Search results for: MATHEMATICAL MODEL
Design of three control algorithms for an averaging tank with variable filing
PublicationAn averaging tank with variable filling is a nonlinear multidimensional system and can thus be considered a complex control sys-tem. General control objectives of such object include ensuring stability, zero steady state error and achieving simultaneously shortest possible settling time and minimal overshoot. The main purpose of this research work was the modelling and synthesis of three control systems for an averaging tank. In...
Analytical ‘Steady-State’-Based Derivation and Clarification of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition for Pipe Flow
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of choosing the optimal discretization grid for emulating fluid flow through a pipeline. The aggregated basic flow model is linearized near the operating point obtained from the steady state analytic solution of the differential equations under consideration. Based on this model, the relationship between the Courant number (μ) and the stability margin is examined. The numerically set coefficient...
Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modelling Based on Exploitation Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationOne of the ways to improve the fuel economy of heavy duty trucks is to operate the combustion engine in its most efficient operating points. To do that, a mathematical model of the engine is required, which shows the relations between engine speed, torque and fuel consumption in transient states. In this paper, easy accessible exploitation data collected via CAN bus of the heavy duty truck were used to obtain a model of a diesel...
Biorefinery Approach for H2 and Acids Production Based on Uncontrolled pH Fermentation of an Industrial Effluent
PublicationIn this work, the feasibility of uncontrolled pH acidogenic fermentation of industrial organic effluent from corn-bioethanol production was studied and modelled by using a Monod-based mathematical model. In order to do that, several tests were carried out at different initial pH values, ranging from 4 to 6. The experimental data showed a pH reduction during the fermentation process due to the generation of short-chain acids. When...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości wykrywania anomalii procesowych w działaniu turbiny parowej elektrowni jądrowej przy pomocy metod wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej. Zasymulowano symptomy dwóch rodzajów uszkodzeń turbiny parowej tj. uderzenie wodne oraz, wyciek pary z zaworu części niskoprężnej. Jako narzędzie diagnostyczne wykorzystano Metodę Składników Podstawowych PCA (z ang. Principal Component Analysis). Jako...
Semantics for an Interdisciplinary Computation
PublicationSemantics for an interdisciplinary computation is becoming increasingly difficult to capture while dealing with multi-domain problems. Expertise from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other disciplines merges as engineering challenges in modern systems, such as, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Bionic Systems must be tackled in a methodological manner. In this paper, a paradigm for formalization...
A compact microstrip rat-race coupler constituted by nonuniform transmission lines
PublicationIn this work, a step-by-step development of a compact microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) has been presented and discussed. A high degree of miniaturization has been obtained by substituting six quarter-wavelength uniform atomic building blocks of a RRC by their nonuniform counterparts. The miniaturization procedure has been realized in three progressive steps: (i) the first layout solution of a miniaturized RRC has been acquired...
On instabilities and post-buckling of piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic nanostructures
PublicationWe focus on the mechanical strength of piezomagnetic beam-like nanosize sensors during post-buckling. An effective flexomagnetic property is also taken into account. The modelled sensor is selected to be a Euler-Bernoulli type beam. Long-range interactions between atoms result in a mathematical model based on the nonlocal strain gradient elasticity approach (NSGT). Due to possible large deformations within a post-buckling phenomenon,...
Safety at railway level crossings and Vision Zero
PublicationIn this work, safety analysis at the railway level crossings is presented using advanced mathematical modelling. Resistivity of track subgrade panels is taken into account. The analysis does not refer to the assessment of the current regulations. Specific cases of generalized dynamic system are considered by introducing operations S=Δ, S=P defined in space C(N) of real sequences. In this model, generalized discrete exponential...
On thermal stability of piezo-flexomagnetic microbeams considering different temperature distributions
PublicationBy relying on the Euler–Bernoulli beam model and energy variational formula, we indicate critical temperature causes in the buckling of piezo-flexomagnetic microscale beams. The corresponding size-dependent approach is underlying as a second strain gradient theory. Small deformations of elastic solids are assessed, and the mathematical discussion is linear. Regardless of the pyromagnetic effects, the thermal loading of the thermal...
Billiard in a rotating half-plane
PublicationThe main objective of this research is to study the properties of a billiard system in an unbounded domain with moving boundary. We consider a system consisting of an infinite rod (a straight line) and a ball (a massless point) on the plane. The rod rotates uniformly around one of its points and experiences elastic collisions with the ball. We define a mathematical model for the dynamics of such a system and write down asymptotic...
Assessment of the Accuracy of a Virtual Multi-Channel Temperature Measuring Instrument
PublicationThe multi-channel temperature measurement system developed works with NTC thermistors. The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical evaluation of accuracy obtained in measurement channels. The basis for the theoretical assessment is the mathematical model for each of the measurement channels and the characteristics of the system elements included in the circuits of the measurement channel. Two different methods were...
Analiza drgań przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej w aspekcie oceny jej stanu technicznego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania analizy drgań przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej do oceny jej stanu technicznego. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, w których rejestrowano drgania odcinka przewodu jezdnego o zróżnicowanym stopniu zużycia i przy różnych warunkach jego zawieszenia. Na bazie przeprowadzonych analiz w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości, wskazano zależności między stanem sieci a wybranymi parametrami...
Sensorless Field Oriented Control of Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublicationIn this paper, a sensorless field oriented control system of five-phase induction machine with the 3rd harmonic rotor flux is presented. Two vector models, α1-β1 and α3-β3, were transformed into d1-q1, d3-q3 models oriented in rotating frames, which correspond to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. The authors proposed the linearization of the model in d-q coordinate frames by introducing a new variable “x” which is proportional...
Chosen aspects of muscle biomechanics
PublicationConsidering a striated skeletal muscle as a different properties mechanical system, one can understand series of important phenomena happening in a real muscle phenomenon of muscle: 1) force delivery to skeletal apparatus through tendons; 2) changing of exerted muscle belly mass distribution with regards to skeletal apparatus; 3) beginning drop of muscle force. A disregard of first phenomenon causes an impossibility to explain...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
Modelowanie matematyczne górnej sieci trakcyjnej dla potrzeb diagnostyki odbieraków prądu
PublicationGórna sieć trakcyjna jest obecnie najbardziej skutecznym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Wzrost prędkości pojazdów zwiększa pobór mocy i wymaga zapewnienia właściwej współpracy odbieraków prądu pojazdów z siecią jezdną. Metody modelowania i projektowania wspomaganego komputerowo dla górnej sieci trakcyjnej są obecnie na całym świecie szeroko rozwijane. W artykule przedstawiono nowy model matematyczny elementów...
Propozycja metody oceny bezpieczeństwa użytkowania rekreacyjnego obiektu wodnego typu ‘dzika rzeka’
PublicationPrzedstawiona praca dotyczy możliwości wykorzystania numerycznej symulacji przepływu do oceny bezpieczeństwa użytkowania torów rekreacyjnych występujących w wodnych parkach rozrywki. Użytkownicy licznie odwiedzanych aquaparków oczekują wyjątkowych wrażeń z jednoczesną gwarancją bezpieczeństwa. Projektowanie tych obiektów odbywa się w oparciu o przepisy zawarte w odpowiednich normach, lecz nie są one precyzyjne. Jednak wstępną weryfikację...
Effect of adhesive compliance in the assessment of soft adhesives with the wedge test
PublicationWedge tests are usually analysed assuming that the free, unbonded members may be treated as encastré cantilever beams. However, if the adhesive layer is sufficiently flexible (e.g., due to low elastic modulus), then significant strain in the bonded region may occur and lead to modification of the behaviour outside this region. Using in conjunction a sensitive strain gauge method on asymmetric wedge tests and a mathematical analysis...
Hybrid Finite Element Method Development for Offshore Structures’ Calculation with the Implementation of Industry Standards
PublicationIn the design process of offshore steel structures, it is typical to employ commercial calculation codes in which simulation and evaluation of results are performed on the basis of the available standards (e.g. API, DNV, Lloyds). The modeling and solution rely on finite element methods and cover the simulation of the structure’s properties along with the influence of the marine environment – sea currents, wave and wind loading,...
Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
The basics of design and experimental tests of the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor
Publicationhe article presents an analytical method to design the commutation unit in a hydraulic satellite motor. It is shown that the size of the holes feeding the working chambers and their location on the plates closing those chambers depends on the geometrical dimensions of the working mechanism. The overlap in the commutation unit depends on the rotational speed range. It is demonstrated that the geometrical dimensions of the commutation...
Mechatronic design o strongly nonlinear systems on a basis of three wheeled mobile platform
PublicationRemarkable grow in demand both of mobile platform operability performance and reduction of project leading time development encourage to apply modern algorithms and reliable engineering tools for the design process. The paper discusses the mechatronic design applied for the surveillance system based on the energy performance index algorithm. The exploited mechatronic techniques i.e. virtual prototyping, Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation...
Influence of Fluid Compressibility and Movements of the Swash Plate Axis of Rotation on the Volumetric Efficiency of Axial Piston Pumps
PublicationThis paper describes the design of a swash plate axial piston pump and the theoretical models describing the bulk modulus of aerated and non-aerated fluids. The dead space volume is defined and the influence of this volume and the fluid compressibility on the volumetric efficiency of the pump is considered. A displacement of the swash plate rotation axis is proposed to reduce the dead space volume for small swash plate swing angles....
Space vector modulation in multilevel inverters of the servo drives of the trajectory measurements telescopes
PublicationUsing the MatLab/Simulink mathematical model of a three-phase three-level voltage inverter, the influence of the space-vector modulation (SVM) algorithm on the pulsations of the current (torque) of an AC motor in the range of low rotation speeds is considered. It is shown that the SVM of the second kind does not provide a pulsations level comparable to the pulsations of a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM), both in the static...
Performance of microbial fuel cells operated under anoxic conditions
PublicationNowadays, microbial fuel cells (MFC) stand up as a promising renewable energy source. Due to the ability of the MFC to oxidize a wide spectrum of substrates, wastewater seems to be one of the most interesting fuels. Unfortunately, wastewater could contain electron acceptors such as nitrate, which could interfere with the electrical performance of the MFC. In this work, the influence of oxidised nitrogen forms on the electricity...
Rheological characteristics of oligomeric semiproducts gained via chemical degradation of polyurethane foam using crude glycerin in the presence of different catalysts
PublicationPolyurethane (PU) recycling is a topic of growing interest due to the increasing amount of polyurethane waste. The main purpose of polyurethane chemical recycling is to recover the starting polyol. In this study, a method of polyurethane thermochemical recycling, glycerolysis by means of crude glycerin, is proposed. This work presents a comparative study of commercial catalysts used in order to accelerate the decomposition process,...
Identification of the Contamination Source Location in the Drinking Water Distribution System Based on the Neural Network Classifier
PublicationThe contamination ingression to the Water Distribution System (WDS) may have a major impact on the drinking water consumers health. In the case of the WDS contamination the data from the water quality sensors may be efficiently used for the appropriate disaster management. In this paper the methodology based on the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) neural network classifier for the identification of the contamination source location...
Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways
PublicationFor each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...
One-dimensional chaos in a system with dry friction: analytical approach
PublicationWe introduce a new analytical method, which allows to find chaotic regimes in non-smooth dynamical systems. A simple mechanical system consisting of a mass and a dry friction element is considered. The corresponding mathematical model is being studied. We show that the considered dynamical system is a skew product over a piecewise smooth mapping of a segment (the so-called base map). For this base map we demonstrate existence of...
Contr-rotating eccentric-mass rotors used as exciters of sinusoidal forces applied to elastically supported bodies
PublicationThe work focuses on aspects of multibody dynamics. Investigated object is a mass driven by rotations of an inertial shaker. Resulting vibrational set consists of two counter-rotating identically-unbalanced rotors. Since the mass centres of the rotors do not coincide with the axes of their rotations, significant centrifugal forces arise during rotations. As both rotors are identically unbalanced, the inter-axial force components...
Impact of the type of heat exchanger on the characteristics of low-temperature thermoacoustic heat engines
PublicationThermoacoustic technologies are considered an effective solution for harnessing low-temperature heat, whether from waste or renewable sources. However, in practice, developing and implementing high-performance ther- moacoustic systems is a complex challenge. In real waste heat recovery systems, heat exchange between ther- moacoustic engines (TAEs) and external heat sources is facilitated by auxiliary systems, such as circulation...
On nonlinear 3D electro-elastic numerical modeling of two-phase inhomogeneous FG piezocomposites reinforced with GNPs
PublicationThe novelty here comes from not only the perfect nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) electro-elasticity investigation but also the mixed material itself. The literature widely showed mechanical assessments on the piezoelectric structures; however, a lack of nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity studies has been witnessed on these kinds of smart materials. Therefore, a nonlinear 3D elasticity-piezoelectricity coupling is considered...
Numerical simulation of temperature distribution of heat flow on reservoir tanks connected in a series
PublicationThe flow of temperature distribution through a medium in thermodynamic studies plays an important role in understanding physical phenomena in chemical science and petroleum engineering, while temperature distribution indicates the degree of reaction that must be undergone to obtain the final product. Therefore, this paper aims to present and apply the exponential matrix algorithm (EMA), differential transformation algorithm (DTA),...
Electromagnetic Control and Dynamics of Generalized Burgers’ Nanoliquid Flow Containing Motile Microorganisms with Cattaneo–Christov Relations: Galerkin Finite Element Mechanism
PublicationIn our research work, we have developed a model describing the characteristics of the bio-convection and moving microorganisms in the flows of a magnetized generalized Burgers’ nanoliquid with Fourier’s and Fick’s laws in a stretchable sheet. Considerations have been made to Cattaneo–Christov mass and heat diffusion theory. According to the Cattaneo–Christov relation, the Buongiorno phenomenon for the motion of a nanoliquid in...
Sensorless field oriented control for five-phase induction motors with third harmonic injection and fault insensitive feature
PublicationThe paper presents a solution for sensorless field oriented control (FOC) system for five-phase induction motors with improved rotor flux pattern. In order to obtain the advantages of a third harmonic injection with a quasi-trapezoidal flux shape, two vector models, α1–β1 and α3–β3, were transformed into d1– q1, d3– q3 rotating frames, which correlate to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. A linearization approach of the...
Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for Thin Layer and Foil Measurements
PublicationThe main goal of this research was to assess if it is possible to evaluate the thickness of thin layers (both thin films on the surface and thin layers below the surface of the tested object) and foils using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for thickness assessment under the resolution of the standard commercially available OCT measurement system. In the proposed solution, light backscattered from the evaluated thin layer has...
Stateczność i niezawodność pełnomorskich platform wiertniczych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wieloletnie doświadczenia Autora w zakresie wybranych aspektów numerycznej analizy pełnomorskich platform wiertniczych, w szczególności stacjonarnych platform stalowych poddanych działaniu fal wiatrowych i wiatru. W opisie zachowania się platform uwzględniono współoddziaływanie trzech ośrodków: materiału konstrukcji, morskich fal wiatrowych i podłoża gruntowego. Przyjęcie do opisu stochastycznych właściwości...
Faults and Fault Detection Methods in Electric Drives
PublicationThe chapter presents a review of faults and fault detection methods in electric drives. Typical faults are presented that arises for the induction motor, which is valued in the industry for its robust construction and cost-effective production. Moreover, a summary is presented of detectable faults in conjunction with the required physical information that allow a detection of specific faults. In order to address faults of a complete...
Improved maximum power point tracking algorithms by using numerical analysis techniques for photovoltaic systems
PublicationSolar photovoltaic (PV) panels generate optimal electricity when operating at the maximum power point (MPP). This study introduces a novel MPP tracking algorithm that leverages the numerical prowess of the predictor-corrector method, tailored to accommodate voltage and current fluctuations in PV panels resulting from variable environmental factors like solar irradiation and temperature. This paper delves into the intricate dynamics...
Abstract class method use on common characteristics of UE regions for better road safety management in these regions.
PublicationRoad Safety is the significant problem requiring still a lot of attention. Despite lots of actions for road fatalities reduction, in many countries or regions situation doesn't improve as good as in the other cases. Even if these actions are very similar. It is so difficult issue, that the answer why is that happens hasn't been found yet. In this paper authors focused on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS...
Implementation of power transformer controlled switching algorithm
PublicationThe article presents two new algorithms of controlled switching the power transformer. The main aim of the paper is to obtain formulas that determine the moments of closing of the circuit breaker poles. The study contains projects of control systems for both algorithms. Mathematical formulas for the time instants of the breaker poles closing were developed on the basis of electric circuit theory and magnetic circuit theory. The...
PublicationThe paper deals with issues connected with the behaviour of a streamer cable towed by a survey seismic vessel when the cable undergoes a strike triggered by collision with an underwater moving object. The consequences of such collisions may be both threat to the life of marine animals or damage to underwater units and large economic losses suffered by vessel owners. The risk of such collisions has increased over the last years...
Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature creep of VT6 titanium alloy under multi-axial loading conditions
PublicationIn the framework of damage mechanics, we discuss a new mathematical model that describes the kinetics of the stress–strain state and damage accumulation during material degradation by the mechanism of long-term strength under complex multiaxial stress state. An experimental and theoretical technique is proposed for determination of material parameters and scalar constitutive functions for damaged media based on specially set experiments...
Modelling and Analysis of the Positioning Accuracy in the Loading Systems of Mobile Cranes
PublicationIn this work, the authors analyse the influence of the order and range of sequential movements of a crane's working members on the accuracy of the final cargo positioning. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a specially developed method in which the authors proposed the introduction of a geometrical indicator of positioning the load in the intermediate positions (after completing each movement sequence) and in the target...
Impact of the Artificial Strait in the Vistula Spit on the Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea)
PublicationIn the Vistula Lagoon, storm surges are induced by variable sea levels in the Gulf of Gdańsk and wind action. The rising of the water level in the southern part of the basin, exceeding 1.0 m above mean sea level, can be dangerous for the lowland area of Żuławy Elbląskie, causing the inundation of the polders adjacent to the lagoon. One of the potential possibilities to limit the flood risk is to decrease the water level in the...
Systemy krążenia wód podziemnych w rejonie Zalewu Kamieńskiego, Pomorze Zachodnie
PublicationSystemy krążenia wód podziemnych w rejonie Zalewu Kamieńskiego zależą od budowy geologicznej, ukształtownia terenu a także ascenzji solanek i ingresji wód morskich.Do obliczenia czasu przepływu wody w rozpatrywanych warunkach w ośrodku o znanej porowatości aktywnej posłuzono sie programem TFS opracowanym przez K. Burzyńskiego.Model przepływu wód podziemnych opracowano dla przekroju hydrogeologicznego wzdłuż linii Miedzywodzie -...
Dynamiczna aplikacja Internetowa ASP.NET silnika indukcyjnego jako elementu wirtualnego laboratorium maszyn elektrycznych
PublicationTematem referatu jest dynamiczna aplikacja internetowa, która umożliwia symulację obwodową silnika indukcyjnego trójfazowego Sg 100 L2 z wykorzystaniem interfejsu przeglądarki WWW. Model matematyczny silnika jest zdefiniowany w tzw. osiach naturalnych i sformułowany na podstawie metody energetycznej Lagrange’a. Do implementacji modelu maszyny w aplikacji internetowej wybrano projekt typu Web Forms, który jest składnikiem środowiska...
Experimental study and numerical simulation on porosity dependent direct reducibility of high-grade iron oxide pellets in hydrogen
PublicationThe transition to more environmentally friendly steel production methods has intensified research into hydrogen-based direct reduction (HyDR) of iron oxide pellets. The aim of this study is to systematically investigate the kinetics of the reduction process, the evolution of porosity and the resulting microstructural changes on the reduction behavior of high-quality pellets during HyDR of iron ore at different temperatures. A modified...
Machining process sequencing and machine assignment in generative feature-based CAPP for mill-turn parts
PublicationProcess selection and sequencing, as one of the most complex issues when evaluated from a mathematical point of view and crucial in CAPP, still attract research attention. For the current trend of intelligent manufacturing, machining features (MFs) are the information carriers for workpiece geometry and topology representation. They are basically derived from CAD models and are used by downstream engineering applications. A feature-based...