Search results for: control measurement
Calibration of the CMS drift tube chambers and measurement of the drift velocity with cosmic rays
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Design and fabrication of nanometer measurement platform for better understanding of silicon mechanical properties
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Accuracy, repeatability and time consumption of selected digital measurement methods of roundwood stacks
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Sweet Cherry Skin Colour Measurement as an Non-Destructive Indicator of Fruit Maturity
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Energy Recovery Analysis in A-Type Pressure Regulation and Measurement Stations in Istanbul, Esenyurt
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Evaluation of a 10 nm Particle Number Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS)
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Measurement of ethylene production as a method for determining the optimum harvest date of ‘Jonagored’ apples
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Challenges in oscillometric blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: looking for practical solutions
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A method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without unwanted tripping of RCDs
PublicationIn low-voltage networks, earth fault loop impedance (EFLI) measurement is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of automatic disconnection of supply. Such a measurement is performed during initial and periodical verification, especially in a TN low-voltage network. Nowadays, due to widespread application of residual current devices (RCDs), such test is difficult in many circuits because RCDs operate during the test. In this...
PublicationKacza river is located in northern Poland in the neighborhood of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. A Kacza having length of 15 km and catchment area of 53 km2 collects the water into the Gulf mostly from inhabited and forested areas within the administrative boundaries of the city of Gdynia. On the 14th and 15th of July 2016 in northern Poland on the large area of Tri-City agglomeration (Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot) total daily...
Analysis of distance measurement errors in CW FM sonar with MLS code modulation
PublicationAlthough used in the classic silent sonar, the CW FM sounding signal has a major flaw which is its inaccuracy in determining the distance to a target. The authors of the article have developed a concept of silent sonar using frequency modulation signals switched by pseudorandom codes, already discussed in their previous work. This article presents a detailed analysis of errors in CW FM sonar with pseudo-random sequence code modulation...
PublicationThe paper presents studies on the influence of probability distributions on the expanded uncertainty of the resistance measurement. Choosing the correct probability distribution is very important to estimate of measurement uncertainty. The most commonly used distribution is the rectangular distribution. The paper presents the results of analysis of the resistance measurement uncertainty using the technical method of two resistances:...
Methods of measurement signal acquisition from the rotational flow meter for frequency analysis
PublicationOne of the simplest and commonly used instruments for measuring the flow of homogeneous substances is the rotational flow meter. The main part of such a device is a rotor (vane or screw) rotating at a speed which is the function of the fluid or gas flow rate. A pulse signal with a frequency proportional to the speed of the rotor is obtained at the sensor output. For measurements in dynamic conditions, a variable interval between...
Measurement of distance, velocity and angle of arrival using FMCW-CW combined waveform
PublicationA procedure of tacking small flying object based on a general principle of FMCW and Doppler radar is presented. In order to increase measurement range, this technique uses active signal source on the moving object. For simultaneous measurements of distance, radial velocity and direction (AoA) as well as simplified synchronization a combined FMCW-CW waveform is proposed. The presented measurement system was realized and verified...
The measurement of input power of power supply in network disturbed by low frequency distortions
PublicationIn the paper authors present results of observation of input power changes versus harmonics amplitude in supply voltage of low-power power supply device. In the study, the electrical measurements supported with thermal imaging were used. The input circuit elements of studied device responsible for input power increase are pointed
Low Frequency Noise Measurement of Reverse Polarized Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiaró szumów cz. wstecznie spolaryzowanych diod Schottky'ego.
Research on flue gas flow measurement and modelling in the moving grate biomass boiler
PublicationThe aim of this research was to determine the nature of gas flow in a grate boiler model by the method of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and CFD. The paper presents the comparison of the PIV results with numerical simulations made in the environment of ANSYS Fluent. The main goal of the experiment was to describe the phenomena occurring on the grate. Methodology of modelling solid fuel combustion on the moving grate was proposed...
In-service measurement of the small wind turbine test stand for structural health monitoring
PublicationThis paper presents the research activity performed on a Small Wind Turbine (SWT) test stand. Commercially available turbine was modified towards incorporation of the sensors system for condition monitoring. Installed sensors measure angular shaft position, torque applied from the wind loads, vibration accelerations and last but not least rotational speed. All gathered data are then transferred and processed in Test.Lab by means...
Fault loop impedance measurement in low voltage network with residual current devices
PublicationW sieciach i instalacjach niskiego napięcia z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi pomiar impedancji pętli zwarciowej jest kłopotliwy. Prąd pomiarowy powoduje ich zbędne zadziałanie, co uniemożliwia prawidłowe wykonanie pomiaru. W artykule omówiono przyczyny zbędnego zadziałania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych podczas pomiaru impedancji pętli zwarciowej oraz warunki, w jakich ten pomiar można wykonać poprawnie.
Miniaturized Passive Emission Chambers for In Situ Measurement of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
PublicationThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air. The presence of dangerous chemical compounds in indoor air can have an adverse impact on human health and cause numerous diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Such harmful chemicals get into indoor air as a result of their emission from building and indoor materials....
Determination of magnetisation conditions in a Double-Core Barkhausen Noise measurement set-up
PublicationThe magnetic Barkhausen effect is useful forassessing 1D and 2D stress states of ferromagnetic steelobjects. However, its extension to technically importantmaterials, such as duplex anisotropic steels, remains challenging. The determination of magnetisation inside the studied object and the electromagnet for various geometries, materials and magnetisation angles is a key issue.Three-dimensional, dynamic finite element analysis...
Measurement of magnetic signals of vehicles with denoising by matched filtering with FPGA FFT processor
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono realizację systemu do analizy i identyfikacji pojazdów oparty na pomiarze indukcji magnetycznej. Proponowany system może być zastosowany do wykrywania i identyfikacji pojadów zawierających elementy ferromagnetyczne, które zaburzają pole magnetyczne ziemi. Zaburzenie to można zmierzyć przy zastosowaniu trójosiowych magnetometrów transduktorowych, pracującyh w układzie różnicowycm. Zastosowano w systemie...
Measurement and Analysis of the Radio Wave Polarisation in Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environment
PublicationThe paper describes an analysis of the radio wave polarisation in off-body communications in indoor environment. The measurement stand for polarisation measurements has been shortly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements have been characterize. The vertical and horizontal components of received radio signal have been analysed. The measure used in analysis is a ratio...
Velocity measurement using the fdoa method in ground-based radio navigation system
PublicationVelocity is one of the main navigation parameters of the moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which doesn’t require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA...
Measurement Performance Verification of Asynchronous Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Object Position and Orientation
PublicationThe paper describes the results of a measurement verification of the effectiveness of an asynchronous method of locating an object on a plane using localization signals sent simultaneously from two transmitters placed on that object at a known distance from each other. The advantage of proposed solution is ability to estimate position of mobile object by set of reference receivers that can work asynchronously, which simplifies...
Fault Loop Impedance Measurement in Circuits Fed by UPS and Principle of Safety Protection
PublicationThis paper indicates a significant problem of uncertainty of fault loop impedance (FLI) measurement in circuits powered from uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (double-conversion AC-DC-AC). The correctly determined value of this impedance, related to the short-circuit current disconnection time and to the reference value, is one of the most important elements that determines the approval of an electrical installation and its receivers...
Investigation of Weigh-in-Motion Measurement Accuracy on the Basis of Steering Axle Load Spectra
PublicationWeigh-in-motion systems are installed in pavements or on bridges to identify and reduce the number of overloaded vehicles and minimise their adverse eect on road infrastructure. Moreover, the collected trac data are used to obtain axle load characteristics, which are very useful in road infrastructure design. Practical application of data from weigh-in-motion has become more common recently, which calls for adequate attention to...
PublicationIn this paper, we present a fibre-optic sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of liquid layers. We designed an experimental low-coherence setup with two broadband light sources and an extrinsic fibre-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer acting as the sensing head. We examined how the refractive index of a liquid film and its thickness affect spectrum at the output of a fibre-optic interferometer. We...
Comparison of Different Measurement Techniques as Methodology for Surveying and Monitoring Stainless Steel Chimneys
PublicationThe measurement of a chimney axis is an engineering geodesy task. These measurements allow to assess the technical condition of chimneys and are usually carried out for reinforced concrete chimneys. When measuring high chimneys, the main problem may be the need to go a long distance to take a measurement. The surface of the chimney can also be problematic because it can absorb so much light from the range finder that total station...
Determination of the tram track axis using a multi receiver GNSS measurement system
PublicationThis article refers to research, that has been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia since 2009. These investigation concerns the determination of a railway track axis using the mobile satellite measurement technique. Following the dynamic development of GNSS techniques, that could be seen in the last decade, the team carried out further experiments...
Measurement of expenditure efficiency of Polish cities with county rights in the context of quality of life
PublicationThe article is devoted to the measurement of efficiency of overall expenditures. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of use of budget resources by local government units in the context of fostering quality of life. The subject of the study is 65 Polish cities with county rights (county status). Calculations were carried out using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of analysis confirm the two research...
Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
PublicationThe paper presents the partial work done within the framework of the EDA Siramis II project focused on magnetic signature reproduction of ships. Reproduction is understood here as the ability to determine the magnetic anomaly of the local Earth magnetic field in any direction and at any measurement depth due to the presence of the analysed object. The B-91 type hydrographic ship Zodiak was selected as the real case study. The work...
Suppression of distortions in signals received from Doppler sensor for vehicle speed measurement
PublicationDoppler sensors are commonly used for movement detection and speed measurement. However, electromagnetic interference and imperfections in sensor construction result in degradation of the signal to noise ratio. As a result, detection of signals reflected from moving objects becomes problematic. The paper proposes an algorithm for reduction of distortions and noise in the signal received from a simple, dual-channel type of a Doppler...
Self-Calibrating Stress Measurement System Based on Multidirectional Barkhausen Noise Measurements
PublicationThe system presented in this paper enables automatization of the two-dimensional calibration process (determination of Barkhausen noise (BN) intensity dependence on in-plane components of strain). Then, using dedicated software created by the authors in LabVIEW environment, and with the help of two dimensional calibration data one can effectively determine strain and stress distribution i.e. magnitude and orientation of main strain/stress...
Influence of the analyzing window on electrode impedance measurement by thecontinuous freqency scanning method
PublicationPrzeprowadzono pomiary impedancyjne modelowego układu elektrycznego RC techniką ciągłego skanowania częstotliwościowego. Wyznaczono impedancję modelowego układu dla różnych okien analizujących oraz ich różnych wielkości. Wyznaczone dla różnych okien analizujących wartości R i C porównywano z wartościami rzeczywistymi. Stwierdzono wpływ rodzaju okna analizującego oraz jego długość na dokładność otrzymywanych wyników.
Conditions for measurement, analog-to-digital conversion and frequency analysis of irregularities of profile surface
PublicationPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania pomiaru, przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego i analizy częstotliwościowej nierówności powierzchni toczonych dla celów rozpoznawania ich głównych składowych. Przedstawiono ograniczenia w pomiarze igłą, która odwzorowuje nierówności poprzeczne. Podano zależności parametrów pomiaru cyfrowego nierówności warunkujące zakresy ich rozpatrywania. Dla wartości przedziału próbkowania, dla którego nie jest spełnione...
Application of polarisation-maintaining side-hole fibres do direct force measurement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie utrzymujących polaryzację światłowodów typu Side Hole do bezpośredniego pomiaru siły. Dla wybranych struktur tych światłowodów wyznaczono, przy pomocy Metody Elementów Skończonych i metody modów sprzężonych, czułość na siłę działającą prostopadle do osi symetrii światłowodu. Określono zależność tej czułości od poszczególnych wymiarów struktur tych światłowodów. Następnie, biorąc pod...
The measurement and calculation of gas temperature inside a switchgear during fault arc period.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania temperatury gazu wewnątrz rozdzielnicy szczelnej z izolacją powietrzną podczas zwarć łukowych w oparciu o równanie przewodnictwa cieplnego. Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych temperatury gazów podczas zwarć z łukiem wędrującym. Opisano model do badań, układ probierczy i warunki badań. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Time domain diagnosis of anticorrosion coatings via shape designed measurement signals.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono operującą w dziedzinie czasu metodę diagnostyki pokryć przeciwkorozyjnych, na poziomie identyfikacji parametrów obwodu zastępczego. Metoda jest oparta na pobudzeniu obiektu sygnałem niekonwencjonalnym o projektowanym kształcie i pomiarze odpowiedzi obiektu (tzw. obserwabla) po upływie zadanego czasu T. Parametry obwodu zastępczego są obliczane bezpośrednio z obserwabli na podstawie równań wynikających z topologii...
Accelerated impedance spectrum measurement via multisine perturbationand digital filter banks
PublicationPrzedstawiono przyspieszoną metodę pomiaru widma impedancyjnego, zorientowaną na pomiary jakości powłok przeciwkorozyjnych, modelowanych liniowymi obwodami zastępczymi. Metoda polega na pobudzeniu układu wielosinusoidalnym sygnałem popudzającym oraz analizie pobudzenia i odpowiedzi obiektu przez bank filtrów cyfrowych. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne metody oraz propozycję metodologii pomiaru. Przeanalizowano wyniki symulacji...
Example of practical use of vibration measurement results - study of settlement of the Wisłoujście Tower
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki identyfikacji parametrów posadowienia wieży Twierdzy Wisłoujście. Badanie oparto na zidentyfikowanych w pomiarach częstotliwościach drgań swobodnych wieży. Przyjęto prosty model dynamiczny obiektu, dobrze opisujący jego zachowanie.
PublicationThe article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only...
Parameters of land reference points in the Gdynia region and the Free-air anomaly grid of the South Baltic
Open Research DataThe data was registered during the campaign to verify the catalog value of the absolute point coordinates [point 5403 (POLREF-GORA DONAS)] of the national gravimetric control network. The data was recorded in two three-hour stationary measurement campaigns at the following points: Rozewie of the EUREF-POL network, Góra Donas POLREF, and mareograph points...
Analysis of the Ways to Identify Rail Running Surface Defects by Means of Vibration Signals
PublicationTh e article discusses a preliminary concept of a method enabling the identifi cation of chosen rail running surface defects, such as squats, spalling, and running surface defects, by analysing the parameters of vibration signals. It features a description of the methodology of the conducted tests, the scope thereof, and the selection of the measurement points with specifi c defect types. Th e article covers selected results of...
Modeling the impact of rotor movement on non-linearity of motor currents waveforms in high-speed PMSM drives
PublicationMotor current measurement techniques as well as predictive control algorithms for electric drives rely on an assumption of linear motor currents changes resulting from constant inverter output voltages. Recent research has reported that this assumption does not hold in motors with short electrical time constant, and in drives whose rotor position advances substantially during a control period. This paper proposes a simulation model...
Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
Accuracy of Trajectory Tracking Based on Nonlinear Guidance Logic for Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels
PublicationA new trend in recent years for hydrographic measurement in water bodies is the use of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In the process of navigation by USVs, it is particularly important to control position precisely on the measuring profile. Precise navigation with respect to the measuring profile avoids registration of redundant data and thus saves time and survey costs. This article addresses the issue of precise navigation...
Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
PublicationActivated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system...
Measurement of selected characteristics of low-coherence optical signal sources for optical coherence tomography
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Electrochemical sensor for measurement of volatile organic compounds employing square wave perturbation voltage
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on a prototype sensor for measurement of benzaldehyde in air. Sensitivity and limit of quantification of the sensor were determined for different internal electrolyte using the square wave voltammetry (SWV) as a detection technique. The working and counter electrodes were made of platinum. Ionic liquids 1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium chloride,1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl)...