Search results for: ENERGY EFFICIENCY
Energy Efficiency
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PublicationThe payment system and infrastructure is a sector that is not given enough attention today in the context of energy efficiency. This sector plays a big role in organizing and ensuring money circulation and funds. It has its value consisting on the one hand of the cost of payment equipment, infrastructure, payment instruments. On other hand, its value consists of the cost of energy for their manufacture and maintenance. The European...
PublicationIn this paper energy efficiency in electric drives is analysed. This factor strongly depends on energy parameters - efficiency n and power factor k (in special case cos fi)
Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems
PublicationLosses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...
Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems
PublicationLosses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...
Research of energy efficiency of laboratory photovoltaic installation
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Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network
PublicationRising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...
Energy efficiency of electric multiple units in suburban operation
PublicationThis thesis presents approach to analysis of energy efficiency of a suburban rail network, using novel models developed on the Matlab/Simulink basis. Necessary features and requirements for such models were determined thru in-depth review of the source literature in all applicable fields: electrified transportation systems, electric multiple units construction, vehicle drivetrains and finally, existing simulation methods. Existing...
Comparison of energy efficiency of vehicles powered by different fuels
PublicationNajpopularniejsza metoda oceny efektywności energetycznej pojazdów samochodowych polega na porównywaniu przebiegowego zużycia paliwa osiągniętego w warunkach wybranego testu homologacyjnego. Warunki eksploatacji, zdefiniowane za pomocą przebiegów prędkości w czasie, dotyczą najczęściej tylko dwóch kategorii: jazdy miejskiej i pozamiejskiej. Problemy wynikające z takiego sposobu postępowania zostały omówione na przykładzie analizy...
Evaluation of energy efficiency of vehicles powered by different fuels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę oceny efektywności energetycznej pojazdów zasilanych różnymi paliwami. Analizę można wykonać na podstawie jednego przejazdu w regularnym ruchu miejskim z rejestracją podstawowych parametrów silnika i pojazdu. Warunki eksploatacji identyfikowane są przy użyciu energochłonności jednostkowej, która uwzględnia zarówno wpływ warunków zewnętrznych jak również styl jazdy kierowcy.
PublicationThe most popular method for assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles is to compare the fuel consumption achieved in the conditions of selected approval test. Operating conditions are defined using the speed profiles, usually for only two categories: urban and extra-urban driving. Assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles should be performed using a more detailed classification of conditions. Presented results of comparison...
Energy Efficiency in the Industry 4.0 Era: Attributes of Teal Organisations
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Social and Infrastructural Conditioning of Lowering Energy Costs and Improving the Energy Efficiency of Buildings in the Context of the Local Energy Policy
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Energy Efficiency and Economic Policy: Comprehensive Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy Review
PublicationIn this paper, we analyze the role of economic policy in prompting energy efficiency. This study reviews three aspects, theoretical, empirical, and existing policies to evaluate the relationship of energy efficiency and economic policy. This study furthermore identifies the existing issues from a policy perspective in energy efficiency. Although not all public policies may be justified, it suggests that these types of financial...
The smartest location for an eco-district– investigation of urban spatial energy efficiency
Publicationncreasing awareness concerning environmental aspects of spatial and architectural planning led to more deliberated projects of eco-districts. Located all over the world and constantly being improved, apart from excellent energetical parameters, most of them have one specific characteristic in common, which is location in the outskirts. The aim of this article was to understand the importance of ecological district location depending...
Energy efficiency of hydraulic systems with hydraulic cylinder under proportional control
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań strat i sprawności siłownika zasilanego w trzech strukturach sterowania dławieniowego szeregowego. Na podstawie bilansu energetycznego układu hydraulicznego, przeprowadzono analizę pracy siłownika w układzie stałociśnieniowym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu wielkości maksymalnego pola szczeliny dławiącej rozdzielacza.
Increasing Energy Efficiency of Commercial Vessels: by Using LED Lighting Technology
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Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environments
PublicationLarge scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challenges for prediction of quality in such systems. Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality, performance, reliability, flexibility and usability. Among these attributes, performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the...
Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environment
PublicationLarge scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challanges for prediction of quality in such systems.Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality,performance,reliability,flexibility and usability.Among these attributes,performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the system...
Experimental Research on the Energy Efficiency of a Parallel Hybrid Drive for an Inland Ship
PublicationThe growing requirements for limiting the negative impact of all modes of transport on the natural environment mean that clean technologies are becoming more and more important. The global trend of e-mobility also applies to sea and inland water transport. This article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a life-size, parallel diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system. The eciency of the propulsion system was...
On the Possibility of Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency Through Improved Propulsion Control System
PublicationThis paper summarizes the analyses conducted to assess the impact of the ship's propulsion control system on energy efficiency in calm, manoeuvre, and sea wave conditions, where the goal of the investigation is to develop new strategies for controlling the ship's motion while considering the interactions between the hull, engine, and propeller.
Evaluation of the energy efficiency of electric vehicle drivetrains under urban operating conditions
PublicationIn electric vehicles, as in hybrids vehicles, a very important factor affecting the energy efficiency of the powertrain is the ability to use the regenerative braking energy. Depending on the settings available in electric vehicles, the driver can choose different modes of operation: switch off the regenerative braking mode altogether, select the intensity of regenerative braking, or leave the control system in automatic mode....
An Innovative Decision Support System to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Urban Areas
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Investigating Fuel Injection Strategies to Enhance Ship Energy Efficiency in Wave Conditions
PublicationThe prediction of fuel consumption and resulting transportation costs is a crucial stage in ship design, particularly for conditions involving motion in waves. This study investigates the real-time fuel consumption of a container ship when sailing in waves. The overall ship performance is evaluated using a novel non-linear coupled hull-engine-propeller interaction model. A series of towing tank experiments for hull resistance in...
Analysis of the Dependence between Energy Demand Indicators in Buildings Based on Variants for Improving Energy Efficiency in a School Building
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Energy Efficiency Study of Audio-video Content Consumption on Selected Android Mobile Terminals
PublicationMobile devices are widely used by billions of users worldwide. Thanks to their main advantage, which is portability, they should be fully operational as long as possible, without the need to recharge or connect them to external power sources. This paper describes a study, carried out on four different mobile devices, with different hardware and software parameters, running the Android operating system. The research campaign involved...
Spatial Heterogeneity Impacts of Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment on Green Energy Efficiency in China
PublicationAt present, green energy transformation and climate policy are increasingly connected. The need to improve national competitiveness and implement climate and energy strategies means that an energy-consuming country like China must rapidly enhance its green energy efficiency (GEE) and energy consumption structure. The following paper contributes to the existing literature by analyzing the effects of bilateral FDI on GEE from...
Modelling changes in the energy efficiency of buildings using neural networks on the example of Zielona Góra
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Overall Thermal Transfer Analysis of Glazing Facade Design for Passive Building Energy Efficiency
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The operating field of a hydrostatic drive system. Parameters of the energy efficiency investigations of pump and hydraulic motors
PublicationPrzedstawiono pole pracy układu napędu hydrostatycznego. Uzasadniono podział parametrów pracy silnika hydraulicznego i pompy na parametry niezależne i zależne od pracy tych maszyn wyporowych i układu z nich utworzonego. Zaproponowano podjęcie tematu badawczego mającego na celu opracowanie metod wyznaczania charakterystyk energetycznych pomp i silników hydraulicznych obrotowych oraz zmodyfikowanych metod wyznaczania charakterystyk...
Smart and resilient cities- new challanges for Polish cities in terms of 2020 energy efficiency and climate action
PublicationGlobal climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...
Towards improved energy efficiency of future smart ships by application of advanced CFD simulations – case study
PublicationThe international trade plays crucial role in today’s globally developed world’s economy. Many people are unaware of the unimaginable volume of cargo being transported every year by oceans and seas. For most of the time invisible from land the shipping industry preserves its strong position of the most cost-efficient and environmental friendly mean of transport. However during last years the shipping industry is under great pressure...
The Rule-Based Model of Negentropy for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the City’s Digital Transformation Processes into a Smart City
PublicationThe aim of the article is to build a rule-based model (RMFDN) for increasing the energy efficiency of Smart Cities’ digital transformation processes. The problem that arises during the implementation of digital transformation processes concerns the measures that should be assigned to estimate the duration of the digital transformation. Previous studies of digital transformation have been based on the analysis of design processes...
Increasing Energy Efficiency and Productivity of the Comminution Process in Tumbling Mills by Indirect Measurements of Internal Dynamics—An Overview
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Probability estimation of the city’s energy efficiency improvement as a result of using the phase change materials in heating networks
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Modern design solutions of cooling systems, as an example of energy efficiency rationing, operational safety and environmental protection
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Assessment of the impact of jet impingement technique on the energy efficiency of air-cooled BIPV/T roof tile
PublicationThe paper concerns a numerical analysis of cooling of the hybrid photovoltaic (PV) modules dedicated to Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems. Attention was focused on the photovoltaic roof tiles, using a jet impingement technique, in which the intensification of heat transfer is ensured by streams of air hitting the heat exchange partition. A series of numerical simulations were carried out to assess an influence...
PublicationThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Striving for spatial energy efficiency in dwelling complexes. Kształtowanie przestrzennej efektywności energetycznej w zespołach zabudowy mieszkaniowej.
PublicationThe main aim of this article was to discover the key characteristics in shaping most rewarded eco- district complexes built respectively in temperate climate zone in respect to spatial energy efficiency and resilience principles. It was done through careful case studies, comparative analysis and juxtaposition of critical parameters related to spatial energy efficiency and resilience in chosen representative dwelling complexes....
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Railway Turnout Heating With a Simplified Snow Model Using Classical and Contactless Heating Method
PublicationElectrical heating of railway turnouts is a considerable technical and economic challenge, hence the need to conduct research for optimisation of a railway turnouts heating system. This paper presents results of a numerical analysis and experimental research on heating systems mounted on rail turnouts in line with the classical method and including a heater thermally insulated from the base of a rail. The numerical calculations...
Efficiency of Biomass Energy used for Heating Purposes in a Residential Building in Comparison with other Energy Sources
PublicationThis paper discusses the results of analyses investigating the energy efficiency of biomass in comparison with other popular energy carriers used for heating, ventilation and water heating in residential buildings. The compared energy sources were lignite, natural gas, heating oil and electricity produced by conventional and integrated power generation plants. The most efficient variant relying on biomass and the least efficient...
Annual variations in the solar energy conversion efficiency in will coppice stand.
PublicationMonitorowano produkcyjność plantacji wiklinowych w Uppsali w Szwecji w latach 1985-1994. Okazało się, że największa sprawność przetwarzania energii słonecznej w biomasę ma miejsce w drugim i trzecim roku uprawy wiklinowej (około 1%), natomiast w pierwszym i w czwartym roku sprawność ta jest 2 razy niższa i wynosi około 0,5%. Dyskutuje się przyczyny takiej sytuacji.
PublicationGlobal climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...
PublicationThe agenda of Industry 4.0 strongly affects design and construction at all its phases, and three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) is an essential part of it. The emerging technology has the potential to become a more valid and accepted form of construction. This research is based on a literature review regarding the relationships between the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and energy efficiency for 3DP in construction research...
Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachate using boron-doped diamond anodes: pollution degradation rate, energy efficiency and toxicity assessment
PublicationElectrochemical oxidation (EO), due to high efficiency and small carbon footprint, is regarded as an attractive option for on-site treatment of highly contaminated wastewater. This work shows the effectiveness of EO using three boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) in sustainable management of landfill leachate (LL). The effect of the applied current density (25–100 mA cm−2) and boron doping concentration (B/C ratio: 500 ppm, 10,000...
Numerical Analysis of Impact of Energy Buoy Anchoring Configurations on its Motion and Efficiency
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of energy buoy mooring configurations on its movement on the wave and effectiveness. The method used to analyse the buoy movement modelling in six degrees of freedom was described in a paper presented at the Conference 2011. Simulations of the buoy movement in regular wave and power calculations were conducted for several configurations of anchoring systems and position of...
Analysis of energy and economic efficiency water heating by heat pump air-water
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Analysis of energy and economic efficiency of water heating system powered by photovoltaic module
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Efficiency analysis of an energy conversion system for a variable speed small hydropower plant
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Optimization of the efficiency of braking energy recovery in rail transport by changing arrival time
PublicationThe article refers to the previous work of the authors, in which the model of traffic organization of cooperating trains including the optimization of the use of energy returned to the catenary was presented. In the presented article, the model was modified by changing the main control variable, which affects the efficient use of energy. Departure time was changed for the arrival time of the train to the stop or station. The optimization...