary, which are associated with high computational costs when conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) models. In this study, we introduce an innovative method for globally optimizing reflection responses of multi-band antennas. Our approach uses surrogates constructed based on response...
Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublicationThe development of modern high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Notwithstanding, EM-driven design entails considerable computational expenses. This is especially troublesome when solving tasks that require massive EM analyzes, parametric optimization and uncertainty quantification be-ing representative examples. The employment of...
Mutual Coupling Reduction in Antenna Arrays Using Artificial Intelligence Approach and Inverse Neural Network Surrogates
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach to reduce undesirable coupling in antenna arrays using custom-designed resonators and inverse surrogate modeling. To illustrate the concept, two stand-ard patch antenna cells with 0.07λ edge-to-edge distance are designed and fabricated to operate at 2.45 GHz. A stepped-impedance resonator is applied between the antennas to suppress their mutual coupling. For the first time, the optimum values...
Uniform sampling in constrained domains for low-cost surrogate modeling of antenna input characteristics
PublicationIn this letter, a design of experiments technique that permits uniform sampling in constrained domains is proposed. The discussed method is applied to generate training data for construction of fast replacement models (surrogates) of antenna input characteristics. The modeling process is design-oriented with the surrogate domain spanned by a set of reference designs optimized with respect to the performance figures and/or operating...
Simulation-Driven Antenna Modeling by Means of Response Features and Confined Domains of Reduced Dimensionality
PublicationIn recent years, the employment of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become imperative in the antenna design mainly for reliability reasons. While the CPU cost of a single simulation is rarely an issue, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive EM analyses may become a serious bottleneck. A widely used approach to lessen this cost is the employment of surrogate models, especially...
Efficient Simulation-Based Global Antenna Optimization Using Characteristic Point Method and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics
PublicationAntenna structures are designed nowadays to fulfil rigorous demands, including multi-band operation, where the center frequencies need to be precisely allocated at the assumed targets while improving other features, such as impedance matching. Achieving this requires simultaneous optimization of antenna geometry parameters. When considering multimodal problems or if a reasonable initial design is not at hand, one needs to rely...
Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublicationProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach
PublicationIn this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely on received signal strength...
On Unsupervised Artificial-Intelligence-Assisted Design of Antennas for High-Performance Planar Devices
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures is a challenging endeavor. It is laborious, and heavily reliant on engineering insight and experience, especially at the initial stages oriented towards the devel-opment of a suitable antenna architecture. Due to its interactive nature and hands-on procedures (mainly parametric studies) for validating suitability of particular geometric setups, typical antenna development requires many weeks...
Reduced-cost electromagnetic-driven optimisation of antenna structures by means of trust-region gradient-search with sparse Jacobian updates
PublicationNumerical optimisation plays more and more important role in the antenna design. Because of lack of design-ready theoretical models, electromagnetic (EM)-simulation-driven adjustment of geometry parameters is a necessary step of the design process. At the same time, traditional parameter sweeping cannot handle complex topologies and large number of design variables. On the other hand, high computational cost of the conventional...
Filter-Hilbert Method for Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements with Embedded Self-Calibration Mechanism
PublicationOne of the most important steps in the process of antenna development involves measurements of its prototype. Far-field performance of radiators is normally characterized in strictly controlled environments such as anechoic chambers which can ensure certification-grade accuracy. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by high construction costs which might not be justified for low-budget research and/or teaching-related activities....
Analysis of circular polarization antenna design trade‐offs using low‐cost EM‐driven multiobjective optimization
PublicationCircular polarization (CP) antennas are vital components of modern communication systems. Their design involves handling several requirements such as low reflection and axial ratio (AR) within the frequency range of interest. Small size is an important criterion for antenna mobility which is normally achieved as a by‐product of performance‐oriented modifications of the structure topology. In this work, multiobjective optimization...
An Efficient Simulation Method of Massive MIMO Antenna Arrays used in 5G Mobile Phones
PublicationThis paper deals with a model-order reduction method, applied to speed-up the simulations of MIMO antenna arrays, performed by means of finite element method. The obtained results of the numerical tests show that the described technique is reliable and considerably increases the efficiency of the standard finite element method.
RSS-Based DoA Estimation in 802.11p Frequency Band Using ESPAR Antenna and PPCC-MCP Method
PublicationIn this paper, the concept of direction of arrival (DoA) estimation using electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna designed to operate in IEEE 802.11p vehicular communication standard has been investigated with respect to different possible elevation angles of a radio frequency (RF) signal impinging the antenna. To this end, two different possible sets of the 3D antenna radiation patterns have been used...
Response Feature Technology for High-Frequency Electronics. Optimization, Modeling, and Design Automation
PublicationThis book discusses response feature technology and its applications to modeling, optimization, and computer-aided design of high-frequency structures including antenna and microwave components. By exploring the specific structure of the system outputs, feature-based approaches facilitate simulation-driven design procedures, both in terms of improving their computational efficiency and reliability. These benefits are associated...
A Compact Self-Hexaplexing Antenna Implemented on Substrate-Integrated Rectangular Cavity for Hexa-Band Applications
PublicationThis brief introduces a novel architecture of a compact self-hexaplexing antenna (SHA) implemented on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) for hexa-band applications. The proposed SHA is configured by using an SIRC resonator, two Pi-shaped slots (PSSs), and six 50Ω microstrip feedlines. The PSSs are connected back-to-back and loaded on top of the SIRC resonator to produce six patch radiators (PRs). The PRs are excited...
Increases in leptin levels, sympathetic drive, and weight gain in obstructive sleep apnea
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Gain Correction for Nearly Optimal Variable Fractional Sample Delay Filter Design
PublicationJedną z najbardziej efektywną numerycznie metodą projektowania filtrów jest metoda okien. Sprawia to, że takie podejście bardzo dobrze nadaje się do implementacji filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających o zmiennym opóźnieniu, gdzie wymagana jest częsta aktualizacja współczynników takiego filtru. Z drugiej strony, jeżeli wymagane są filtry wysokiej jakości wybór okna jest najczęściej problematyczny. Z tego powodu w pracy rozpatrzono użycie...
Editorial for the special issue on advances in forward and inverse surrogate modeling for high-frequency design
PublicationThe design of modern‐day high‐frequency devices and circuits, including microwave/RF, antenna and photonic components, historically has relied on full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Initially used for design verification, EM simulations are nowadays used in the design process itself, for example, for finding optimum values of geometry and/or material parameters of the structures of interest. In a growing number of...
High Ability Studies
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High Technology Letters
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High-Confidence Computing
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Performance evaluation of GPS anti-spoofing system based on antenna array processing
PublicationThis article concerns the problem of detection and mitigation of spoofing attacks in Global Navigation Satellite Systems. First, background information about spoofing and its possible countermeasures is provided. Next, concept of a novel GPS anti-spoofing system based on antenna array processing is presented and implementation of prototype of this system is described. The third section outlines the performance evaluation of proposed...
Modular high precision high current source for special applications — Simulation and verification
PublicationThis paper presents selected issues concerning realization of high precision high current source for special applications, where high demands of output parameters of such device are required. A new 80 kW prototype of modular high precision high current source is presented, where output current accuracy reaches 5x10-5. This paper presents also results of operation of the simulation model and of the prototype converter. In order...
Broadband Sonar with a Cylindrical Antenna
PublicationSkutkiem wzrostu szerokości widma sygnałów w sonarach z płaskimi antenami jest wzrost szerokości odchylanych wiązek, jeżeli beamformer dokonuje kompensacji faz tylko na częstotliwości środkowej widma. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń, które odpowiadają na pytanie, czy podobny efekt występuje w szerokopasmowych sonarach z anteną cylindryczną. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla anten nadawczych o szerokich wiązkach i anten odbiorczych...
Miniaturized Metal-Mountable U-shaped Inductive-Coupling-Fed UHF RFID Tag Antenna with Defected Microstrip Surface
PublicationThis study presents a novel miniature ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for metallic objects. Its arrangement includes a U-shaped feeder, which is inductively coupled to two E-type connected patches. Size reduction is achieved by means of utilizing the U-shaped feeder, and introducing a defection in the connection between the two E-type patches. The defection in the connection area between the...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Optimization Using Sequential Patching and Variable-Fidelity EM Models
PublicationIn this work, a technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures is presented. In our approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting design objectives is obtained by means of sequential patching of the design space. The latter is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs (obtained...
Expedited Feature-Based Quasi-Global Optimization of Multi-Band Antenna Input Characteristics with Jacobian Variability Tracking
PublicationDesign of modern antennas relies—for reliability reasons—on full-wave electromagnetic simulation tools. In addition, increasingly stringent specifications pertaining to electrical and field performance, growing complexity of antenna topologies, along with the necessity for handling multiple objectives, make numerical optimization of antenna geometry parameters a highly recommended design procedure. Conventional algorithms, particularly...
A Multi-Antenna Scheme for Early Detection and Mitigation of Intermediate GNSS Spoofing
PublicationThis article presents a method for detecting and mitigating intermediate GNSS spoofing. In this type of attack, at its early stage, a spoofer transmits counterfeit signals which have slight time offsets compared to true signals arriving from satellites. The anti-spoofing method proposed in this article fuses antenna array processing techniques with a multipath detection algorithm. The latter is necessary to separate highly correlated...
Detection and Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Weak Spread Spectrum Signals Received with Antenna Array
PublicationThis paper presents a method for the joint detection and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of low probability of detection (LPD) signals. The proposed approach is based on using the antenna array to receive spread-spectrum signals hidden below the noise floor. Array processing exploits the spatial correlation between phase-delayed copies of the signal and allows us to evaluate the parameter used to make the decision about the...
Design and optimization of a novel compact broadband linearly/circularly polarized wide-slot antenna for WLAN and Wi-MAX applications
PublicationA novel topologically modified structure of a compact low profile wide-slot antenna for broadband applications is presented. The antenna comprises a modified E-shaped slot with unequal arm lengths in the ground plane, and a parasitic quasi-rectangular loop placed coplanar with the feedline. For exciting orthogonal modes with equal amplitude, a single-point feeding technique with an asymmetrical geometry of the coplanar waveguide...
Expedited Machine-Learning-Based Global Design Optimization of Antenna Systems Using Response Features and Multi-Fidelity EM Analysis
PublicationThe design of antenna systems poses a significant challenge due to stringent per-formance requirements dictated by contemporary applications and the high com-putational costs associated with models, particularly full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. Presently, EM simulation plays a crucial role in all design phases, encompassing topology development, parametric studies, and the final adjustment of antenna dimensions. The latter...
Recent Advances in Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublicationDesign of high‐frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Their reliability comes at a price of a considerable computational cost. This may lead to practical issues whenever numerous EM analyses are to be executed, e.g., in the case of parametric optimization. The difficulties entailed by massive simulations may be mitigated by the use of...
On Decomposition-Based Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Leaky Wave Antenna Input Characteristics for Beam Scanning Applications
PublicationRecent years have witnessed a growing interest in reconfigurable antenna systems. Travelling wave antennas (TWAs) and leaky wave antennas (LWAs) are representative examples of structures featuring a great level of flexibility (e.g., straightforward implementation of beam scanning), relatively simple geometrical structure, low profile, and low fabrication cost. Notwithstanding, the design process of TWAs/LWAs is a challenging endeavor...
EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of a Generic Monopole Antenna by Means of a Nested Trust-Region Algorithm
PublicationAntenna structures for modern applications are characterized by complex and unintuitive topologies that are difficult to develop when conventional experience-driven techniques are of use. In this work, a method for automatic generation of antenna geometries in a multi-objective setup has been proposed. The approach involves optimization of a generic spline-based radiator with adjustable number of parameters using a nested trust-region-based...