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Search results for: PASSIVE HIP MOMENT

Search results for: PASSIVE HIP MOMENT

  • Ideowa rzeźba architektoniczna. Dom


    - Year 2016

    W projektowaniu architektonicznym modelowanie, czy rzeźbienie jest manualnie twórczym, bazującym na osobistej wypowiedzi, fragmentem bardziej złożonego procesu. Jest to etap bardzo istotny dla indywidualnego zapisu treści w przyszłym obiekcie. W trakcie formowania ideowej rzeźby architektonicznej istnieje możliwość synergicznego współdziałania zmysłów. Jest to jednocześnie wyraźny moment urzeczywistniania treści w architekturze....

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  • Calculation of Resonance in Planar and Cylindrical Microstrip Structures Using a Hybrid Technique

    A hybrid technique was employed for the analysis of the resonance frequency of thin planar and cylindrical microstrip structures with the patches of arbitrary geometry. The proposed technique utilizes a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and a finite-element method (FEM). In this approach, an FEM is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and a method of moments is utilized to calculate the resonance frequencies...

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  • Split-beam echosounder data from Puck Bay autumn 2018

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The acoustic data was collected in 2018, in the Bay of Puck, in the seasons: autumn. Data was collected during the day and night. Three split-beam echosounders with frequencies of 38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz were used to collect the data. The data was collected at a designated study area not far from the city of Hel, while the ship was sailing. To ensure...

  • Split-beam echosounder data from Puck Bay spring 2019

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The acoustic data was collected in 2019, in the Bay of Puck, in the season: spring. Data was collected during the day and night. Three split-beam echosounders with frequencies of 38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz were used to collect the data. The data was collected at a designated study area not far from the city of Hel, while the ship was sailing. To ensure...

  • Split-beam echosounder data from Puck Bay spring 2019 Part II

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    The acoustic data was collected in 2019, in the Bay of Puck, in the season: spring. Data was collected during the sunrise and sunset. Three split-beam echosounders with frequencies of 38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz were used to collect the data. The data was collected at a designated study area not far from the city of Hel, while the ship was sailing....

  • Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym


    - Year 2014

    W rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....

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  • Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation

    The paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...

  • Space-mapping-based design flow of miniaturized broadband matching transformer with perforated metallization


    A fast design procedure of unconventional passive components has been presented and experimentally validated on the basis of a wideband microstrip four-section matching transformer (50:6 OHm). A classic impedance matching circuit has been miniaturized by means of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) leading to a considerable length reduction (34%) together with minor degradation in its performance. The spacemapping-based design...

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  • Usage of the Gstreamer framework for generation, analysis, processing and visualization of sonar signal


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2015

    In this paper a novel method of the bearing estimation in a passive sonar system with a towed array is introduced. The classical approach of the bearing estimation based on the spatial spectrum is extended by using the synchrosqeezing method that is a part of the reassignment method introduced by Kodera et al. The usage of this method leads to the precise bearing estimation. The proposed method requires a relatively small amount...

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  • Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method

    This letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...

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  • Impact of Spatial Noise Correlation on Bearing Accuracy in DIFAR Systems

    DIFAR type underwater passive systems are one of the more commonly used tools for detecting submarines. At the design stage, which usually uses computer simulations, it is necessary to generate acoustic noise of the sea. It has been shown that correlating noise significantly reduces these errors compared to the assumption that noise is uncorrelated. In addition, bearing errors have been shown to be the same in systems with a commonly...

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  • The fracture behaviour of notched PMMA specimens under simple loading conditions – Tension and torsion experimental tests


    This paper presents the results of experimental testing of flat PMMA specimens during uniaxial loading conditions. Two separate tests were conducted: tensile and torsion. The specimens were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. The specimens were made in two thickness variants: 5 and 15 mm. Monotonic tensile and torsion tests were carried out while keeping the averaged strain rate constant,...

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  • Effect of surface roughness on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of plate heat exchanger

    In the paper the experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of modeled plate heat exchanger is conducted. The plate heat exchanger is chosen for the analysis because this kind of heat exchangers could be prospectively applied in the ORC systems, however other areas or application are equally possible. The experimental setup was assembled at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk...

  • Cyclic polarization studies of Mg corrosion in alkaline environment

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset contains the cyclic polarization studies of Mg (99.99%) in NaOH electrolyte at different pH values: 10, 11 and 12 aiming at understanding of Mg(OH)2 passive layer formation mechanism and conditions. The electrochemical studies were carried out in a three electrode setup, with Pt mesh as the counter electrode and Ag|AgCl as the reference...

  • Has EGNOS its own place in maritime navigation?


    - Year 2015

    GNSS (in fact it usually means GPS) is at the moment the fundamental means of positioning for any variants of navigation. However some attributes of it can be not sufficient for every users or in some tasks, so there are any cases when this system needs support. From the mariner point of view pure GPS properties perfectly fulfils expectations of sailors at the open sea, however there are lot of cases, when accuracy of the system...

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  • Tensile strength test of PE foils modified with zinc oxide and zinc salts

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of PE foils mechanical tests, in which the material was evaluated for strength and extensibility at the moment of breaking and based on the same tests preceded by material fatigue in 50 stretching cycles. The principle of the method is to stretch the test sample placed in the clamps of the stretching apparatus at a...

  • The use of Acoustic Emission to identification damages bearings the main and crank engines about the automatic ignition


    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Year 2009

    The article describes the laboratory tests, which make the first stage of the study concerning the use of the AE method to determine the technical state of the slide bearings in engines with self-ignition. The aim of the present tests was to compare the recorded signals in relation to the technical state of the material of the bearing bush and to check the possibility of using the AE method in determining the transition moment...

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  • Approximation of the non-linear roll damping


    - Year 2010

    Artykuł omawia, jak otrzymać oszacowanie nieliniowego momentu tłumiącehgo kołysania boczne okretu za pomocą zapisu przebiegu kołysań swobodnych modelu okrętu. Udowadnia, że 1) moment tłumiący w kategoriach aproksymacji jest nieanalityczną funkcją nieparzystą prędkosci kołysań, 2) standardowa metoda, oparta na stosunku dwóch kolejnych amplitud, ma ograniczone zastosowanie, do niezbyt dużych amplitud kołysań. Zaproponowano nową metodą...

  • Obliczenia numeryczne magnetyzmu szczątkowego w obwodach magnetycznych pozostającego po ich wyłączeniu.


    - Year 2004

    Przedstawiono obliczenia numeryczne magnetyzmu szczątkowego rdzenia magnety-cznego, który pozostaje trwale namagnesowany po wyłączeniu zasilania. Prze- prowadzono je na przykładzie obwodu z transformatorem trójfazowym. Utworzono modele obwodowe układu w oparciu o programy symulacyjne ATP i PSpice. Prze-analizowano, jaki wpływ na stan namagnesowania poszczególnych kolumn tran-sformatora ma moment wyłączenia zasilania oraz takie...

  • Solving the Problem of Dynamic Adaptability of Artificial Intelligence Systems that Control Dynamic Technical Objects



    This paper investigates the increase in the response speed and stability of artificial intelligence systems that control dynamic technical objects. The problem of calculating the optimal time of switching an artificial intelligence system between software classes by the criterion of the rigidity degree of the model of a control object is considered. The solution of this problem is proposed for the general case of the control object...

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    - Diagnostyka - Year 2013

    In a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...

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  • Adaptive dynamic control allocation for over-actuated dynamic positioning system based on backstepping method in case of thruster faults

    The objective of the research considered in this paper is dynamic positioning of a nonlinear over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of limited information about thruster forces. First, the adaptive backstepping method is used to estimate the input matrix which will compensate partial loss of actuator effectiveness in the presence of actuator dynamics. Then, the adaptive commanded virtual forces and moment are allocated into...

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  • Modeling the debonding process of osseointegrated implants due to coupled adhesion and friction


    - Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Year 2023

    Cementless implants have become widely used for total hip replacement surgery. The long-term stability of these implants is achieved by bone growing around and into the rough surface of the implant, a process called osseointegration. However, debonding of the bone–implant interface can still occur due to aseptic implant loosening and insufficient osseointegration, which may have dramatic consequences. The aim of this work is to...

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  • Mining Knowledge of Respiratory Rate Quantification and Abnormal Pattern Prediction


    The described application of granular computing is motivated because cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a major killer globally. There is increasing evidence that abnormal respiratory patterns might contribute to the development and progression of CVD. Consequently, a method that would support a physician in respiratory pattern evaluation should be developed. Group decision-making, tri-way reasoning, and rough set–based analysis...

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  • Determinants of the primary stability of cementless acetabular cup implants: A 3D finite element study

    • K. Immel
    • V. Nguyen
    • A. Dubory
    • C. Flouzat-Lachaniette
    • R. Sauer
    • G. Haiat


    Primary stability of cementless implants is crucial for the surgical success and long–term stability. However, primary stability is difficult to quantify in vivo and the biomechanical phenomena occurring during the press–fit insertion of an acetabular cup (AC) implant are still poorly understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the cortical and trabecular bone Young's moduli Ec and Et, the interference...

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  • Implementation of the digital receiver in multibeam long-range sonar


    The article presents the implementation of a digital receiver in multibeam long - range sonar. Developed by the authors of the article, the implementation was part of sonar modernisation on large Polish Navy ships. The article explains the structure of the receiver, its design details and requirements affecting the architecture. The technical solutions regarding the equipment and signal processing algorithms for determining receiving...

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  • Dynamic Positioning System with Vectorial Backstepping Controller


    - Year 2013

    The problem of synthesis a dynamic positioning system for low frequency model of surface vessel was considered in this paper. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep a fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The passive observer was introduced to smooth the measurements and to estimate the velocities needed for the control algorithm. Some parameters of observer were optimized off-line...

  • The Use of an Autoencoder in the Problem of Shepherding


    This paper refers to the problem of shepherding clusters of passive agents consisting of a large number of objects by a team of active agents. The problem of shepherding and the difficulties that arise with the increasing number of data describing the location of agents have been described. Several methods for reducing the dimensionality of data are presented. Selected autoencoding method using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine is...

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  • Split-beam echosounder data from Puck Bay winter 2019

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The acoustic data was collected in 2019, in the Bay of Puck, in the season: winter. Data was collected during the day and night. Three split-beam echosounders with frequencies of 38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz were used to collect the data. The data was collected at a designated study area not far from the city of Hel, on the route Hel - Gdynia and on...

  • Ellipsometric monitoring during the polarization studies of Mg corrosion in alkaline environment

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset contains the ellipsometric results from the Mg polarization studies aiming at understanding the Mg(OH)2 passive layer formation mechanism and conditions. The single-wavelength ellipsometer ELX-02C from Dr Riss GmbH was utilized, operating He-Ne laser at 632.8 nm. The polarization conditions for the experiment are depicted in the related...

  • Podstawy Fizyki Technicznej

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Perelomova

    Celem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie fizyki i sposobu opisu interesujących zjawisk fizycznych w sposób jakościowy i ilościowy. Omówione są w wykładzie, wszędzie gdzie możliwe, metody i zjawiska potrzebne do wyjaśnienia sposobu działania urządzeń i technologii w różnych dziedzinach. WprowadzenieRodzaje wielkości fizycznych (tensory; skalary, wektory jako tensory rzędu 0 i I) i działania na tych wielkościach MechanikaSiła. I,II,III...

  • Localization and identyfication of ferromagnetic objects


    - Year 2008

    A compact ferromagnetic object placed in the earthly magnetic field causes disturbance of this field. This disturbance is associated with magnetization of the object. Ferromagnetic objects have induced and can also have permanent magnetization. In methods of locating and identifying ferromagnetic objects usually is using the model of the dipol moment. Determination of the position and values of the extremes of the magnetic field...

  • 237Np Mössbauer effect study on NpFeAsO

    • P. Gaczyński
    • T. Klimczuk
    • H. Walker
    • R. Springell
    • E. Colineau
    • R. Eloirdi
    • J. Griveau
    • R. Caciuffo


    We report 237Np Mössbauer measurements on NpFeAsO. The Np atoms were found to occupy only one crystallographic site. The value of the isomer shift (δ ∼ 9.1 mm s−1 versus NpAl2) indicates a 5f4 electronic configuration (Np3+ ions). The magnetic ordering of the Np sublattice below 60 K is established and the saturated ordered magnetic moment is determined to be 1.73μB at 3.6 K. The unique set of hyperfine parameters exclude a modulated...

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  • Experimental study of the post tensioned prestressed concrete corbels

    The results of experimental investigation of 6 symmetrical double prestressed corbels of variable shear span to depth ratio and variable location of prestressing bars are presented in the paper. The post ten- sioned corbels were prestressed with Macalloy 1030 bars of 25 mm in diameter. The results of the tests were compared with the cracking and load carrying capacity of corbels reinforced with passive reinforce- ment. As a result...

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  • Active Suppression of Nonstationary Narrowband Acoustic Disturbances


    In this chapter, a new approach to active narrowband noise control is presented. Narrowband acoustic noise may be generated, among others, by rotating parts of electro-mechanical devices, such as motors, turbines, compressors, or fans. Active noise control involves the generation of “antinoise”, i.e., the generation of a sound that has the same amplitude, but the opposite phase, as the unwanted noise, which causes them to interfere...

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  • Sonar Pulse Detection Using Chirp Rate Estimation and CFAR Algorithms


    This paper presents a new approach to sonar pulse detection. The method uses chirp rate estimators and algorithms for the adaptive threshold, commonly used in radiolocation. The proposed approach allows detection of pulses of unknown parameters, which may be used in passive hydrolocation or jamming detection in underwater communication. Such an analysis is possible thanks to a new kind of imaging, which presents signal energy in...

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  • The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion



    This paper presents the results of experimental fracture test of flat PMMA specimens under biaxial loading condition tension with torsion (proportional). The specimens were made in two thicknesses: 5 and 15 mm and were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. Thanks to the ARAMIS 3D 4 M non-contact vision system, measurement of the elongation and twist angle were recorded. During experimental...

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  • New kagome prototype materials: discovery of KV3Sb5, RbV3Sb5, and CsV3Sb5

    • B. R. Ortiz
    • L. C. Gomes
    • J. R. Morey
    • M. J. Winiarski
    • M. Bordelon
    • J. S. Mangum
    • I. W. H. Oswald
    • J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera
    • J. R. Neilson
    • S. D. Wilson... and 3 others

    - Physical Review Materials - Year 2019

    In this work, we present our discovery and characterization of a new kagome prototype structure, KV3Sb5. We also present the discovery of the isostructural compounds RbV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5. All materials exhibit a structurally perfect two-dimensional kagome net of vanadium. Density-functional theory calculations indicate that the materials are metallic, with the Fermi level in close proximity to several Dirac points. Powder and single-crystal...

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  • Design of Cost-Efficient Optical Fronthaul for 5G/6G Networks: An Optimization Perspective


    - SENSORS - Year 2022

    Currently, 5G and the forthcoming 6G mobile communication systems are the most promising cellular generations expected to beat the growing hunger for bandwidth and enable the fully connected world presented by the Internet of Everything (IoE). The cloud radio access network (CRAN) has been proposed as a promising architecture for meeting the needs and goals of 5G/6G (5G and beyond) networks. Nevertheless, the provisioning of cost-efficient...

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  • pH-dependent composite coatings for controlled drug delivery system - Review

    Nowadays in case of long-term implants, the most common postoperative complications are bacterial infections, which in consequence may provoke loos- ening of the implants in the primary phase of stabilization. Bacterial infections are currently the most frequent cause of revision surgery of the implants such as hip joint endoprosthesis, knee joint endoprosthesis and dental implants. In order to provide the local and long-term antibacterial...

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  • Drill holes decrease cancellous bone strength: A comparative study of 33 paired osteoporotic human and 9 paired artificial bone samples


    - PLOS ONE - Year 2020

    This study was designed to compare compressive strength of cancellous bone retrieved from the femoral head in a specimen with and without guide wire hole, with comparison to synthetic bone samples. Femoral heads retrieved from 33 patients who sustained femoral neck fractures and underwent hip arthroplasty were cut into cuboids leaving two matching samples from the same femoral head. Similar samples were prepared from synthetic femurs....

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  • Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine


    The conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...

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  • Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete

    This paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...

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  • Sum-over-state expressions including second-order Herzberg–Teller effects for the calculation of absorption and resonance Raman intensities


    The sum-over-state expressions are derived to calculate the second-order Herzberg–Teller (HT) effects in absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. These effects depend on the second derivatives of the transition dipole moment with respect to the vibrational coordinates. The method is applied to the molecule of 1,3-butadiene using density functional theory calculations. It is found that the second-order HT effects are significant...

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  • A two dimensional approach for modelling of pennate muscle behaviour


    - Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering - Year 2017

    The purpose of this study was to elaborate a two-dimensional approach for unipennate and bipennate striated skeletal muscle modelling. Behavior of chosen flat pennate muscle is modelled as a rheological system composed of serially linked passive and active fragments having different mechanical properties. Each fragment is composed of three elements: mass element, elastic element and viscous element. Each active fragment furthermore...

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  • Control design for slow speed positioning


    - Year 2013

    The problem under study is a synthesis of position and heading control system for low frequency model of surface vessel described by 3 DOF mathematical model. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The controller has been simulated on computer model of scaled supply vessel. It has been assumed that the actuators produce generalized forces...

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  • Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods


    Searching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...

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  • Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe


    - Year 2019

    Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe provides a single point of reference on a diverse set of regional ETF markets, illuminating the roles ETFs can play in risk mitigation and speculation. Combining empirical data with models and case studies, the authors use diffusion models and panel/country-specific regressions—as well as graphical and descriptive analyses— to show how ETFs are more than conventional, passive investments. With new...

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  • Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the silicone-based plate heat exchanger


    - Archives of Thermodynamics - Year 2019

    The paper presents an experimental investigation of a silicone based heat exchanger, with passive heat transfer intensification by means of surface enhancement. The main objective of this paper was to experimentally investigate the performance of a heat exchanger module with the enhanced surface. Heat transfer in the test section has been examined and described with precise measurements of thermal and flow conditions. Reported...

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  • Paweł Śliwiński dr hab. inż.

    Diplomas and academic degrees. Training 2017:   degree of habilitated doctor;2006:   PhD in Technical Sciences. PhD thesis defended with distinction. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.2000:   Master of Science. Graduated from the university with distinction. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.1995:   Mechanical technician. Graduated from a Technical Secondary School...