Mean Crossover in evolutionary path planning method for maritime collision avoidance
PublicationAbstract: This paper presents the use of mean crossover genetic operator for path planning using evolutionary algorithm for collision avoidance on sea. Mean crossover ensures widening of the possible solutions' set that can be achieved in comparison to exchange crossover variant. The research shown, that the mean crossover allows to achieve results independent from the initial generation and quicker transition of thealgorithm from...
Experimental research on evolutionary path planning algorithm with fitness function scaling for collision scenarios
PublicationThis article presents typical ship collision scenarios, simulated using the evolutionary path planning system and analyses the impact of the fitness function scaling on the quality of the solution. The function scaling decreases the selective pressure, which facilitates leaving the local optimum in the calculation process and further exploration of the solution space. The performed investigations have proved that the use of scaling...
Comparison of Single and Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation
PublicationIn this paper a comparison of single and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is presented. Tested algorithms are used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. Principle of operation of single-population and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is described....
Termination functions for evolutionary path planning algorithm
PublicationIn this paper a study of termination functions (stop criterion) for evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Five...
Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm
PublicationIn this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal shippaths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....
Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm
PublicationIn this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....
Path planning algorithm for ship collisions avoidance in environment with changing strategy of dynamic obstacles
PublicationIn this paper a path planning algorithm for the ship collision avoidance is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths taking into account changing strategy of dynamic obstacles. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. Principle of operation of evolutionary algorithm and based on it dedicated application...
Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation
PublicationThis article presents the use of a multi-population distributed evolutionary algorithm for path planning in navigation situation. The algorithm used is with partially exchanged population and migration between independently evolving populations. In this paper a comparison between a multi-population and a classic single-population algorithm takes place. The impact on the ultimate solution has been researched. It was shown that using...
Experimental Comparison of Straight Lines and Polynomial Interpolation Modeling Methods in Ship Evolutionary Trajectory Planning Problem
PublicationPaper presents the application of evolutionary algorithms and polynomial interpolation in ship evolutionary trajectory planning method and its comparison to classic approach, where trajectory is modeled by straight lines. Evolutionary algorithms are group of methods that allows\ to find a collision free trajectory in real time, while polynomial interpolation allows to model smooth trajectory, which keeps continuity of velocity...
Ship Evolutionary Trajectory Planning Method with Application of Polynomial Interpolation
PublicationPaper presents the application of evolutionary algorithms and polynomial interpolation in ship evolutionary trajectory planning method. Evolutionary algorithms allows to find a coIlision free trajectory in real time, while polynomial interpolation allows to model smooth trajectory which keeps continuity of velocity and acceleration values along path. Combination of this two methods allows to find trajectory, which under some assumptions,...
The Niching Mechanism in the Evolutionary Method of Path Planning
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of the niching mechanism in the evolutionary method of path planning. The problem is considered based on the example of a ship path planning. In this method the diversity of individuals is tested in respect to their physical distance, not the fitness function value. The researches show that such an approach increases effectiveness of solution space exploration, what results in a final solution with...
Framework of an Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation Method for Planning a Safe Trajectory for a Marine Autonomous Surface Ship
PublicationThis paper represents the first stage of research into a multi-objective method of planning safe trajectories for marine autonomous surface ships (MASSs) involved in encounter situations. Our method applies an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation (EMO) approach to pursue three objectives: minimisation of the risk of collision, minimisation of fuel consumption due to collision avoidance manoeuvres, and minimisation of the extra...
Evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories with speed reduction manoeuvres within traffic separation schemes
PublicationIn the previous paper the author presented the evolutionary ship trajectory planning method designed to support Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS). This time the extensions of this method are described which allow to combine evolutionary trajectory planning with speed reduction manoeuvres. On TSS regions with higher than usual density of traffic and smaller distances between ships, the course alterations alone are not always sufficient...
Advanced Ship Control Methods
PublicationThe chapter presents two main streams of research in vessel control at sea: dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel and decision support in case of collision at sea. The control structure and basic requirements for the DP system are defined. Selected issues of automatic control of a dynamically positioned vessel are discussed. A review of advanced methods of controlling a DP ship is carried out, taking into account the tasks of...
Koncepcja systemu wspomagania decyzji nawigatora statku opartego na ewolucyjnym planowaniu manewrów antykolizyjnych
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia koncepcję systemu wspomagania decyzji nawigatora statku opartego na wątkach badań prowadzonych wcześniej przez autora. System będzie rozszerzał funkcjonalność systemów dotychczasowych o możliwość szczegółowego planowania bezpiecznej trajektorii statku na wodach zamkniętych, z dużą liczbą statków obcych i ograniczeniami toru wodnego. Artykuł zawiera dyskusję możliwych podejść do planowania manewrów, optymalizacji...
Navigational decision support system during approach manoeuvre in emergency STS transfer operation
PublicationThe paper is concerned with the problem of safe trajectory planning for approaching during emergency STS (Ship to Ship) transfer operation with oil spill. The safe trajectory means that the way points does not cross in the area of the environment with the static and dynamic obstacles and at the same time satisfies ship's stopping and speed deceleration performance. The evolutionary path planning algorithm is used to determine trajectory...
Evolutionary Sets Of Safe Ship Trajectories: A New Approach To Collision Avoidance
PublicationThe paper introduces a new method of solving multi-ship encounter situations for both open waters and restricted water regions. The method, called evolutionary sets of safe trajectories combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and aims to find optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. In a two-ship encounter situation it enables the operator of an on-board...
Selection Pressure in the Evolutionary Path Planning Problem
PublicationThis article compares an impact of using various post-selection methods on the selection pressure and the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. The concept of selection pressure and different methods of post-selection are presented. Article analyses behaviour of post-selection for four options of evolutionary algorithms. Based on the results achieved, waveform...
Comparison of Selection Schemes in Evolutionary Method of Path Planning
PublicationThis article compares an impact of using various selection schemes on the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. In study case problem of avoiding collisions at sea is analyzed. The modelled environment includes static constraints (lands, canals, etc.) and dynamic objects (moving ships). Article analyses behaviour of selection schemes in two similar environments...
Decision Support Based on Optimal Collision Avoidance Path and Collision Risk
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Parameters of evolutionary algorithm in problem of collision avoidance at sea
Genetic operators of evolutionary algorithm in problem of collision avoidance at sea
Moving objects in the problem of path planning by evolutionary computation
Evolutionary Algorithms in MPLS network designing
PublicationMPLS technology become more and more popular especially in core networks giving great flexibility and compatibility with existing Internet protocols. There is a need to optimal design such networks and optimal bandwidth allocation. Linear Programming is not time efficient and does not solve nonlinear problems. Heuristic algorithms are believed to deal with these disadvantages and the most promising of them are Evolutionary Algorithms....
A Target Information Display for Visualising Collision Avoidance Manoeuvres in Various Visibility Conditions
PublicationThe paper introduces a new approach to displaying information on targets. The proposed display visualises three types of information: targets’ motion parameters (typical for target tracking), combinations of own course and speed which collide with those targets (typical for Collision Threat Parameters Area display by Lenart (1983)) and combinations of own course and speed which are not compliant with COLREGS in this case (based...
Holistic collision avoidance decision support system for watchkeeping deck officers
PublicationThe paper presents a 3-stage synthesis-based Decision Support System for watchkeeping deck officers. Its functional scope covers conflict detection, maneuver selection, and maneuver execution, all phases supplemented by collision alerts. First, a customized elliptic ship domain is used for checking if both OS and TS will have enough free space. A survey-based navigators’ declarative OS arena is then used to determine the time at...
Ship domain applied to determining distances for collision avoidance manoeuvres in give-way situations
PublicationShip domain is often used in marine navigation and marine traffic engineering as a safety condition. The basic idea behind those applications is that an encounter of two or more ships can be considered safe if neither of ship domains is intruded by other ships. Research utilising this approach has been documented in numerous works, including publications on optimising collision avoidance manoeuvres performed to fulfil domain-based...
Trajectory planning in collision situations at sea by evolutionary computation - experiments with moving targets
Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International...
Evolutionary Planning of Safe Ship Tracks in Restricted Visibility
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on ship track planning by means of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA). The presented method uses EA to search for an optimal set of safe tracks for all ships involved in an encounter. Until now the method assumed good visibility – compliance with standard rules of the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS, 1972). However, in restricted...
On evolutionary computing in multi-ship trajectory planning, Applied Intelligence
PublicationThe paper presents the updated version of Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships,the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned...
Factors Influencing the Action Point of the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre
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Recognition Of Colours And Collision Avoidance In Robotics Using Optical Fiber Sensors
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Extinction Event Concepts for the Evolutionary Algorithms
PublicationThe main goal of this present paper is to propose a structure for a tool helping to determine how algorithm would react in a real live application, by checking it's adaptive capabilities in an extreme situation. Also a different idea of an additional genetic operator is being presented. As Genetic Algorithms are directly inspired by evolution, extinction events, which are elementary in our planet's development history, became...
Autonomous port management based AGV path planning and optimization via an ensemble reinforcement learning framework
PublicationThe rapid development of shipping trade pushes automated container terminals toward the direction of intelligence, safety and efficiency. In particular, the formulation of AGV scheduling tasks and the safety and stability of transportation path is an important part of port operation and management, and it is one of the basic tasks to build an intelligent port. Existing research mainly focuses on collaborative operation between...
A new method of ship routing on raster grids, with turn penalties and collision avoidance
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowy algorytm znajdowania optymalnych tras na siatkach rastrowych. Szczegółowo opisano zastosowane struktury danych, dzięki którym algorytm ma liniową złożoność obliczeniową. Na podstawie algorytmu opracowano metodę wyznaczania tras dla statków, uwzględniającą kwestie unikania kolizji z innymi statkami i przeszkodami nawigacyjnymi.Przedstawiono dwa warianty metody, dedykowane odpowiednio systemom pokładowym...
On evolutionary computing in multi-ship trajectory planning
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Jarosław Sadowski dr hab. inż.
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Search safe ship trajectories in collision situation at sea by evolutionary computation
Towards a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process
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Toward a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process
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Three-Layer Multi-UAVs Path Planning Based on ROBL-MFO
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The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization in the Modern Entrepreneurial Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspective
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Multi-criterion decision making in distributed systems by quantum evolutionary algorithms
PublicationDecision making by the AQMEA (Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm) has been considered for distributed computer systems. AQMEA has been extended by a chromosome representation with the registry of the smallest units of quantum information. Evolutionary computing with Q-bit chromosomes has been proofed to characterize by the enhanced population diversity than other representations, since individuals represent...
Numerical algorithms of planning safe ship trajectories for ARPA systems
PublicationTeza rozprawy: ''Połączenie odpowiedniej miary ryzyka kolizji obiektów i metody unikania kolizji za pomocą manewru niezbędnego pozwala na opracowanie szybkiej, efektywnej i prostej w implementacji metody planowania bezpiecznych trajektorii statków dla systemów ARPA, uwzględniającej dowolną zadaną domenę obiektu. Dobór kształtu domeny obiektu ma znaczny wpływ na zgodność wynikowej trajektorii z regułami MPDM. Minimalizacja liczby...
Numerical Algorithms of Planning Safe Ship Trajectories for ARPA Systems
PublicationGłównym celem pracy było zaprojektowanie metody znajdowania bezpiecznych trajektorii statków, która byłaby prosta w implementacji, szybka (niska złożoność obliczeniowa)i deterministyczna, elastyczna (umożliwiałaby zastosowanie dowolnej domeny). Aby zrealizować cel należało zbadać bieżący stan wiedzy w dziedzinie,zaprojektować nową metodę, zaimplementować metodę (wraz ze wszystkimi niezbędnymi algorytmami) w środowisku programistycznym...
Evolutionary Ship Track Planning within Traffic Separation Schemes – Evaluation of Individuals
PublicationThe paper presents an extended version of the author’s Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. The method plans safe tracks of all ships involved in an encounter including speed reduction manoeuvres, if necessary, and taking into account Rule 10 of COLREGS, which specifies ships’ behaviour within Traffic Separation Schemes governed by IMO. The paper focuses on the evaluation phase of the evolutionary process and shows...
Optimising Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation Cycle Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithm
PublicationThe objective of this research was to optimise the operation cycle of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Appropriate time balances of aerobic to anaerobic phases, as well as a set dissolved oxygen level are the key to ensuring the quality of effluent from the wastewater treatment process. The proposal to solve this optimisation problem was based on multi-objective optimisation using an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation...
Intelligent Optimization of Hard-Turning Parameters Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Smart Manufacturing
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Speed estimation of moving objects using LiDAR and MPC based collision-free trajectory planning