total: 502
Search results for: linear object
Procognitive activity of nitric oxide inhibitors and donors in animal models
PublicationNitric oxide is a small gaseous molecule that plays important roles in the majority of biological functions. Impairments of NO-related pathways contribute to the majority of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and mental disorders, such as schizophrenia. Cognitive decline is one of the most serious impairments accompanying both AD and schizophrenia. In the present study, the activities of NO donors, slow (spermine...
Double-Blind Reputation vs. Intelligent Fake VIP Attacks in Cloud-Assisted Interactions
PublicationWe consider a generic model of Client-Server interactions in the presence of Sender and Relay, conceptual agents acting on behalf of Client and Server, respectively, and modeling cloud service providers in the envisaged "QoS as a Service paradigm". Client generates objects which Sender tags with demanded QoS level, whereas Relay assigns the QoS level to be provided at Server. To verify an object's right to a QoS level, Relay detects...
Accuracy improvement of the prestressed concrete structures precise geometry assessment by use of bubble micro-sampling algorithm
PublicationPrestressed concrete structures are well-known technology for a vast period, but nevertheless, this very technology is a leading solution, currently used in construction industry. Prestressed concrete structures have a huge advantage over conventional methods because it uses the properties of concrete in a very efficient way. The main idea behind this technology is to introduce into the cross-section of the structure, the internal...
Ontology-Aided Software Engineering
PublicationThis thesis is located between the fields of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE). The modern offspring of KRR - Description Logic (DL) [Baad03] is considered here as a formalization of the software engineering Methods & Tools. The bridge between the world of formal specification (governed by the mathematics)...
Investigation of the antimicrobial potential and microbiota of bee pollen and bee bread derived from Polish apiaries
PublicationThe phenomenon of resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is becoming one of the greatest challenges of modern medicine. At the same time, the number of new antibiotics introduced into clinical practice is decreasing. This creates the need to search for new, effective, non-antibiotic methods of combating and preventing infectious diseases. Over the last two decades, there has been renewed interest in the antimicrobial potential...
Multifrequency Nanoscale Impedance Microscopy (m-NIM): A novel approach towards detection of selective and subtle modifications on the surface of polycrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationIn this paper, we describe the modification of Nanoscale Impedance Microscopy (NIM), namely, a combination of contact-mode atomic force microscopy with local impedance measurements. The postulated approach is based on the application of multifrequency voltage perturbation instead of standard frequency-by-frequency analysis, which among others offers more time-efficient and accurate determination of the resultant impedance spectra...
Proposition of the methodology for Data Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization in support of Industry 4.0
PublicationIndustry 4.0 offers a comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital and allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people. Consequently, it involves complex designing of highly specialized state of the art technologies. Thus, companies face formidable challenges in the adoption of these new technologies....
Technical Limitations in Merging Secular and Sacred Functions in Monumental Churches
PublicationThe abandonment of churches and their adaptation for secular purposes is a current subject in Europe and worldwide. Most cases involve objects that were desacralized and then rebuilt as a whole object for alternative functions. Thus far, the merging of secular and sacred functions in one monumental Catholic church has not raised any issues. The paper describes the case of St. Catherine’s Church in Gdansk, Poland, where sacred function...
Investigations On Water Circulation in Animal Sea-Water Basins – On the Example of Seals′ Breeding Pools
PublicationThis paper presents general comments concerning investigations on water circulation in animal breeding pools containing sea water. As an example are given results of computer simulation of water circulation in seals’ breeding pools situated in Marine Station at Hel, belonging to Oceanographic Institute, Gdansk University. A mathematical model of three main pools was prepared with taking into account their inflow and outflow water...
Adjusting the Stiffness of Supports during Milling of a Large-Size Workpiece Using the Salp Swarm Algorithm
PublicationThis paper concerns the problem of vibration reduction during milling. For this purpose, it is proposed that the standard supports of the workpiece be replaced with adjustable stiffness supports. This affects the modal parameters of the whole system, i.e., object and its supports, which is essential from the point of view of the relative tool–workpiece vibrations. To reduce the vibration level during milling, it is necessary to...
Methods for biomaterials printing: A short review and perspective
PublicationPrinting technologies have opened larger windows of innovation and creativity to biomaterials engineers by providing them with the ability to fabricate complex shapes in a reasonable time, cost, and weight. However, there has always been a trouble with function adjusting in printing technologies in view of the multiplicity of materials and apparatus parameters. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, revolutionized biomaterials...
Evaluation of the significance of the effect of the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas of a diesel engine using statistics F of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution
PublicationThis paper presents the application of Fisher-Snedecor distribution F statistics to assess the significance of the influence of changes in the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel (Adol) flow in a diesel engine on the observed diagnostic parameter determined on the basis of measurements of the quick changing exhaust gas temperature in the outlet channel, which is the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream within...
Implementation of Hierarchical Control of Drinking Water Supply System
PublicationThe paper presents the outline of the didactical project of a complex computer controlled system realized by the first degree students of the Automatics and Robotics on the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (FoEaCE) in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The synthesis, implementation and analysis of a multilayer hierarchical control system for drinking water supply system (DWSS) are main topics of that project. The...
Surveillance camera tracking of GEO positioned objects
PublicationRozdział opisuje system sterowania kamerami ruchomymi PTZ realizujący śledzenie poruszającego się obiektu o znanej pozycji GPS. Przedstawione są idea systemu oraz możliwości jego wykorzystania. Opisane są: procedura kalibracji pola widzenia kamery i sposób powiązania z danymi o lokalizacji, procedura predykcji ruchu w celu kompensacji opóźnień czasowych. Omówiony jest zaimplementowany system modułowy, w którego skład wchodzą: terminale...
HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index
PublicationCurrent tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...
Framework Reuse - Heaven or Hell
PublicationObject-oriented frameworks have almost completely dominated the world of business applications. Frameworks are widely considered to be helpful and are designed to speed up creation of applications. However, when trying to apply a framework for a particular application, it often turns out that this is not as easy as it seemed at the beginning. It takes time to become familiar with the framework, with its concepts and the standard...
Cast Iron Staircase in Aleksandrów Kujawski (Poland) - History, Construction, Architectural Form
PublicationThe text presents historic cast iron staircase, which is situated inside the railway station building in Aleksandrów Kujawski. Since the moment of creation in the 19th century for a long time that station, located at the border of Prussia and Kingdom of Poland, was an important transit point. Nowadays it is situated in the central of Poland. The staircase was built in 1870’s as a result of an extension of the railway station building...
Adaptabilność obiektów architektonicznych we współczesnym projektowaniu / The adaptability of architectural objects in contemporary design
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of adaptability - the ability to modify modern architectural objects to a changing context - as an important element of contemporary design. Adaptability can take on different forms. It is most commonly understood as a change in the architectural form in reaction to various stimuli from the environment through transformative structures, or as an object's ability to adapt to climatic conditions, providing...
On possible applications of media described by fractional-order models in electromagnetic cloaking
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to open a scientific discussion on possible applications of media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) in electromagnetic cloaking. A 2-D cloak based on active sources and the surface equivalence theorem is simulated. It employs a medium described by FOM in communication with sources cancelling the scattered field. A perfect electromagnetic active cloak is thereby demonstrated with the use...
Architecture in the field of art on the example of author’s realizations
PublicationThe aim of the article was to show the place of architecture in the space of art on the example of original projects. In the author's opinion, architecture, using an artistic object as a means of expression, influences the process of living by showing the recipient, who is an inhabitant, important values from the point of view of creating a house that ensures a good quality of life and strengthening the understanding of both various...
The Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine with Extreme Throttled of Air or Exhaust Ducts
PublicationPresented paper shows the results of the laboratory tests on the relationship between the extreme throttling of both air intake duct and exhaust gas duct and gaseous emission from the marine engine. The object of research is a laboratory, 4-stroke, DI diesel engine, operated at loads from 50 kW to 250 kW at a constant speed equal to 750 rpm. During the laboratory tests the thermodynamic and exhaust gas emission characteristics...
The analysis of the influence of the corrosion protection method of selected steel elements on the steel structure life cycle costs
PublicationSteel products are widely used in the construction for the performance of essential and additional elements of engineering structures. They are characterized by high tensile strength, compression and bending, the structure homogeneity, the possibility of assembly regardless of the season and climatic conditions, ease of processing and the possibility of almost any shape. The main disadvantage of steel structures is their high susceptibility...
In Search of Naval Beauty. Historical Study of Ship Architecture
PublicationDesigning ships is no mean achievement. In the old days, constructors focused on making their ships visually appealing, while paying scant regard to the living conditions of the crew. Such an approach reflected the state of the art in ship building at the time as well as the social order prevalent in those days. A breakthrough came no earlier than at the turn of the 19th / 20th centuries. The industrial revolution brought along...
Investigating lubricants behaviour in microgravity for vibration damping purposes
PublicationVibration is one of the harshest environments an object is exposed to during and after launch into space on a launch vehicle. Such vibrations should be damped to avoid destruction of the spacecraft or its elements. Currently, active and material damping is used. A possibility of using lubrication as the damping factor is suggested by some research. MoS2 is a typical solid lubricant used in space applications. Its properties vary...
Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationDue to high requirements of variety of 3D spatial data applications with respect to data amount and quality, automatized, effcient and reliable data acquisition and preprocessing methods are needed. The use of photogrammetry techniques—as well as the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) automatic scanners—are among attractive solutions. However, measurement data are in the form of unorganized point clouds, usually requiring transformation...
The Impact of LY487379 or CDPPB on eNOS Expression in the Mouse Brain and the Effect of Joint Administration of Compounds with NO• Releasers on MK-801- or Scopolamine-Driven Cognitive Dysfunction in Mice
PublicationThe role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the regulation of a variety of biological processes is well established, and its dysfunction contributes to brain pathologies, including schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors were shown to be effective procognitive compounds, but little is known about their impact on eNOS expression and stability....
Information retrieval with semantic memory model
PublicationPsycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Combining this network with a vector-based object-relation-feature value representation of concepts that includes also weights for confidence and support, allows for recognition of concepts...
Multi-core processing system for real-time image processing in embedded computer vision applications
PublicationW artykule opisano architekturę wielordzeniowego programowalnego systemu do przetwarzania obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Dane obrazu są przetwarzane równocześnie przez wszystkie procesory. System umożliwia niskopoziomowe przetwarzanie obrazów,np. odejmowanie tła, wykrywanie obiektów ruchomych, transformacje geometryczne, indeksowanie wykrytych obiektów, ocena ich kształtu oraz podstawowa analiza trajektorii ruchu. Ang:This paper...
Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublicationThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
Development of a simulation model of the activities of a transport and forwarding enterprise in the organization of international road cargo transportation
PublicationThe object of this study is the process of planning the work of a transport and forwarding company when serving different categories of customers who need organizational support for the delivery of goods by road transport in international traffic. The solved problem is due to the need to devise recommendations for organizing the work of forwarders when interacting with customers of transport and forwarding services that export...
Construction of a simulation model of goods delivery in international road transportation taking into account the functioning efficiency of logistics supply chain
PublicationThe object of this study is the process of goods delivery in international road transport using various types of logistics chains. The problem being solved is due to the need to develop recommendations for exporters of goods to reformat or design new supply chains during wartime. The expediency of organizing foreign trade operations by the cargo owners' own forces or with the involvement of enterprises providing logistics consulting...
Management of Complex Root Fractures in Young Patients—Case Series and a Literature Review
PublicationRoot fractures are defined as injuries involving dentine, cementum, and the pulp. They are rare, and they account for 0.5–7% of the dental injuries in the permanent teeth. Root fractures may be the result of direct trauma to the teeth or indirect trauma to the oral cavity. Their incidence is highest in the group of adolescent patients aged 11 to 20 years. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature supported by a case...
Assessment of the Symmetry and Deformation of a Submarine Hull Using the PCSE Method
PublicationThe paper presents a new dry-dock method for assessing the deformation of submarine hulls using TLS point cloud data and the point cloud spatial expansion method (PCSE). The advantage of the proposed approach is the high-resolution deformation analysis that can be conducted in the case of both the availability and a lack of technical documentation on the submarine hull. The geometry assessment involves two-plane hull symmetry in...
Activation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor (mGlu2) and Muscarinic Receptors (M1, M4, and M5), Alone or in Combination, and Its Impact on the Acquisition and Retention of Learning in the Morris Water Maze, NMDA Expression and cGMP Synthesis
PublicationThe Morris water maze (MWM) is regarded as one of the most popular tests for detecting spatial memory in rodents. Long-term potentiation and cGMP synthesis seem to be among the crucial factors involved in this type of learning. Muscarinic (M1, M4, and M5 receptors) and metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors are important targets in the search for antipsychotic drugs with the potency to treat cognitive disabilities associated with...
A Survey on the Datasets and Algorithms for Satellite Data Applications
PublicationThis survey compiles insights and describes datasets and algorithms for applications based on remote sensing. The goal of this review is twofold: datasets review for particular groups of tasks and high-level steps of data flow between satellite instruments and end applications from an implementation and development perspective. The article outlines the generalized data processing pipelines, taking into account the variations in...
Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
PublicationIn this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on 3-Amino-1-Propanol and Tetraalkylammonium Salts at Low Pressure
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) became an object of a great interest as an alternative to ionic liquids (ILs) and commonly used in CO2 capture amine solutions. In the present study, five different DESs based on 3-amino-1-propanol as physical-chemical CO2 absorbents were used. The composition was chosen in order to estimate the effects of hydrogen bond acceptor:hydrogen bond donor (HBA:HBD) molar ratio, anion type and length of alkyl...
Quantitative Risk Assessment in Construction Disputes Based on Machine Learning Tools
PublicationA high monetary value of the construction projects is one of the reasons of frequent disputes between a general contractor (GC) and a client. A construction site is a unique, one-time, and single-product factory with many parties involved and dependent on each other. The organizational dependencies and their complexity make any fault or mistake propagate and influence the final result (delays, cost overruns). The constant will...
Pedestrian detection in low-resolution thermal images
PublicationOver one million people die in car accidents worldwide each year. A solution that will be able to reduce situations in which pedestrian safety is at risk has been sought for a long time. One of the techniques for detecting pedestrians on the road is the use of artificial intelligence in connection with thermal imaging. The purpose of this work was to design a system to assist the safety of people and car intelligence with the use...
Fully Automated AI-powered Contactless Cough Detection based on Pixel Value Dynamics Occurring within Facial Regions
PublicationIncreased interest in non-contact evaluation of the health state has led to higher expectations for delivering automated and reliable solutions that can be conveniently used during daily activities. Although some solutions for cough detection exist, they suffer from a series of limitations. Some of them rely on gesture or body pose recognition, which might not be possible in cases of occlusions, closer camera distances or impediments...
Adversarial attack algorithm for traffic sign recognition
PublicationDeep learning suffers from the threat of adversarial attacks, and its defense methods have become a research hotspot. In all applications of deep learning, intelligent driving is an important and promising one, facing serious threat of adversarial attack in the meanwhile. To address the adversarial attack, this paper takes the traffic sign recognition as a typical object, for it is the core function of intelligent driving. Considering...
Training of Deep Learning Models Using Synthetic Datasets
PublicationIn order to solve increasingly complex problems, the complexity of Deep Neural Networks also needs to be constantly increased, and therefore training such networks requires more and more data. Unfortunately, obtaining such massive real world training data to optimize neural networks parameters is a challenging and time-consuming task. To solve this problem, we propose an easy-touse and general approach to training deep learning...
PublicationThe article presents a continuation of research carried out concerning identification of energy consequences of mechanical fatigue within a propeller shaft in a rotating mechanical system, while working under conditions of the loss of the required alignment of shaft lines. Experimental research was carried out on a physical model reflecting a full-sized real object: i.e., the propulsion system of the ship. It is proven, by means...
Suppression of Supply Current Harmonics of 18-Pulse Diode Rectifier by Series Active Power Filter with LC Coupling
PublicationThe reported research aims at improving the quality of three-phase rectifier supply currents. An effective method consists of adding properly formed booster voltages to the fundamental supply voltages using a series active filter. In the proposed solution, the booster voltages are generated by three single-phase systems consisting of inverters, LC filters, and single-phase transformers. The application of LC couplings ensures low...
Analiza możliwości zastosowania symulatorów dydaktycznych w systemach nauczania wspomaganego komputerowo zgodnych ze standardem SCORM 2004.
PublicationW związku z gwałtownym wzrostem zainteresowania systemami nauczania komputerowego i ich tempa rozwoju, koniecznym okazało się rozpoczęcie intensywnych prac standaryzacyjnych dotyczących tego rodzaju systemów. Ich owocem jest standard SCORM (Sharable Component Object Model), obejmujący liczne aspekty tworzenia komputerowych systemów edukacyjnych, jak np.: przechowywanie, indeksowanie i wyszukiwanie treści dydaktycznych, obsługa...
An Estimation of the Efficiency of Public Research Institutes in Poland – DEA Approach
PublicationObjective: The purpose of this paper is to measure and assess the efficiency of research institutes in Poland. The institutes operate on the basis of various legal frameworks, but they serve a common purpose and have a joint area of activity, research and development.Research Design & Methods: We used the SBM model, a component of the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, to analyse the efficiency...
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublicationIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
Interactive and Media Architecture – From Social Encounters to City Planning Strategies
PublicationThe paper searches into the potential of media and interactive projects to support participation and generate social encounters in public spaces. Moreover, it proposes implementation of media and interactive projects into city planning processes. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys the paper gives insight how interactive and media architecture can engage people in activities in urban...
YADE - An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems
PublicationThis contribution presents the key elements of YADE, an extensible open-source framework for dynamic simulations. During the past 19 years, YADE has evolved from "Yet Another Dynamic Engine"' to a versatile multiscale and multiphysics solver, counting a large, active, and growing community of users and developers. The computationally intense parts of the source code are written in C++, using flexible object models that allow for...