total: 11385
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Radar and Automatic Identification System Track Fusion in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System
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Automatic Identification System (AIS) Dynamic Data Integrity Monitoring and Trajectory Tracking Based on the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Process Model
PublicationTo enhance the safety of marine navigation, one needs to consider the involvement of the automatic identification system (AIS), an existing system designed for ship-to-ship and shipto- shore communication. Previous research on the quality of AIS parameters revealed problems that the system experiences with sensor data exchange. In coastal areas, littoral AIS does not meet the expectations of operational continuity and system availability,...
IoT-Based Smart Monitoring System Using Automatic Shape Identification
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An automatic system for identification of random telegraph signal (RTS) noise in noise signals
PublicationIn the paper the automatic and universal system for identification of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise as a non-Gaussian component of the inherent noise signal of semiconductor devices is presented. The system for data acquisition and processing is described. Histograms of the instantaneous values of the noise signals are calculated as the basis for analysis of the noise signal to determine the number of local maxima of histograms...
System for automatic singing voice recognition
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono system automatycznego rozpoznawania jakości i typu głosu śpiewaczego. Przedstawiono bazę danych oraz zaimplementowane parametry. Algorytmem decyzyjnym jest algorytm sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Wytrenowany system decyzyjny osiąga skuteczność ok. 90% w obydwu kategoriach rozpoznawania. Dodatkowo wykazano przy pomocy metod statystycznych, że wyniki działania systemu automatycznej oceny jakości technicznej...
Automatic system of constructions corrosion risk assessment
PublicationPrzedstawiony został system pomiaru szybkości korozji pracujący w przemysłowej instalacji wodnej. Mierzone wartości szybkości korozji przesyłane są za pomocą telefonii komórkowej (GPRS) co umożliwia obserwację wyników on-line. Zastosowanie tego rodzaju systemu pozwala na wykonywanie pomiarów korozyjnych umożliwiających kontrolę instalacji w sposób ciągły.
Internet-based automatic hearing assessment system
PublicationCelem referatu jest prezentacja systemu przesiewowego badania słuchu w oparciu o Internet. Wady słuchu stanowią jedną z najszybciej postępujących chorób we współczesnym społeczeństwie. W tym kontekście ważne staje się umożliwienie przeprowadzania masowych testów wykrywających ubytki słuchu. Przedstawiona aplikacja zawiera audiometryczny test tonalny, test ilustrowany dla dzieci oraz test rozumienia mowy w szumie. Po zakończeniu...
Automatic system for optical parameters measurements of biological tissues
PublicationIn this paper a system allowing execution of automatic measurements of optical parameters of scattering materials in an efficient and accurate manner is proposed and described. The system is designed especially for measurements of biological tissues including phantoms, which closely imitate optical characteristics of real tissue. The system has modular construction and is based on the ISEL system, luminance and color meter and...
Automatic Analysis System of TV Commercial Emission Level
PublicationThe purpose of the study was to determine whether the commercial emission level is higher than the emission level of a regular program and to check if the commercials broadcasters follow the recommended levels of loudness. The paper shortly reviews some chosen methods of volume measurements specified in the ITU and EBU recommendations. Then, it describes a prototype of a system implemented in Embarcadero C++ Builder 2010 which...
Automatic system for audio-video material reconstruction and archiving
PublicationReferat przedstawia propozycję modelu systemu automatycznej archiwizacji i rekonstrukcji nagrań audio-wideo. Założeniem tego rozwiązania jest uczynienie procesu rekonstrukcji nagrań bardziej niezależnym od człowieka. Ma to na celu redukcję kosztów rekonstrukcji przetwarzanych nagrań. Z powodu dużej liczby archiwalnych nagrań audio-wideo istnieje potrzeba stworzenia systemu który umożliwi automatyczną indeksację ich treści. Pomoże...
Mechatronic system for automatic inspection of circular saw teeth
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje system mechatroniczny do automatycznej oceny geometrii ostrzy pił tarczowych. Opisywany system wizyjny został zastosowany w automatycznym kontrolerze ostrzy pił tarczowych WKOPTar. Wrzeciono urządzenia posiada swój napęd sterowany bezstopniowo obrazem ostrzy i zapewnia powtarzalne pozycjonowanie ostrzy w celu przechwycenia ich obrazów, które są następnie analizowane z wykorzystaniem specjalnego oprogramowania....
Automatic system for measuring shifts and deformation of dental prostheses
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<title>Automatic measurement system for astronomical education</title>
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Camera-based Automatic System for Tool Measurements and Recognition
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Automatic resource identification for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
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The use of Acoustic Emission to identification damages bearings the main and crank engines about the automatic ignition
PublicationThe article describes the laboratory tests, which make the first stage of the study concerning the use of the AE method to determine the technical state of the slide bearings in engines with self-ignition. The aim of the present tests was to compare the recorded signals in relation to the technical state of the material of the bearing bush and to check the possibility of using the AE method in determining the transition moment...
An Automatic Self-Tuning Control System Design for an Inverted Pendulum
PublicationA control problem of an inverted pendulum in the presence of parametric uncertainty has been investigated in this paper. In particular, synthesis and implementation of an automatic self-tuning regulator for a real inverted pendulum have been given. The main cores of the control system are a swing-up control method and a stabilisation regulator. The first one is based on the energy of an inverted pendulum, whereas the second one...
Automatic detection of abandoned luggage employing a dual camera system
PublicationA system for automatic detection of events using a system of fixed and PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras is described. Images from the fixed camera are analyzed by means of object detection and tracking. Event detection system uses a set of rules to analyze data on the tracked moving objects and to detect defined events. A PTZ camera is used to obtain a detailed view of a selected object. A procedure for conversion between the pixel...
Automatic road traffic safety management system in urban areas
PublicationTraffic incidents and accidents contribute to decreasing levels of transport system reliability and safety. Traffic management and emergency systems on the road, using, among others, automatic detection, video surveillance, communication technologies and institutional solutions improve the organization of the work of various departments involved in traffic and safety management. Automation of incident management helps to reduce...
Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationDiseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is common for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected as...
Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationDiseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is not uncommon for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected...
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Optical glyphs based localization and identification system
PublicationThe paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...
Identification of mechanical parameters in servo-drive system
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Identification of regions of interest in video for a traffic monitoring system
PublicationA system for automatic event detection in the camera image is presented in this paper. A method of limiting a region of interest to relevant parts of the image using a set of processing procedures is proposed. Image processing includes object detection with shadow removal performed in the modified YCbCr color space instead of RGB. The proposed procedures help to reduce the complexity of image processing algorithm and result in...
Automatic Watercraft Recognition and Identification on Water Areas Covered by Video Monitoring as Extension for Sea and River Traffic Supervision Systems
PublicationThe article presents the watercraft recognition and identification system as an extension for the presently used visual water area monitoring systems, such as VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) or RIS (River Information Service). The watercraft identification systems (AIS - Automatic Identification Systems) which are presently used in both sea and inland navigation require purchase and installation of relatively expensive transceivers...
The system for identification of the band saw wheel cross profile
PublicationPrzedstawiono system do identyfikacji zarysu poprzecznego koła pilarki taśmowej, dzięki któremu producent pił taśmowych ma możliwość naprężenia brzeszczotu piły w sposób zapewniający jej poprawną pracę. Opisano budowę i zasadę działania systemu. Uzyskane dane mogą być wprowadzane do układów sterowania automatycznych urządzeń ze sterowaniem CNC (naprężających piły taśmowe). Dane systemu: szerokość sprawdzanych kół do 300 mm, dokładność...
Identification of regions of interest in video for a traffic monitoring system
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Cavity parameters identification for TESLA control system development
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Automatic detection and correction of detuned singing system for use with query-by-humming applications
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present an idea of using the automatic detection and correction of detuned singing as a subsystem in query-by-humming (QBH) applications. The common approach to searching for a requested song basing on the melody retrieved from hummed pattern usually employs the so-called Parsons code or melody contour. In such a case information about sound pitch is discarded. It was thought out that an additional module...
Automatic detection and correction of detuned singing system for use with query-by-humming applications
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present an idea of using the automatic detection and correction of detuned singing as a subsystem in query-by-humming (QBH) applications. The common approach to searching for a requested song basing on the melody retrieved from hummed pattern usually employs the so-called Parsons code or melody contour. In such a case information about sound pitch is discarded. It was thought out that an additional module...
System of wireless magnetic sensors for detection and identification of ferromagnetic vehicles
PublicationThe paper presents the results of deformation of the Earth's magnetic field by land vehicles. Basing on the analysis of the shape of the magnetic field deformation, it is possible to detect and identify a vehicle. In order to eliminate the interference of the Earth's magnetic field by the environment, the measurements were performed in a differential configuration. Under a development project a wireless system of magnetic sensors...
A video monitoring system using ontology-driven identification of threats
PublicationIn this paper, we present a video monitoring systemthat leverages image recognition and ontological reasoningabout threats. In the solution, an image processing subsystemuses video recording of a monitored area and recognizesknown concepts in scenes. Then, a reasoning subsystem uses anontological description of security conditions and informationfrom image recognition to check if a violation of a conditionhas occurred. If a threat...
Continuous-time delay system identification insensitive to measurement faults
PublicationW pracy wykorzystuje się algorytmy identyfikacji do estymacji parametrów systemów ciągłych z opóźnieniem. Zastosowanie filtrów całkujących ze skończonym horyzontem obserwacji pozwala przekształcić równanie różniczkowe opisujące system ciągły do użytecznej postaci regresyjnej z czasem dyskretnym. Uzyskany w ten sposób i zachowujący oryginalną parametryzację model dyskretny daje się identyfikować stosując klasyczną metodę najmniejszych...
Hardware Implementation of Real Time Cavity Parameters Identification System
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Proposal of a mobile medical waste incinerator with automatic waste feeder and heat recovery system
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issue of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and their proper management. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers the human being health and the environment. Infectious waste must therefore be properly disposed of – one of the most commonly used methods is the thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose. During designing an incinerator unit,...
Automatic audio signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders
PublicationThe purpose of this dissertation is to develop an automatic song mixing system that is capable of automatically mixing a song with good quality in any music genre. This work recalls first the audio signal processing methods used in audio mixing, and it describes selected methods for automatic audio mixing. Then, a novel architecture built based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders is proposed for automatic music mixing. Models...
Automatic music signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to show a music mixing system that is capable of automatically mixing separate raw recordings with good quality regardless of the music genre. This work recalls selected methods for automatic audio mixing first. Then, a novel deep model based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders is proposed for automatic music mixing. The model is trained on a custom-prepared database. Mixes created using the...
Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System
PublicationInformation comes as basic good which affects social well-being. A modern society and a modern state – its administration, education, culture, national economy and armed forces – cannot function efficiently without a rationally developed field of information. The quality of the functioning of that system depends on a specific feature of information, that is namely: its reliability which makes it possible for us to evaluate accuracy,...
Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System
PublicationThe main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information;...
Deduplication of Position Data and Global Identification of Objects Tracked in Distributed Vessel Monitoring System
PublicationVessel monitoring systems (VMS) play a very important role in safety navigation. In most cases, their structure is distributed and they are based on two data sources, namely Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA). Such approach results in several objects identification and position data duplication problems, which need to be solved in order to ensure the correct performance of a given VMS....
Model reference method and continuous-time system identification in tuning the PID controllers.
PublicationW pracy opisano zagadnienie doboru nastaw sterowników PID w układach regulacji automatycznej. W rozważaniach wzięto pod uwagę zarówno klasyczną strukturę jednopętlowego układu sterowania z regulatorem PID umieszczonym w torze głównym, jak też odmienną realizację I-PD z członem całkującym występującym w torze głównym i sterownikiem proporcjonalno-różniczkującym ulokowanym w dodatkowej pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego. Ponieważ powszechnie...
System identification theory-based estimation of underwater acoustic channel for broadband communications.
PublicationPłytki kanał podwodny jest niestacjonarny z powodu wielokrotnych odbić fal dźwiękowych od powierzchni wody oraz ruchu nadajnika i odbiornika systemu komunikacyjnego. Dla zapewnienia szybkiej transmisji danych niezbędna jest estymacja kanału oparta na equalizacji adaptacyjnej. W systemach komunikacji podwodnej stosowane są zazwyczaj equalizery DFE z zaimplementowanymi algorytmami najmniejszych kwadratów: LMS oraz RLS.W artykule...
Identification of multisite behavior in a broadly emitting transition-metal system using pressure
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Proposal of a Mobile Medical Waste Incinerator with Application of Automatic Waste Feeder and Heat Recovery System as a Novelty in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issues of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and the problems regarding their proper management in Poland. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers human health and the environment. Infectious waste must be properly disposed of—in practice, the only method of their disposal available in Poland is a thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose....
Simple Millimeter Wave Identification System Based on 60 GHz Van Atta Arrays
PublicationThe paper presents a proof-of-concept of a millimeter-wave identification system based on Van Atta array tags in the 60 GHz band. For interrogation of the tags, a vector network analyzer and a measurement transceiver were employed in alternative test configurations. The design, fabrication and measurements of co- and cross-polarized Van Atta arrays are presented in the paper. They can be treated as simple chipless RFID tags with...
Electronic nose algorithm design using classical system identification for odour intensity detection
PublicationThe two elements considered crucial for constructing an efficient environmental odour intensity monitoring systems are sensors and algorithms typically addressed to as electronic nose sensor (e-nose). Due to operational complexity of biochemical sensors developed in human bodies algorithms based on computational methods of artificial intelligence are typically considered superior to classical model based approaches in development...
Complexity analysis of the Pawlak’s flowgraph extension for re-identification in multi-camera surveillance system
PublicationThe idea of Pawlak’s flowgraph turned out to be a useful and convenient container for a knowledge of objects’ behaviour and movements within the area observed with a multi-camera surveillance system. Utilization of the flowgraph for modelling behaviour admittedly requires certain extensions and enhancements, but it allows for combining many rules into a one data structure and for obtaining parameters describing how objects tend...
Specificity of automatic control of micro-turbines (steam or gas -driven and expanders) in dispersed generation system of heat and electric power
PublicationThis paper presents specific problems of automatic control of steam micro-turbines and expanders intended for the dispersed, combined generating of heat and electric power. The investigations concern ensurance of certainty of energy supply and its required quality.