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Search results for: WEB APPLICATIONS

Search results for: WEB APPLICATIONS

  • Media społecznościowe a wizerunek marki


    Jeszcze do niedawna wydawało się, że social media, podobnie jak komunikatory internetowe, będą stanowiły kolejne narzędzie wykorzystywane w komunikacji ze znajomymi, a ich tematyka będzie związana głównie z rozrywką i chęcią podtrzymania więzi społecznych. Jednak, z obserwacji wielu autorów wynika, iż obecnie można już mówić o trendzie social media lub też Web 2.0, a z roku na rok internetowe witryny o charakterze społecznościowym,...

  • Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Analysis and Early Warning Using Numerical Weather Predictions


    - Year 2015

    Floods are a phenomenon which causes significant losses of lives as well as property damage, which in turn severely impact the local economy. The nature of a flooding has been well researched, and several methods of flood hazard simulation have been established over the last decades. The current legislation in the European Union requires the Member States to create, maintain and update flood risk and hazard maps, as well as identify...

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  • Zaangażowanie konsumenta – przegląd literatury


    Zagadnienie zaangażowania klienta budzi zainteresowanie zarówno teoretyków, jak i praktyków. Z tego względu artykuł poświęcono rozwojowi koncepcji zaangażowania konsumenta, która coraz częściej jest przedmiotem opracowań naukowych. Wykorzystano w nim podejście dedukcyjne, oparte na analizie literatury przedmiotu. Analizie poddano najczęściej cytowane publikacje w bazach Web of Science (Core Collection) oraz Scopus. Celem opracowania...

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  • Blue applicability grade index (BAGI) and software: a new tool for the evaluation of method practicality


    - GREEN CHEMISTRY - Year 2023

    In this work, blue applicability grade index (BAGI) is proposed as a new metric tool for evaluating the practicality of an analytical method. BAGI can be considered complementary to the well-established green metrics, and it is mainly focused on the practical aspects of White Analytical Chemistry. This tool evaluates ten main attributes including the type of analysis, the number of analytes that are simultaneously determined, the...

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  • SiMiSnoRNA: Collection of siRNA, miRNA, and snoRNA database for RNA Interference

    Objective:The discovery of sequence specific gene silencing which occurs due to the presence of double-stranded RNAs has considerable impact on biology, revealing an unknown level of regulation of gene expression. This process is known as RNA interference (RNAi) or RNA silencing in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression, typically by causing the destruction of specific mRNA molecule. Two types of small RNA molecules - small...

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  • Badanie aktywności online polskich konsumentów dotyczącej marek


    Rozwój nowych trendów w internecie, a w szczególności Web 2.0, spowodował wzrost społecznego zaangażowania internautów oraz dalszy rozwój kanałów społecznościowych i tym samym różnego typu platform interaktywnych. Internet zachęca internautów do interakcji z witrynami, a za ich pośrednictwem z innymi użytkownikami sieci. Umożliwia im tworzenie treści na temat różne tematy, w tym na przykład związany z markami produktów. Dzięki...

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  • A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection



    The site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision...

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  • Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in wastewater treatment: Current status, research progress, and future prospects


    - Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering - Year 2024

    Wastewater treatment is an important topic for improving water quality and environmental protection, and artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for wastewater treatment. This work provides research progress and a literature review of artificial intelligence applied to wastewater treatment based on the visualization of bibliometric tools. A total of 3460 publications from 2000 to 2023 were obtained from the Web of Science...

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  • Do the young employees perceive themselves as digitally competent and does it matter?

    Purpose – The study aims to examine the digital competence of young employees (under 30 years of age) who graduated from the technical university. Self-assessment of selected digital competencies was examined along with the determination of a self-efficacy level in the area of using digital competencies. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research was conducted using the computer-assisted web interview method on a sample...

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  • Techniki modularyzacji ontologii


    W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat tematem wielu prac naukowych stała się modularyzacja ontologii. Istnieje kilka przyczyn dużego zainteresowania tym kierunkiem prac. Z jednej strony ontologie wykazały swoją przydatność w różnego rodzaju przedsięwzięciach związanych z inicjatywą Semantic Web. Z drugiej strony okazało się, że po przekroczeniu pewnej granicy wielkości ontologii inżynierowie wiedzy natykają się na problemy, z którymi inżynieria...

  • Algorithms for spatial analysis and interpolation of discrete sets of Critical Infrastructure hazard data

    Nowo opracowane zaawansowane narzędzia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (TIK) ujawniają swoją przydatność do przewidywania różnego rodzaju zagrożeń oraz minimalizowania związanego z nimi potencjalnego ryzyka. Jednakże większość tych narzędzi operuje jedynie na niektórych typach infrastruktury i zaniedbuje ich przestrzenne interakcje z otoczeniem oraz innymi strukturami. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera propozycje kilku algorytmów...

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  • Rigorous numerics for critical orbits in the quadratic family


    - CHAOS - Year 2020

    We develop algorithms and techniques to compute rigorous bounds for finite pieces of orbits of the critical points, for intervals of parameter values, in the quadratic family of one-dimensional maps fa(x)=a−x2. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by constructing a dynamically defined partition P of the parameter interval Ω=[1.4,2] into almost 4 million subintervals, for each of which we compute to high precision the...

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  • How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis

    The term Big Data is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and its use is no longer limited to the IT industry, quantitative scientific research, and entrepreneurship, but entered as well everyday media and conversations. The prevalence of Big Data is simply a result of its usefulness in searching, downloading, collecting and processing massive datasets. It is therefore not surprising that the number of scientific...

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  • Exploring the trends in flux-cored arc welding: scientometric analysis approach

    Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) is a universal group of welding methods in terms of the scope of application and automation possibilities, the share of which in various industries in many countries is still increasing. The paper presents the results of bibliographic analyses (scientometric analysis with the use of VOSviewer, Bibliometrix and CitNetExplorer tools) of a data set of 993 publications indexed in the Web of Science database...

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  • Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review

    The phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity...

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  • A systematic review on cellular responses of Escherichia coli to nonthermal electromagnetic irradiation


    Investigation of Escherichia coli under electromagnetic fields is of significance in human studies owing to its short doubling time and human‐like DNA mechanisms. The present review aims to systematically evaluate the literature to conclude causality between 0 and 300 GHz electromagnetic fields and biological effects in E. coli. To that end, the OHAT methodology and risk of bias tool were employed. Exponentially growing cells exposed...

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  • Gender Disparity in the FinTech Sector: Systematic Literature Review


    - Year 2023

    The main objective of this chapter is to identify research areas of FinTech activity in which gender disparity has been observed. In addition, we shall identify how the development of FinTech reduces the gender gap. A systematic literature review using the PRISMA concept is the preferred research method. Publications were searched in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar using the formula “FinTech AND...

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  • thestats: An Open-Data R Package for Exploring Turkish Higher Education Statistics


    - Yuksekogretim Dergisi - Year 2023

    There are open datasets available for official statistics, finance, education, and a variety of other domains. The open datasets are published by third-party vendors as well as official authorities. For example, The Turkish Higher Education Council maintains a web portal dedicated to higher education in Türkiye. Detailed datasets about universities, faculties, and departments can be obtained from the portal. Using the data provided...

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  • Knowledge Views and their application in systems engineering


    - Year 2011

    Wykorzystanie technologii Semantic Web, w szczególności baz wiedzy, w przemyśle informatycznym jest niewielkie. Jest to spowodowane między innymi dużym ryzykiem związanym z wdrażaniem nowych technologii i brakiem wiedzy na ich temat ze strony inżynierów oprogramowania. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko związane z wdrażaniem baz wiedzy i zminimalizować nakład pracy inżynierów na zapoznanie się z nimi, w niniejszej pracy zaproponowano koncepcję...

  • Mariusz Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Mariusz Józef Figurski (born 27 April 1964 in Łasinie, Poland) - Polish geodesist, professor of technical sciences, professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Early life and education He passed the matriculation examination in 1983 after he had finished Jan III Sobieski High school in Grudziądz. He graduated the Military University of Technology on an individual mode at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Civil Engineering...

  • Koncepcja międzynarodowej konkurencyjności w teorii ekonomii - analiza bibliometryczna


    - Ekonomista - Year 2017

    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników metanalizy prac naukowych z zakresu międzynarodowej konkurencyjności na podstawie danych bibliometrycznych literatury opublikowanej w ciągu ostatnich 70 lat i zarejestrowanej w bazach Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar oraz Econlit, przy użyciu programów HistCite, Vosviewer i Pajek. Autorka wykorzystała trzy metody bibliometryczne, tj. analizę sieci cytowań, metodę kluczowych ścieżek...

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  • Investigating beliefs in anti-vax conspiracy theories among medical students


    - Vaccines - Year 2024

    Abstract: While the doctors’ role in immunization is essential, their lack of knowledge or vaccine hesitancy may affect their ability to communicate effectively and educate patients about vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine conspiracy theories. This, in turn, may hinder health policy aimed at fighting infectious diseases. Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent not only among the general  population but also among healthcare...

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  • Segmentation Quality Refinement in Large-Scale Medical Image Dataset with Crowd-Sourced Annotations


    Deployment of different techniques of deep learning including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in image classification systems has accomplished outstanding results. However, the advantages and potential impact of such a system can be completely negated if it does not reach a target accuracy. To achieve high classification accuracy with low variance in medical image classification system, there is needed the large size of the...

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  • Robot-Based Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

    • K. D. Bartl-Pokorny
    • P. Uluer
    • D. E. Barkana
    • A. Baird
    • H. Kose
    • T. Zorcec
    • B. Robins
    • B. Schuller
    • A. Landowska
    • M. Pykała

    - IEEE Access - Year 2021

    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in the socio-communicative domain and frequently face severe difficulties in the recognition and expression of emotions. Existing literature suggested that children with ASD benefit from robot-based interventions. However, studies varied considerably in participant characteristics, applied robots, and trained skills. Here, we reviewed robot-based interventions targeting...

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  • Implementation of advanced micropollutants removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Examples and challenges based on selected EU countries



    The accumulation of micropollutants (MPs) and their increasing concentration in the aquatic environment are an emerging issue for water quality in the world. The complex web of exposure pathways, as well as the variety in the chemical structure and potency of MPs, represents enormous challenges for researchers and policy initiatives. In order to manage MPs, it has to be decided which of them have to be reduced and to what extent,...

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  • Bioaccumulation of Metals in Tissues of Marine Animals, Part I: the Role and Impact of Heavy Metals on Organisms

    Heavy metals contribute to the anthropogenic contamination of marine ecosystems. Some of them are essential to the life processes of organisms; others are toxic, even at low concentrations. They penetrate organisms via food, respiratory pathways or the skin. The extent to which metals penetrate organisms is measured by the bioconcentration and bioaccumulation factors and also by their transport between organisms at different trophic...

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  • A system of visualization of operational situation on digital maps for mobile units of the Border Guards


    Border guards have to be equipped with technology enabling a communication, an acquisition, an exchange, and a visualization of data in different operational situations. This also applies to the staff, which is located on mobile units such as ground vehicles, aircrafts and vessels. Within the project realized for the Polish Border Guard and financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, a system was designed and...

  • Bodybuilders and high-level meat consumers’ behavior towards rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb meat: A comparative review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • S. Bhowmik
    • M. Afreen
    • İ. Ucak
    • A. Ikram
    • F. Gerini
    • M. Mehdizadeh
    • R. D. Ayivi
    • R. Castro Munoz

    - NUTRITION - Year 2024

    In bodybuilders’ diets, protein plays a crucial role in supporting muscle growth and repairing damaged muscle tissue. These individuals meet their protein needs by combining dietary sources with supplements. Animal-based proteins are often preferred over plant-based proteins because they are believed to better support muscle protein synthesis. This review explores the meat consumption patterns of bodybuilders and high-level meat...

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  • Application of Smart IoT Technology in Project Management Scenarios

    • K. Rasheed
    • S. Ammad
    • A. Y. Said
    • M. Balbehaith
    • V. K. Oad
    • A. Khan

    - Year 2023

    The report presents a low-cost and flexible solution to control and monitor home and industrial appliances. The popularity of automation devices has increased greatly in recent years due to higher affordability and simplicity through IoT phone and tablet connectivity. For this purpose, we have developed the IoT Outlet: a stand-alone communication unit, used to connect outlets to the internet. The IoT Plug is a power switch which...

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  • A Parallel Corpus-Based Approach to the Crime Event Extraction for Low-Resource Languages

    • N. Khairova
    • O. Mamyrbayev
    • N. Rizun
    • M. Razno
    • G. Ybytayeva

    - IEEE Access - Year 2023

    These days, a lot of crime-related events take place all over the world. Most of them are reported in news portals and social media. Crime-related event extraction from the published texts can allow monitoring, analysis, and comparison of police or criminal activities in different countries or regions. Existing approaches to event extraction mainly suggest processing texts in English, French, Chinese, and some other resource-rich...

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  • Real-time simulation in non real-time environment


    - Year 2016

    Simulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...

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  • Enriching the Context: Methods of Improving the Non-contextual Assessment of Sentence Credibility


    - Year 2019

    This paper presents several methods of automatic context enrichment of sentences that need to be evaluated, tagged or fact-checked by human judges. We have created a corpus of medical Web articles. Sentences from this corpus have been fact-checked by medical experts in two modes: contextually (reading the entire article and evaluating sentence by sentence) and without context (evaluating sentences from all articles in random order)....

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  • A systematic retrieval of international competitiveness literature: a bibliometric study


    Over the last three decades there has been growing interest in international competitiveness research. However, as evidenced by the academic literature, there is a lack of systematic chronological studies synthesizing how this field has evolved over time. The main aim of this paper is to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness in the discipline of economics by using a new method: a...

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  • Systems of Public Higher Education in Poland and Germany. Evidence from Institution Level Data


    The chapter presents a comparative analysis of public higher education systems (HES) in Germany and Poland. Instead of limiting our study to macro indicators such as gross expenditure on higher education or R&D as per cent of GDP, we draw on the evidence based on micro data especially collected for this study and concerning individual higher education institutions (HEIs). Comparative analysis is based on a sample of 71 public...

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  • Monolithic vs. Microservice Architecture: A Performance and Scalability Evaluation


    - IEEE Access - Year 2022

    Context. Since its proclamation in 2012, microservices-based architecture has gained widespread popularity due to its advantages, such as improved availability, fault tolerance, and horizontal scalability, as well as greater software development agility. Motivation. Yet, refactoring a monolith to microservices by smaller businesses and expecting that the migration will bring benefits similar to those reported by top global companies,...

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  • Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes

    • K. Zawierucha
    • M. Ostrowska
    • T. Vonnahme
    • M. Devetter
    • A. Nawrot
    • S. Lehmann-Konera
    • M. Kolicka

    - JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY - Year 2016

    Despite the fact that glaciers and ice sheets have been monitored for more than a century, knowledge on the glacial biota remains poor. Cryoconite holes are water-filled reservoirs on a glacier’s surface and one of the most extreme ecosystems for microinvertebrates. Tardigrada, also known as water bears, are a common inhabitant of cryoconite holes. In this paper we present novel data on the morphology, diversity, distribution and...

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  • Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury

    • N. Pirrone
    • W. Aas
    • S. Cinnirella
    • R. Ebinghaus
    • I. M. Hedgecock
    • J. Pacyna
    • F. Sprovieri
    • E. M. Sunderland


    Mercury is a global pollutant that is ubiquitous in the environment. Enrichment of mercury in the biosphere as the result of human activities and subsequent production of methylmercury (MeHg) has resulted in elevated concentrations in fish, wildlife and marine mammals globally. Elemental mercury (Hg0) is the most common form of mercury in the atmosphere, and the form that is most readily transported long distances from its emission...

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  • Why do Open Government Data initiatives fail in developing countries? A root cause analysis of the most prevalent barriers and problems

    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • M. Janssen
    • N. Rizun
    • M. Lnenicka
    • R. Matheus

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Year 2024

    Open government data (OGD) include the provision of government data, which have so far been reserved for the provision of public utilities and services, wherein different stakeholders may create value out of the same source. Recently, OGD initiatives around the world have dampened or were found to be inadequate for one or other reasons. The present study seeks to underline the root causes behind these inadequate or stalled initiatives...

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  • Which transport policies increase physical activity of the whole of society? A systematic review


    - Journal of Transport & Health - Year 2022

    Purpose: There is strong evidence of the links between car-dependence and the physical inactivity pandemic. Physical inactivity accounts for 6–10% of major non-communicable diseases. Research consistently shows that unlike passive transport, active transport is associated with higher total daily physical activity (PA). While there are public policies that support PA in transport and, as a result, overall PA levels, the specific...

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    - Year 2023

    Sustainability and value-creation are considered important parameters to measure the success of an open data system. Unfortunately, existing open data systems are not meeting their promises to achieve a sustainable and value-based open data system. Van Loenen et al. (2021) proposed a sustainable and value-creating open data ecosystem. According to their study, the open data ecosystem needs to be user-driven, inclusive, circular,...

  • Aplikacje i usługi a technologie sieciowe


    Obserwując tempo rozwoju technologii sieciowych oraz usług i aplikacji stajemy przed ogromnym dylematem jak wykorzystać istniejące możliwości by modernizować wybrane usługi i aplikacje zgodnie z ciągle zmieniającymi się potrzebami użytkowników. Bardzo często sygnalizowane nowe technologie czy aplikacje mają jednak czysto charakter biznesowy podporządkowany prawom marketingu i nie wnoszą wielu istotnych zmian. Dlatego jest ważne...

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  • An application of blended and collaborative learning in spatial planning course


    Spatial Planning is a master course for graduate students of Environmental Engineering. The course is based on assumptions that students’ future work will be connected with spatial planning, and spatial issues will have an influence on their everyday lives. To familiarize students with environmental issues in planning, the teams of students get an assignment to design an urban space, waterfront along a stream. The whole project...

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  • Bibliometric analysis and literature review of ultrasound-assisted degradation of organic pollutants



    Ultrasound as a clean, efficient, and cheap technique gains special attention in wastewater treatment. Ultrasound alone or coupled with hybrid processes have been widely studied for the treatment of pollutants in wastewater. Thus, it is essential to conduct a review about the research development and trends on this emerging technique. This work presents a bibliometric analysis of the topic associated with multiple tools such as...

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  • Use of LIDAR Data in the 3D/4D Analyses of the Krakow Fortress Objects

    • E. Głowienka
    • K. Michałowska
    • P. Opaliński
    • B. Hejmanowska
    • S. Mikrut
    • P. Kramarczyk

    - Year 2017

    The article presents partial results of studies within the framework of the international project "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). The subject of the study were forts of the Krakow Fortress, which had been built by the Austrians between 1849-1914 in order to provide defence against the Russians. Research works were aimed at identifying architectural changes occurring in different time periods in relation to selected...

  • Development and validation of a model that includes two ultrasound parameters and the plasma D-dimer level for predicting malignancy in adnexal masses: an observational study


    - BMC CANCER - Year 2019

    Background: Pre-operative discrimination of malignant from benign adnexal masses is crucial for planning additional imaging, preparation, surgery and postoperative care. This study aimed to define key ultrasound and clinical variables and develop a predictive model for calculating preoperative ovarian tumor malignancy risk in a gynecologic oncology referral center. We compared our model to a subjective ultrasound assessment (SUA)...

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  • Plastic Debris in the Stomach of the Invasive Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus from a Baltic Coastal River


    - Water - Year 2024

    Pollution by plastic debris, widely recognized as a growing global problem [1-3] is caused by the production of synthetic polymers. Over recent years, the production of plastics has increased, while in Europe, fossil-based plastics production has decreased, and recycled plastics production has increased [4]. There are different types of plastics. Some types of plastic ingredients, applied in a wide variety of cosmetics and personal...

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  • System oceny efektywności użytkowania aparatów słuchowych (Hearing aid use effectiveness evaluation system)


    - Year 2024

    Celem rozprawy jest opracowanie metody oceny efektywności protezowania słuchu przy użyciu aparatów słuchowych, która  pozwoli w łatwy sposób poddawać ocenie korzyść z użytkowania protez słuchowych w najbardziej typowych sytuacjach akustycznych. Przedstawiono genezę podjętych badań i na tej podstawie zaproponowano cele i tezy rozprawy doktorskiej. W pracy w pierwszej kolejności zawarto przegląd dotyczący rodzajów ubytku słuchu...

  • Image Processing Techniques for Distributed Grid Applications


    - Year 2012

    Parallel approaches to 2D and 3D convolution processing of series of images have been presented. A distributed, practically oriented, 2D spatial convolution scheme has been elaborated and extended into the temporal domain. Complexity of the scheme has been determined and analysed with respect to coefficients in convolution kernels. Possibilities of parallelisation of the convolution operations have been analysed and the results...

  • Genetic Positioning of Fire Stations Utilizing Grid-computing Platform


    A chapter presents a model for determining near-optimal locations of fire stations based on topography of a given area and location of forests, rivers, lakes and other elements of the site. The model is based on principals of genetic algorithms and utilizes the power of the grid to distribute and execute in parallel most performance-demanding computations involved in the algorithm.

  • Distributed Detection of Selected Features in Data Streams Using Grid-class Systems


    - Year 2012

    This chapter describes basic methodology of distributed digital signal processing. A choice of distributed methods of detection of selected features in data streams using grid-class systems is discussed. Problems related to distribution of data for processing are addressed. A mitigating method for data distribution and result merging is described.