Search results for: ENERGY SYSTEM MODELING - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: ENERGY SYSTEM MODELING

Search results for: ENERGY SYSTEM MODELING

  • Modeling of active fiber Bragg grating underwater acoustic sensor.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki modelowania nowego typu przetwornika hydroakustycznego wykorzystującego światłowodową siatkę Bragga. Siatka ta, domieszkowana jonami pierwiastków ziem rzadkich, pracuje jako laser z rozłożonym sprzężeniem zwrotnym, co pozwala na znaczne zwiększenie czułości tego prztwornika w porównaniu z rozwiązaniami wykorzystującymi siatki pasywne. W celu uzyskania równomiernego rozkładu naprężeń siatki zastosowano...

  • Comprehensive modeling of interferometric hydrophone with self-supported mandrel transducer.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki modelowania nowego typu samonośnego przetwornika dla interferometrycznego hydrofonu światłowodowego. Zaprezentowano wyniki analizy statycznej, modowej i dynamicznej przeprowadzonej przy pomocy Metody Elementów Skończonych. W modelowaniu wykorzyastano techniki opracowane dla laminatów, co pozwoliło na uzyskanie dokładnych wyników przy względnie krótkim czasie obliczeń.

  • Application of virtual reality modeling language for 3D seafloor imaging.


    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania języka opisu wirtualnej rzeczywistości do trójwymiarowej wizualizacji objektów znajdujących się na dnie morskim w zastosowaniu do danych pochodzących z systemów hydroakustycznych. W szczególności zaprezentowano technikę tworzenia trójwymiarowych scen przeznaczonych do szerokiego udostępniania w sieci Internet.

  • Submerged object imaging using virtual reality modeling language.


    Artykuł przedstawia sposób wykorzystania języka opisu wirtualnej rzeczywistości w archeologii podwodnej. Przedstawiono propozycję wizualizacji objektów znajdujących się na dnie morskim, a w szczególności zaprezentowano technikę rekonstrukcji obrazu trójwymiarowego z danych pochodzących z sonaru wielowiązkowego.

  • Modeling of conducted emission of dc-dc switch-mode converter


    W publikacji zaprezentowano sposób modelowania i wyznaczania emisji przewodzonej zaburzeń elektromagnetycznych w przekształtnikach energoelektronicznych. Na przykładzie przekształtnika DC-DC, zostały dobrane odpowiednie narzędzia CAD do szerokopasmowego modelowania i symulacji przekształtnika energoelektronicznego. Otrzymane rezultaty zostały eksperymentalnie potwierdzone i porównane zarówno w dziedzinie czasu jak i częstotliwości...

  • Some aspects of physical and numerical modeling of water hammer in pipelines


    - Year 2005

    Charakterystyki ciśnieniowe otrzymywane w wyniku symulacji numerycznych uderzenia hydraulicznego różnią się zasadniczo od charakterystyk obserwowanych na drodze doświadczalnej. Stosowane zabiegi matematyczne i numeryczne pozwalające na poprawę zgodności między obliczeniami a pomiarami okazują się skuteczne tylko w przypadku prostych rurociągów o stałej średnicy. Dla bardziej skomplikowanych przypadków prawidłowe odwzorowanie zjawiska...

  • On bounded load routings for modeling k-regular connection topologies


    - Year 2005

    W pracy analizowane są problemy modelowania k-regularnych topologii sieci komputerowych z punktu widzenia routingu typu point-to-point. Zaprezentowane są algorytmy oraz przeprowadzona jest analiza złożoności obliczeniowej.

  • Timing diagrams functionalities in information systems modeling with UML 2


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł prezentuje aktualną klasyfikację diagramów interakcji języka UML 2 i przedstawia właściwości nowego diagramu tj. diagram harmonogramowania. W artykule omówiono ich istotę oraz podstawowe i zaawansowane kategorie ich modelowania. Diagram ten umożliwia reprezentowanie na osi czasu zmian dopuszczalnych stanów klasyfikatorów uczestniczących w interakcji. Możliwość harmonizacji linii zmian stanów dla większej liczby klasyfikatorów...

  • Soft modeling support for managing knowledge-based information technology (IT)


    W pracy omówiono metody miękkiego modelowania. Wskazano na możliwości zastosowania tych metod do wspomagania tworzenia systemów opartych na wiedzy. Omówiono także metody oparte na teorii zbiorów rozmytych.

  • Modeling the Influence of Salts on the Critical Micelle Concentration of Ionic Surfactants


    We show for the first time that a phenomenological, augmented volume-based thermodynamics (aVBT) model is capable to predict the critical micelle concentrations of ionic surfactants, including ionic liquids, with added salts. The model also adjusts for the type of salt added by including its molecular volume, which might form a connection to the Hofmeister effect. The other physico-chemically relevant quantities included in the...

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  • Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena


    Domain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...

  • Modeling of traffic safety indictors on Polish national road network


    Although decreased from 2001 to 2013, Poland’s road deaths improved at a slower rate than the rest of the EU, leaving Poland as one of the worst road safety performing countries in the EU. The national road network in Poland, despite the dynamic transformation and development, still does not conform to the EU safety standards. Similar situation exists in other EU countries, particularly those in Central and Eastern Europe. Safety...

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  • Design and modeling of the piezoelectric motor based on three resonance actuators


    - Year 2015

    This paper describes a piezoelectric motor which combines advantages from two existing piezoelectric motors topologies. The research work presents the design, simulations and measurements of the piezoelectric motor with three rotation-mode actuators. The aim of the project was to obtain the high speed piezoelectric motor. Other advantages of this conception are blocking torque, short response times, the ability to work in a hostile...

  • Modeling of lapping plate wear and conditioning in single-sided lapping


    In order to achieve higher quality on worked surfaces with lower roughness, very high accuracy of shape and dimensions it is crucial to improve conventional finishing technologies and to develop new working principles. Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies and it is determined by a number of factors and boundary conditions. The most significant influence over a dimensional and profile accuracy,...

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  • POM/EVA Blends with Future Utility in Fused Deposition Modeling


    - Materials - Year 2020

    Polyoxymethylene (POM) is one of the most popular thermoplastic polymers used in the industry. Therefore, the interest in its potential applications in rapid prototyping is understandable. Nevertheless, its low dimensional stability causes the warping of 3D prints, limiting its applications. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of POM modification with ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) (2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 wt.%) on its processing...

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  • Mispronunciation Detection in Non-Native (L2) English with Uncertainty Modeling


    - Year 2021

    A common approach to the automatic detection of mispronunciation in language learning is to recognize the phonemes produced by a student and compare it to the expected pronunciation of a native speaker. This approach makes two simplifying assumptions: a) phonemes can be recognized from speech with high accuracy, b) there is a single correct way for a sentence to be pronounced. These assumptions do not always hold, which can result...

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  • Modeling SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins in the CASP‐commons experiment

    • A. Kryshtafovych
    • J. Moult
    • W. M. Billings
    • D. Della Corte
    • K. Fidelis
    • S. Kwon
    • K. Olechnovič
    • C. Seok
    • Č. Venclovas
    • J. Won... and 79 others


    Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) is an organization aimed at advancing the state of the art in computing protein structure from sequence. In the spring of 2020, CASP launched a community project to compute the structures of the most structurally challenging proteins coded for in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Forty-seven research groups submitted over 3000 three-dimensional models and 700 sets of accuracy estimates on...

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    Fuel tanks are designed with regard to standard actions and operating conditions. The work analyses the impact of corrosion and other means to variation of stresses and deformation of a horizontal underground tank shell. The computations are preliminary. Due to the long computational time of the entire tank the analysis is restricted to its part only. The full analysis is bound to assess structural reliability, further allowing...

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  • Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives

    • G. Kirim
    • K. Mccullough
    • T. Bressani-ribeiro
    • C. Domingo-félez
    • H. Duan
    • A. Al-omari
    • H. Clippeleir De
    • J. Jimenez
    • S. Klaus
    • M. Ladipo-obasa... and 5 others


    This work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...

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  • Comparative modeling of shear localization in granular bodies with FEM and DEM


    The intention of the paper is to compare the calculations of shear zones in granular bodies using two different approaches: a continuum and a discrete one. In the first case, the FEM based on a micro-polar hypoplastic constitutive law was used. In the second case, the DEM was taken advantage of, where contact moments were taken into account to model grain roughness. The comparative calculations were performed for a passive case...

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  • Modeling of the behavior of granular bodies using DEM with contact moments


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji badania trójosiowego dla materiałów granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody DEM. Pokazano wpływ momentów kontaktowych na wytrzymałość próbki. Zbadano wpływ parametrów mikroskopowych.

  • Numerical modeling of shear localizations during granular flow in silos.


    - Year 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy MES dotyczącej przepływów materiałów sypkich w silosach. Omówiono różne metody opisu lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych wewnątrz materiałów. Wyniki porónano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.

  • Prediction of Protein Structure by Template-Based Modeling Combined with the UNRES Force Field


    - Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - Year 2015

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  • Inverse surrogate modeling for low-cost geometry scaling of microwave and antenna structures

    Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies for expedited dimension scaling ofelectromagnetic (EM)-simulated microwave and antenna structures, exploiting the concept of variable-fidelity inverse surrogate modeling.Design/methodology/approach–A fast inverse surrogate modeling technique is described fordimension scaling of microwave and antenna structures. The model is established using referencedesigns obtained...

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  • Layered background modeling for automatic detection of unattended objects in camera images


    - Year 2011

    An algorithm for automatic detection of unattended objects in video camera images is presented. First, background subtraction is performed, using an approach based on the codebook method. Results of the detection are then processed by assigning the background pixels to time slots, based on the codeword age. Using this data, moving objects detected during a chosen period may be extracted from the background model. The proposed approach...

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  • Designing drainage systems – possible application of advanced calculations and hydrodynamical modeling


    - Year 2015

    Nowadays we can observe a faster development of drainage systems than ever. This gives us an opportunity to de- sign more efficient systems that can cope with the rapid growth of cities and, what comes with it, impervious surfaces. Here the question arises, whether traditional methods used in drainage system design are potent enough to cope with the emerging prob- lems and difficulties. In this paper we will make...

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  • 1+1 Protection of Overlay Distributed Computing Systems: Modeling and Optimization


    - Year 2012

    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono autorską koncepcję ochrony transmisji od krańca do krańca (ang. 1+1 protection) dla systemów przetwarzania rozproszonego (ang. distributed computing systems). Artykuł prezentuje nowatorskie rozwiązanie dedykowane systemom typu ''overlay'', w których system przetwarzania rozproszonego stanowi warstwę najwyższą w warstwowej architekturze sieci, korzystającą z usług warstwy sieci transportowej....

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  • Molecular modeling of amphotericin B - ergosterol primary complex in water II


    Prezentowane badania dotyczą oddziaływania antybiotyku polienowego anfoterycyny B (AmB) i ergosterolu (ERG) (typowego sterolu błonowego komórek grzybowych) na poziomie molekularnym. W odróżnieniu od badanego poprzednio kompleksu binarnego analizowany obecnie kompleks AnB/ERG/AmB charakteryzuje się zdecydowanie wiekszą stabilnością i wzglednie sztywną, sandwiczową geometrią. Za trwałość i geometrie kompleksu odpowiedzialne są oddziaływania...

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  • Modeling of Passive and Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Channels with Rib Turbulators


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The main goal of the research presented in this paper was the experimental and numerical analysis of heat enhancement and aerodynamic phenomena during air flow in a channel equipped with flow turbulators in the form of properly configured ribs. The use of ribs intensifies the heat transfer and at the same time increases not only the flow resistance but also the energy costs. Therefore, designing modern heat exchangers with optimal...

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  • Expedited Variable-Resolution Surrogate Modeling of Miniaturized Microwave Passives in Confined Domains

    Design of miniaturized microwave components is largely based on computational models, primarily, full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. EM analysis is capable of giving an accurate account for cross-coupling effects, substrate and radiation losses, or interactions with environmental components (e.g., connectors). Unfortunately, direct execution of EM-based design tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification,...

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  • Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring


    - Year 2024

    This work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...

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  • Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring


    This work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...

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  • The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions


    - Year 2015

    Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are mainly characterized by sequential process phases of fill, react, settle, decant and idle periods that allow considerable flexibility in the design and operation in different conditions. This flexibility and the unique features of SBRs used to wastewater treatment by activated sludge systems operated in laboratory scale, allow not only conducting experiments for the standard conditions but also...

  • A Goal-Oriented Error Estimator for Reduced Basis Method Modeling of Microwave Devices

    This letter proposes a novel a-posteriori error estimator suitable for the reduced order modeling of microwave circuits. Unlike the existing error estimators based on impedance function residuals, the new one exploits the residual error associated with the computation of the scattering matrix. The estimator can be effectively used in the Reduced Basis Method (RBM) to automatically generate reduced-order models. The results of numerical...

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  • Elimination of clicks from archive speech signals using sparse autoregressive modeling


    This paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsivedisturbances from archive speech signals. The proposedsparse autoregressive (SAR) signal representation is given ina factorized form - the model is a cascade of the so-called formantfilter and pitch filter. Such a technique has been widelyused in code-excited linear prediction (CELP) systems, as itguarantees model stability. After detection of noise pulses usinglinear...

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  • Modeling the Customer’s Contextual Expectations Based on Latent Semantic Analysis Algorithms


    Nowadays, in the age of Internet, access to open data detects the huge possibilities for information retrieval. More and more often we hear about the concept of open data which is unrestricted access, in addition to reuse and analysis by external institutions, organizations and people. It’s such information that can be freely processed, add another data (so-called remix) and then published. More and more data are available in text...

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  • Rapid dimension scaling of triple-band antennas by means of inverse surrogate modeling


    Geometry scaling of antennas, i.e., finding optimum dimensions of the structure for given operating conditions and material parameters is an important yet challenging problem. In this paper, we discuss fast dimension scaling of triple-band antennas with respect to operating frequencies. We adopt the inverse surrogate modeling approach where the surrogate model is a function of the three operating frequencies of the antenna and...

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  • 3D Hand Shape Modeling for Automatic Assessing Motor Performance in Parkinson's Disease


    In this paper a method for hand pattern processing to create a 3D hand model is presented. By applying a complete hand armature to the model obtained, an interpolation of three motor tests for an individual Parkinson's disease patient can be performed. To obtain the 3D hand model the top view of the hand from a web cam is analyzed. The hand contour is examined to find characteristic points that allows for dividing hand image into...

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  • Muhammad Jamshed Abbass Phd in Electrical Engineering


    Muhammad Jamshed Abbass received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Riphah International University, Islamabad. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. His research interests include machine learning, voltage stability within power systems, control design, analysis, the modeling of electrical power systems, the integration of numerous decentralized...



    - Year 2018

    The article presents studies and numerical simulations on modeling snow influence on TAURON ARENA suspended roof structure in Cracow. The scope of work includes experimental tests, functions solutions taking into account various cases of snow impact according to PN and EC, as well as numerical simulations for the sport and entertainment arena in the Czyzyny district. The FEM roof structure model developed in the SOFISITK software...

  • Modeling N2O behavior during denitrification with different carbon sources and electron acceptors


    - Year 2015

    A mathematical model was developed for identification of the most important mechanism leading to nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation in denitrifying activated sludge systems. The activated sludge model No. 2d (ASM2d) was extended to include intermediate three steps of the denitrification process. The formation and accumulation of nitric oxide (NO) was assumed to be very low in the performed laboratory experiments. These experiments...

  • Reliable Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics by Means of Domain Confinement and Principal Components


    A reliable design of contemporary antenna structures necessarily involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis which is the only tool capable of accounting, for example, for element coupling or the effects of connectors. As EM simulations tend to be CPU-intensive, surrogate modeling allows for relieving the computational overhead of design tasks that require numerous analyses, for example, parametric optimization or uncertainty...

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  • Design-Oriented Two-Stage Surrogate Modeling of Miniaturized Microstrip Circuits with Dimensionality Reduction


    - IEEE Access - Year 2020

    Contemporary microwave design heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. This is especially the case for miniaturized devices where EM cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted for using equivalent network models. Unfortunately, EM analysis incurs considerable computational expenses, which becomes a bottleneck whenever multiple evaluations are required. Common simulation-based design tasks include...

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  • Improved Modeling of Microwave Structures Using Performance-Driven Fully-Connected Regression Surrogate


    - IEEE Access - Year 2021

    Fast replacement models (or surrogates) have been widely applied in the recent years to accelerate simulation-driven design procedures in microwave engineering. The fundamental reason is a considerable—and often prohibitive—CPU cost of massive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analyses related to solving common tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification. The most popular class of surrogates are data-driven...

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  • Accurate Modeling of Antenna Structures by Means of Domain Confinement and Pyramidal Deep Neural Networks



    The importance of surrogate modeling techniques has been gradually increasing in the design of antenna structures over the recent years. Perhaps the most important reason is a high cost of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis of antenna systems. Although imperative in ensuring evaluation reliability, it entails considerable computational expenses. These are especially pronounced when carrying out EM-driven design tasks such...

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  • Accelerated multi-objective design optimization of antennas by surrogate modeling and domain segmentation


    - Year 2017

    Multi-objective optimization yields indispensable information about the best possible design trade-offs of an antenna structure, yet it is challenging if full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is utilized for performance evaluation. The latter is a necessity for majority of contemporary antennas as it is the only way of achieving acceptable modeling accuracy. In this paper, a procedure for accelerated multi-objective design of...

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  • Modeling of subarachnoid space width change caused by blood circulation in brain vessels


    - Year 2014

    The subarachnoid space is an anatomic space, lying in the central nervous system, between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which protects and nourishes the brain. The pathological disorder of the subarachnoid space (i.e. increase or decrease of its width) a ects the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the width changes of the subarachnoid space. One way to support...

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  • Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Crashes into Three-Bar Metal Bridge Rail


    - Computation - Year 2024

    Advanced finite element (FE) modeling and simulations were performed on vehicular crashes into a three-bar metal bridge rail (TMBR). The FE models of a sedan, a pickup truck, and a TMBR section were adopted in the crash simulations subject to Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Test Level 2 (TL-2) and Test Level 3 (TL-3) requirements. The test vehicle models were first validated using full-scale physical crash tests conducted...

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  • Simulation-Driven Antenna Modeling by Means of Response Features and Confined Domains of Reduced Dimensionality


    In recent years, the employment of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become imperative in the antenna design mainly for reliability reasons. While the CPU cost of a single simulation is rarely an issue, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive EM analyses may become a serious bottleneck. A widely used approach to lessen this cost is the employment of surrogate models, especially...

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  • Computational modeling of molecularly imprinted polymers as a green approach to the development of novel analytical sorbents



    The development of novel molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) sorbents for specific chemical compounds require a lot of tedious and time-consuming laboratory work. Significant quantities of solvents and reagents are consumed in the course of the verification of appropriate configurations of polymerization reagents. Implementation of molecular modeling in the MIP sorbent development process appears to provide a solution to this...

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