Search results for: BUSINESS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: BUSINESS

Search results for: BUSINESS

  • Innovative e-learning approach in teaching based on case studies - Innocase project

    The article presents the application of innovative e-learning approach for the creation of case study content. Case study methodology is becoming more and more widely applied in modern education, especially in business and management field. Although case study methodology is quite well recognized and used in education, there are still few examples of developing e-learning content on the basis of case studies. This task is to be...

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  • Asking Data in a Controlled Way with Ask Data Anything NQL

    • A. Seganti
    • P. Kapłański
    • J. Campo
    • K. Cieśliński
    • J. Koziołkiewicz
    • P. Zarzycki

    - Year 2016

    While to collect data, it is necessary to store it, to understand its structure it is necessary to do data-mining. Business Intelligence (BI) enables us to make intelligent, data-driven decisions by the mean of a set of tools that allows the creation of a potentially unlimited number of machine-generated, data-driven reports, which are calculated by a machine as a response to queries specified by humans. Natural Query Languages...

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  • The Indonesian economy in 2005: An analysis using the input-output approach


    - Year 2016

    This study aims to analyze the economic conditions of Indonesia in 2005. This study employs Input-Output (IO) analysis as an analysis instrument. The data of this study is the Indonesian IO table for 2005. Thus, the Indonesian economy is represented by Indonesian industrial sectors mentioned in the data. There are nine industries used in the present study, namely (1) agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishery, (2) mining and...

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  • Zarządzanie ryzykiem jako niezbędny element procesu zarządzania wartością w przedsiębiorstwie


    Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem nabiera wielowymiarowego zna-czenia w warunkach dynamicznie zmieniającego się otoczenia. Strategie realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa uwzględniają nie tylko negatywny, ale i pozytywny wpływ ryzyka na wartość przedsiębiorstwa oraz jego potencjał rozwojowy. Przedsiębiorcza orientacja podmiotów wyraża się w podejmowaniu ryzyka na drodze do budowania swojej pozycji konkurencyjnej, a podejście do zarządzania...

  • Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university


    - Year 2023

    The aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...

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  • Usability Testing of Mobile Applications: A Methodological Framework


    Less than five percent of all mobile applications have become successful throughout 2023. The success of a new mobile application depends on a variety of factors ranging from business understanding, customer value, and perceived quality of use. In this sense, the topic of usability testing of mobile applications is relevant from the point of view of user satisfaction and acceptance. However, the current knowledge seems to be fragmented,...

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  • Digital transformation and economic growth - DESI improvement and implementation

    The paper aims to improve the methodology of the Digital Economic and Society Index (DESI), the European Commission’s newest index to assess the development of the digital economy. In particular, we investigate whether methodological changes to the structure of DESI improve its ability to capture the digital transformation of EU economies. Using the sensitivity- based analysis, we check whether the selection of weights of individual...

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  • Cluster organization as a form of non-technological innovation


    - Year 2022

    The paper aims to investigate the relationships that cluster enterprises develop with their environment through participation in cluster organization (CO). The authors report the findings from a qualitative study carried out in the Lubusz Metal Cluster. The main research strategy is case study. An in-depth individual interview was used to collect the data, and qualitative content analysis and coding for its analysis. The study...

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  • David Duenas Cid dr hab.


    He is an Associate Professor at Kozminski University and the director of the Pub-Tech (Public Sector Data-Driven Technologies) Research Center.  Previously, he served as an H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Widening Fellow at Gdansk University of Technology, as a Researcher at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu, as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance...

  • Generation Balt Generation BALT:Linking maritime education with the changing job market for a new generation of Baltic Sea experts


    Project manager: prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kozak   Financial Program Name: Europejska Wspólnota Terytorialna

    Project realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to WTPB.01.02.00-56-014/10-00 agreement from 2011-08-25

  • Zdolności dynamiczne do budowania chmury wartości w modelach biznesów


    - Year 2018

    Obserwacja współczesnych metod tworzenia wartości daje podstawy do wyłonienia nowej logiki ich generowania. Analiza modeli wytwarzania wartości przez przedsiębiorstwa np. sieciowe wykazała, że formułują one chmury wartości. Struktury tych chmur są różnorodne, niejednolite, kłębiaste. Przeprowadzone prace pozwoliły na sformułowanie obrazów wartości generowanych przez twarde komponenty modeli biznesów. Osiągnięcie tych wyników pozwoliło...

  • Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.

    Małgorzata Gawrycka, a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, PhD in economics. From 2012-2020, deputy dean for teaching at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently Dean of the Faculty. Scientific interests focus on issues related to the macroeconomic policy of the state. In particular, the problems of the situation on the labour market, demographic changes,...

  • Przedmiot ekonomiczny, Systemy zarządzania, PG_00032920 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Geniusz-Stepnowska

    Opis przedmiotu Celem Kursu jest nie tylko zapoznanie się z teoriami Ekonomii i Zarzadzania, ale także zrozumienie, jak zostać liderami i przedsiębiorcami w czasach po pandemicznego kryzysu. Studenci w ciągu 30 godzin kursu poznają proces podejścia i planowania nowego przedsięwzięcia opartego na  kreatywności i innowacjach. Jako ramy do tego wykorzystany zostanie  proces myślenia projektowego i procesowego  z  określaniem misji,...

  • MicroGal Gravity Measurements with MGS-6 Micro-g LaCoste Gravimeter

    Knowing the exact number of fruit and trees helps growers to make better decisions about how to manage their production in the orchard and prevent plant diseases. The current practice of yield estimation is to manually count fruit or flowers (before harvesting), which is a very time-consuming and costly process. Moreover it’s not practical for large orchards. It also doesn’t allow to make predictions of plant development in a more...

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    This article presents aspects of the cooperation between university and the company, on the example of Polish technical universities, which educate students, in the field of geodesy and cartography (among many others. Nowadays scientific development is one of the most important elements affecting the economy of the country. This involves continuous contact between the two parties, the business community and the scientific societies....

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  • Revising Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct in Social Enterprise


    - Year 2017

    Entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) have received significant scholarly attention in entrepreneurship and management research, but mainly in the commercial context. However, some attempts discussing such behavior and EO among non-profit organizations, but limited in the social enterprise context. The literature argues that EO is higher in such contexts (Zahra, Gedajlovic, Neubaum & Shulman, 2009; Lumpkin,...

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  • Uncovering the invisible barriers to women’s success


    - Year 2022

    In the area of science and higher education, as in business and politics, the job situation of women is improving, and the percentage of women on executive positions is increasing. However, there is still a serious underrepresentation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. Ladies also take part in the strategic institutional events less frequently. There are still serious disproportions in academic and management positions,...

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  • Transforming a Traditional, Family-Run Car Dealership into a Digital-Era Modern Service Provider


    - Year 2021

    The automotive industry today faces multiple challenges. The automotive market is characterised by frequent changes and technological developments in comfort and safety of travel by all types of vehicles. The division between traditional and modern services is related to their susceptibility to technological progress. We should differentiate between two types of technology: technology used directly in vehicles and technology utilized...

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    The implementation of the tasks of evaluating historical financial information, the control or audit of business activities are based primarily on professional judgments about the object of study of a professional accountant or auditor. Their findings are drawn on the basis of the study of documents, the use of audit evidence, risk assessment, etc. There is always a probability (and rather high) that professional judgment will...

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  • A note on the applications of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry: preliminary results of a survey


    - Year 2021

    Intelligent technologies are widely implemented in different areas of modern society but specific approaches should be applied in services. Basic relationships refer to supporting customers and people responsible for services offering for these customers. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the state-of-the art of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the hospitality industry. Our findings show that the major...

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  • NBS Markets Nature Based Solutions in Public Markets and Trading Areas of SB Cities


    Project manager: prof. dr hab. inż. Magdalena Gajewska   Financial Program Name: Europejska Współpraca Terytorialna

    Project realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-22-S248/22 agreement

  • Anna Maria Trzaskowska dr inż.

    Anna Maria Trzaskowska has been employed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Department of Informatics in Management since 2017. For over 2 years she was the Deputy Head of the Department. A member of the Board of the Pomeranian Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society. Current scientific interests fall within the areas of agile methods, lean management in higher education, digitization...

  • Public art in the era of urban transformations. A case study of Eduardo Paolozzi’s artistic output in Edinburgh and in London


    - Przestrzeń i Forma - Year 2020

    Urban space dedicated to cultural life, entertainment or business is currently exposed to dynamic urbanistic transformations. Monumental works of art within the boundaries of cities, for years embedded in the urban landscape and awareness of viewers, are moved to other places or even destroyed. Decisions about a change of their location and context, which are fundamental aspects for the impression made by a given work of art, cause...

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  • The Bridge to Knowledge – Open Access to Scientific Research Results on Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge Platform


    The European policy of Open Access to scientific research is now one of the key issues discussed in public debates on the future development of scientific communication. The implementation of Open Access tools has significant impact on scientific and economic growth. On the one hand, Open Access accelerates disseminating new research findings and facilitates recognition of authors on a more global scale. On the other hand, Open...

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  • Functional safety and cyber security analysis for life cycle management of industrial control systems in hazardous plants and oil port critical infrastructure including insurance

    This report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer,...

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  • The Housing Pattern and Entrepreneurship in Polish Suburban Landscape

    Abstract. Housing stimulates the development of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in the suburbs. The multidisciplinary research in fields of urban planning and economics, carried out by the Authors, confirms this trend. The purpose of this paper is to present the multidisciplinary results of the research on the determinants of SME localization in the suburban areas of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot (the Metropolitan Area Gdansk–Gdynia-Sopot...

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  • (Re)Shaping Open Access Policy to Scientific Resources at Polish Technical Universities: Gdańsk University of Technology Perspective


    - Year 2017

    Developing European Open Access policy to scientific resources is one of the most important issues undertaken during the public debate about future scholarly communication trends. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors (e.g. mandates). The open mandate: voluntary or mandatory, can be implemented at the institutional, national or international level. It requires scholars to use open repository to deposit results...

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  • The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing


    - Year 2018

    It is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...

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  • The efficiency of scientific activities and technology transfer in higher education in Poland

    The objective of the article is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of scientific activity and technology transfer to the economy by public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Poland and to formulate recommendations for state policy to increase the effectiveness of the technology transfer process by them. The study measured scientific activity and technology transfer separately in two groups of higher education institutions...

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  • Innowacyjność firm z sektora wiedzochłonnych usług biznesowych.

    Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z innowacjami w firmach oferujących wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe (KIBS – knowledge intensive business services). Sektor biznesowych usług wiedzochłonnych ma rosnące znaczenie nie tylko z punktu widzenia firm, którym dostarcza swoje usługi, przyczyniając się do wzrostu ich konkurencyjności, ale również jako źródło innowacji. W artykule sformułowanie dwie hipotezy badawcze: H1. Firmy z...

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  • The energy concept of money

    Purpose: This paper aims to provide the literature review seeking an answer whether energy can be used as a universal equivalent instead of money. Methodology: The author conducted a review of available literature and data sources related to the money theory and energy concept of money. Findings: It was found that the definition of energy as a general equivalent has a contextual and dynamic nature, and this field’s consolidation...

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  • Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Year 2023

    he main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...

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  • Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill


    In today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...

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  • Modelling Long‐Term Transition from Coal‐Reliant to Low‐Emission Power Grid and District Heating Systems in Poland


    Energy systems require technological changes towards climate neutrality. In Poland, where the power system is dominated by outdated coal-fired power plants, efforts to minimize the environmental impact are associated with high costs. Therefore, optimal paths for the development of the energy sector should be sought in order to achieve ambitious long-term strategic goals, while minimizing the negative impact on the consumers’ home...

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  • Neurodiversity and remote work in times of crisis: lessons for HR


    - Personnel Review - Year 2023

    Purpose The rich qualitative study builds on 11 semi-structured interviews with nine neurodivergent employees and two business professionals supportive of neurodiversity to understand the lived experiences of dealing with crisis in a remote working environment. Design/methodology/approach The purpose of the reported research is to understand how neurominorities experience remote working in the times of crisis and what the implications...

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  • E-MEDIACJE JAKO PRZEDSIĘBIORCZA STRATEGIA ROZWIĄZYWANIA KONFLIKTÓW = E-mediation – the entrepreneurial strategy of conflict resolution

    Artykuł dotyczy tematu e-mediacji, które są nowoczesną metodą rozwiązywania konfliktów gospodarczych, zakładającą zastosowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań informatycznych w procesie zarzadzania konfliktem. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono na grupie polskich przedsiębiorców, by zweryfikować postawy wobec e-mediacji i gotowość korzystania z tego rozwiązania w sytuacjach konfliktowych.

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  • Tomasz Wąsowicz dr hab.

    Tomasz Wąsowicz's research was first related to high-resolution atomic spectroscopy and focused on measurements and analysis of the transition probabilities of the forbidden lines, the hyperfine and isotopic structure of spectral lines of heavy elements, Stark effect in the helium atom. Tomasz Wąsowicz currently studies physicochemical processes occurring during interactions of various forms of radiation with atoms and molecules...

  • Anna Zielińska dr

    In 2016, she started her work at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2018, a member of the board of the International Project Management Association Young Crew Polska. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of crisis management, project and health program management, and improvement of business entities. Scientific and research interests include program and project...

  • Piotr Figura dr inż.

    Piotr Figura is employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is a member of Commission for the Verification of Learning Outcomes, as well as an academic reviewer of the Central Exemination Booard. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including: Standard financial indicators for stock enterprises; Classical...

  • Knowledge management approaches of small and medium-sized firms: a cluster analysis

    • V. Alexandru
    • E. Bolisani
    • A. G. Andrei
    • J. G. Cegarra-Navarro
    • A. Martínez Martínez
    • M. Paiola
    • E. Scarso
    • E. Vătămănescu
    • M. Zięba

    - KYBERNETES - Year 2019

    Purpose This paper aims to categorise the approaches to knowledge management (KM) by companies. In the literature, there is no consensus on a universal or “best” approach to KM. Especially, this paper singles out and discusses the variegated features that characterise the implementation of KM by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) having different characteristics. Design/methodology/approach A cluster analysis was used...

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  • CSR knowledge and perception in Polish SMEs: Evidence from the region of Pomerania.

    The concept of CSR was created in the second half of 20th century mostly with respect to large businesses, mostly multinational corporations. Alongside with the renaissance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which took place in the seventh decade of 20th centu-ry, we can observe a constant increase in the popularity of research into CSR practices among SMEs. This topic still remains under-researched, especially in transition...

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  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface



    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...

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  • Doing Well by Doing Good- CSR in a Global Context


    Nowadays, there is a general understanding that stakeholders are crucial for the successful enterprise. There is also a need to think about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a global context. Never before corporations enjoyed so much power and authority. Corporations need to evolve, re-think their strategies and change their processes accordingly. However, as of now, there is no agreed way of measuring overall sustainability...

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  • The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective


    The European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...

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  • Practical Trial for Low-Energy Effective Jamming on Private Networks With 5G-NR and NB-IoT Radio Interfaces


    - IEEE Access - Year 2024

    Fourth-generation (4G) mobile networks are successively replaced by fifth-generation (5G) ones, based on the new releases of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. 5G generation is dedicated to civilian users and the conducted analytical work shows that it has numerous technological gaps that prevent its direct implementation in military communications systems. However, the recent armed world conflicts showed that...

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  • Proximity and the Cluster Organization


    - Year 2023

    Including the category of proximity in theoretical considerations and empirical analyzes in cluster organizations is an attempt to integrate existing approaches to understand and explain the specificity of inter-organizational cooperation developed in geographical proximity. The importance of geographical proximity to create a competitive advantage is emphasized in all theories on the establishment and development of industrial...

  • A comprehensive overview of software product management challenges

    The principal focus of software product management is to ensure the economic success of the product, which means to prolong the product life as much as possible with modest expenditures to maximizs profits. Software product managers play an important role in the software development organization while being responsible for the strategy, business case, product roadmap, high-level requirements, product deployment (release-management),...

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  • The KLC Cultures, Tacit Knowledge, and Trust Contribution to Organizational Intelligence Activation


    - Year 2023

    In this paper, the authors address a new approach to three organizational, functional cultures: knowledge culture, learning culture, and collaboration culture, named together the KLC cultures. Authors claim that the KLC approach in knowledge-driven organizations must be designed and nourished to leverage knowledge and intellectual capital. It is suggested that they are necessary for simultaneous implementation because no one of...

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  • Systematic Assessment of Product Quality

    The article describes an innovative metrizable idea for systemic assessments of product quality within the baking industry. Complex product quality analysis requires the employment of metrizability criteria for factors that impact the quality of the product, and these are called determinants. Therefore, such analysis is only possible with the use of systems engineering. A system represents the potential of a manufacturing process,...

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  • Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities


    - Year 2022

    The Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...

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