Search results for: fundamenty%20bezposrednie - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: fundamenty%20bezposrednie

Search results for: fundamenty%20bezposrednie

  • Catalytic Mechanism of Non-Target DNA Cleavage in CRISPR-Cas9 Revealed by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics


    - ACS Catalysis - Year 2020

    CRISPR-Cas9 is a cutting-edge genome editing technology, which uses the endonuclease Cas9 to introduce mutations at desired sites of the genome. This revolutionary tool is promising to treat a myriad of human genetic diseases. Nevertheless, the molecular basis of DNA cleavage, which is a fundamental step for genome editing, has not been established. Here, quantum–classical molecular dynamics (MD) and free energy methods are used...

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  • An Instantaneous Engine Speed Estimation Method Using Multiple Matching Synchrosqueezing Transform

    • Y. Liu
    • H. Wen
    • Z. Ding
    • L. Xu
    • H. Chen
    • J. Smulko

    - Journal of Sensors - Year 2021

    Instantaneous rotational speed measurement of the engine is crucial in routine inspection and maintenance of an automobile engine. Since the contact measurement of rotational speed is not always available, the vibration measurement has been used for noncontact rotational speed estimation methods. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the noncontact estimation methods by analyzing engine vibration frequency is not satisfactory due to the...

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  • Modelling of saturated, subcooled and post-dryout flow boiling with the energy dissipation based semi-empirical model


    - Year 2019

    A comprehensive semi-empirical model for saturated, subcooled and post dryout heat transfer is presented based on considerations of energy dissipation in the flow. The fundamental hypothesis in the model is the fact that heat transfer during flow boiling can be treated as a sum of two contributions constituting the total energy dissipation in the flow, namely the energy dissipation due to the shearing flow without the bubbles and...

  • Suppression of Supply Current Harmonics of 18-Pulse Diode Rectifier by Series Active Power Filter with LC Coupling


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    The reported research aims at improving the quality of three-phase rectifier supply currents. An effective method consists of adding properly formed booster voltages to the fundamental supply voltages using a series active filter. In the proposed solution, the booster voltages are generated by three single-phase systems consisting of inverters, LC filters, and single-phase transformers. The application of LC couplings ensures low...

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  • Internet photogrammetry for inspection of seaports


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2017

    This paper intends to point out the possibility of using Internet photogrammetry to construct 3D models from the images obtained by means of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The solutions may be useful for the inspection of ports as to the content of cargo, transport safety or the assessment of the technical infrastructure of port and quays. The solution can be a complement to measurements made by using laser scanning and traditional...

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  • Development and validation of a HAZOP-based inspection of UML models


    Artykuł prezentuje technikę inspekcji ukierunkowaną na wykrywanie defektów w modelach UML. Technika ta została opracowana poprzez adaptację HAZOP - metody szeroko stosowanej w dziedzinie systemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. Wykorzystano podstawową koncepcję HAZOP (zastosowanie ogólnych słów kluczowych do wykrywania pełnej listy anomalii związanych z danym fragmentem modelu) do systematycznego wygenerowania list kontrolnych dla...

  • Rzeczywista nośność pali w gruntach ilastych z zastosowaniem zaleceń PN-EN 1997-1:2004


    - Year 2011

    Obecnie co raz więcej obiektów posadawianych jest w gruntach słabych bądź o specyficznych parametrach, do takich gruntów zalicza się iły. Jedną z podstawowych możliwości posadowienia w gruntach ilastych jest posadowienie na palach. Projektowanie fundamentów na palach dla takich warunków wymaga specjalnego i indywidualnego podejścia. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd metod i uwag w oparciu o PN-EN 1997-1:2004, którymi należy kierować...

  • Problemy bezpieczeństwa podatkowego przedsiębiorców


    - Year 2006

    Podstawowym fundamentem, na jakim można budować stategię finansową, a w szczególności stategię podatkową jest poczucie bezpieczeństwa podatkowego. Obszar bezpieczeństwa jest bardzo rozległy i stanowi pewien system konsekwentnych badań, realizowanych zarówno przez ustawodawcę, jak i przez aparat skarbowy. W Polsce przedsiębiorcy wskazują na zbyt niskie poczucie bezpieczeństwa podatkowego uzasadniając to wieloma przyczynami jak np....

  • Metodyka i wyniki geotechnicznych badań modelowych z wykorzystaniem techniki PIV

    Przedstawiono metodykę przygotowywania i wykonywania własnych badań modelowych w gruncie naturalnym i w ośrodku analogowym Taylor-Schneebeli, bez zbrojenia i ze zbrojeniem. Zamieszczono opis stanowisk badawczych używanych gruntów i zbrojenia oraz pomiarów przemieszczeń techniką PIV. Przedstawiono obszerne wyniki ilościowe i jakościowe badań modelowych stateczności fundamentów bezpośrednich posadowionych na zboczu z gruntu naturalnego...

  • Evaluation of Sound Enhancement in Mobile Device Using Virtual Bass Synthesiss Algorithm


    An experiment conducted to validate possibility of use virtual bass synthesis (VBS) algorithm in a portable computer is presented. The subjective listening tests based on the procedure of pairwise comparison between VBS, based on the so-called missing fundamental phenomenon, and standard bass boost technique are employed. The evaluation was carried out in two types of conditions: in a professional listening room and employing an...



    - Diagnostyka - Year 2013

    In a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...

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  • Approaching Secure Industrial Control Systems


    This study presents a systematic approach to secure industrial control systems based on establishing a business case followed by the development of a security programme. To support these two fundamental activities the authors propose a new method for security cost estimation and a security assessment scheme. In this study they explain the cost evaluation technique and illustrate with a case study concerning the assessment of the...

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  • Approach to evaluation of time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines


    In the article an approach to the problem of estimating time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines is considered. Such an assessment would consist of six stages. The fundamental idea is to include to the estimation of time to failure of pipelines such elements like: materials that the pipelines are made, destructive physical phenomena taking place in them and applied means of protection. The result of that evaluation should...

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  • Ernst Cassirer’s Idea of the Critique of Knowledge


    The article analyses systematically and historically the specific idea of transcenden-talism developed in the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. The unique line of the Marburg’s School interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy consists in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understandings of basic philosophical concepts. This line is characteristic of the Marburg School...

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  • Entanglement and Nonlocality are Inequivalent for Any Number of Parties



    Understanding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement is one of the fundamental problems in quantum physics. In the bipartite case, it is known that these two phenomena are inequivalent, as there exist entangled states of two parties that do not violate any Bell inequality. However, except for a single example of an entangled three-qubit state that has a local model, almost nothing is known about such a relation in multipartite...

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  • 9 - Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells

    • C. Lenser
    • D. Udomsilp
    • N. Menzler
    • P. Holtappels
    • T. Fujisaki
    • L. Kwati
    • H. Matsumoto
    • A. Sabato
    • F. Smeacetto
    • A. Chrysanthou
    • S. Molin

    - Year 2019

    In this chapter, the fundamental reactions, the geometrical designs, the material requirements, and the status of SOFCs and SOECs are presented. In the following seven chapters, the most important components of an SOC are described and the chapter ends with a summary and outlook. The described components are: (i) oxygen-ion conductors (electrolyte), (ii) anode materials for SOFCs (cathode in SOEC mode), (iii) cathode materials...

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  • Profesjonalizm w pracy zawodowej


    - Year 2017

    Artykuł jest analizą cechy profesjonalizmu w pracy zawodowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zawodów technicznych. Autorka podnosi problem nierozerwalnego związku między działaniem respektującym zasady etyczne i sprawnością zawodową, jako fundamentu wyborów określanych mianem profesjonalnych . Zaproponowana przez autorkę triada - odpowiedzialność, wiedza i doświadczenie - to nie tylko warunek i gwarancja profesjonalizmu, ale...

  • Praktyka wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych prowadząca do określenia rzeczywistego stanu technicznego

    Praca przedstawia zasady wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych wg normy PN-EN 62446-1. Proponowany w normie zakres podstawowy pozwala tylko na ocenę bezpieczeństwa pracy instalacji. Dopiero zakres dodatkowy umożliwia uzyskanie informacji o referencyjnych mocach zainstalowanej elektrowni, jej sprawności, a nawet jednorodności poszczególnych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Załączone przykłady pomiarów czystych i zabrudzonych paneli...

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  • Multiregional PI control strategy for dissolved oxygen and aeration system control at biological wastewater treatment plant


    - Year 2012

    The dissolved oxygen is a key parameter for biological processes at wastewater treatment plant. The dissolved oxygen tracking problem is one of the most complex and fundamental issue of biological processes. The paper proposes a new multiregional control strategy for dissolved oxygen tracking problem. The aeration system is included in overall control structure. The control mechanism within the operating point area is based on...

  • Implementation of the Boundary Element Method to Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Thermal Bridge Effects


    The work presents an application of the boundary element method applied to a two-dimensional conductive heat transfer. The algorithm of the method is explained and its advantages are outlined. Green's function as a fundamental solution for Poisson's equation in two dimensions was used and the direct approach was applied. The presented results concern building construction elements as typical cases of thermal bridges. Some properties...

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  • Marcinkiewicz Averages of Smooth Orthogonal Projections on Sphere

    We construct a single smooth orthogonal projection with desired localization whose average under a group action yields the decomposition of the identity operator. For any full rank lattice \Gamma ⊂ R^d , a smooth projection is localized in a neighborhood of an arbitrary precompact fundamental domain R^d / \Gamma. We also show the existence of a highly localized smooth orthogonal projection, whose Marcinkiewicz average under the...

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  • Symmetrical power line conditioner - basic properties


    - Year 2005

    In this paper the basis of analytical modelling of the UPQC arrangements (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in d-q rotating coordinates, as well as select results of investigations conducted on the simplified small power laboratory model, were talked over. In short form power balance as well as fundamental dependences and analytical model with regard of decoupling circuits, were investigated. Applied method for DC link capacitance...

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  • Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests


    The article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...

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  • High Dynamic Range Microwave Displacement and Rotation Sensors Based on the Phase of Transmission in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology

    This research is focused on the design and realization of displacement sensors in gap waveguide technology. It is shown that with a small but fundamental change in the structure of a conventional gap waveguide, a linear displacement can be sensed. To this end, a unique feature of gap waveguides, i.e. the fact that no electrical connection between the top and bottom parts of the gap waveguide is required, is used. It is further shown...

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  • Modeling and experimental investigation of the small UPQC systems


    - Year 2005

    In this paper the basis of analytical modelling of the UPQC arrangements (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in d-q rotating coordinates, as well as select results of investigations conducted on the simplified small power laboratory model were talked over. In short form power balance as well as fundamental dependences and analytic model with regard of decoupling circuits were investigated. Applied method for DC link capacity selection...

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  • Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing (FES): A Promising Sensing Technique


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2020

    Fluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is a very powerful odor and gas sensing technique and as such it can play a fundamental role in the control of environments and, therefore, in the protection of health. For this reason, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art of the FES technique, highlighting potentials and limits. Particular attention is paid to the dedicated instrumentation necessary for the application of...

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  • Calculation methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with objects of complex geometries


    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2016

    Modeling of the electromagnetic interaction with different homogeneous or inhomo-geneous objects is a fundamental and important problem. It is relatively easy to solve Maxwellequations analytically when the scattering object is spherical or cylindrical, for example. How-ever, when it loses these properties all that is left for us is to useapproximation models, to ac-quire the solution we need. Modeling of complex, non-spherical,...

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  • Ze świata Lean: Jak rozpocząć Lean w procesach usługowych


    03-03-2022 15:00 - 03-03-2022 16:30

    Gośćmi kolejnego spotkania z cyklu Ze Świata Lean będą Wojciech Kozioł i Grzegorz Kuszneruk, którzy od pięciu lat tworzą wspólnie LEAN TEAM i wprowadzają filozofię lean w firmach produkcyjnych.

  • Nonlinear control of five phase induction motor with synchronized third harmonic flux injection


    The paper deals with the novel control system for five phase induction motor (IM) that enables the injection of the rotor flux 3rd harmonic component. Two multiscalar models are transformed from the 1-1 and 2-2 vector models developed in the 1st and 3rd harmonic planes. Based on the obtained multiscalar models the synthesis of dual multiscalar control is established. The obtained two multiscalar control systems can independently...

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  • Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller


    - MECHATRONICS - Year 2016

    In the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...

  • Impact of digital signal processing on FOC current feedback in high-speed PMSM drive


    - Year 2019

    In applications where size and weight of the electric motor are among major design concerns, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) with wide operational speed-range are commonly preferred. Due to limited inverter switching frequency, high-speed operation of a drive results in a low ratio between the switching frequency and the fundamental frequency of motor voltage. Such operating conditions have been recently identified...

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  • Establishing the allosteric mechanism in CRISPR‐Cas9


    Allostery is a fundamental property of proteins, which regulates biochemical information transfer between spatially distant sites. Here, we report on the critical role of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in discovering the mechanism of allosteric communication within CRISPR‐Cas9, a leading genome editing machinery with enormous promises for medicine and biotechnology. MD revealed how allostery intervenes during at least three...

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  • "Rzemieślnicza sztuka" budowania relacji w strukturach samorządności studenckiej


    - Year 2010

    Artykuł opisuje rzemieślniczą sztukę budowania relacji partnerskich na polskich uczelniach. W tym celu posłużono się doświadczeniami Politechniki Gdańskiej - opracowano trójkąt relacji partnerskich pod kątem braku relacji partnerskich pomiędzy poszczególnymi grupami relacji uczelnianych: "Obserwując zmiany zachodzące w społeczeństwie można zauważyć, iż wśród ludzi wzrasta świadomość znaczenia dobrych relacji wzajemnych. Trend ten...

  • Budowanie relacji partnerskich


    Artykuł opisuje rzemieślniczą sztukę budowania relacji partnerskich na polskich uczelniach. W tym celu posłużono się doświadczeniami Politechniki Gdańskiej - opracowano trójkąt relacji partnerskich pod kątem braku relacji partnerskich pomiędzy poszczególnymi grupami relacji uczelnianych: "Obserwując zmiany zachodzące w społeczeństwie można zauważyć, iż wśród ludzi wzrasta świadomość znaczenia dobrych relacji wzajemnych. Trend ten...

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  • Wybrane aspekty formułowania, implementacji oraz aplikacji 6-parametrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok


    pracy przedstawiono rekapitulację stanu wiedzy w zakresie nieliniowej 6-parametrowej teorii powłok, w której szóstym parametrem jest obrót prostopadły do powierzchni odniesienia powłoki tzw. obrót owinięcia (ang. drilling rotation). Zasadnicze fundamenty teorii 6-parametrowej wynikają z pracy między innymi osób: pierwotnego podejścia E. Reissnera podjętego dalej przez takich badaczy jak A. Libai, J.G. Simmonds, J. Makowski, W....

  • Ocena nośności konstrukcji pylonu Mostu Rędzińskiego po 10 latach eksploatacji. Propozycje działań utrzymaniowych

    Pylon mostu podwieszonego jest głównym elementem konstrukcyjnym przenoszącym niemal całe obciążenie z przęseł na fundamenty. W Moście Rędzińskim bardzo ważną rolę w pracy pylonu odgrywa rygiel dolny. Jest to żelbetowy element obciążony rozporem wynikającym z pochylenia nóg pylonu oraz reakcjami z przęseł. Jest zatem silnie rozciąganą i zginaną belką, ekscentrycznie sprężoną. Po ujawnieniu zarysowań w ryglu przystąpiono do kompleksowej...

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  • Designing intranet portals as electronic workplaces


    - Year 2007

    This paper highlights the most important requirements for developing intranet portals, especially in the areas of user interface ergonomics and usability. In specifying relevant usability requirements both perspectives are considered: of company employees and of executives. Best practices are reviewed, regarding successes and failures in intranet absorption, basing on the results on recent research in a number of surveyed Polish...

  • Wspólnota mieszkańców - passé?


    Local community - a term associated with the notion of neighbourhood and the quality of living environment - do not seem attractive to architects in Poland nowadays. Following years of collectivism enforced by top-down political decisions, one can currently observe bottom-up movements - attempts of building local communities. This paper presents research of chosen case studies (both Polish and foreign) illustrating the above approach....

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  • Wykonanie badań nieniszczących krzyżownicy oraz śrub sprzęgła Hydrozespołu nr 4 w Elektrowni Wodnej we Włocławku


    - Year 2010

    Celem badań było określenie stanu technicznego spoin krzyżownicy górnej łożyska prowadzącego generatora hydrozespołu nr 4 w Elektrowni wodnej we Włocławku. Badaniom nieniszczącym VT, UT i MT poddano spoiny czołowe i pachwinowe 12 ramion krzyżownicy, oraz dwa rodzaje śrub sprzęgła. Wykryte niezgodności spawalnicze opisano, podając przyczyny ich powstawania. Opracowano wytyczne technologiczne naprawy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem...

  • A theoretical framework for understanding trust and distrust in internet voting


    - Year 2022

    Each and every case of success and failure in the implementation of internet voting is permeated by a common element: the concept of trust. Several researchers highlighted the relevance of creating trust for the successful implementation of technology [15] and, in particular, of internet voting [13]. But the concept itself is complex and challenging to define, for one fundamental reason: it is a concept of everyday social use...

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  • Does source matter? Generation of investment expenditures by different types of local government revenues

    The purpose of the article was to investigate the impact of the three fundamental statutory categories of budget revenues, i.e. own revenues, general subsidies and specific grants on the size of investments made by local government units in Poland. The subject scope included the local government subsector in its entirety, as well as divided into 4 groups: communes (gminas), cities with powiat rights, districts (powiats) and province...

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  • Osiadanie grupy pali w odniesieniu do współczesnych metod obliczeniowych


    - Year 2015

    W artykule omówiono zagadnienie osiadania fundamentów palowych obciążonych siłami pionowymi. Przedstawiono wykorzystywane na świecie metody obliczeniowe umożliwiające racjonalne oszacowanie osiadania pali w grupie. Metody wymieniono począwszy od prostych i mało dokładnych metod empirycznych po wyrafinowane techniki obliczeniowe, korzystające z metod numerycznych. Główny nacisk położono na nowoczesne metody analityczne, w obrębie...

  • Environmental Taxes and Their Role in the Economics of Sustainable Development


    The purpose of this article is to answer the question of the role of environmental taxes in the economics of sustainable development. The first part of the article discusses the idea of sustainable economic development and the economics of sustainable development. Then, environmental taxes are defined, their essence explained and their role in the economics of sustainable development discussed in theoretical terms, which finally...

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  • Ernst Cassirer's Idea of the Critique of Knowledge


    Article is a systematic and historical presentation of a specific understanding of the idea of transcendentalism, developed in so called Marburg School of neo-Kantianism. Their unique line of interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy which consisted in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understanding of basic philosophical concepts is characteristic, from one hand, of Marburg School of idealism and,...

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  • Generalized adaptive comb filters/smoothers and their application to the identification of quasi-periodically varying systems and signals


    The problem of both causal and noncausal identification of linear stochastic systems with quasiharmonically varying parameters is considered. The quasi-harmonic description allows one to model nonsinusoidal quasi-periodic parameter changes. The proposed identification algorithms are called generalized adaptive comb filters/smoothers because in the special signal case they reduce down to adaptive comb algorithms used to enhance...

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  • The role of robotisation in improving bakery product quality


    The article aims to present the role of robotisation in increasing bakery product quality, as it is closely linked to machine reliability, as well as hygienic and sanitary conditions. All machines employed in the production process ought to be maintained at full production potential and reliability, which also has a fundamental influence on the final product’s quality. While participating in the 2014-2020 Smart Growth Operational...

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  • Water Resources Management - Winter Semester 2021-2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Kolerski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    Water Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...

  • Characterization of 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene-silica bonded stationary phases and their comparison to selected commercial columns by using principal component analysis

    Twelve calix[4]arene stationary phases in 1,3-alternate conformation, synthesized in the authors laboratory, were characterized in terms of their surface coverage, hydrophobic selectivity, aromatic selectivity, shape selectivity, hydrogen bonding capacity and ion-exchange capacity. The set of tests commonly used for evaluation of commercially available stationary phases was applied to assess fundamental chromatographic properties...

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  • Foundations of Grid Processing Architecture for the Comcute System


    - Year 2012

    Fundamental system algorithms and structures implemented in the Comcute system are described and analysed in detail. Layered architecture of the system model is highlighted. System tasks of the layers are elaborated, presented and described. Operational details of communication interfaces among layers are worked out and examined. The focus is put onto implemented system components with regard to their operability and efficiency....

  • Analysis of measurement uncertainty for contact-less method used to measure the position of catenary contact wire, performed with the use of Monte Carlo method


    Currently the majority of main railway lines in Europe are electrified, and electric trains have the biggest share in the entire amount of rail transport. Reliability of electrified railways is closely related to the issue of supplying traction vehicles with energy. The problems connected with diagnostics of energy consumption node, namely the contact line and the current collector, are therefore of fundamental importance for maintaining...

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