Modeling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes
PublicationMercury contamination in the Great Lakes continues to have important public health and wildlife ecotoxicology impacts, and atmospheric deposition is a significant ongoing loading pathway. The objective of this study was to estimate the amount and source-attribution for atmospheric mercury deposition to each lake, information needed to prioritize amelioration efforts. A new global, Eulerian version of the HYSPLIT-Hg model was used...
Effect of transregional transport of pollutants on atmospheric air quality in the Tricity area of Poland
PublicationDwuwymiarowa analiza wariancji wyników oznaczania jonów nieorganicznych, pH oraz przewodnictwa konduktometrycznego w próbkach wód opadowych zebranych w rejonie Trójmiasta pokazała, że transregionalny transport substancji zanieczyszczających środowisko ma wpływ na jakość powietrza w tym rejonie. W całym Trójmieście wahania stężeń analitów w wodach opadowych nie są spowodowane w znacznym stopniu przez lokalizacje miejsc pobierania...
Rain Water: Atmospheric Deposition
PublicationWater is transferred from the atmosphere to the land surface mainly via various forms of atmospheric precipitation; however, the contribution of surface condensation/deposition (e.g., dew, hoar frost, occult precipitation) should not be neglected. Rainwater and liquid deposits (dew, hoar frost, rime) are components of the physical and geographical environment that are easily assimilated and transported. Thus, they are generally...
Anthropopressure’s intensification with reference to Arctic ecosystems
PublicationThis paper concerns issue of long range atmospheric transport of pollutants to polar areas and intensification of their toxic effect on biota in the face of climate change. Arctic which was for years seen as a pristine and not affected by antropopressure region became a sink of xenobiotics. Atmospheric circulation facilitates transport of chemicals from Eurasia to Arctic. Influence of climate change on crucial balance of polar...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part I. On-line gas analyzers
PublicationThe paper reviews the subject literature concerning the analytical instruments routinely used for monitoring volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air. The analyzers are classified as stationary or mobile according to their ease of transport. Stationary DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) analyzer is characterized, as are MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry), MESI (Membrane Extraction with Sorbent...
Analysis of air mass back trajectories with present and historical volcanic activity and anthropogenic compounds to infer pollution sources in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)
PublicationThis work analyses atmospheric transport of natural and anthropogenic pollution to the South Shetland Islands (SSI), with particular reference to the period September 2015 – August 2017. Based on data from the Global Volcanism Program database and air mass back trajectories calculated using the HySPLIT model, it was found that it is possible that in the analysed period volcanic pollution was supplied via long-range transport from...
Atmospheric degradation mechanism of anthracene initiated by OH•: A DFT prediction
PublicationDensity functional theory (DFT) calculations at the M06-2X/def2-TZVP level have been employed to investigate the atmospheric oxidation mechanism of anthracene (ANT) initiated by HO•. Direct hydrogen atom abstraction from the ANT using HO• takes place hardly at ambient conditions while the addition of HO• to the C1, C2, and C4 sites are thermodynamically and kinetically more advantageous. The addition reactions are controlled by...
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublicationAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
Effects of biotransport and hydro-meteorological conditions on transport of trace elements in the Scott River (Bellsund, Spitsbergen)
PublicationThe shaping of surface water chemistry in the Svalbard Archipelago is strongly dependent on the geology of the catchment and the process of long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRATP). It was found that the dissolved trace elements in the Scott River, which catchment is characterized by a decreasing degree of glaciation, were of the natural origin (i.a. weathering and dissolution of local geological substratum). The...
Permeation and sorption properties of poly(ether-block-amide) membranesfilled by two types of zeolites
PublicationThe experimental study of transport properties of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) based on PEBA-4033 with two types of zeolites is reported. Gas (CO2, O2, N2) and vapor (benzene, toluene, methanol, water) permeation measurements were performed using the differential flow permeameter at temperature of 298.15 K and at atmospheric pressure. Gas/vapor permeation was monitored by measuring the changes of the thermal conductivity of carrier...
The interaction between bacterial abundance and selected pollutants concentration levels in an arctic catchment (southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublicationPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been a topic of interest in environmental sciences for > 60 years. POPs in the Arctic have been investigated since the 1970s, when first atmospheric measurements revealed the presence of these pollutants in the polar regions. Major contaminant transport routes to the Arctic include atmospheric and oceanic transport, as well as inflow from rivers and sea ice. The sources of pollutants, such...
Water chemistry of tundra lakes in the periglacial zone of the Bellsund Fiord (Svalbard) in the summer of 2013
PublicationClimate changes observed in the Arctic (e.g. permafrost degradation, glacier retreat) may have significant influence on sensitive polar wetlands. The main objectives of this paper are defining chemical features of water within six small arctic lakes located in Bellsund (Svalbard) in the area of continuous permafrost occurrence. The unique environmental conditions of the study area offer an opportunity to observe phenomena influencing...
Runoff Water
PublicationThis entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric pollutants' transport to the surface and transformations of wet deposition on contact with various surfaces. Runoff waters are one of the forms in which precipitation reaches the groundwater and surface water. They are formed when rain or melting snow washes the surfaces of roofs, highways, agricultural areas, or tree canopies. Pollutants present in...
Tereny polarne - interesującym obszarem do badań Cz. II - Analityka próbek abiotycznych w Arktyce
PublicationW pracy ujęto problematykę zanieczyszczeń obszarów polarnych. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na trwałe związki organiczne obecne w rejonie Arktyki w elementach przyrody nieożywionej. TZO pochodzenia antropogenicznego mogą pojawiać się na terenach polarnych za sprawą transportu na duże odległości z obszarów Euroazji i Ameryki Północnej. Badania poziomów zanieczyszczeń obecnych w próbkach abiotycznych na obszarze Arktyki stanowią fundament...
Glaciers as an Important Element of the World Glacier Monitoring Implemented in Svalbard
PublicationGlaciers are not only contributors to the sea level rise but also important players in the circulation of pollutants. Over a billion people apply glacial waters for domestic purposes; hence, both the quality and quantity of this water should be monitored. In this chapter, we concentrate on the archipelago Svalbard in the Arctic, a typical target area for xenobiotics from long range atmospheric transport (LRAT), holding an important share...
How Important Is Research on Pollution Levels in Antarctica? Historical Approach, Difficulties and Current Trends
PublicationDespite the fact that Antarctica is a continent notably free from large negative impact of human activities, literature data can be the basis for concluding that this is not an area free from anthropogenic pollutants. Pollutants, which are identified in various elements of the environment of Antarctica, are mostly connected with long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) and deposition in this area. The study presents: a historical...
Measurement report: Spatial variations in ionic chemistry and water-stable isotopes in the snowpack on glaciers across Svalbard during the 2015–2016 snow accumulation season
PublicationThe Svalbard archipelago, located at the Arctic sea-ice edge between 74 and 81∘ N, is ∼60 % covered by glaciers. The region experiences rapid variations in atmospheric flow during the snow season (from late September to May) and can be affected by air advected from both lower and higher latitudes, which likely impact the chemical composition of snowfall. While long-term changes in Svalbard snow chemistry have been documented in...
Organic carbon fluxes of a glacier surface: a case study of Foxfonna, a small Arctic glacier
PublicationArctic glaciers are rapidly responding to global warming by releasing organic carbon (OC) to downstream ecosystems. The glacier surface is arguably the most biologically active and biodiverse glacial habitat and therefore the site of important OC transformation and storage, although rates and magnitudes are poorly constrained. In this paper, we present measurements of OC fluxes associated with atmospheric deposition, ice melt,...
The Impact of Weather on Traffic Speed in Urban Area
PublicationThe issue of the impact of weather conditions on trip speed of vehicles has been studied for a long time and it is still the subject of many scientific researches. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the speed with which drivers drive their vehicles seems to be obvious. Good weather conditions, sunny weather with good visibility surely provokes higher speed while rainfall, wind...
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury
PublicationMercury is a global pollutant that is ubiquitous in the environment. Enrichment of mercury in the biosphere as the result of human activities and subsequent production of methylmercury (MeHg) has resulted in elevated concentrations in fish, wildlife and marine mammals globally. Elemental mercury (Hg0) is the most common form of mercury in the atmosphere, and the form that is most readily transported long distances from its emission...
Determination of atmospheric pollutants in wet deposition
PublicationTransport wody z atmosfery do podłoża zachodzi głównie za pośrednictwem opadów atmosferycznych takich jak deszcz, mżawka, śnieg, grad i inne. Ich wspólną cechą jest znacząca prędkość opadania grawitacyjnego. Uzupełniającym sposobem depozycji zanieczyszczeń w fazie mokrej są osady atmosferyczne, które tworzą się bądź przez kondensację/sublimację pary wodnej pod wpływem radiacyjnego wychłodzenia podłoża (rosa,szron), bądź w wyniku...
Soil and groundwater contamination as a result of sewage sludge land application
PublicationThe leaching of chemical compounds (N-NO3, N-NH4, Norg, P-PO4, Ptot) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Pb) from sewage sludge and their migration through the soil profile was the subject of the study. The column experiments were carried out under atmospheric conditions corresponding to naturally occurring storm events - sewage sludge amended soil was irrigated with high rates of water. The column filter media used in...
Climate Change Impacts on Environmental and Human Exposure to Mercury in the Arctic
PublicationThis paper reviews information from the literature and the EU ArcRisk project to assess whether climate change results in an increase or decrease in exposure to mercury (Hg) in the Arctic, and if this in turn will impact the risks related to its harmful effects. It presents the state-of-the art of knowledge on atmospheric mercury emissions from anthropogenic sources worldwide, the long-range transport to the Arctic, and it discusses...
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other organic pollutants in freshwaters on the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica).
PublicationOrganic contamination in freshwater samples has never been investigated at the western shore of Admiralty Bay. Therefore, the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in five different sites distributed along a shore running from the Arctowski Station to the Baranowski Glacier was studied. Moreover, organic compounds such as n-alkanes, toluene and ethylbenzene were also noted. Increased ΣPAHs in late Austral summer 2016...
Seasonal and spatial differences in metal and metalloid concentrations in the snow cover of Hansbreen, Svalbard
PublicationMetals and metalloids in snow on glaciers, depending on the season of deposition, may come from various sources: local rock dust (erosion of the geological substratum), marine aerosol, local human activity (e.g. fuel combustion, waste incineration) and long-range atmospheric transport. Hansbreen glacier, located close to the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, is a perfect site to study metals and metalloids: it has complex geological...
Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station
PublicationThe paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water...
Atmospheric and Surface Water Pollution Interpretation in the Gdańsk Beltway Impact Range by the Use of Multivariate Analysis
PublicationOpracowanie dotyczny zastosowania hierarchicznej analizy klastrów i testów nieparametrowych celem dokonania interpretacji wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej. W większości przypadków wykryto obecność oddziaływań antropogenicznych (zastosowanie nawozów, transport, posypywanie dróg solą w okresie zimowych) jak i pół-środowiskowych (aerozole morskie, erozja materiałów budowlancyh). Nie wykrytu jednak ścisłej zależności okresowej dla zanieczyszczeń...
Environmental characteristics of a tundra river system in Svalbard. Part 2: Chemical stress factors
PublicationBacterial communities in the Arctic environment are subject to multiple stress factors, including contaminants, although typically their concentrations are small. The Arctic contamination research has focused on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because they are bioaccumulative, resistant to degradation and toxic for all organisms. Pollutants have entered the Arctic predominantly by atmospheric and oceanic long-range transport,...
Low-energy interactions related to atmospheric and extreme conditions
PublicationThis Topical Issue, entitled “Low-Energy Interactions Related to Atmospheric and Extreme Conditions”, showcases a collection of eighteen articles that reported recent theoretical and experimental findings pertaining to the following topics: – low-energy interactions of charged particles (electrons [1–7], protons [8], positrons [9]), and photons [10] with atoms and molecules of biological [1–4,7,8], astrochemical [10], industrial,...
Application of passive sampling techniques as a usable tool in the field of environmental quality monitoring
PublicationAnalysis of literature data published for the past 20 years leads to the conclusion, that passive sampling technique has been developing very quickly and is commonly used in the field of monitoring pollutants in air, water and soil environment. The popularity of application of passive sampling techniques in analytical and environmental chemistry results from its many advantages e.g.: Simplicity in use, low costs of exploitation,...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublicationThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
Remote Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants
PublicationAtmospheric air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. Air quality evaluation is not an easy task as the atmosphere is a complex system subjected to continuous changes in time. Observed progress in the development of measurement devices and technologies is fundamental for acquisition of more reliable information about condition and quality of atmospheric air. Unfortunately, this process leads to an increase...
Application of passive sampling technique in monitoring research on quality of atmospheric air in the area of Tczew, Poland.
PublicationThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research in Tczew (adjacent to the Vistula River) on the content of BTEX compounds. Analytical procedure applied during the sampling of the analytes from the air used the passive sampling technique (diffusive passive sampler, Radiello®). For determination of BTEX compounds in atmospheric air, two-stage thermal desorption technique combined with gas chromatography (TD-GC-FID)...
Validation of atmospheric aerosols sampling in equivalent fractions
PublicationPhysical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols are of extreme importance, in many fields of interest, namely the Environment even with legal implications. Atmospheric sampling poses inherent problems with consequent demands on sampling optimisation, with sampling strategies requiring validation. In this work a study was conducted aiming at validating the collection of atmospheric aerosols in equivalent fractions....
Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution
PublicationThe monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...
Identification of pollutants at the adjacent areas to the landfill site using two dimensional gas chromatography with mass spectrometry technique
PublicationMunicipal landfills are considered one of the main sources of air pollutants. In this article is presented the use of a modern analytical technique: a two dimensional gas chromatography to identify the substances in the atmospheric air near a waste processing plant located in Gdansk. In order to determine the types of substances occurring in different atmospheric conditions, the study was conducted from February to April 2016....
A calculation proposal of labour time input when concreting in difficult atmospheric conditions
PublicationThe paper presents a selected proposal of establishing labour input in concreting jobs carried out in difficult atmospheric conditions.
Water and chemical properties of hydrometeors over central european mountains
PublicationAtmospheric pollutants are transferred to the groundby the contribution of various types of hydrometeors. Because ofthe different techniques of measurement, comparative analysesbetween them are often neglected. Hence, the main goal is tocompare water volume and chemistry of different types ofhydrometeors and their role in both: water balance and pollutantsdeposition. The results of water input and atmospheric depositschemistry...
PublicationPotentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type HERACLES II by Alpha...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation
PublicationThe paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...
The effect of anthropogenic activity on BTEX, NO2, SO2, and CO concentrations in urban air of the spa city of Sopot and medium-industrialized city of Tczew located in North Poland
PublicationThe major goal of the present study is to compare the air quality of two urban locations situated in Northern Poland – the spa City of Sopot and the medium-industrialized city of Tczew using chemometric methods. As a criterion for the assessment of atmospheric air quality, measurements of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes were used (collected from atmospheric air using diffusion-type passive samplers) as well as...
Characterizing surface and air temperature in the Baltic Sea coastal area using remote sensing techniques and GIS
PublicationEstimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics...
Determination of odour concentration by TD-GC×GC–TOF-MS and field olfactometry techniques
PublicationField olfactometry is one of the sensory techniques used to determine odour concentration, in atmospheric air, directly in emission sources. A two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometer (GC×GC–TOF-MS) allows performing the chemical characterization of various groups of chemical compounds, even in complex mixtures. Application of these techniques enabled determination of odour concentration level in...
The Relationships Between BTEX, NOx, and O3 Concentrations in Urban Air in Gdansk and Gdynia, Poland
PublicationThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research conducted in the areas of two shipyard cities: Gdansk and Gdynia (Poland), in the period between March and December 2011. The purpose of the research was focused on determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) compounds in atmospheric air. Passive sampling technique, with Radiello® diffusive passive samplers, was used for BTEX sample collection...
Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry as tool for characterization of the main pollutants present in atmospheric air in Gdansk
PublicationNowadays, the technique that is commonly used to identify and quantify the chemical compounds in gas sample is gas chromatography. The separation resolution in gas chromatography can be improved by applying the modulation technique. In this paper present is the most important information regarding the pollutants present in atmospheric air. The areas in which the tests were carried out are one of the largest industrial zones in...
Heat Transfer During Pool Boiling of Water, Methanol and R141b on Porous Coated Horizontal Tube Bundles
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental investigation of water, methanol and R141b refrigerant boiling on horizontal porous coated tube bundles supposed to represent a flooded-type evaporator. Experiments were carried out for a bundle of 19 tubes in triangular layout for two pitch-to-diameter ratio values – 1.7 and 2.0 – in atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure conditions. Average heat transfer coefficients – both local,...
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Hydrological Dry Periods versus Atmospheric Circulations in the Lower Vistula Basin (Poland) in 1954–2018
PublicationThe paper discusses the impact of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of droughts. The research in-cludes mean monthly discharges for 7 rivers in 1954-2018. Dry periods were determined with Standardised Streamflow Indices (SSI-12). Additionally, the circulation type calendar for Central Poland was used to determine the atmospheric circulation indices: western zonal (W), southern meridional (S) and cyclonicity (C). The analyses...
The Progress in Electron Microscopy Studies of Particulate Matters to Be Used as a Standard Monitoring Method for Air Dust Pollution
PublicationThe present article reviews studies on air solid particles carried out with the use of electron microscopy. Particle analysis combining scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) can be used to derive size-resolved information of the composition, mixing state, morphology, and complex refractive index of atmospheric aerosol particles. It seems that electron microscopy is more widely used in atmospheric particulate...
Corrosivity of environment and the current state of the steel elements at the former Auschwitz concentration camp
PublicationThe objective of this study was to assess corrosivity of the atmospheric environment in the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, and to identify the protective properties of existing corrosion products in order to estimate the actual corrosion rate of original steel elements located there. The current atmospheric corrosivity of the former Auschwitz camp, specified during one year of exposure...