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Numerical simulation of water drainage in double-porosity soils
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy modelowania przepływu wody w warunkach nienasyconych w gruntach o podwójnej porowatości, które są złożone z dwóch materiałów porowatych o bardzo różnych parametrach. przepływ w takich ośrodkach często charakteryzuje się powstawaniem lokalnych gradientów ciśnienia między obszarami dobrze isłaboprzepuszczalnymi.Przedstawiono matematyczny model przepływu wody w gruncie w strefie nienasyconej. Przepływ odbywa się w...
Model Management for Low-Computational-Budget Simulation-Based Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms
PublicationThe primary objective of this study is investigation of the possibilities of accelerating nature-inspired optimization of antenna structures using multi-fidelity EM simulation models. The primary methodology developed to achieve acceleration is a model management scheme which the level of EM simulation fidelity using two criteria: the convergence status of the optimization algorithm, and relative quality of the individual designs...
Electrochemistry meets enzymes: Investigation of the biotransformation pathway of C-1311 based on electrochemical simulation in comparison to in vitro methods.
PublicationThe knowledge of the metabolic pathways and the biotransformation of new drugs is one of the major challenges in pharmaceutical research. It is crucial for elucidation of degradation routes of the new biologically active compounds, especially in the area of possible toxicity. Conventional in vitro drug metabolism studies are based on incubating drug candidate with e.g. hepatocytes or, most importantly, liver cell microsomes and...
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston hydraulic pump
PublicationA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Size effect at aggregate level in microCT scans and DEM simulation – Splitting tensile test of concrete
PublicationThe paper describes an experimental and numerical study of size effect on concrete cylindrical specimens in splitting tensile test. Own experimental campaign was performed on specimens with 5 various diameters from D = 74, 105, 150, 192 and 250 mm with hardboard loading strips (distributed load according to standard methods) scaled proportionally to the specimen diameter. The crack opening-control system was applied to obtain the...
Modular power converter with superconducting magnetic energy storage for electric power distribution system — Analysis and simulation
PublicationThis paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. This paper presents a modular approach of 300 kVA power converter operating with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), which gives high dynamics together with high power and suitable capability for instantaneous energy storage. Analysis and simulation studies of selected power converter...
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...
Structural and dynamic changes adopted by EmrE, multidrug transporter protein—Studies by molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationEmrE protein transports positively charged aromatic drugs (xenobiotics) in exchange for two protons and thus provides bacteria resistance to variety of drugs. In order to understand how this protein may recognize ligands, the monomer and asymmetric apo-form of the EmrE dimer embedded in a heterogeneous phospholipid (POPE + POPG) membrane were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Dimer is regarded as a functional form of the...
Bitumen Aging—Laboratory Simulation Methods Used in Practice and Selected Directions of Research on New Methods
PublicationChanges in the properties of bitumen binders that occur as a result of aging have a huge impact on the durability of products produced from them. In particular, asphalt pavements, which constitute the most common use of petroleum bitumen, are susceptible to damage resulting from the increasing stiffness of the bitumen during its life cycle. Increased stiffness of asphalt pavements reduces the pavement resistance to low-temperature...
International Journal of Modeling Simulation and Scientific Computing
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International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and SImulation
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International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology
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International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
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Low-Cost Quasi-Global Optimization of Expensive Electromagnetic Simulation Models by Inverse Surrogates and Response Features
PublicationConceptual design of contemporary high-frequency structures is typically followed by a careful tuning of their parameters, predominantly the geometry ones. The process aims at improving the relevant performance figures, and may be quite expensive. The reason is that conventional design methods, e.g., based on analytical or equivalent network models, often only yield rough initial designs. This is especially the case for miniaturized...
Electrochemical simulation of metabolic reduction and conjugation reactions of unsymmetrical bisacridine antitumor agents, C-2028 and C-2053
PublicationElectrochemistry (EC) coupled with analysis techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) has been developed as a powerful tool for drug metabolism simulation. The application of EC in metabolic studies is particularly favourable due to the low matrix contribution compared to in vitro or in vivo biological models. In this paper, the EC(/LC)/MS system was applied to simulate phase I metabolism of the representative...
Efficient Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Compact Integrated On-Chip Inductors Based on Multi-Fidelity EM Simulation Models
PublicationHigh-performance and small-size on-chip inductors play a critical role in contemporary radio-frequency integrated circuits. This work presents a reliable surrogate modeling technique combining low-fidelity EM simulation models, response surface approximations based on kriging interpolation, and space mapping technology. The reported method is useful for the development of broadband and highly accurate data-driven models of integrated...
Simulation of the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017 using the WRF model and ERA5 data on pressure levels as initial conditions
Open Research DataThis series contains datasets related to the forecasting of a severe weather event, a derecho, in Poland on 11 August 2017. The simulations were conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with initial and boundary conditions from ERA5 on pressure levels. Simulation was performed for two starting hours: at 00:00 and...
Simulation of the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017 using the WRF model and ERA5 data on model levels as initial conditions
Open Research DataThis series contains datasets related to the forecasting of a severe weather event, a derecho, in Poland on 11 August 2017. The simulations were conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with initial and boundary conditions from ERA5 on model levels. Simulation was performed for two starting hours: at 00:00 and 12:00...
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of heat transfer from densely packed gold nanoparticles to isotropic media
PublicationThis work aims to determine and compare heat generation and propagation of densely packed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) induced by a resonant laser beam (532 nm) according to the Mie theory. The heat flux propagation is transferred into the materials, which here are: silica glass; soda-lime-silica glass; borosilicate glass; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); polycarbonate (PC); and polydimetylosiloxane (PDMS). This analysis aims to...
Performance Assessment of Using Docker for Selected MPI Applications in a Parallel Environment Based on Commodity Hardware
PublicationIn the paper, we perform detailed performance analysis of three parallel MPI applications run in a parallel environment based on commodity hardware, using Docker and bare-metal configurations. The testbed applications are representative of the most typical parallel processing paradigms: master–slave, geometric Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) as well as divide-and-conquer and feature characteristic computational and communication...
Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests
PublicationThe article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...
Simulation of ship turning circle test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the turning circle spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. During the circulation test, the manoeuvrability of the vessel is tested.
Finite element simulation of cross shaped window panel supports
PublicationThe aim of the work is to verify suitability of cross-shaped window panel supports for mullion-transom wall systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to determine the behaviour of stainless steel elements under loading. The advanced non-linear numerical simulations are carried out using an implicit FEM software package MSC.Marc. This study is proposed to initiate the comprehensive investigation of mechanical properties...
Molecular-dynamics simulation of clustering processes in sea-ice floes
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The Simulation Laboratory Platform Based on Multisim for Electronic Engineering Education
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Numerical simulation of asphalt mixtures fracture using continuum models
PublicationThe paper considers numerical models of fracture processes of semi-circular asphalt mixture specimens subjected to three-point bending. Parameter calibration of the asphalt mixture constitutive models requires advanced, complex experimental test procedures. The highly non-homogeneous material is numerically modelled by a quasicontinuum model. The computational parameters are averaged data of the components, i.e. asphalt, aggregate...
Business process modelling and simulation using formal experience record
PublicationZaproponowano modelowanie procesow biznesowych w oparciu o formalny zapis doswiadzcen. Przedtswiono softwerowa implementacje zaproponowego modelu.
Simulation of induction hardening of flat surfaces of moving massive elements
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Simulation of surveilance of industrial robot's vibration with a use of the modal control
PublicationW pracy rozważano drgania niestacjonarnego układu nośnego robota IRb-6. Do nadzorowania drgań zastosowano algorytm sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja poziomu drgań uchwytu manipulatora, a tym samym - zwiększenie możliwości nowoczesnych linii zrobotyzowanych, jak również poprawa dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania robotów.
Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation
PublicationPraca zawiera koncepcję badania wrażliwości stanów granicznych konstrukcji na zmiany poszczególnych zmiennych podstawowych, w oparciu o procedurę symulacyjną Monte Carlo. Sformułowanie ogólne metody oparte jest na analizie stanów granicznych konstrukcji, wprowadzona metoda losowa umożliwia badania histogramu stanu granicznego oraz estymację niezawodności / prawdopodobieństwa awarii konstrukcji.
Geo-engineering computer simulation seems attractive but is it the real world?
PublicationCorrect formulation of the differential equation system for equilibriom conditions of subsoil, especially in terms of controlled numerical calculation, is discussed. The problem of solution stability is also considered. The solution of problems, which are ill-posed, have no practical value in the majority of cases and is this way the engineering prognosis can lead to real disaster. The object of this paper is quite relevant if...
Respiratory system modelling and simulation based on the forced oscillation technique
A Virtual Simulation of the Image Based Self-navigation of Mobile Robots
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Simulation of ammonia combustion in dual-fuel compression-ignition engine
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Respiratory system modelling and simulation basing on the forced oscilation technique
PublicationConventional methods of testing lung functioning demand a specific respiratory action of the patient. In contrast, the forced oscillation technique (fot) provides measurements obtained with a minimal cooperation of the subject. The aim of this study is to verify the usefulness of the forced oscillation technique modelling in respiratory system diagnosing. in order to do it two models of fot measurements have been considered: the...
Design and simulation of excitation laser system for in-situ Raman monitoring
PublicationPraca opisuje projekt oraz kontrukcję laserowego pobudzania próbek cienkowarstwowych. Zaprezentowana modelowanie optyczne systemu pobudzania oraz konfigurację prototypu. Układ znajdzie zastosowanie w długoogniskowym spektroskopie ramanowskim pracującym na stanowisku PA CVD.
Simulation Tests of the Passing Distance of Ships on a Two-Way Fairway
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Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems
PublicationThe learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....
Long-Distance FRET Analysis: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
PublicationZaproponowano nową metodę na rozszerzenie zakresu stosowalności rezonansowego transferu energii (FRET) przetestowaną przy pomocy metody Monte Carlo. Otrzymane rezultaty dowodzą, że wydajność procesu FRET może być znacząco zwiększona w porównaniu z wydajnością pojedynczego akceptora, gdy dla ustalonej od donora umieścimy układ blisko siebie położonych akceptorów na makromolekule. Z drugiej strony metoda ta umożliwia zwiększenie...
Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures
PublicationPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...
Monitoring of concrete curing in extradosed bridge supported by numerical simulation
PublicationThe paper describes a mathematical model of concrete curing taking into account kinetics of setting reactions. The numerical model is implemented in the author’s program that was used to monitor thermal effects recorded in the concrete bottom plate of the extradosed bridge. Numerical approach was verified by experimental measurements and used for assessment of the current compressive strength due to degree of hydration of fresh...
Mechanical model of fascia-implant structure. Finite element simulation.
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania i symulacji syntetycznych implantów chirurgicznych stosowanych w leczeniu przepulin brzusznych metodą laparoskowpową. Prponowane są modele matematyczne a ich prawidłowość weryfikowana jest na podstawie badań doświadczalnych zachowania się modeli fizycznych wszczepionych implantów pod wpływem obciążeń wynikających z fizjologii człowieka. Nakreślona jest metodologia oceny trwałości połączenia siatki chirurgicznej...
Numerical Simulation of Operating Parameters of the Ground Source Heat Pump
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Phase Transitions in Pores: Experimental and Simulation Studies of Melting and Freezing
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Using GPUs for Parallel Stencil Computations in Relativistic Hydrodynamic Simulation
PublicationThis paper explores the possibilities of using a GPU for complex 3D finite difference computation. We propose a new approach to this topic using surface memory and compare it with 3D stencil computations carried out via shared memory, which is currently considered to be the best approach. The case study was performed for the extensive computation of collisions between heavy nuclei in terms of relativistic hydrodynamics.
Simulation and experiment of radiating slot in a ground-plane of microstrip junction
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania numeryczne oraz eksperymentalne szczeliny promieniującej umieszczonej w płaszczyźnie masy złącza mikropaskowego. Złącze mikropaskowe składa się z linii mikropaskowej oraz rozwartego na końcu sęka. Szczelina umieszczona jest równolegle do linii mikropaskowej.
Numerical Simulation of Open Channel Flow between Bridge Piers
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwuwymiarowy model przepływu wody płytkiej, który wykorzystano do symulacji przepływu wody w kanale otwartym w rejonie przekroju mostowego. Równania przepływu rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Wyniki symulacji ruchu wody pomiędzy filarami mostowymi porównano z pomiarami laboratoryjnymi przeprowadzonymi w Laboratorium Hydrauliki i Inżynierii Środowiska politechniki Gdańskiej. Zgodność uzyskanych wyników obliczeń...
An application of simulation investigations in design procedures of shippower system automation
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki prac dotyczące zastosowania badań symulacyjnych systemów energetycznych statków w środowisku programowym systemu ekspertowego. Wyniki badań symulacyjnych są źródłem głębokiej wiedzy dla systemu ekspertowego dotyczącej oceny spełnienia kryteriów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych statków. Wybrane sesje symulacyjne podsystemu napędu głównego statku zostały przedstawione i omówione.
Monte Carlo simulation of energy migration in uniaxially oriented polymerfilms.
PublicationOpisano zastosowanie metody Monte Carlo do symulowania (komputerowego) procesów fotofizycznych zachodzących w rozciąganych osiowo foliach polimerowych zawierających molekuły barwnika. Przedstawiono zaniki czasowe anizotropii emisji oraz jej zależność od koncentracji barwnika. Zbadano wpływ migracji energii na przebiegi anizotropii emisji badanego układu.