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Search results for: REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES

Search results for: REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES

  • Empirical Analysis of Forest Penalizing Attribute and Its Enhanced Variations for Android Malware Detection

    • A. G. Akintola
    • A. O. Balogun
    • L. F. Capretz
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • S. Basri
    • S. A. Salihu
    • F. E. Usman-Hamza
    • P. O. Sadiku
    • G. B. Balogun
    • Z. O. Alanamu

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2022

    As a result of the rapid advancement of mobile and internet technology, a plethora of new mobile security risks has recently emerged. Many techniques have been developed to address the risks associated with Android malware. The most extensively used method for identifying Android malware is signature-based detection. The drawback of this method, however, is that it is unable to detect unknown malware. As a consequence of this problem,...

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  • Game-based Sprint retrospectives: multiple action research

    In today’s fast-paced world of rapid technological change, software development teams need to constantly revise their work practices. Not surprisingly, regular reflection on how to become more effective is perceived as one of the most important principles of Agile Software Development. Nevertheless, running an effective and enjoyable retrospective meeting is still a challenge in real environments. As reported by several studies,...

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    Based on the analysis of the impact of quantitative easing policies on the global economy, there was concluded that the world’s largest central banks and widespread debt stimulation have created the model of economic growth. This model was based on the productivity growth. The lack of productivity growth in the developed world, the active integration of developing countries (first of all China and India) in the global economy have...

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  • Energy-Efficient Joint User and Power Allocation in 5G Millimeter Wave Networks: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach


    - IEEE Access - Year 2024

    Reducing power consumption is a pivotal challenge in 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) networks due to the density of the base stations (BSs) in these networks. In this paper, we focus on the joint user and power allocation problem in 5G mmWave networks, aiming to minimize power consumption while maintaining the user Quality of Service (QoS), considering the BSs switching on/off strategy. Initially, we formulate the problem as an Integer...

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  • Computational fluid dynamics - lustres and shadows.


    - Year 2014

    The paper is devoted to the different aspects of CFD. The advantages of this concept are evident and obvious; powerfuk and effective tools bring this technology closer to the quantifiable world. However, certain weaknesses in this structure are apparent. Sometimes, a simplistic tendency towards simplifications and facilitations may degenerate and lead to negative behaviours and signs. These have not been serious up to date, but...



    - Economics & Sociology - Year 2015

    The paper contributes by providing new insights into relationship between female labor force and economic growth in 162 world countries over the period 1990-2012. It is anticipated uncovering U-shaped relationship between female labor force participation and economic growth. The analysis is run in two different perspectives – first the relationship is examined for sample encompassing 162 countries; and second – the evidence is...

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  • Recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as Construction Material in Civil Engineering: A Review

    In general, the quantity of plastics of all types consumed annually all over the world has been growing in a phenomenal way. The manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes (MSW) generate numerous waste plastic materials. The increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. It is believed that the management of solid...

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  • Behaviour of Asymmetric Structure with Base Isolation Made of Polymeric Bearings


    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Seismic excitations cause a lot of damage in a wide variety of ways, leaving thousands of casualties in their wake. Due to randomness of earthquake occurrence, lack of visible causes and their power of destructiveness, structural engineers need to develop new technical solutions and protection systems against...

  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects


    The last two decades of the twentieth century represented a period of above-average, systematic growth of formal and informal interdependencies between economies of different countries and between world markets. The intensity, magnitude, and diversity of these interdependencies have never been recorded before in economic history, and the market transformations taking place have been referred to in the literature as the process...

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  • Functionalized polyolefins, synthesis application and industrial relevance


    - Year 2019

    Polymers play a key role in our modern life full of technical advances and a continuous request for new materials with tailored properties for a low price. Their excellent mechanical properties, good processability, chemical stability and low price make polyolefins the polymers of choice for most commodity and some more specialized applications. As a result, polyolefins account for over 65% of the total world demand of plastic...

  • Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology as the Primary Basis for Conservation Status Assessments in the Gulf of Gdańsk


    - Year 2022

    The dataset titled Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at the University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium also holds specimens from other parts of the world.

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  • History of World Architecture I 2021/22

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Sołtysik
    • A. Orchowska
    • B. Macikowski

    The course History of World Architecture (HWA I) is obligatory on the first semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University ofTechnology. It lasts 15 weeks, finishes with the exam, and consists of 15 two-hour lectures and 15 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes Western World architecture, beginning from Prehistory and Antiquity (Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Rome), up to the end of the Middle Ages....

  • Political Parties in the Digital World


    - Year 2017

    The aim of this report is to outline how digital technologies and digital media are redefining the way political parties fulfill their role as collective platforms for political participation of citizens, e.g. in relation to the parties’ decision-making processes, communication strategies, funding mechanisms, membership, information sharing, etc. and to highlight the existing international standards and good practices in this area....

  • Fundamental Analysis – Possiblity of Application on the Real Estate Market


    - Real Estate Management and Valuation - Year 2016

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  • Real Estate Value Tax Based on the Latvian Experience

    • M. Hełdak
    • A. Stacherzak
    • V. Baumane

    - Real Estate Management and Valuation - Year 2015

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  • Quasi-Public Real Estate Within The City Of Wrocław

    • M. Hełdak
    • A. Stacherzak
    • Z. Więckowicz

    - Real Estate Management and Valuation - Year 2015

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  • Technologie prośrodowiskowe dla budynków miejskich

    Współczesne duże miasta na całym świecie charakteryzują się dużą i wciąż rosnącą intensywnością zabudowy. Jest to tendencja utrwalona, którą pogłębia idea „miasta zwartego” jako rozwiązania dla problemu nadmiernego rozrastania terytorialnego i rozpraszania się struktury terenów miejskich. Jednocześnie realną potrzebą współczesnych miast jest poprawa jakości ich środowiska (eliminacja zanieczyszczeń, minimalizacja zjawiska miejskiej...

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  • A sense of security and freedom in a residential environment

    The article is based on the results of a survey carried out among students of architecture faculties in several countries, which examined the students’ knowledge of shaping the housing environment in such a way as to enable them to fulfil two basic and, at the same time, seemingly mutually exclusive psychological needs of a person: a sense of security and a sense of freedom. In examining these issues, particular emphasis was placed...

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  • Design thinking (DT) for the design and planning education of engineer-architects

    Engineers are facing new challenges connected with globalisation, digitisation and the increased complexity of the design process. This calls for new, more interdisciplinary and user-oriented approaches to problem- solving. In this article, the authors analyse design thinking (DT) as a method to support the education of engineers specialising in architecture and urban planning. Identified in this study are the opportunities this...

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  • Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy


    - Year 2014

    Architektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...

  • The Optimum Dataset method – examples of the application


    - Year 2018

    Data reduction is a procedure to decrease the dataset in order to make their analysis more effective and easier. Reduction of the dataset is an issue that requires proper planning, so after reduction it meets all the user’s expectations. Evidently, it is better if the result is an optimal solution in terms of adopted criteria. Within reduction methods, which provide the optimal solution there is the Optimum Dataset method (OptD)...

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  • Gender, education and motivation of onwers of small firms and their growth


    - Year 2016

    Almost every article on the growht of SMEs begins with noting the lack of a unified theory or a model of growth in thei group of companies, although the growth of small and medium sized enterprises has been the subject of research for many years and early theories about it appeared already before the Second World War. In the paper some conlusions about the relation between gender, education and motivation of owner and the small...

  • Future of medicine: personalized oncology


    Understanding genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis allows identifying many vital mutations affected the formation of various malignancies. This led to the discovery of a new therapeutic approach, based on molecular mechanisms in the world of medicine, which is called personalized medicine (PM). This review aims to outline the state of the art of the personalized medicine in treatment, taking into account anti-cancer...

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  • Architectural expression in designing museums as places of remembrance


    - Przestrzeń i Forma - Year 2017

    Museums commemorating tragic historic events require the application of particular means of architectural expression. Both the form of the building, the interior design, lighting and materials and its surroundings became a part of the exhibition. In this article the narrative role of architectural components is discussed based on three museums located in different cultural and geographical areas. These are: the Nanjing Massacre...

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  • Marketing w Internecie


    - Year 2005

    Opracowanie poświęcono marketingowi w Internecie. Struktura treści obejmuje genezę powstania Internetu, jego rozwój na świecie i w Polsce oraz omówienie najpopularniejszych usług internetowych wykorzystywanych w marketingu - poczta elektroniczna, grupy dyskusyjne oraz World Wide Web. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono także na problem sukcesu firmowej witryny internetowej, mierzony przez pryzmat satysfakcji jej użytkownika - klienta.

  • Comparison of Classification Methods for EEG Signals of Real and Imaginary Motion


    The classification of EEG signals provides an important element of brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, underlying an efficient interaction between a human and a computer application. The BCI applications can be especially useful for people with disabilities. Numerous experiments aim at recognition of motion intent of left or right hand being useful for locked-in-state or paralyzed subjects in controlling computer applications....

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  • Pedestrian and bicycle bridges as examples of safe collision-free road crossings

    Pedestrians are most at risk when they are crossing the road. This represents a significant proportion of all fatalities among pedestrians, amounting respectively to 50% in non-built-up areas and 75% in built-up areas. The most frequent reason for this accident is failure to give way. What is most terrible is that 30% of pedestrian accidents occurred at marked pedestrian crossings. Therefore, an important part of pedestrian safety...

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  • IATUL Fall Seminar - Connecting in a disconnected world.


    15-12-2021 12:00 - 15-12-2021 15:45

      We invite both current community members and other people interested in IATUL's activities to the online seminar on December 15, 2021. During the meeting, we will talk about the mission and activities of the organisation, as well as the benefits of belonging to the IATUL community. In addition, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), analysing...


    e-Learning Courses
    • L. Segreto

    The course focuses the main trends of the world economy in the last 30 years. National and macro-regional, as well as sectorial case studies will be used to offer a clearer understanding of the main global dynamics. The approach is multidisciplinary and mainly qualitative, including economic and business history, international political economy, economic sociology and political science.

  • Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring

    The concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements. Presented practical applications of the wireless threats monitoring system is...

  • Derivation of the scaling laws used in geotechnical centrifuge modelling-application of dimensional analysis and Buckingham Π theorem

    Geotechnical centrifuge modelling has been a world-wide used technology in physical tests. In this paper a derivation of scaling laws by dimensional analysis for the centrifugal modelling is presented. Basic principles of centrifuge modelling are described. Scaling laws for slow events like consolidation and fast events like dynamic loads are shown. The differences in scale factors for both processes are noticed. The aim of this...

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  • Fast multi-objective design optimization of microwave and antenna structures using data-driven surrogates and domain segmentation

    Purpose Strategies and algorithms for expedited design optimization of microwave and antenna structures in multi-objective setup are investigated. Design/methodology/approach Formulation of the multi-objective design problem oriented towards execution of the population-based metaheuristic algorithm within the segmented search space is investigated. Described algorithmic framework exploit variable fidelity modeling, physics- and...

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  • A framework for accelerated optimization of antennas using design database and initial parameter set estimation

    The purpose of this paper is to exploit a database of pre-existing designs to accelerate parametric optimization of antenna structures is investigated. Design/methodology/approach The usefulness of pre-existing designs for rapid design of antennas is investigated. The proposed approach exploits the database existing antenna base designs to determine a good starting point for structure optimization and its response sensitivities....

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  • Performance of electrochemical immunoassays for clinical diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 based on selective nucleocapsid N protein detection: Boron-doped diamond, gold and glassy carbon evaluation



    The 21st century has already brought us a plethora of new threats related to viruses that emerge in humans after zoonotic transmission or drastically change their geographic distribution or prevalence. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first spotted at the end of 2019 to rapidly spread in southwest Asia and later cause a global pandemic, which paralyzes the world since then. We have designed novel...

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    - Współpraca Europejska - Year 2022

    In recent years the polish real estate market has been characterised by a significant increase in supply and demand. This was facilitated by a number of macroeconomic factors. In recent years, housing has been commissioned as 30 years ago. Therefore, the depth analysis issue of the causes and consequences for the Polish economy of these trends is now relevant. Among the reasons are significant economic growth, low interest rates...

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Ontology-Aided Software Engineering


    - Year 2012

    This thesis is located between the fields of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE). The modern offspring of KRR - Description Logic (DL) [Baad03] is considered here as a formalization of the software engineering Methods & Tools. The bridge between the world of formal specification (governed by the mathematics)...

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  • Timber - material of the future. Examples of small wooden architecture structures.


    The aim of this article is to present various types of wood-based products, classified as engineered timber, while specifying the implications of their structural properties for their forms. Timber is used as a construction material due to its fire resistance, good structural characteristics and insulating properties. The advent of new technologies of wood processing and wood-based materials production has converted timber into...

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  • Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering

    As can be seen, Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering applies to a multitude of applications. In an attempt to bring the topic closer to potential readers, the special issue referred to security methods, optimization of calculations, conducting measurements and empirical tests. Each article has made an original contribution to the development of practical science that can be replicated by researchers...

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  • Improved method for real-time speech stretching


    n algorithm for real-time speech stretching is presented. It was designed to modify input signal dependently on its content and on its relation with the historical input data. The proposed algorithm is a combination of speech signal analysis algorithms, i.e. voice, vowels/consonants, stuttering detection and SOLA (Synchronous-Overlap-and-Add) based speech stretching algorithm. This approach enables stretching input speech signal...

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  • Real-time simulator of agricultural biogas plant

    This article presents a real-time simulator of an agricultural biogas plant. The project contains biogas and biomass circuits simulation, as well as heating circuit simulation with a complete control system and visualization interface of the whole process. The software tool used to simulate the plant work is CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), which enables a user to create and test simulation objects based on fundamental physical...

  • Real-Time Skin Quality Assessment System


    - Year 2024

    This thesis presents a real-time skin assessment system with the main aim of detecting inflammatory acne lesions and tracking skin conditions. A facial acne lesion detection algorithm was developed, using a pre-trained YOLOv8 model for lesion detection and a Mediapipe detector for face detection. The proposed solution aims to create a system used in smart mirrors to help users self-monitor and monitor their skin condition in real...

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  • Przegląd metod oceny struktur przestrzennych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju


    - Year 2003

    the article "the assessment methods' review of urban structures in the sustainable development context" presents various methods along with tools and ways how to apply them. mainly it is based on methods' descriptions contained in bequest programme (building environmental quality evaluation sustainability through time). the assessment should improve formation of the built environment and practical realization of the idea of sustainable...

  • Influence and selection of basic concepts on ontology design


    - Year 2010

    Ontologies as entities representing individual point of view on surrounding world introduce heterogeneity to knowledge representation. Common set of core concepts can introduce similarity big enough for further interoperability between ontologies. In this paper an experiment is presented proving that despite differences in detail ontologies stay similar in regard of core concepts. During the experiments NOIA methodology enhanced...

  • Indirect control over subordinate units


    Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be both, encountered by a player or controlled by him. There is a number of works considering autonomous behaviours of units wandering around the game world. When it comes to the units controlled by the player, they often are lack of autonomy and are strictly controlled by the player. This paper presents a concept of units behaviour depending on their...


    Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be both, encountered by a player or controlled by him. There is a number of works considering autonomous behaviors of units wandering around the game world. When it comes to the units controlled by the player, they are often deprived of autonomy and are strictly controlled by the player. This paper presents a concept of units behavior depending on their...

  • Digital technologies and women's empowerment – casting the bridges


    This work briefly discusses the nexuses between digital technology development and adoption across societies, and its potential impact on overall welfare through women’s economic empowerment. In the first section it sets out the context and background. Next, Section 2 demonstrates the state of access to and the use of digital technologies across the world. Section 3 intends to trace the causal links and channels of digital technologies'...

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  • Thermal Energy Development in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Utilizing Titanium Dioxide, Copper Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles: Thermal Dispersion and Heat Generating Formularization


    The main aim of this article heat transfer in thermal engineering deals with the production, use, transformation, and transfer of thermal energy. Engineering and industrial fields including food packaging, the production of food additives, electronic cooling, microturbines, etc. heavily rely on heat transmission. Due to its intriguing potential in industries like the production of polymers, paper, crystal glass, etc., scientists...

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  • Big Data from Sensor Network via Internet of Things to Edge Deep Learning for Smart City


    - Year 2021

    Data from a physical world is sampled by sensor networks, and then streams of Big Data are sent to cloud hosts to support decision making by deep learning software. In a smart city, some tasks may be assigned to smart devices of the Internet of Things for performing edge computing. Besides, a part of workload of calculations can be transferred to the cloud hosts. This paper proposes benchmarks for division tasks between an edge...

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  • Feature extraction in detection and recognition of graphical objects


    - Year 2022

    Detection and recognition of graphic objects in images are of great and growing importance in many areas, such as medical and industrial diagnostics, control systems in automation and robotics, or various types of security systems, including biometric security systems related to the recognition of the face or iris of the eye. In addition, there are all systems that facilitate the personal life of the blind people, visually impaired...