Search results for: THERMAL STRESS
Effect of wet Hydrogen Sulfide on Carbon Steels Degradation in Refinery Based on Case Study
PublicationMaterial degradation caused by wet hydrogen sulfide (Wet H2S) is one of the major issues in refineries. Carbon steel is the main construction material used in refineries and is subjected not only to thickness loss but the hydrogen is the major concern. H2S leads to high atomic hydrogen penetration in steel which causes degradation in the form of blistering and/or cracking (HIC/SOHIC) and stress cracking in the area of welds and...
Green and equitable analytical chemistry
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry introduces the ideas of reduction ofanalytical activities impact on the environment. However, to bemore sustainable, analytical chemistry should include socialaspects in greater manner. In this light‘equitable’analyticalprocedures, which are easily available in terms of price andapplicability by everyday user, are developed. These positivetrends are observed as many procedures, based on commonlyused for...
Regulation of Cellular Redox Homeostasis by (–)-Epicatechin and Cocoa Extracts—A Pilot Study
PublicationCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
Non-Destructive Assessment of Masonry Pillars using Ultrasonic Tomography
PublicationIn this paper, a condition assessment of masonry pillars is presented. Non-destructive tests were performed on an intact pillar as well as three pillars with internal inclusions in the form of a hole, a steel bar grouted by gypsum mortar, and a steel bar grouted by cement mortar. The inspection utilized ultrasonic stress waves and the reconstruction of the velocity distribution was performed by means of computed tomography. The...
PublicationCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
Investigation of RTS Noise in Reverse Polarized Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes
PublicationOne of the method of electronic device quality and reliability evaluation is observation of its inherent noise. The RTS phenomena usually indicates the presence of large defects in the structure of the material of the device, therefore it can be treated as an indicator of technology quality. In the paper authors present results of RTS investigations in reverse polarized Silicon Carbide Schottky diodes. Devices being studied are...
Thermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with DSC method
Open Research DataThermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by DSC.
Thermal properties of ceramic Bi2VO5.5 and strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing crystalites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with DSC
Open Research DataThermal properties of ceramic Bi2VO5.5 and strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 crystallites was measured by DSC.
New approaches to cutting resistance estimation of wood cutting process with circular-saw blades
PublicationTheoretical and experimental determination of values of cutting resistance belongs to the basic and simultaneously the most developed field of mechanics of this process. Energetic effects of wood sawing process are mainly calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance which, in wood cutting, is a function on a lot of factors. In this paper new method for calculation of cutting resistance is described. The latter method...
Antioxidants: a premature scientific hypothesis that reshuffled the traditional food pyramid
PublicationAntioxidants present in substantial amounts in foods, plant-based products in particular, have been suggested as chemopreventive agents that can curb the development of undesirable health effects caused by oxidative stress simply by enriching diet in such compounds. This idea has been enthusiastically accepted by consumers, as well as food and pharmaceutical industry, and created great demand for products containing antioxidant...
Ultrasonic diagnostics of concrete T-beams used in bridge structures
PublicationThis paper describes a method of ultrasonic diagnostics used for prefabricated concrete elements. The studies are focused on the applicability of nondestructive techniques based on impulse and wave packet induced elastic waves for the condition assessment of T-shaped bridge beams. Experimental tests were performed for the prestressed beam used for the superstructure of the viaduct on A1 highway near Toruń. In addition numerical...
The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements
PublicationIn this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (),were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...
The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements
PublicationIn this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (s), were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...
Failure of cold-formed beam: How does residual stress affect stability?
PublicationIn machine industry, stresses are often calculated using simple linear FEM analysis. Occasional failures of elements designed in such a way require recomputation by means of more sophisticated methods, eg. including plasticity and non-linear effects. It usually leads to investigation of failure causes and improvement of an element in order to prevent its unwanted behavior in the future. The study presents the case where both linear...
Mechanical characterization of a gravel column in a calibration chamber operating as a triaxial cell
PublicationA series of tests considering the behavior of gravel columns was performed. A segment of column with a height of 1 m and a diameter of 0.53 m was modelled in a calibration chamber used as a triaxial cell at three different lateral stress applied. The vertical load transferred on the column head was simulated with steady increase of water pressures in the upper and lower membranes. During the loading the volumetric changes in the...
DNA Methylation Changes Induced by Redox-Active Compounds—Choosing the Right PCR-Based Method
PublicationThe impact of catechins on the expression profile of redox-related genes in HT29 cell line has been studied recently by our group using Oxidative Stress RT2 Profiler PCR Array. Within the examined panel of 84 genes, the down-regulation of SRXN1 gene was unique among other up-regulated genes. We hypothesized that the observed down-regulation resulted from DNA methylation and have exploited this observation to choose the proper strategy...
Forecasted climate changes and their influence on cities and regions in 2050 in terms of extreme hydrological events
PublicationGlobal climate change is a problem which arises numerous theories and uncertainties, especially in terms of speculated human impact. Independent from the fact, what is the main driver for the changes, some of the climate shifts are visible already nowadays. Both contemporary and future cities will have to face such problems. Although climate change may cause numerous effects on different fields, a special stress in this article...
Rheology of liquid crystalline polymers
PublicationLiquid crystallinity was invented in the 19th century. It was sometimes called the fourth state of matter because of the ability of macromolecules to generate liquid crystal phases. The main classification divided liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) into lyotropic and thermotropic types. Interpretation of the rheological behavior of LCP is more complicated than for other polymers. Ordinary polymers are characterized by a normal...
Normal stress distribution in built‑up cold‑formed column in relation to interconnecting bolt spacing
PublicationIn order to increase a stiffness of cold-formed steel (CFS) elements it is practised to built-up the cross-section. In the analysed case, a main element is strengthened by adding extra chord in contact partially along the column. This additional chord acts as a longitudinal stiffener connected with the main section by series of bolts. Authors check whether rules applied over the years, for hot-rolled elements, can be indiscriminately...
Association of Genes Related to Oxidative Stress with the Extent of Coronary Atherosclerosis
PublicationOxidative stress is believed to play a critical role in atherosclerosis initiation and progression. In line with this, in a group of 1099 subjects, we determined eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to oxidative stress (PON1 c.575A>G, MPO c.463G>A, SOD2 c.47T>C, GCLM c.590C>T, NOS3 c.894G>T, NOS3 c.786T>C, CYBA c.214C>T, and CYBA c.932A>G) and assessed the extent of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries based on...
The correlation of fractal dimension to fracture surface slope for fatigue crack initiation analysis under bending-torsion loading in high-strength steels
PublicationIn this study, the fractal dimension of fatigue fracture surfaces is investigated in order to find an alternative failure loading indicator. Some of many metrological factors are generalized by reducing the fracture surface structure to one factor and develop an entire fracture surface procedure by analyzing the impact of surface slope and calculation resolution. Three notched geometries are studied under cyclic bending-torsion:...
Mechanical Properties of Bio-Composites Based on Epoxy Resin and Nanocellulose Fibres
PublicationThe aim of our research was to investigate the effect of a small nanocellulose (NC) addition on an improvement of the mechanical properties of epoxy composites. A procedure of chemical extraction from pressed lignin was used to obtain nanocellulose fibers. The presence of nanoparticles in the cellulose pulp was confirmed by FTIR/ATR spectra as well as measurement of nanocellulose particle size using a Zetasizer analyzer. Epoxy...
How can the work environment be redesigned to enhance the well-being of individuals with autism?
PublicationPurpose – This article examines the opportunities to create optimal conditions for individuals with autism, to work successfully within the contemporary workplace and improve their well-being. These opportunities arise from digital technology (DT) development, enabling the work environment to be remodeled by providing new possibilities and ways of working. The author discusses both technology-based as well as non-technological accommodations...
Advanced polarization sensitive analysis in optical coherence tomography
PublicationThe optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging method, which is widely applied in variety applications. This technology is used to cross-sectional or surface imaging with high resolution in non-contact and non-destructive way. OCT is very useful in medical applications like ophthalmology, dermatology or dentistry, as well as beyond biomedical fields like stress mapping in polymers or protective coatings defects detection....
PublicationThe purpose of the study was to examine the psychological resources which foster thriving in multicultural work settings of multinational corporations (MNCs) - the companies that are evident manifestation of globalization. Although globalized multicultural workplace creates specific job demands that pose unique occupational stress to individuals, some personal resources enable them to deal with these demands and to thrive. Thriving...
Morphology and structure of V2O5 nanorods deposited on the silicon substrate after reduction
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns and SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanorods on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 500C for 40 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
Maximum temperature of 0.5-W infrared laser-Illuminated gold nanorod platforms
Open Research DataData concern a system consisted of two pieces of borosilicate glass surrounded by air and joined together by a transparent glue, which is to serve as a thermal transducer. On the top and bottom sides of the smaller piece, gold nanorods are dislocated. Glass is prepared here due to its high transparency, facilitating heat to be produced within the system....
Thermal behavior of TeOx xerogel powder under different atmospheres
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the TeOx xerogel powder measured under different atmospheres. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution...
New 3D printable filaments with nanodiamonds, physicochemical additives characteristics and electrochemical activity
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the physicochemical analyses (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, BET analyses) and electrochemical analyses (CV, EIS) for a new 3D-printable composite has been developed dedicated to electroanalytical applications. Two types of diamondised nanocarbons - detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNWs) - were added...
The Effect of Protrusions on the Initiation of Partial Discharges in XLPE High Voltage Cables
PublicationThis paper is focusing on 3D Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) based modelling of protrusions as defects or imperfections in the XLPE high voltage cable. This study is aiming to examine the impact protrusions have on the initiation of partial discharges. Spherical and ellipsoidal protrusions with different sizes at the conductor screen of the high voltage cable is an essential content of this paper. In addition, a spherical gas-filled...
PublicationThis paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...
Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete
PublicationThis paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...
Periodic Properties of 1D FE Discrete Models in High Frequency Dynamics
PublicationFinite element discrete models of various engineering 1D structures may be considered as structures of certain periodic characteristics. The source of this periodicity comes from the discontinuity of stress/strain field between the elements. This behaviour remains unnoticeable, when low frequency dynamics of these structures is investigated. At high frequency regimes, however, its influence may be strong enough to dominate calculated...
Geometrically nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells based on neutral physical surface approach in 6-parameter shell theory
PublicationThe paper presents the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter being the drilling degree of freedom. The material law is derived by through-the-thickness integration of the Cosserat plane stress equations. The constitutive equations are formulated with respect to the neutral physical surface. The influence of...
Resonant DC link inverters for AC motor drive systems – critical evaluation
PublicationIn this survey paper, resonant and quasiresonant DC link inverters are reexamined for AC motor drive applications. Critical evaluation of representative topologies is based on simulation and waveform analysis to characterize current/voltage stress of components, control timing constraints and feasibility. A special concern over inverter common-mode voltage and voltage gradient du/dt limitation capacity is discussed for motor bearing...
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublicationWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Free Vibration of Flexomagnetic Nanostructured Tubes Based on Stress-driven Nonlocal Elasticity
PublicationA framework for the flexomagneticity influence is here considered extending the studies about this aspect on the small scale actuators. The developed model accommodates and composes linear Lagrangian strains, Euler-Bernoulli beam approach as well as an extended case of Hamilton’s principle. The nanostructured tube should subsume and incorporate size effect; however, for the sake of avoiding the staggering costs of experiments,...
Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Galvanostatic Mode as a Tool for Passive Layer State Monitoring in a Chloride Solution Under a Mechanical Load
PublicationMechanical stress is one of the factors influencing the initiation of pitting corrosion and deterioration of the protective properties of the passive layer on stainless steel. The tests carried out on AISI 304L stainless steel showed that, in the 3.5% NaCl environment for samples loaded in the elastic and plastic range, no pitting corrosion initiation was observed. Only mechanical damage of the passive layer occurred. Galvanodynamic...
A new finite element with variable Young's modulus
PublicationThe Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique that is well-established in the field of engineering. However, in biological sciences, it is justtaking its first steps. Bone tissue is an example of biological material which isexposed to high loads in its natural environment. Practically every movementof the body results in changing stress levels in the bone. Nature copes with thisvery well but when human intervention is...
Corrosion degradation impact on mechanical properties of structural steel
PublicationRecently, extensive research was conducted regarding the impact of corrosion degradation on the mechanical properties of structural steel. Studies show that at the material level, the microstructure is somewhat unchanged due to corrosion degradation. However, the corrosion causes pits and structural surface irregularities that consequently impact the mean stress-strain response of typical coupon specimens subjected to tensile loading....
Elastoplastic law of Cosserat type in shell theory with drilling rotation
PublicationWithin the framework of six-parameter non-linear shell theory, with strain measures of the Cosserat type, we develop small-strain J2-type elastoplastic constitutive relations. The relations are obtained from the Cosserat plane stress relations assumed in each shell layer, by through-the-thickness integration employing the first-order shear theory. The formulation allows for unlimited translations and rotations. The constitutive...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part I: Theoretical analysis
PublicationSingle Cantilever Beam (SCB) specimen loaded with a transverse force parallel to the crack front is proposed for the analysis of crack propagation phenomena under mixed mode conditions. The stress redistribution in the adhesive layer in the vicinity of the crack front so as the beam deformation are estimated using a Timoshenko beam on elastic foundation model. This model emphasizes the Mode II contribution due to flexural beam...
The influence of high temperature wood drying conditions using air-steam mixture on its properties
PublicationThe results of properties change of beech wood after drying process are presented. The wood taken to experiments was from northern part of Pomeranian region in Poland. Before the main high temperature drying process using air-steam mixture, wood was initially dried in an open air conditions. The high temperature drying process was conducted at temperature 120oC, humidity 48%, flow rate of drying medium 2.5m/s and atmospheric pressure....
The selected effects of high temperature air-steam mixture wood drying
PublicationThe results of properties change of beech wood after drying process are presented. The wood taken to experiments was from northern part of Pomeranian region in Poland. Before the main high temperature drying process using air-steam mixture, wood was initially dried in an open air conditions. The high temperature drying process was conducted at temperature 120oC, humidity 48%, flow rate of drying medium 2.5m/s and atmospheric pressure....
Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale
PublicationIt is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...
Distortional buckling of composite thin-walled columns of a box-type cross section with diaphragms
PublicationDistortional buckling of axially compressed columns of box-like composite cross sections with andwithout internal diaphragms is investigated in the framework of one-dimensional theory. The channel membersare composed of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to the member orthotropic materialare applied: homogenization based on the theory of mixture and periodicity cells, and homogenization basedon the Voigt–Reuss...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
M-integral for finite anti-plane shear of a nonlinear elastic matrix with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe path-independent M-integral plays an important role in analysis of solids with inhomogeneities. However, the available applications are almost limited to linear-elastic or physically non-linear power law type materials under the assumption of infinitesimal strains. In this paper we formulate the M-integral for a class of hyperelastic solids undergoing finite anti-plane shear deformation. As an application we consider the problem...
No Evidence for Sex-specificity in Vitamin C, E and Fatty Acid Content of Human Milk from Healthy Polish Mothers
PublicationHuman milk (HM) is a complex fluid that meets the nutritional needs of infants. Its composition idrfs associated with environmental, maternal, and foetal variables. It provides nutrients and bioactive substances, including cytokines, immunoglobulins, and constituents with antioxidative properties. Boys are reportedly more susceptible to oxidative stress. This study aimed to determine the relationship between infant sex and the...