Search results for: DESIGN PRACTICE
Design. Metodology outline and practice
PublicationNa tle - uznawanego za typowy - schematu prac składających się na proces projektowania, pokazano przykładowe tworzenie inicjatywy sprawczej oraz rozwój koncepcji dotyczących sformułowania konkretnego zadania projektowego w dziedzinie budowy maszyn.Temat dotyczył obszaru projektowania turbin wodnych.The origin of project initiative, as well as concept development related to formulating a specific design goal, are presented in the...
Lighting Design for the 21st Century Applied research in lighting practice
PublicationFor those who are unfamiliar with research, it’s important to know there are two categories. Fundamental (or basic) research and applied research. Basic research often discusses scientific ideas/theories, whereas, applied research explores testing these ideas in practice to develop technology or techniques. It’s applied research which most interests lighting practitioners. Great lighting design that creates a pleasant and beneficial...
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Policy Design and Practice
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Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark
Publication"This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...
Wystawa fotografii pt. Community Based Architectural Design in Practice/ Praktyka uspołecznionego projektowania architektonicznego
PublicationWystawa fotografii nt. praktyki w zakresie uspołecznienia procesu projektowania architektonicznego
From Regenerative Buildings to Regenerative Urban Projects: Design frameworks to scale up within the area of regenerative practice
PublicationIn this chapter, a discussion will be presented of design frameworks and assessment tools that are useful for boosting the scale jumping of regenerative design practices and the paradigm shift. Our main objectives will be to identify existing design and assessment frameworks, to describe the way they work and how they can contribute to scale-jumping regenerative design, as well as to identify shortcomings and opportunities. We...
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
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Daylight design for urban residential planning in Poland: in regulations and practice. A comparison study of daylight conditions observed in the four neighbouring residential areas
PublicationThis paper reports on the partial results of the research aiming to illustrate how an integration of daylight design into an architectural planning process can help designers to create the residential buildings in respect to the environmental issues, solar and illuminance gains, as well as, the residents’ needs and comfort. It describes how changing daylight recommendations affected the design of the block of flats regarding their...
International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice
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Towards defragmented Lighting Design: concatenating research theories for effective use in design practices.
PublicationThis paper aims to provide guidelines for transferring design research to practice in the realm of lighting. It is based on the premise that design research in lighting should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Design research refers to the scholarly inquiry that seeks to advance design by studying and improving it in systematic and scientific ways by expanding, testing and operationalizing...
Fashion Practice-The Journal of Design Creative Process & the Fashion Industry
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Regenarative tourism – between theory and practice
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this article is to present a shift in thinking in terms of implementing the systems and practices needed to transition to a regenerative approach in tourism. The article aims to provide concrete ways to change thinking and move towards a regenerative paradigm in the tourism industry. Design/methodology/approach: This viewpoint paper defines regenerative tourism and explores its principles and the possibilities...
Architectural Heritage Virtual Models in Conservation Practice
PublicationThe article presents the issues concerning architectural heritage digital models’ applications in conservation practice. These considerations are discussed in the context of the commencement of creating virtual models regarding no-longer existing historical buildings in the first half of the 1980s. Such models’ applications and possible uses are analyzed within the adopted criteria that distinguish the following model types....
Light Symposium. Connecting health research with lighting practice
PublicationThanks to state-of-the-art medical and environmental research, our current understanding about the impact of light and lighting is improving at a rapid rate. While the evolution of lighting technologies offers promising design possibilities, it also poses new challenges to planners and the general public. This is further complicated by the fact that today’s modern indoor lifestyle means we can be completely disconnected from nature...
PublicationThe book From Theory to Practice: Modern Research Methods and Scientific Projects explores essential strategies and methodologies that bridge academic theory with practical research applications. It offers readers, especially emerging researchers, a clear roadmap through each stage of scientific inquiry, emphasizing project design, data analysis, and ethical considerations for impactful research outcomes.
Reflective practice as a basis for building a sustainable public space: the case of Kartuzy
PublicationRecent decades have been characterized by dynamic changes in the urban design process in post-transition countries such as Poland. Numerous activities have focused on upgrading the urban environment. The transformation that drives change also requires some new skills, which are described in the theory of reflective practice: observation, experience, and reflection. The goal of this paper is to build a descriptive scheme of the...
Daylighting Education in Practice Verification of a new goal within a European knowledge investigation
PublicationTwo independent surveys were conducted in 2017 and in 2018 among architecture students across Europe to investigate their knowledge on daylighting and the impact of that knowledge on the visual perception of daylit spaces. A total of 600 responders were involved. This paper presents findings from the second survey, which was distributed in six European countries. Based on the findings from the first survey, a new goal was set for...
A Systematic Review for Establishing Relevant Environmental Parameters for Urban Lighting: Translating Research into Practice
PublicationThe application of lighting technologies developed in the 20th century has increased the brightness and changed the spectral composition of nocturnal night-time habitats and night skies across urban, peri-urban, rural, and pristine landscapes, and subsequently, researchers have observed the disturbance of biological rhythms of flora and fauna. To reduce these impacts, it is essential to translate relevant knowledge about the potential...
Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...
Students’ soft urban planning skills and local development are the benefits from the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challengesprogramme
PublicationThe urban planner in practice needs soft skills when dealing with public consultations connected to local development plans. To improve the abilities of architecture and urban planning students to discuss solutions and to support the development of local public spaces of small towns in the Pomeranian voivodeship ( province) in Poland, the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challenges programme...
Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleKarolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., M. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2002, she completed her studies of Architecture and Urban Planning at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) and in 2004, Architectural Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Hildesheim, Germany. After graduation, she worked for several...
Telemedicine - education and practice
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wybrane elementy telemedycyny w zastosowaniu edukacyjnym oraz w praktyce lekarza. Przedstawiono zrealizowane projekty w ramach współpracy Katedry Inżynierii Biomedycznej Politechniki Gdańskiej i Akademiii Medycznej w Gdańsku.
Parametric design in architectural education
PublicationEducators dealing with architectural education must anticipate the changes in the discipline and act to prepare students to face the challenges of the future. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with state-of-the-art knowledge and relevant skills. To achieve that for new design techniques requires education. One new technique is parametric design, which has become one of the commonly used tools in architectural design practice....
Hypertension Management by Practice Guidelines
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Application of craniosacral therapy in practice
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Green Geotechnics in practice and theory
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę wykorzystania materiałów antropogenicznych (głównie ubocznych produktów spalania) w drogownictwie na przykładzie Polski. Główny nacisk położono na analizę technologii w aspekcie emisyjności CO2. Zdaniem autorów technologie niskoemisyjne powinny mieć priorytet ''stosowalności'' - zwłaszcza w świetle ustaleń tzw. Protokołu z Kioto 2005. Geotechnika przyjazna środowisku, czyli tzw. Zielona Geotechnika,...
Trim Optimisation - Theory and Practice
PublicationForce Technology has been working intensively with trim optimisation tests for almost last 10 years. Focus has primarily been put on the possible power savings and exhaust gases reduction. This paper describes the trim optimisation process for a large cargo vessel. The physics behind changed propulsive power is described and the analyses in order to elaborate the optimum trimmed conditions are presented. Different methods for prediction...
Active shape models in practice
PublicationAutorzy wykonali uniwersalny system lokalizacji obiektów zawierający implementację aktywnych modeli kształtu, a przeprowadzone z użyciem tego systemu eksperymenty wykazały powżne wady badanej metody. W pracy przedstawiono zaobserwowane w praktyce problemy związane ze stosowaniem metody aktywnych modeli kształtu (ASM).
Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design
PublicationTools and methods used by architects always had an impact on the way building were designed. With the change in design methods and new approaches towards creation process, they became more than ever before crucial elements of the creation process. The automation of architects work has started with computational functions that were introduced to traditional computer-aided design tools. Nowadays architects tend to use specified tools...
Determination of antibodies in everyday rheumatological practice
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Dear Readers of "Palliative Medicine in Practice”
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Health in the context of martial arts practice
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Practice of Competence Assessment in Dementia: Poland
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RAAS inhibition – a practice of medical progress
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Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing in practice
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Practice implementation of operational level agreement
PublicationThe paper concerns practical implementation of the Operational Level Agreement (OLA) compared to the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice
PublicationThis tutorial review summarises the current state of green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques. Green analytical chemistry is a part of the sustainable development concept; its history and origins are described. Miniaturisation of analytical devices and shortening the time elapsing between performing analysis and obtaining reliable analytical results are important...
Engineering theory and practice: wisdom of thinking
PublicationOmówiono wzajemny związek teorii i praktyki w rozwijaniu zawodowych umiejętności inżynierów. Teorię rozumie się tu jako zdolność do kreatywnego myślenia - źródła wszelkiej działalności człowieka. Dlatego należy kłaść nacisk na wysoki poziom kształcenia ogólnego w szkole średniej i na samej uczelni aby w wyniku otrzymać intelektualnie dojrzałych inżynierów-humanistów
An introduction to agile leadership in theory and practice - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of agile leadership based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive agile leadership competencies that can be used in project practice. The publication begins with an indication of leadership in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics of leadership and agile management...
PublicationThe phenomenon of public participation is not so new to both planning theory and practice. In fact, involving local community in the decision-making process regarding local urban development directions is widely discussed and a number of various forms of these are being introduced. This paper deals with a number of
Interpersonal social work skills for community practice
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Predictors of teachers’ mental health – implications for practice
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Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
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The solidarity economy alternative: emerging theory and practice
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CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublicationThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognized by international and national standardization bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
PublicationThe Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization...
CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublicationThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognised by international and national standardisation bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
Scenarios in regional planning – theory and practice in Poland
PublicationAbstract. It is important to recognise future conditions in planning because it primes future actions. Scenarios are useful prognostic tools, especially when the social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aims of the paper are: (1) to indicate the roles and the place of scenarios in the strategic plan building process; (2) to analyse and evaluate the application of scenarios in regional planning in Poland; (3)...
Integrating environmental issues with the practice of urban planning
PublicationEnvironmental protection of urban areas has become a common concern among academics, policy makers and urban planners. Therefore, environmental issues are often underlined and incorporated into many strategies for urban development. In the article a discussion about the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of urban planning and international policies is presented, followed by a review of planning...