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Atmospheric precipitation sampling for analysis
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu różnych próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (wody deszczowe, mgła, wody spływne). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji, od najprostszych konstrukcji do urządzeń kosztownych i wysoce zautomatyzowanych. W wielu publikacjach pomijane są informacje o stosowanej metodyce pobierania próbek oraz o położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego. Informacje te są jednak niezbędne,...
Sampling of atmospheric precipitation and deposits for analysis of atmospheric pollution
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd technik i przyrządów pomiarowych stosowanych w celu pobierania próbek mokrej i mgielnej depozycji (mgła, woda z chmur, szron, szadź, rosa). Przedstawiono również informacje literaturowe na temat oznaczania związków nieorganicznych i organicznych w próbkach opadów i osadów atmosferycznych z zastosowaniem odpowiednich technik pomiarowych.
Rain Water: Atmospheric Deposition
PublicationWater is transferred from the atmosphere to the land surface mainly via various forms of atmospheric precipitation; however, the contribution of surface condensation/deposition (e.g., dew, hoar frost, occult precipitation) should not be neglected. Rainwater and liquid deposits (dew, hoar frost, rime) are components of the physical and geographical environment that are easily assimilated and transported. Thus, they are generally...
Determination of atmospheric pollutants in wet deposition
PublicationTransport wody z atmosfery do podłoża zachodzi głównie za pośrednictwem opadów atmosferycznych takich jak deszcz, mżawka, śnieg, grad i inne. Ich wspólną cechą jest znacząca prędkość opadania grawitacyjnego. Uzupełniającym sposobem depozycji zanieczyszczeń w fazie mokrej są osady atmosferyczne, które tworzą się bądź przez kondensację/sublimację pary wodnej pod wpływem radiacyjnego wychłodzenia podłoża (rosa,szron), bądź w wyniku...
Conditions controlling atmospheric pollutant deposition via snowpack
PublicationSolid precipitation represents a potentially important addition to other measures of deposition. However, an accurate estimate of snowfall amount and pollutant loading is not a trivial matter. There are obvious distinctions between regular precipitation collection and snowpack sampling that represent the cumulative chemistry of bulk deposition. The main goal is to show the most important processes and factors that may influence...
Atmospheric deposition in coniferous and deciduous tree stands in Poland
PublicationThe objective of this study was to assess the transformation of precipitation in terms of quantity and chemical composition following contact with the crown layer in tree stands with varied species composition, to investigate the effect of four predominant forest-forming species (pine, spruce, beech, and oak) on the amount and composition of precipitation reaching forest soils, and to determine the sources of pollution in atmospheric...
Chemistry of non-precipitation components of wet deposition with Poland as an example
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania dotyczące chemizmu osadów atmosferycznych pobieranych na terenie Polski w okresie od 2004 do 2007 roku. Średni skład jonowy (TIC) dla rosy, szronu i mgły (w stanie ciekłym i stałym) wynosił odpowiednio 2147, 1929 i 1014 µeq/l, gdzie typowy skład jonowy TIC dla opadów atmosferycznych wynosi 318 µeq/l. Dla wszystkich typów osadów atmosferycznych różne jony pełnią ważną rolę: Ca2+ i SO42-...
Changes of emissions and atmospheric deposition of mercury, lead and cadmium
PublicationPrzedstawiono informacje o zmianach emisji rtęci, ołowiu i kadmu w przeszłości, jak również przedyskutowano poziom aktualnych emisji tych zanieczyszczeń oraz ich scenariusze zmian w przyszłości. Przeanalizowano wpływ różnych parametrów na zmiany emisji w tym stopień implementacji różnych strategii kontroli emisji w Europie. Scenariusze zmian emisji w przyszłości oparte są na scenariuszach rozwoju gospodarczego w poszczególnych...
Modeling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes
PublicationMercury contamination in the Great Lakes continues to have important public health and wildlife ecotoxicology impacts, and atmospheric deposition is a significant ongoing loading pathway. The objective of this study was to estimate the amount and source-attribution for atmospheric mercury deposition to each lake, information needed to prioritize amelioration efforts. A new global, Eulerian version of the HYSPLIT-Hg model was used...
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublicationAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
Atmospheric deposition of microplastics in the coastal zone: Characteristics and relationship with meteorological factors
PublicationThe quantitative and qualitative compositions of microplastics (MPs) deposited from the atmosphere in the coastal zone were analysed. Moreover, links between MP deposition and meteorological factors (air humidity, wind speed, precipitation height, and air mass trajectories) were investigated
Formaldehyde in various forms of atmospheric prepicitation and deposition from highly urbanized regions
PublicationOznaczono stężenie formaldehydu w próbkach różnych form opadów i osadów atmosferycznych pobieranych przez okres 12 miesięcy, w trakcie występowania opadu lub osadu atmosferycznego lub tuż po jego ustąpieniu, na terenie dwóch aglomeracji miejskich i wzdłuż dróg o różnym natężeniu ruchu. Formaldehyd wykryto w 303 próbkach z 500 pobranych (stężenia od 0.05 do 10.7 mg/dm3). Wyniki analiz potwierdziły iż:- opady i osady atmosferyczne...
Atmospheric heavy metal deposition accumulated in rural forest soils of southern Scandinavia
PublicationPrzeprowadzono obliczenia zakumulowanej ( w okresie 50 lat) atmosferycznej depozycji metali ciężkich na glebach leśnych na obszarach wiejskich. Podstawę do obliczeń stanowiły:- pomiary zawartości metali ciężkich w opadach atmosferycznych (przeprowadzone przez okres 33 lat) na terenie Danii,- europejska baza danych o emisji zanieczyszczeń.Oznaczano zawartość metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, V, Ni, As) w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych...
Nitrogen monitoring in atmospheric deposition and its removal from municipal and industrial wastewater
PublicationBadano zmiany stężenia azotu w opadach atmosferycznych oraz warunki usuwania azotu ze ścieków komunalnych i przemysłowych. Badano wpływ wybranych sulfonamidów na proces nitryfikacji oraz oznaczano ich stopień biodegradacji. Stwierdzono, że sulfonamidy są substancjami, które hamują procesy biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków, jak również w niskim stopniu ulegają biodegradacji.
Mercury in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea: A response to decreased atmospheric deposition and changing environment
PublicationOur review of the literature showed that since the beginning of the socio-economic transformation in Poland in the 1990s, the downward trend in Hg emissions and its deposition in the southern Baltic Sea was followed by a simultaneous decrease in Hg levels in water and marine plants and animals. Hg concentrations in the biota lowered to values that pose no or low risk to wildlife and seafood consumers. However, in the first decade...
Comparison of Ion Chromatography and Isotachophoresis for the Determination of selected Anions in Atmospheric Wet Deposition Samples
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników oznaczenia zawartości wybranych anionów w próbkach opadów atmoferycznych z zastosowaniem technik izotachoforezy i chromatografii jonowej. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników można stwierdzić, że technika chromatografii jonowej charakteryzuje się niższymi wartościami granic wykrywalności i oznaczalności, szerokim zakresem pomiarowym i możliwością oznaczania analitów w próbkach o róznym składzie...
Tree rings as an indicator of atmospheric pollutant deposition to subalpine spruce forests in the Sudetes (Southern Poland)
PublicationIn spite of their moderate altitude (1000–1600m a.s.l.), the Western SudetyMountains belong to areas with the most efficient fog precipitation in Europe. Intense industrial activity in the area of windward western foothills caused an exceptional intensification of atmospheric pollutant deposition via precipitation and fog to take place since the 1950s. In the second half of the 1970s a massive spruce forest dieback began affecting...
Pobieranie próbek opadów i osadów atmosferycznych do analizy. Sampling of atmospheric precipitation and deposits for the analysis.
PublicationOmówiono różne typy próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek opadów i osadów atmosferycznych (mgła i woda z chmur, rosa i szadź). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji. Przedstawiono również informacje literaturowe na temat oznaczania związków nieorganicznych i organicznych w próbkach opadów i osadów atmosferycznych z zastosowaniem odpowiednich technik pomiarowych.
The role of air masses on iron concentrations in wet atmospheric deposition over the urbanized coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk
Publication -
Pobieranie próbek opadów atmosferycznych do analizy. Opis stosowanych próbników. Sampling of atmospheric precipitation for the analysis. Description applied samplers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono opis podstawowych typów próbników wykorzystywanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (woda deszczowa, wody spływne, mgła) oraz tok postępowania analitycznego z pobranymi próbkami w celu oznaczenia szerokiego spektrum składników śladowych.
Zastosowanie chromatografii jonowej w analityce opadów i osadów atmosferycznych = Application of ion chromatography in atmospheric precipitation and deposit analysis
PublicationNajwiększy udział w dostawie zanieczyszczeń z atmosfery do powierzchni ziemi w regionach położonych w znacznych odległościach od źródeł emisji ma depozycja mokra (opady i osady atmosferyczne). Wody opadowe i wody spływne (również powstające z osadów atmosferycznych) dostają się wraz z zawartymi w nich związkami toksycznymi do wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych, które stanowią źródło wody pitnej. Pojawiła się więc konieczność stałego...
Diurnal variability of atmospheric water vapour, precipitation and cloud top temperature across the global tropics derived from satellite observations and GNSS technique
PublicationThe diurnal cycle of convection plays an important role in clouds and water vapour distribution across the global tropics. In this study, we utilize integrated moisture derived from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), satellite precipitation estimates from TRMM and merged infrared dataset to investigate links between variability in tropospheric moisture, clouds development and precipitation at a diurnal time scale. Over...
Mutual relations between PAHs derived from atmospheric deposition, enzymatic activity, and humic substances in soils of differently urbanized areas
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Stężenie formaldehydu w wodach spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych, powierzchni dachów budynków i koron drzew, wodach gruntowych i rzecznych oraz w opadach i osadach atmosferycznych na terenie aglomeracji miejskich = Formaldehyde in road runoff, roof runoff, ground water, river, atmospheric precipitation and deposition from highly urbanized regions
PublicationOznaczono stężenie formaldehydu w próbkach wód opadowych, spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych, powierzchni dachów budynków i koron drzew, wód gruntowych i cieków wodnych oraz w próbkach śniegu, szronu i sadzi. Próbki pobierano przez okres 7 miesięcy w trakcie wystąpienia opadu lub osadu atmosferycznego lub tuż po jego ustąpieniu. Pomiar zawartości formaldehydu wykonywano stosując metodę szybkich testów spektrofotometrycznych w...
Wykorzystanie różnych form opadów i osadów atmosferycznych do oceny zanieczyszczenia środowiska w różnych regionach geograficznych Polski - część II - rosa = Various forms of atmospheric precipitation and deposits as a measure of environmental pollution in different geographic regions of Poland - part II - dew
PublicationW ramach pracy przeprowadzono analizy 235 próbek rosy i 65 próbek deszczu zebranych na 8 stacjach na terenie Polski w okresie od sierpnia 2004 do listopada 2006 roku. W zależności od położenia oraz charakteru tła emisji zanieczyszczeń stacje pogrupowano na: rolnicze (Wrocław, Dziemiany); miejskie w strefie wybrzeża (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot); miejskie, położone poza strefą wybrzeża (Bytów, Kraków, Mława) Próbki opadu i osadu atmosferycznego...
Runoff Water
PublicationThis entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric pollutants' transport to the surface and transformations of wet deposition on contact with various surfaces. Runoff waters are one of the forms in which precipitation reaches the groundwater and surface water. They are formed when rain or melting snow washes the surfaces of roofs, highways, agricultural areas, or tree canopies. Pollutants present in...
Environmental Role of Rime Chemistry at Selected Mountain Sites in Poland
PublicationThe results of field experiments on fog pollutantdeposition enhanced by local mountain climate, completed by thedendrochronological analysis of the forest response, are presentedin this paper. In spite of their low absolute altitude (1,000-1,600 ma.s.l), the Sudetes and the Silesian Beskid form a noticeable orographicbarrier for the airflow of the humid Atlantic air masses.This results in the increase of cloudiness and fog frequency...
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury
PublicationMercury is a global pollutant that is ubiquitous in the environment. Enrichment of mercury in the biosphere as the result of human activities and subsequent production of methylmercury (MeHg) has resulted in elevated concentrations in fish, wildlife and marine mammals globally. Elemental mercury (Hg0) is the most common form of mercury in the atmosphere, and the form that is most readily transported long distances from its emission...
Water chemistry of tundra lakes in the periglacial zone of the Bellsund Fiord (Svalbard) in the summer of 2013
PublicationClimate changes observed in the Arctic (e.g. permafrost degradation, glacier retreat) may have significant influence on sensitive polar wetlands. The main objectives of this paper are defining chemical features of water within six small arctic lakes located in Bellsund (Svalbard) in the area of continuous permafrost occurrence. The unique environmental conditions of the study area offer an opportunity to observe phenomena influencing...
The influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in Central Poland in 1954–2018
PublicationThis work presents the influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in the central Polish region of Kujawy. The material on which the authors relied encompassed monthly totals of precipitation obtained from 10 weather stations in the period 1954–2018. Both dry and wet periods have been identified on the basis of monthly values of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI). Additionally, the calendar...
Water and chemical properties of hydrometeors over central european mountains
PublicationAtmospheric pollutants are transferred to the groundby the contribution of various types of hydrometeors. Because ofthe different techniques of measurement, comparative analysesbetween them are often neglected. Hence, the main goal is tocompare water volume and chemistry of different types ofhydrometeors and their role in both: water balance and pollutantsdeposition. The results of water input and atmospheric depositschemistry...
Decrease in Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Due to Deposition of Pollutants
PublicationThe deposition of pollutants on the surface of photovoltaic (PV) modules reduce the efficiency that can be achieved in given climatic conditions. This results in the loss of energy yield obtained from the solar installation. A number of factors determine the scale of this problem. The first of these is the amount of impurities deposited, the associated amount of precipitation, and the speed and direction of the wind. A second aspect...
Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants
PublicationSo far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential...
Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature
PublicationRecently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...
Electrochemical cobalt oxidation in chloride media
PublicationThe green transition, despite recent advances in cobalt-free battery technologies, is still highly dependent on the availability of critical cobalt-based materials. Consequently, there has been increasing interest towards the development of new methods that maximize critical metals recovery from industrial hydrometallurgical solutions. In the current study, direct anodic oxidation of cobalt species from cobalt chloride solutions...
Data from environmental sensors installed in two locations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data gathered from environmental sensors installed in two locations:
The consequences of applying a new Polish Water Law Act for protection against urban flooding
PublicationPrevious legal regulations did not create conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of the urban melioration complex. For over 20 years, urban flooding caused by atmospheric precipitation has been systematically recurring in Poland. The article was elaborated on the experience resulting from the 2001 and 2016 floods in Gdansk (Poland). The newly adopted Water Law Act creates a foundation for a systemic solution...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the sedimentation of recombinant Escherichia coli strains: AAEC191A and BL21(DE3)
Open Research DataCell sedimentation in the medium is a common phenomenon in most bacterial enviroments. This study specifically investigated the impact of Dr fimbriae presence on cell deposition. To explore this, recombinant Escherichia coli strains were employed, including BL21(DE3)/pCC90, BL21(DE3)/pACYCpBAD, BL21(DE3)/pCC90 Dra D-mut, BL21(DE3)/pCC90 D54-STOP, AAEC191A/pCC90,...
PublicationHeterogeneous clusters are unique model species enabling studies of bulk and surface processes by vacuum restricted methods. This is of particular importance for the reactions of low-energy electrons which have extremely short penetration depth in bulk environments. This contribution overviews our recent experiments with low-energy electrons and clusters prepared by different techniques. First, the deposition of molecules on argon...
Measurement report: Spatial variations in ionic chemistry and water-stable isotopes in the snowpack on glaciers across Svalbard during the 2015–2016 snow accumulation season
PublicationThe Svalbard archipelago, located at the Arctic sea-ice edge between 74 and 81∘ N, is ∼60 % covered by glaciers. The region experiences rapid variations in atmospheric flow during the snow season (from late September to May) and can be affected by air advected from both lower and higher latitudes, which likely impact the chemical composition of snowfall. While long-term changes in Svalbard snow chemistry have been documented in...
Spatial variability of throughfall in a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with deciduous admixture as influenced by canopy cover and stem distance
PublicationVegetation cover affects the amount of precipitation, its chemical composition and its spatial distribution, and this may have implications for the distribution of water, nutrients and contaminants in the subsurface soil layer. The aim of this study was a detailed diagnosis of the spatio-temporal variability in the amount of throughfall (TF) and its chemical components in a 72-year-old pine stand with an admixture of oak and birch....
Similar concentration of surfactants in rural and urban areas
PublicationSince surfactants are used in various products, they end up in surface and wastewater. Surfactants may therefore impact ecosystems and living organisms. Actually, only few anionic surfactants and some alkylphenols are regulated. There is no comprehensive evaluation of surfactants in the atmosphere, surfaces and waters of areas of increasing anthropic levels. Here, we measured the levels of cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants...
PublicationIn recent years Gdańsk had sustained economic and social losses due to severe flash floods coming down from moraine hills. The first flood occurred in July 2001 and the second in July 2016. Both events were caused by intense and long rainfall characterized by different from each other rain intensity in time. Among other Gdansk’s streams the Oliwski Stream has the most extended flood protection system consist of 15 small retention...
Biocompatibility and Bioactivity of Load-Bearing Metallic Implants
PublicationThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
PublicationOne of the manifestations of climate changes is the occurrence of a greater number of precipitation events, characterized by greater rain intensity that affects the economic stability of cities. Gdańsk is an example of a city in which such events have occurred since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Due to the altitude differences in the area of Gdańsk city (between –2 m and 180 m a.s.l.), the occurrence of extreme atmospheric...
How Important Is Research on Pollution Levels in Antarctica? Historical Approach, Difficulties and Current Trends
PublicationDespite the fact that Antarctica is a continent notably free from large negative impact of human activities, literature data can be the basis for concluding that this is not an area free from anthropogenic pollutants. Pollutants, which are identified in various elements of the environment of Antarctica, are mostly connected with long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) and deposition in this area. The study presents: a historical...
Effects of biotransport and hydro-meteorological conditions on transport of trace elements in the Scott River (Bellsund, Spitsbergen)
PublicationThe shaping of surface water chemistry in the Svalbard Archipelago is strongly dependent on the geology of the catchment and the process of long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRATP). It was found that the dissolved trace elements in the Scott River, which catchment is characterized by a decreasing degree of glaciation, were of the natural origin (i.a. weathering and dissolution of local geological substratum). The...
Large‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over the European Sector During the Geomagnetic Storm on March 23–24, 2023: Energy Deposition in the Source Regions and the Propagation Characteristics
PublicationMultiple Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) are observed in the European sector in both day-time and night-time during the magnetic storm on March 23–24, 2023. The Total Electron Content (TEC) observation from a network of GNSS receivers shows the propagation of LSTIDs with amplitudes between around 0.5 and 1 TECU originating from auroral and polar cusp regions down to southern Europe (35°N) with velocities...
The Impact of Weather on Traffic Speed in Urban Area
PublicationThe issue of the impact of weather conditions on trip speed of vehicles has been studied for a long time and it is still the subject of many scientific researches. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the speed with which drivers drive their vehicles seems to be obvious. Good weather conditions, sunny weather with good visibility surely provokes higher speed while rainfall, wind...
Organic carbon fluxes of a glacier surface: a case study of Foxfonna, a small Arctic glacier
PublicationArctic glaciers are rapidly responding to global warming by releasing organic carbon (OC) to downstream ecosystems. The glacier surface is arguably the most biologically active and biodiverse glacial habitat and therefore the site of important OC transformation and storage, although rates and magnitudes are poorly constrained. In this paper, we present measurements of OC fluxes associated with atmospheric deposition, ice melt,...