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Search results for: Chapter III - Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
Analysis of occurrence of guided disorders in selected railway equipment — impact of load on measurement results
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Evaluation of the Functional Status of the Posture Control System in Children with Detected Disorders in Body Posture
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Evaluation of the Functional Status of the Posture Control System in Children with Detected Disorders in Body Posture
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Mutual Relationship Between Sleep Disorders, Quality of Life and Psychosocial Aspects in Patients With Psoriasis
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Stage of liver fibrosis in patients with congenital bleeding disorders and infected with hepatitis C virus
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External electron donor and transporter of iron triggers the paths to enhancing collaboration of anammox and denitrification in granular sludge: Bacterial resilience and synergetic promotion mechanism
PublicationAutotrophic nitrogen removal via anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) technology currently faces sig nificant challenges in treating low-strength wastewater due to inefficient retention of bacteria and unstable activity under fluctuating conditions. This study demonstrates enhanced resilience and stability of anammox coupled with partial denitrification (PD) in granular sludge, assisted by ferric iron (Fe(III)) and nano zero-valent iron...
Chapter 34. Influence of salt on micellisation of 1-decyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloride in aqueous solution
PublicationZbadano wpływ prostych elektrolitów na micelizację chlorku 1-decylo-3-metyloimidazoliowego w środowisku wodnym. Zaobserwowano, że dodatek soli powoduje obniżanie krytycznego stężenia micelizacji (CMC) badanego związku z siłą zgodną z trendem opisanym szeregiem Hofmeistera. Przedstawiono również zależność między stężeniem dodanej soli a CMC.
Chapter 21. Investigation on sorption of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride on sewage sludge in wastewater treatment
PublicationNiniejsza publikacja stanowi opis zjawiska sorpcji chlorku 1-metylo-3-oktylo imidazolu w wysuszonym osadzie czynnym pochodzącym z oczyszczalni ścieków. Uzyskana w toku badań izoterma sorpcji potwierdza wielowarstwową adsorpcję długołańcuchowych cieczy jonowych. Stosunkowo wysoki współczynnik podziału KD wynika z pH w jakim prowadzony był eksperyment oraz wysokiej zawartości węgla organicznego w sorbencie (50,49%) i potwierdza,...
The Mechanism of a Retro-Diels–Alder Fragmentation of Luteolin: Theoretical Studies Supported by Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry Results
PublicationThe mechanisms of retro-Diels–Alder fragmentation of luteolin are studied theoretically using the Density Functional Theory method (B3LYP hybrid functional) together with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set and supported by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) results. The reaction paths leading to the formation of 1,3A and 1,3B fragment ions observed as the main spectral features in the ESI-MS spectrum are described...
Psychological Functioning of Women Diagnosed with Lichen Planus and Other Diseases of the Oral Cavity—Explorative Study
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Selected Psychosocial Factors, Nutritional Behavior, and the Analysis of Concentrations of Selected Vitamins in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases
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Public Perception of the Risks Associated with Infectious Diseases in Poland: Ebola and Influenza and Their Impact on the Attitude to Vaccination
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The Awareness of Rare Diseases Among Medical Students and Practicing Physicians in the Republic of Kazakhstan. An Exploratory Study
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Electrocatalytic performance of oxygen-activated carbon fibre felt anodes mediating degradation mechanism of acetaminophen in aqueous environments
PublicationCarbon felts are flexible and scalable, have high specific areas, and are highly conductive materials that fit the requirements for both anodes and cathodes in advanced electrocatalytic processes. Advanced oxidative modi- fication processes (thermal, chemical, and plasma-chemical) were applied to carbon felt anodes to enhance their efficiency towards electro-oxidation. The modification of the porous anodes results in increased...
Photoinduced electron transfer in 5-bromouracil labeled DNA. A contrathermodynamic mechanism revisited by electron transfer theories
PublicationThe understanding of the 5-bromouracil (BrU) based photosensitization mechanism of DNA damage is of large interest due to the potential applications in photodynamic therapy. Photoinduced electron transfer (ET) in BrU labeled duplexes comprising the 50 -GBrU or 50 -ABrU sequence showed that a much lower reactivity was found for the 50 -GBrU pattern. Since the ionization potential of G is lower than that of A, this sequence selectivity...
Kinetics of aquation of [Co(ODA)(H2O)3] induced by Fe(III)
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An excess electron bound to urea. III. The urea dimer as an electron trap
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Choline Supplementation Sensitizes Legionella dumoffii to Galleria mellonella Apolipophorin III
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Erbium (III) molybdate as a new nanofiller for fabrication of antifouling polyethersulfone membranes
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Miejsce programu GAMBIT w III planie BRD Unii Europejskiej
PublicationOtwarcie Seminarium GAMBIT 2006, poświęcone wnioskom z dotychczasowych działań oraz planom na przyszłość, zawartym w najnowszym Krajowym Programie GAMBIT 2005. Prace nad nim rozpoczęto w sierpniu 2004, czyli tuż po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W kwietniu 2005 Rada Ministrów przyjęła GAMBIT 2005 jako program dla Polski na lata 2005-2013, skonstruowany zgodnie z metodyką opracowaną dla tych krajów UE-25, których poziom zagrożenia...
Kinetic studies of complexation reaction of polyoxaalkyl phosphates with Fe(III) in ethanol
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Determination of Surfactants in Environmental Samples. Part III. Non-Ionic Compounds
PublicationNon-ionic surface active agents are a diverse group of chemicals which have an uncharged polar head and a non-polar tail. They have different properties due to amphiphilic structure of their molecules. Commercial available non-ionic surfactants consist of the broadest spectrum of compounds in comparison with other types of such agents. Typically, non-ionic compounds found applications in households and industry during formulation...
Tomasz Szymański dr inż. arch.
PeopleTomasz Szymanski (Ph.D.) is an architect and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Gdansk. Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Gdansk. Studies completed with a diploma with honors. Research Interests Dr. Tomasz Szymanski are centered around the issue of industrial heritage, re-use, adaptation and revitalization of industrial buildings and objects...
Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublicationIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Diagnostics of the Peripheral Artery Disease with use of Glucose Sensor - A Proof of Concept
PublicationIt is estimated that 13% of population over 50 years old suffer from symptomatic or asymptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD). Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is viewed as a useful parameter in diagnostics of peripheral arterial disease, however screening tests with usage of this method are not advised. Hypoxia causes increase in lactate values and decrease in blood glucose. We hypothesize that the deficit in blood supply to the...
Solvent Impact on the Diversity of Products in the Reaction of Lithium Diphenylphosphide and a Ti(III) Complex Supported by a tBu2P–P(SiMe3) Ligand
PublicationWe present two important trends in the reactivity ofthe titanium complex [MeNacNacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}](MeNacNac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6-iPr2Ph)with nucleophilic reagents RLi (R = Ph2P,tBuO, (Me3Si)2N, andtBu2N) depending on the reaction medium. Reaction in nonpolarsolvent (toluene) leads to three main products: via an autoredoxprocess and nucleophilic substitution at the Ti-atom to afford theTi(IV) complex [MeNacNacTi(R){η2-P-PtBu2}]...
Forced vibrations in a dynamic system that is damped by a mechanism that trans-pass through its singular position
PublicationIn the paper, vibrations of a hybrid multibody-continuous system are investigated. For all the mechanical devices, effective damping methods are crucial in the design process. To obtain it, installation of viscous dampers or elasto-viscous elements is dominant. In the paper, an alternative method is investigated. It is based on modal disparity. To describe the method briefly, when structural damping is present in continuous systems,...
Focus on Open Science Chapter VII: Gdansk
EventsMiędzynarodowe warsztaty Focus on Open Science – Chapter VII: Gdańsk. Organizatorzy: Scientific Knowledge Services, Politechnika Gdańska.
System monitorowania obiektów inżynierskich w trakcie ich eksploatacji na przykładzie Mostu III Tysiąclecia im. Jana Pawła II w Gdańsku.
PublicationMost III Tysiąclecia im. Jana Pawła II w Gdańsku oddano do użytku w listopadzie 2004 roku. Jest on jednym z trzech podwieszonych obiektów mostowych wybudowanych w ostatnich latach w Polsce. Praca i zachowanie się konstrukcji mostu jest stale monitorowane przez autorski, opracowany w Katedrze Mostów PG system pomiarowy. Zainstalowana aparatura pomiarowa śledzi i rejestruje zachowanie się konstrukcji mostu pod wpływem obciążenia...
Budownictwo III (Moduł Projektowanie architektoniczne III)
e-Learning Courses -
Azithromycin Clears Bordetella pertussis Infection in Mice but Also Modulates Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses and T Cell Memory
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Changes in chosen immune system indicators and the level of HSP-70 after single whole-body cryostimulation in healthy men
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State of the art paper Comprehensive insight into immune regulatory mechanisms and vascular wall determinants of atherogenesis – emerging perspectives of immunomodulation
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Maternal immune activation leads to age-related behavioral and immunological changes in male rat offspring - the effect of antipsychotic drugs
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Comparison of immune response in sheep immunized with DNA vaccine encoding Toxoplasma gondii GRA7 antigen in different adjuvant formulations
PublicationPraca przedstawia badania dotyczące odpowiedzi immunologicznej owiec immunizowanych plazmidowym DNA kodującym antygen granul GRA7 Toxoplasma gondii w trzech różnych formulacjach adjuvanta. Sześćdziesiąt owiec było szczepionych domięśniowo z DNa plazmidów. Dwanaście otrzymało liposomową formę plazmidu pVAXIgGRA7, 12 formulację z Emulsigen P plazmidu pVAXIgGRA7 1 12 formulację z Emulsigen D plazmidu pVAXIgGRA7. Wszystkie zwierzęta...
Other specified disorders of breast - Female, 40 - Tissue image [53007300258681]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 1000 slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Other specified disorders of breast - Female, 40 - Tissue image [5300730025869471]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 1000 slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Other specified disorders of breast - Female, 40 - Tissue image [5300730025867311]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 1000 slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Other specified disorders of breast - Female, 40 - Tissue image [5300730025868731]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 1000 slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Other specified disorders of breast - Female, 40 - Tissue image [5300730025862951]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 1000 slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Theoretical Study of Polymerization Mechanism of p-Xylylene Based Polymers
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Mechanism of Butanol Adsorption from Solution. 1. Calorimetric Measurements
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Classification of different type of propeller ventilation and ventilation inception mechanism
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Classification of different type of propeller ventilation and ventilation inception mechanism
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Influence of the counterweight model on optimization of balancing of four-bar mechanism
PublicationPraca opisuje rozważania na temat wyrównoważania płaskiego czworoboku przegubowego. Do wyrównoważenia wykorzystano metodę alokacji przeciwmas. Zadanie to wymagało połączenia procedur analizy dynamiki układów wielomasowych z procedurą optymalizacji. W pracy umieszczono opis metody dynamiki układów wielomasowych. W procesie optymalizacji skorzystano z metody sympleksów. Opisano model analizowanego układu składający się z dwóch sekcji...
Mechanism of nitromethane liquid membrane oscillator containing sodium oleate
PublicationBadano osylacyjne zachowanie oscylatora z anionowym surfaktantem na poziomie molekularnym. Zastosowano przybliżenie oparte na zasadach kinektyki chemicznej. Membranę ciekłą stanowił nitrometan z 2,2' bipirydyną. Faza wodna domowa zawierała oleinian sodu i butanol, a faza wodna akceptora chlorek sodu. Ustalono, że oscylacje zachodzą na granicy fazy akceptorowej i membrany ciekłej. Zaproponowano 3-etapowy mechanizm oscylacji i potwierdzono...
Cam mechanism designing with account of the technological load and energy costs
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On the mechanism of nitrobenzene liquid membrane oscillators containing hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
PublicationBadano oscylacje różnicy potencjałów elektrycznych między fazami wodnymi oscylatora z membraną ciekłą, zawierającego kwas pikrynowy rozpuszczony w nitrobezenie. Wodnej fazie donorowej znajdował się kationowy surfaktant, zaś faza akceptorowa składała się z wodnego roztworu sacharozy. Zaproponowano mechanizm oscylacji składajacy się z trzech etapów. Zaproponowano procesy zachodzące w każdym etapie. Stwierdzono, że procesy adsorpcji...
Kinetics and mechanism of the dehydrohalogenation of Ar2CHCX3 and Ar2CHCHX2 by strong N-bases
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The Role of pH in the Mechanism of .OH Radical Induced Oxidation of Nicotine