Search results for: HYBRID PROCESSES
The elasto-plastic numerical study of crack initiation in notched PMMA specimens under uniaxial loading conditions – Tension and torsion
PublicationThis paper presents the results of FEM numerical calculations aimed at describing the plastic strain and stress fields under critical loading conditions: tensile force or torsional moment. The calculations were carried out with reference to the results of experimental tensile and torsional tests of flat PMMA specimens weakened with V-notches of different root radii: 0.5, 2 and 10 mm. The procedure for conducting nonlinear numerical...
Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by sono-activated persulfates for water and wastewater treatment applications
PublicationThis paper presents a hybrid advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on sonocavitational activation of persulfate (PS) for degradation of 1,4-dioxane during wastewater treatment. Application of sono-cavitation effectively convert PS to radical species demonstrating synergistic effect by increasing the reaction rate and reducing the required energy for activation. It is economically feasible and deployed alternative to the direct...
Cathodic Activation of Titania-Fly Ash Cenospheres for Efficient Electrochemical Hydrogen Production: A Proposed Solution to Treat Fly Ash Waste
PublicationFly ash (FA) is a waste product generated in huge amounts by coal-fired electric and steam-generating plants. As a result, the use of FA alone or in conjunction with other materials is an intriguing study topic worth exploring. Herein, we used FA waste in conjunction with titanium oxide (TiO2) to create (FA-TiO2) nanocomposites. For the first time, a cathodic polarization pre-treatment regime was applied to such nanocomposites...
Towards an integrated assessment of environmental and human health impact of energy sector in Poland
PublicationReferat prezentuje system zintegrowanej oceny wpływu sektora energetycznego na stan środowiska i zdrowie ludzkie w Polsce. W podejściu wykorzystano kombinację modelu transportu zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu POLAIR 3D z modelem informacyjno-symulacyjnym RAINS. Model oszacowuje emisje i koncentracje zanieczyszczeń powietrza, koszty kontroli emisji zanieczyszczeń i inne koszty związane z różnymi scenariuszami rozwoju sektora energetycznego.The...
Isolation Improvement in MIMO Antenna with a Simple Hybrid Technique of Orthogonal and Inverse Currents
PublicationThis paper presents a compact high-isolation multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna developed using a hybrid approach. The proposed technique combines induced orthogonal currents and self-inverse currents to enhance the antenna's performance. Orthogonal currents are generated by strategically etching open slots on the antenna patches, while self-inverse currents are introduced by integration of annular vias. By carefully...
Spetiation of organic matter in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
PublicationThe object of the research were VFCWs which are a component of biological treatment of two hybrid hydrophyte systems located in Wieszyno and Wiklino, close to Słupsk, Poland. The facilities that are subject to analyses are unified in terms of structure (filtration material, depth of the bed and time of operation), but they differ in organic matter load, amounting respectively to: 8.0 gCOD/m2day and 31.0 gCOD/m2day.The intensity...
EM-driven topology evolution for bandwidth enhancement of hybrid quadrature patch couplers
PublicationA broad operational bandwidth is one of the key performance figures of hybrid patch couplers. Due to the lack of systematic design procedures, bandwidth enhancement is normally obtained through manual modifications of the structure geometry. In this work, an optimization-based topology evolution for EM-driven design of patch couplers with enhanced bandwidth has been proposed. The method exploits a novel spline-based EM model where...
Frequency and time domain characteristics of digital control of electric vehicle in-wheel drives
PublicationIn-wheel electric drives are promising as actuators in active safety systems of electric and hybrid vehicles. This new function requires dedicated control algorithms, making it essential to deliver models that reflect better the wheel-torque control dynamics of electric drives. The timing of digital control events, whose importance is stressed in current research, still lacks an analytical description allowing for modeling its...
Tyre rolling resistance and its influence on fuel consumption
PublicationRolling resistance of tyres is one of the major resistive forces acting on any wheeled vehicle. Unfortunately, it is also one of the forces very difficult to measure. It is estimated that in certain traffic conditions (like for example constant speed driving with slow or moderate speed) so called Rolling Resistance Impact Factor may be as high as 0.3. This means that reduction of rolling resistance by 50% would lead to 15% of energy...
On the Structure of Time in Computational Semantics of a Variable-Step Solver for Hybrid Behavior Analysis
PublicationHybrid dynamic systems combine continuous and discrete behavior. Often, computational approaches are employed to derive behaviors that approximate the analytic solution. An important part of this is the approximation of differential equation behavior by numerical integration. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the integration usually depend on the complexity of the method and its implicated approximation errors, especially...
Assessment of under power ed propulsion machinery in electrically driven small inland waterway passenger ships from classification society point of view
PublicationPaper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have seriou s influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...
PublicationPaper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have serious influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...
Sandwich Biobattery with Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode Integrated with Sensor
PublicationCarbon paper covered with side-naphthylated multi walled carbon nanotubes was used as the conducting support for the construction of a biocathode in a hybrid biofuel cell. Laccase Carrena unicolor enzyme was employed as the catalyst for the 4e reduction of oxygen and a zinc disc covered with hopeite was used as the anode. Derivatized carbon nanotubes increase the working surface of the electrode and provide direct contact with...
Encapsulation of Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite photocatalyst with polythiophene for prolonged activity in oxidizing and humid environment
PublicationDespite their growing popularity in modern technology, halide perovskites suffer from susceptibility to oxidation, limiting their applications. Our aim was to enhance Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite's performance in humid environments through polythiophene encapsulation. This extended its lifespan while preserving photocatalytic abilities, as demonstrated in toluene decomposition experiments. We confirmed the stability of Cs3Bi2Br9 encapsulated...
Periodic and chaotic dynamics in a map‐based neuron model
PublicationMap-based neuron models are an important tool in modeling neural dynamics and sometimes can be considered as an alternative to usually computationally costlier models based on continuous or hybrid dynamical systems. However, due to their discrete nature, rigorous mathematical analysis might be challenging. We study a discrete model of neuronal dynamics introduced by Chialvo in 1995. In particular, we show that its reduced one-dimensional...
Merging Proline:Xylitol Eutectic Solvent in Crosslinked Chitosan Pervaporation Membranes for Enhanced Water Permeation in Dehydrating Ethanol
PublicationThe scope of this research aims at merging a new deep eutectic mixture (DES) into a biopolymer-based membrane for a pervaporation application in dehydrating ethanol. Herein, an L-proline:xylitol (at 5:1) eutectic mixture was successfully synthesized and blended with chitosan (CS). A complete characterization of the hybrid membranes, in terms of morphology, solvent uptake, and hydrophilicity, has been conducted. As part of their...
Analysis of the Possibilities of Applying 3D Print Methods for the Needs of Ship-Building Industry
PublicationArticle presents the analysis of applying additive and hybrid manufacturing methods and its impact on dynamic stiffness of prepared samples. Dynamic analysis of the handle bracket specimens consisted in plotting the resonance curves and using these curves to estimate the dynamic stiffness of elements produced with additive manufacturing technology. Authors focused especially on 3D print in Fused Deposiotion Modeling/Fused Filament...
Research and applications of active bearings: A state-of-the-art review
PublicationControllable/active bearings are mainly associated with active magnetic bearings (AMBs), whereas active bearing control is also found in many types of bearings, e.g. fluid, gas and hybrid bearings. The article presents a review of the literature describing the structure and results of studies of active bearings. Active control brings a number of benefits resulting in the fact that their use as a support for rotors becomes increasingly...
Assessment of the impact of jet impingement technique on the energy efficiency of air-cooled BIPV/T roof tile
PublicationThe paper concerns a numerical analysis of cooling of the hybrid photovoltaic (PV) modules dedicated to Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems. Attention was focused on the photovoltaic roof tiles, using a jet impingement technique, in which the intensification of heat transfer is ensured by streams of air hitting the heat exchange partition. A series of numerical simulations were carried out to assess an influence...
PublicationThe paper presents the final version of intelligent system to support the design process of hybrid photovoltaic systems supported by fuel cells and / or thermoelectric generators developed and constructed at the Institute of Electron Technology, as well as to conduct experiments and research. A block diagram of the system and the selection of its components is described and discussed. The paper considers the availability of the...
Reducing common mode voltage and bearing currents in quasi - resonant DC - link inverter
PublicationIn the paper, a concept of separation of an inverter-fed induction motor drive from its mains supply by two transistor switches inserted in the dc-link circuit is reexamined based on the proposed parallel quasi-resonant dc-link inverter (PQRDCLI). The objective of the paper is to show an advantage of the proposed topology in limiting high frequency common mode voltage and bearing currents. In the laboratory setup, an induction...
Inverse modeling for fast design optimization of small-size rat-race couplers incorporating compact cells
PublicationIn the paper, a framework for computationally-efficient design optimization of compact rat-race couplers (RRCs) is discussed. A class of hybrid RRCs with variable operating conditions is investigated, whose size reduction is obtained by replacing ordinary transmission lines with compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs). Our approach employs a bottom-up design strategy leading to the development of compact RRCs through rapid design...
Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies
PublicationThe current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...
Model-based testing for execution algorithms in the simulation of cyber-physical systems
PublicationThe understanding of simulation semantics of a hybrid system is a challenge for computational engineers as it requires expertise in computer science, engineering, numerical methods, and mathematics at once. The testing methods for the execution of a simulation are being researched but not yet applied on the industrial level. Consequently, the semantics of the simulation becomes a critical artifact in the system development process....
Distributed correlations and information flows within a hybrid multipartite quantum-classical system
PublicationUnderstanding the non-Markovian mechanisms underlying the revivals of quantum entanglement in the presence of classical environments is central in the theory of quantum information. Tentative interpretations have been given by either the role of the environment as a control device or the concept of hidden entanglement. We address this issue from an information-theoretic point of view. To this aim, we consider a paradigmatic tripartite...
Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet – Microchannel cooling module
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet–microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper was...
Optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details
PublicationIn the paper a method of optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details is proposed. In order to reduce vibration level, an original procedure of the spindle speed optimisation, based on the Liao–Young criterion, is suggested. As the result, an optimal, constant spindle speed value is determined. For this purpose, on-stationary computational model of machining process is...
Auto-tuning methodology for configuration and application parameters of hybrid CPU + GPU parallel systems based on expert knowledge
PublicationAuto-tuning of configuration and application param- eters allows to achieve significant performance gains in many contemporary compute-intensive applications. Feasible search spaces of parameters tend to become too big to allow for exhaustive search in the auto-tuning process. Expert knowledge about the utilized computing systems becomes useful to prune the search space and new methodologies are needed in the face of emerging heterogeneous...
Ranking of Generation Source Locations by a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Method
PublicationThe paper presents a ranking of the locations of eight renewable energy sources (RES) made using a hybrid multi-criteria analysis method. The method is a combination of the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy. The considered generating sources, i.e. solar plants, biogas plants, and wind farms are sources that will significantly contribute to implementing the provisions of the energy and climate package...
Optimisation of cooperation of hybrid renewable energy sources with hydrogen energy storage toward the lowest net present cost
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a technical and economic analysis of the power supply for a model industrial facility based on intermittent renewable energy sources in the form of wind turbines and photovoltaic modules, supplemented with hydrogen energy storage. The adopted power supply strategy assumed the maximisation of self-consumption of self-produced electricity. Six variants were considered, including two with an energy...
Investigating COVID-19 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) degradation using Peroxydisulfate/FeMnOx binary metal oxide/Ultrasound System
PublicationDegradation of Favipiravir using a hybrid system of peroxydisulfate, FeMnOx binary metal oxide, and ultrasound irradiation was studied. A novel catalyst was synthesized with deep eutectic solvent (DES). The effects of DES type on catalytic performance was evaluated and the catalysts were characterized using XRD, SEM, BET, XPS, and EDS. DES-based catalysts exhibited higher efficiency due to structure change, surface area enhancement...
The influence of the size of a one-faced metallic head in Janus nanoparticles as a co-catalyst on the photocatalytic efficiency of hydrogen evolution under vis light irradiation
PublicationJanus nanoparticles (NPs) consisting of MoOxSy nanospheres and silver (Ag) head, successfully developed by a simple, controlled method were in the first time they were applied as a co-catalysts in photocatalytic hydrogen generation reaction under vis light irradiation (λ > 420 nm). The MoOxSy-Ag as a co-catalysts were deposited on the obtained ZnIn2S4 microspheres (ZIS) using physical absorption method. The influence of the size...
Tuning of the finesse coefficient of optoelectronic devices
PublicationOptoelectronic devices attracted considerable attention in many branches of science and technology, which can be attributed to their unique properties. Many of them use optical cavities which parameters can be adopted to specific requirements. This thesis investigates the introduction of diamond structures (nitrogen-doped diamond film, boron-doped diamond film, undoped diamond sheet) to optical cavities to tune their finesse coefficient....
Four Degree-of-Freedom Hydrodynamic Maneuvering Model of a Small Azipod-Actuated Ship With Application to Onboard Decision Support Systems
PublicationThe main contribution of this paper is a numerical ship motion model of NTNU’s research vessel Gunnerus, capturing the surge, sway, roll, and yaw dynamics when sailing in uniform and steady currents. The model utilizes a crossflow drag formulation for the transverse viscous loads, and it includes a nonlinear formulation for the propulsion and steering loads provided by two azipod thrusters. A wide range of experimental data obtained...
Modification of TiO2 nanotubes by graphene–strontium and cobalt molybdate perovskite for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic medium
PublicationHerein, we demonstrate that modification of TiO2 nanotubes with graphene–strontium and cobalt molybdate perovskite can turn them into active electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). For this purpose, a simple method of hydrothermal synthesis of perovskites was developed directly on the TiO2 nanotubes substrate. Moreover, the obtained hybrids were also decorated with graphene oxide (GO) during one-step hydrothermal...
Analysis of the regenerative braking process for the urban traffic conditions
PublicationIn a regular drive system, with an internal combustion engine, vehicle braking is connected with the unproductive dissipation of kinetic and potential energy accumulated in the mass of the vehicle into the environment. This energy can constitute up to 70% of the energy used to drive a vehicle under urban conditions. Its recovery and reuse is one of the basic advantages of hybrid and electric vehicles. Modern traffic management...
Algorytmy hybrydowe optymalizacji w zastosowaniu do problemu sterowania systemami dystrybucji wody
PublicationW pracy analizowany jest problem optymalizującego zintegrowanego sterowania ilością i jakością w systemach dystrybucji wody. Proponowane decyzje i sterowania powinny zapewniać optymalizację przyjętego wskaźnika jakości, przy spełnieniu ograniczeń właściwych tej klasie systemów. Ostatecznie do rozwiązania złożonych zadań optymalizacji dynamicznej zaproponowane zostało podejście hybrydowe, wspomagające predykcyjne algorytmy sterowania...
Day-ahead Solar Power Forecasting Using LightGBM and Self-Attention Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
PublicationThe burgeoning trend of integrating renewable energy harvesters into the grid introduces critical issues for its reliability and stability. These issues arise from the stochastic and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Data-driven forecasting tools are indispensable in mitigating these challenges with their rugged performance. However, tools relying solely on data-driven methods often underperform when an adequate...
Energy Router: A Sustainable Solution for Future Residential Buildings
PublicationElectric energy consumption is increasing much faster than the predicted growth in energy generation. Although the installed capacity of renewable energy sources is also expanding, grid congestion remains unavoidable without adopting smart energy management systems (EMS) and flexible power electronics structures. Given the significant installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) systems in the residential sector, moving towards zero-emission...
A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
PublicationIn order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized...
Towards a reliable method for extrapolation of propulsion performance for vessels with twin-crp-pod system
PublicationThe study presents power performance prediction of an Ultra Large Container Ship (ULCS) with hybrid twin-crp-pod propulsion system. Twin crp-pod propulsion system is a combination of three concepts: twin screw, contra-rotating propellers (crp) and conventional shaft propellers with pod propulsors behind. The presented study shows the current extrapolation method for crp propulsion systems and tries to point out its weaknesses....
Example of Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Nelder–Mead Method for Flow Improvement in Axial Last Stage of Gas–Steam Turbine
PublicationThis article focuses principally on the comparison baseline and the optimized flow efficiency of the final stage of an axial turbine operating on a gas–steam mixture by applying a hybrid Nelder– Mead and the particle swarm optimization method. Optimization algorithms are combined with CFD calculations to determine the flowpaths and thermodynamic parameters. The working fluid in this study is a mixture of steam and gas produced...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublicationConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
Local Nusselt number evaluation in the case of jet impingement
PublicationJet impingement still is one of demanding cases regarding computational fluid dynamics, due to its highly turbulent behaviour, with occurrence of turbulent-laminar transition. Even recently developed methods exhibit some drawbacks – RANS based simulations lack accuracy, LES and DNS based ones require too much computational time. Hybrid methods also exist, but their development and validation is in progress. Nevertheless, CFD application...
Kinetics of pollutants removal in hybrid treatment wetlands – Case study comparison
PublicationRecent years have seen an increasing interest in hybrid constructed wetland (HCW) systems for domestic sewage treatment. This paper is focused on kinetics of removal of the main pollutants occurring in wastewater i.e. organics expressed as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and total nitrogen. The purpose of the article is to compare different HCW configurations in terms of mass removal rates (MRR) and removal rate...
Hybrid SONIC: joint feedforward–feedback narrowband interference canceler
PublicationSONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler) is an acronym of a recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitude and/or frequency) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainty. We show that although SONIC can work reliably without...
Pipeline System for Heat Transportation from Nuclear Power Plant – an Optimizing Approach
PublicationOver the last few years heat piping insulation technology and pump systems efficiency have been significantly improved. Reduced thermal losses encourage heat transportation over long distances. It provides an opportunity for increasing thermodynamic efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are often located in rural areas because of safety issues. It can be achieved by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation, as heat produced...
Reliable routing and resource allocation scheme for hybrid RF/FSO networks
PublicationSignificant success of wireless networks in the last decade has changed the paradigms of communication networks design. In particular, the growing interest in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) is observed. WMNs offer an attractive alternative to conventional cable infrastructures, especially in urban areas, where the cost of new installations is almost prohibitive. Unfortunately, the performance of WMNs is often limited by the cluttered...
Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet -microchannel cooling module
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet- microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper...
Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications
PublicationUse of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...