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Search results for: TWO-PHASE EJECTOR
Selected problems of technological preparation of production of a two-segment passenger inland waterways ship of a combined structure
PublicationPrzystępując do opracowania założeń do ''Ramowej technologii budowy statku rzecznego'', którego projekt powstaje w ramach zadania INCOWATRANS natknięto się na szereg problemów wynikających z odmienności i prototypowości analizowanego statku. Statek rzeczny to składajacy się z dwóch autonomicznych jednostek zespół pływający. Konstrukcja każdej z wymienionych jednostek jest konstrukcją mieszaną tj. składa się z części o konstrukcji...
Regulated Emissions, Unregulated Emissions and Fuel Consumption of Two Vehicles Tested on Various Petrol-Ethanol Blends
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Poly(ε-Caprolactone)/Poly(Lactic Acid) Blends Compatibilized by Peroxide Initiators: Comparison of Two Strategies
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Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption
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Two-electron reduction of quinones by Enterobacter cloacae NAD(P)H:nitroreductase: quantitative structure-activity relationships
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The base colour of fruit as an indicator of optimum harvest date for two apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.)
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Planning Recreation around Water Bodies in Two Hard Coal Post-Mining Areas in Southern Poland
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Disiloxanes and Functionalized Silica Gels: One Route, Two Complementary Outcomes—Guanidinium and Pyridinium Ion-Exchangers
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Behavioural responses to potential dispersal cues in two economically important species of cereal-feeding eriophyid mites
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Joint estimation of hydraulic conductivities of two sand samples in a W-tube system with a bi-exponential response
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Comparison of two polymers PDO and PLLA/PCL in application of urological stent for the treatment of male urethral stenosis.
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Interspecific competition promotes habitat and morphological divergence in a secondary contact zone between two hybridizing songbirds
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Multiple β-sheet molecular dynamics of amyloid formation from two ABl-SH3 domain peptides
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Fluorescence anisotropy decay in the presence of multistep energy migration and back transfer in disordered two-component systems
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę zaniku anizotropii fluorescencji w sztywnym (lepkim) układzie dwuskładnikowym donor (Rodamina 6G)- akceptor (Rodamina B) z uwzględnieniem prostego i powrotnego transferu energii. Stwierdzono bardzo dobrą zgodność danych doświadczalnych z wynikami symulacji Monte Carlo. W pracy zaprezentowano specjalnie opracowany hybrydowy algorytm symulacji Monte Carlo anizotropii emisji, który jest bardzo wydajny w porównaniu...
Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of two-holed 3-dimensional closed ball
PublicationDla ciągłego odwzorowania f przestrzeni określonej w tytule w siebie, które posiada rzeczywiste wartości własne na drugiej grupie homologii, wyznaczona została minimalna liczba punktów r-periodycznych w klasie wszystkich gładkich odwzorowań homotopijnych z f.
SmallAngle Neutron Scattering Study of the Structure of Mixed Micellar Solutions Based on Nonionic and Two Cationic Surfactants
PublicationThe aggregation in mixed water systems based on nonionic surfactant, i.e., heptaethylene glycol monotetradecyl ether (C14E7), and cationic surfactants, i.e., cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) has been investigated using the smallangle neutron scattering method. The preliminary results of the study of the behavior of C14E7 aqueous solutions (for a concentration of 0.17%) when adding...
Two-Step Model Based Adaptive Controller for Dissolved Oxygen Control in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor
PublicationDissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration is a crucial parameter for efficient operation of biological processes taking place in the activated sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). High-quality DO control is difficult to achieve because of complex nonlinear behavior of the plant and substantial influent disturbances. A method to improve the Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) technology in application to DO tracking for...
High-Temperature Tensile Behaviour of GTAW Joints of P92 Steel and Alloy 617 for Two Different Fillers
PublicationThis study explores the high-temperature (HT) tensile rupture characteristics of a dissimilar gas-tungsten-arc-welded (GTAW) joint between P92 steel and Alloy 617, fabricated using ER62SB9 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 fillers. The high-temperature tensile tests were performed at elevated temperatures of 550 ◦C and 650 ◦C. An optical microscope (OM) and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) were utilized to characterize the...
Thermal treatment of montmorillonite modified with Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+ from two polymorphic salts
PublicationMontmorillonite(MMT)/CdS nanocomposites can be obtained using simple ionic exchange between Na(I)-MMT and Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+∙2NO3. The resulting products may be annealed to give (MMT)/CdS nanocomposites as it was proved by XRD analysis.
Poly(ε-Caprolactone)/Poly(Lactic Acid) Blends Compatibilized by Peroxide Initiators: Comparison of Two Strategies
PublicationPoly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blends were compatibilized by reactive blending and by copolymers formed during reaction in the solution. The reactive blending of PCL/PLA was performed using di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)benzene (BIB) or dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as radical initiator. PCL-g-PLA copolymers were prepared using 1.0 wt. % of DCP or BIB via reaction in solution, which was investigated through...
Low-cost performance-driven modelling of compact microwave components with two-layer surrogates and gradient kriging
PublicationUtilization of electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become indispensable for reliable evaluation of microwave components. As the cost of an individual analysis may already be considerable, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive simulations (e.g., optimization) may turn prohibitive. One of mitigation methods is the employment of equivalent network models. Yet, they are incapable of accounting...
Low-Cost Modeling of Microwave Components by Means of Two-Stage Inverse/Forward Surrogates and Domain Confinement
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is one of the most important tools in the design of modern microwave components and systems. EM simulation permits reliable evaluation of circuits at the presence of cross-coupling effects or substrate anisotropy, as well as for accounting for interactions with the immediate environment. However, repetitive analyses required by EM-driven procedures, such as parametric optimization or statistical...
Lateral diffusion coefficients in membranes measured by resonance energy transfer and a new algorithm for diffusion in two dimentions
PublicationOpisano wyniki pomiarów współczynników dyfuzji w membranach przy wykorzystaniu rezonansowego przekazywania energii wzbudzania. Donorem był kompleks metaloorganiczny renu o czasie życia ok. 3ćs, co pozwalało na pomiary współczynników dyfuzji mniejszych od 10 cm2/s. Zmierzono współczynniki dyfuzji w membranach typu DMPG i DOPC w różnych temperaturach.
Four-state measurement method for direct-reading noise figure measurement of low-gain two-ports.
PublicationOmówiono problemy techniczne pomiaru współczynnika szumu dwuwrotników o małym wzmocnieniu mocy dysponowanej realizowanych przy stosowaniu znanych metod pomiaru współczynnika szumu. Przedstawiono nową czterostanową metodę pomiaru umożliwiającą uniezależnienie wskazań automatycznego miernika współczynnika szumu zarówno od wartośći wzmocnienia dwuwrotnika badanego jak i współczynnika szumu odbiornika pomiarowego. Wyprowadzone zależności...
Data points of structures of R1233zd(E) flowing in a circular minichannel at low, medium and high values of saturation pressure
Open Research DataDatabase present structures of two-phase flow of R1233zd(E) in 3 mm vertical channel. Database contains datapoints which contain information of reduced pressure (ratio of saturation pressure and critical pressure), quality and mass velocity. 4 two phase structures are distinguished: bubbly flow, slug flow, intermittent flow and annular flow.
Design of three-phase three-level CIC T-source inverter with maximum boost control
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Polystyrene/polybutadiene blends: An analysis of the phase-inversion region and cophase continuity and a comparison with theoretical predictions
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Polystyrene/polybutadiene blends: An analysis of the phase-inversion region and cophase continuity and a comparison with theoretical predictions
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New type of repeated Si–C-podand catalysts for solid–liquid phase transfer reactions
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Synthesis of Novel Arginine Building Blocks with Increased Lipophilicity Compatible with Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis
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Luminescence enhancement in nanocrystalline Eu2O3 nanorods – Microwave hydrothermal crystallization and thermal degradation of cubic phase
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Determination of butyltin stabilizers in PVC using Liquid-Phase microextraction with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
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Heat of formation of FeNi70, FeNi73.5 and FeNi80 ordered alloys from the homogenous region of the FeNi3 phase
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Phase Transitions and Structural Changes in DPPC Liposomes Induced by a 1-Carba-Alpha-Tocopherol Analogue
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Solid phase microextraction combined with chromatography - a powerful tool for determination of warfare agents and related compounds
PublicationOpisano zastosowanie mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej do izolacji wzbogacania środków bojowych i produktów ich degradacji w powietrzu, wodzie i glebie oraz próbkach bilogicznych. Na etapie oznaczeń końcowych stosuje się najczęściej chromatografię gazową. Anality można pobierać przez bezpośrednie zanurzenie włókna w próbce ciekłej i gazowej oraz w fazie nadpowierzchniowej. Stosując SPME-GC można osiągnąć niskie granice oznaczalności...
Safety and efficacy of lenabasum in a phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled trial in adults with cystic fibrosis
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3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
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Iron and other metal species as phase-composition controllers influencing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 materials
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Phase behavior of π-conjugated polymer and non-fullerene acceptor (PTB7-Th:ITIC) solutions and blends
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Structure of the twist-bend nematic phase with respect to the orientational molecular order of the thioether-linked dimers
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Biaxial order and a rotation of the minor director in the nematic phase of an organo-siloxane tetrapode by the electric field
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Distortions in structures of the twist bend nematic phase of a bent-core liquid crystal by the electric field
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On the critical temperature discontinuity at the theoretical bcc-fcc phase transition in compressed selenium and tellurium superconductors
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Evaluation of the High-Pressure Gas Transmission Network Impact for Environmental - Construction Phase and Network Operation
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The application of gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to the pKa and determination of polyprotic analytes
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The influence of type of dispersed phase on rolling contact fatigue of lubricating greases on mineral base oil
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Synthesis and structural properties of carbon/alumina composites: Practical application in solid phase extraction of explosives
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Custom FBGs inscription using modified phase mask method with precise micro- and nano-positioning
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The lipophilicity indices of flavonoids estimated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography using different computation methods
PublicationDo oceny właściwości chromatograficznych wybranych flawonoidów zastosowano wyskokosprawną chromatografię cieczową z odwróconym układem faz i kolumnami chromatograficznymi typu C-8 i C-18.Lipofilowość wyrażono za pomocą różnych deskryptów lipofilowości.
Lipophilicity data for some preservatives estimated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and different copmutation methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości chromatograficznych wybranych 12 związków z grupy kopnserwantów. Lipofilowy charakter tych związków był oceniany na podtsawie różnych parametrów retencyjnych (log Kw, log K i inne. Zastosowano narzędzie chemometryczne do zbadania korelacji występujących pomiędzy tymi parametrami retencji chromatogfraficznej.